Kitchens made of stone - 110 photos of exclusive stone interiors

Natural stone is considered the most durable material for finishing a kitchen space. It retains its original appearance after decades. This material requires minimal maintenance. It is chosen by a practical owner who does not like to deal with cosmetic repairs every year. The photo of a stone kitchen shows various ideas for implementing creative design ideas.

The stone is antistatic, so dust will not accumulate on the surface. To remove any dirt from the finishing material, you just need to clean it: wet or dry. Builders value the versatility of stones: a large selection can be found on the market. It’s easy to choose an option with the right color, structure and size.

The material created by nature itself allows you to create unique interiors. Finishing a kitchen with stone is quite easy. To install it, it is not necessary to hire a construction team. If desired, a home master can do it himself. Decorative elements are reliably installed on surfaces of any quality.

Thanks to the use of stone, you can create a unique interior of the room in different style solutions. With its help, it is possible to place accents advantageously, or it can act as a central element. Before starting finishing work, it is necessary to determine the places in the room for which the use of such material is ideal.

Kitchen apron made of stone

A stone kitchen involves lining unfavorable areas of the room. The stone apron perfectly withstands mechanical stress; it is not afraid of high humidity or large temperature changes. Grease stains from this coating are removed without a trace.

A stone apron goes well with a Provence or country kitchen. This is a great solution for a Mediterranean or rustic style room. The home owner will make a guaranteed unique design. By creating a seamless masonry, you can get a structure that looks like one piece. In addition, such elements add sophistication and nobility.


Many owners do not know how to beautifully arrange a small kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building, as in the photo. When choosing furniture for a small kitchen, you need to consider several indicators:

  1. Dimensions - it should be compact and easily fit into a small area, leaving space for free movement around the kitchen;
  2. Convenience - it should evoke a desire to use it, creating comfortable conditions for preparing and eating food;
  3. Appearance - kitchen furniture for a small kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building, as in the photo, it is recommended to select light colors: white, cream, peach, beige, sand, pink, blue, mint.

In a small kitchen, every centimeter should be thought through to make full use of it.

For kitchens with windows facing south, cold tones are suitable, and for those facing north, warm tones. A universal option is a white kitchen. Moreover, not only furniture, but also decoration can be pure white. This interior looks clean, fresh, airy. Small bright spots, for example, living greenery, paintings, will help to dilute the sterile environment. The design of a small white kitchen in Khrushchev can be seen in the photo.

White furniture and walls create an airy, fresh kitchen interior

Work zone

An area intended for cooking is impossible without three main elements: a stove, a refrigerator and a work table. Together they form a triangle. The closer the triangle elements are located to each other, the more convenient and faster the cooking process is.

Corner kitchen set is best suited for small kitchens

There are several ways to arrange kitchen furniture:

  1. Straightforward. The kitchen set is installed along one of the long walls. This method is the most popular. A photo of a straightforward kitchen set for a small kitchen in Khrushchev can be seen below.
  2. Angular. Kitchen furniture occupies a corner and space along two adjacent walls. This layout is considered the most optimal for small spaces.
  3. Parallel. Elements of the kitchen set are placed along two walls located opposite each other. This layout option is not very suitable for kitchens in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings. However, it can be brought to life if you move the dining room to another room.
  4. U-shaped. In this situation, kitchen furniture occupies space along three walls. If the legs of the letter “P” are short, a dining group will fit at the opposite end of the room.
  5. Ostrovny. Cabinets for storing dishes, a refrigerator, and appliances are placed along the wall, and the work table is installed in the center of the kitchen. This type of layout is more suitable for combined rooms. In such a situation, the island part will become a space delimiter. A photo of a kitchen design in a Khrushchev-era building with built-in appliances can be seen below.

A corner kitchen with a bar counter will be an excellent solution for a kitchen in Khrushchev combined with a balcony

The window sill can be used as a work surface. This option is convenient when arranging the headset in a corner shape or in the shape of the letter “P”. If the kitchen wall has a rectilinear shape, then it can be placed near the window. In such a situation, you will have to completely abandon wall cabinets. Photos of the design of small corner kitchens in Khrushchev can be seen below.

Dinner Zone

Main elements of the dining area:

  • Dinner table. In a small-sized kitchen, you can abandon a large table and replace it with a compact bar counter, retractable or folding design. Photos of the bar counter in a small kitchen in Khrushchev are presented below. For rational use of space, you can convert the window sill into a dining table or bar counter. To do this, install a long tabletop and a pair of support legs.
  • Seating. When thinking about how to beautifully furnish a small kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building so that it looks like in the photo, special attention should be paid to planning the seating areas. These could be chairs, stools, a kitchen corner, a compact bench or even a small sofa. All these pieces of furniture should create comfort and look compatible with the table.

Stone wall in the kitchen interior

Decorative stone in the kitchen helps to visually expand the space. To create this effect, do horizontal laying. Preference should be given to a warm color palette. In this case, a hospitable and cozy atmosphere is created. There is no need to finish the entire wall with stone; the cladding can be done partially. This method of decorative design allows you to best emphasize the individuality of the interior.

What are IMD facades from Adelkreis:

IMD facades are a new class of products, and before making such a loud statement, let’s turn to the history of technological development of the furniture industry and remember some types of furniture parts:

-facades and countertops lined with HPL plastic (high pressure laminate)

- facades lined with edges

- facades lined with PVC films

- facades painted with enamels, etc.

All these and other products, which have now become familiar, at one time made it possible to create furniture with new characteristics. But everything changes someday, and what was new many years ago no longer meets modern requirements. Nowadays many people talk about innovation without offering significant innovations, but Adelkreis really managed to create the basis for the future!

Doorway and stone arch in the kitchen

Artificial stone in the kitchen is used to frame the door in a unique way. The original decoration of the opening allows you to completely transform the room. The stone arched vault emphasizes its contours.

Finishing allows you to express the idea of ​​minimalism in the interior. If you abandon the door, you can make a unique arch, and the passage will look like it was carved out of rock.

Types of finishing materials for decoration

Decorative stone is often used for interior decoration for the following reasons:

  1. Beauty . In the interior, stone decoration looks beautiful and expensive.
  2. Durability . The material is wear-resistant, frost-resistant.
  3. Ease of care . It is resistant to chemicals and its appearance will not be affected by any detergents.
  4. Safety. The material is non-toxic and fireproof.

Decorative stone has a number of disadvantages. For example, gypsum should not be used to decorate wet rooms, since gypsum easily absorbs moisture. The highest quality is natural. Its disadvantage is that the price is too high.


By type, a distinction is made between natural and artificial decorative stone. The most durable and environmentally friendly is natural. A budget, more affordable type is artificial, which is made from gypsum, cement, and other materials.


Natural stone is not susceptible to aggressive environmental influences: it is not afraid of moisture or ultraviolet radiation.
The advantages of a natural mineral are strength, environmental friendliness, beautiful appearance, and the ability to insulate. Disadvantages include difficulty in processing, a natural pattern that not everyone will like, and a high price. Decorative stone of natural origin is more difficult to work with because it has a lot of weight and high density.


  1. Granite . Composition: mica, quartz, feldspar. This natural material is the most durable, hard, moisture-resistant, and frost-resistant. Compared to other naturally occurring minerals, it is easy to process.
  2. Marble . It contains calcite with admixtures of other minerals. Varied in color. Pros: durable, resistant to high humidity, environmentally friendly, antistatic, abrasion-resistant. Difficult to process and install, but cheaper than granite.
  3. Travertine . It is characterized by color diversity, low thermal conductivity, and frost resistance. Has a low price.
  4. Slate . This material is not susceptible to temperature changes, high humidity, and has an unusual appearance due to the presence of beige, brown, blue, and green veins.
  5. Soapstone chlorite . Contains talc, chlorite, magnesite. It is heat-resistant, heats up quickly, cools down slowly, so this material is often used for finishing baths and saunas.
  6. Jadeite . Looks like jade. It is characterized by strength, heat capacity, water resistance, and high price.
  7. Onyx . Difficult to process, durable, high price, but susceptible to high temperatures (may crack if overheated). Comes in several colors. Looks luxurious in the interior.
  8. Coil . Durable, environmentally friendly, safe, its price is low, but it lasts about 10-15 years.
  9. Dolomite . It has many colors, is strong, durable, and environmentally friendly.


Artificial stone is easy to process, it is more flexible, and cheaper than natural material. Made from:

  • gypsum;
  • clay;
  • cement;
  • acrylic;
  • polyester resin;
  • stone chips.

Popular materials for its manufacture are gypsum and cement.

From plaster

Gypsum stone is a popular finishing material, containing:

  • gypsum;
  • slaked lime;
  • water;
  • coloring matter.

You can make gypsum blocks yourself by preparing a solution and pouring it into a mold to form “bricks.” Finished workpieces are treated with waterproof coatings and dried. Dried blocks are ready for use.

Gypsum material is popular due to its low weight, ductility, non-flammability, resistance to temperature changes, and low price. It is lightweight and therefore easy to install. There is only one drawback: due to its porous structure, it easily absorbs moisture, so it is used only in dry rooms.


To prevent the destruction of the material due to sudden humidity in the room, it must be treated with waterproof varnishes and impregnations.

From cement

Cement is a popular material. Durable, easy to maintain, resistant to aggressive environmental conditions, safe, low price. You can easily make stone cement blocks yourself. Disadvantage: heavy weight.

Stone finishing of openings, niches and corners

In order not to disturb the overall perception of the stylistic unity of the kitchen, creative design solutions will be required. Finishing with stone turns unsightly corners into beautiful columns. If the exit from the kitchen leads to a pantry, by making an arch out of it, the master adds attractiveness to the interior of the room. The material perfectly helps hide flaws from prying eyes. A niche located near the window looks beautiful after decorating with stones. Decorative material gives an original look to the flaw, which people around you will no longer see.


Changing the layout will help increase free space and create room for design creativity. Redevelopment can be done in several ways:

  1. Combining kitchen and pantry. This option is appropriate only in apartments where the cooking room is located next to the pantry.
  2. Increasing the size of the room by moving the partition. Such actions increase the size of the kitchen and reduce the area of ​​the living room. Real photos of the kitchen design in Khrushchev after renovation can be seen below.
  3. Combining the kitchen and hallway. If dismantling the partition between the kitchen and the corridor cannot be done, then you can remove the doorway and replace it with an elegant arch or columns. As a last resort, you can simply replace the hinged doors with sliding doors that operate like a compartment.
  4. Combining kitchen and balcony. To do this, be sure to glaze and insulate the balcony. In addition, you can install a heating system there or install heated floors. Kitchen remodeling projects in Khrushchev can be seen in the photo below.
  5. Combining the kitchen and living room. The common room will look bright and spacious, creating the most comfortable conditions for all family members to spend time together. The hostess will be able to cook in the kitchen area and at the same time communicate with relatives or guests located in the living room area. The main disadvantage of such a combination is the penetration of odors and noise into the recreation area. All textiles in the living area will be saturated with the aromas of cooking. In addition, the noise of operating electrical appliances (mixer, hood or juicer) will not allow people to rest in the recreation area. A photo of the kitchen redevelopment in Khrushchev with an extractor hood can be seen below.

If the layout of the apartment allows you to remove the partition between the kitchen and the living room, you will get an elegant studio

Note! Before carrying out the redevelopment, you should go to the BTI and get permission to dismantle the partition.

Removing partitions between rooms turns a typical Khrushchev apartment into a studio. The interior design of a small kitchen in a studio in Khrushchev can be seen in the photo.

View of the living room from the kitchen converted into a studio in a Khrushchev-era apartment

IMD technology

Perhaps technology is not so important for the consumer, but it is a technological breakthrough that makes it possible to produce new revolutionary products. Using new technology from Adelkreis, parts are made from composite materials by injection molding in special molds, followed by baking at high temperatures. Such furniture parts can be made either entirely from composites or using embedded elements - cores. Different materials can be used as cores, such as: MDF, plywood, chipboard and others. Moreover, advanced IMD technology allows without adhesives and adhesive joints, i.e. seamlessly, integrate not only cores into the composite, but also other finishing materials: HPL, acrylic and others. The result is holistic, reliable products with a unique combination of aesthetic and performance characteristics.


Patchwork is an original combination technique that is appropriate in country or ethnic style. Wallpaper with different patterns is cut into equal pieces and pasted over the wall, alternating blocks.

There should be no more than 3-4 designs and number of color solutions. It is also not uncommon to see a ready-made pattern on wallpaper in the patchwork style.

The photo shows bright wallpaper in the patchwork style. They give the interior coziness and a feeling of home warmth.

In the process of choosing source materials, you should be guided by the compatibility of colors, compliance with a given style and common sense. In this way you can decorate a fragment of a surface or one wall from floor to ceiling. It all depends on the courage of your idea.

This option is worth a closer look for those who gravitate towards a variety of textures and color shades, but cannot find a suitable solution for themselves.

The work ahead is quite complex, since initially it is necessary to select the optimal combinations, and only then create an effective picture from disparate pieces.

Patchwork attracts creative individuals who dream of transforming their home and are able to carry out such painstaking work on their own.

Selection tips depending on styles - table

This table will help you choose the look and texture depending on the chosen interior.

NameHueLength, height, thickness, cmFor what interior?
data-lazy-type=”image” data-src=”” alt=”Tian Shan 30″ width=”900″ height =»750″ srcset=»» data-srcset=»/wp-content/uploads/image84-min-2.jpg 900w, /wp-content/uploads/image84-min-2-300×250.jpg 300w, / wp-content/uploads/image84-min-2-768×640.jpg 768w» sizes=»(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px»>Gray beige golden48.6x9.8x4.6 29.2x9.8x4.6 19.3x9.8x4.6Classic, modern, Mediterranean
data-lazy-type=”image” data-src=”” alt=”Tian Shan 27″ width=”900″ height =»749″ srcset=»» data-srcset=»/wp-content/uploads/image1-min-34.jpg 900w, /wp-content/uploads/image1-min-34-300×250.jpg 300w, / wp-content/uploads/image1-min-34-768×639.jpg 768w» sizes=»(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px»>Beige gray golden48.6x9.8x4.6 29.2x9.8x4.6 19.3x9.8x4.6Mediterranean, Venetian, modern classics
data-lazy-type=”image” data-src=”” alt=”Luxembourg 15″ width=”900″ height=” 810″ srcset=”» data-srcset=”/wp-content/uploads/image15-min-34.jpg 900w, /wp-content/uploads/image15-min-34-300×270.jpg 300w, /wp- content/uploads/image15-min-34-768×691.jpg 768w» sizes=»(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px»>Sand brown24x7Modern, country, loft
data-lazy-type=”image” data-src=”” alt=”Mistral 1″ width=”900″ height=” 749″ srcset=”» data-srcset=”/wp-content/uploads/image130-min-1.jpg 900w, /wp-content/uploads/image130-min-1-300×250.jpg 300w, /wp- content/uploads/image130-min-1-768×639.jpg 768w» sizes=»(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px»>Beige, very light19x5x1Modern, loft
data-lazy-type=”image” data-src=”” alt=”Nordic 3″ width=”900″ height=” 749″ srcset=”» data-srcset=”/wp-content/uploads/image52-min-13.jpg 900w, /wp-content/uploads/image52-min-13-300×250.jpg 300w, /wp- content/uploads/image52-min-13-768×639.jpg 768w" sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px">Golden beige with tan marks23.8x6.9x1.3Modern, country, loft

Color palette

As for the color palette of natural or artificial finishing materials, it is truly huge. Here are the most common options:

  • White. This is a natural or acquired color from dyeing.
  • Color. It is possible to obtain different shades by mixing different colors into white paint.
  • Colored with the application of darkened shades to individual areas.
  • Shades characteristic of natural stone: gray, ivory, shades of brown, beige, sand.

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