Zoning a room into a bedroom and living room - basic rules and requirements, methods and expert recommendations

Photo: mybaobab.by Limited space, into which several functional areas have to be fitted at once, is always a challenge for an interior designer. But in the era of open planning, there are more and more ways to arrange a room without solid walls. Do you doubt that everything is so simple? Then we will tell you what options exist and how to use them!

Is zoning normal?

Zoning a one-room apartment into a bedroom and living room has both clear advantages and some disadvantages.

Positive points:

Even with a very modest room size, you can select an isolated area for relaxation. A full bed is a must-have device when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. Not a single sofa, which is used during the day as an airfield in front of the TV for the whole family, can replace a bed in terms of organizing healthy sleep.

In addition, a separate sleeping place is also important psychologically. Some already want to relax, while others are interested in a movie broadcast at midnight. The sleeping area allows you to avoid such conflicts.

The ability to create an interesting interior.

The functionality of the apartment is significantly increased.


Creating a bedroom and living room in one room does not allow for complete sound insulation. Sliding partitions and thick curtains on the ceiling bracket solve the problem only partially.

Zoning does not allow organizing intimate space. If in a separate bedroom you can have complete privacy by tightly closing the door, then a living room with a sleeping place, even behind a heavy curtain, will not allow this.

Why is this needed?

It doesn’t always turn out that the interior of a particular room is as functional as we would like it to be. Sometimes you have to look for some way to solve it. In addition, it is often necessary to combine different colors in the interior of a particular room. We are talking about the living room, bedroom, children's room and so on.

Remember! This approach is characterized by a high level of practicality, since you do not need to resort to radical changes to the interior or expensive repairs.

Of course, using companion wallpaper requires certain skills in combining colors and surfaces. On the other hand, for this it is not at all necessary to be a high-level specialist in interior design. It is enough to understand the basic principles and look at photos with examples of how certain solutions were implemented in practice. As a rule, regardless of the style in which the apartment is decorated, what furniture and accessories are used in it, the principles of zoning remain quite universal.

So, let's look at the main arguments in favor of dividing space into functional zones:

  1. When a small room needs to be divided, but you don't want to use bulky and thick cabinets and shelves to avoid even further reducing the space in the room.
  2. Each individual part of the room should be highlighted with at least an individual color. This will emphasize its purpose.
  3. If several people live in a room at once (for example, children of different sexes), then with the help of zoning you can create a play space for each child. The same applies to children of different ages.
  4. You can highlight the main part of the room by visually separating it from secondary corners. This can be done using different shades of wallpaper.
  5. Often, similar methods of decorating space are used in the case of one-room apartments with a combined living room and kitchen, or for studios.

As a rule, with all this, it is advisable to use not a monochrome, but a more contrasting color scheme. Also suitable is the option of combining wallpaper with patterns/ornaments and plain companions without any pattern. By the way, with a competent approach, you can somewhat “correct” certain shortcomings in the room. Of course, we are talking exclusively about visual correction of shortcomings, for example, the size of the room is too small or the configuration is not entirely successful.

Zoning Tools

Dividing a room into a bedroom and a living room is not an easy task even for a professional interior designer.

But the implementation of this project may be completely within the capabilities of any apartment owner, if you correctly determine the tools and thoughtfully use every opportunity, saving every centimeter of usable space.

Simple spatial development technology

After selection, perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Install guide profiles on the floor and ceiling using dowels. They should be glued to improve sound insulation. Each profile must be secured with three pins (at least).
  2. The rack profiles are mounted at a distance of 0.3 to 0.6 m from each other using rivets.
  3. Plasterboard sheathing. HL is mounted vertically using TN screws. Important: the seams between the sheets must fall onto the metal profile. Otherwise, construction will not continue.
  4. Laying communications and sound insulation.
  5. Hide the other side with the sheets of chap.

Pay special attention when dividing rooms into zones using drywall; include reinforcement in the places of future doors (or other heavy elements). If the opening width exceeds 900 mm and the weight of the future door exceeds 25 kg, then additional UA profiles, wooden beams or rack profiles should be used.

After the installation is completed, a number of works remain to finish the surface of the partition. To do this, close the seams between the sheets, treat the surface with a primer and pierce. After complete drying and leveling of the surface, the most pleasant part of the repair appears - the decorative finish. At this stage, the results of painstaking work become visible, and the room begins to look lived-in. The material on how to create two or more zones in a room will be a tip for those who have problems with limited space. It would be interesting to know how to correctly create figured partitions and what is needed for this? The correct layout of the apartment offers great advantages. This statement is suitable for both large apartments and small one-room apartments or studio apartments. In large living spaces, the ergonomics of furniture and appliances are important to create a cozy and welcoming feel. Small apartments, where households are often forced to share space, require a competent approach, because every meter matters. How to divide a room into two - our selection of professional tips. Methods currently used to design visual extensions of apartments, including space and location:

  • Entrance door
  • opening a window or several
  • Availability of a kitchen or area reserved for catering purposes.

High partitions

Zoning the living room and bedroom can be done using drywall. A high-quality plasterboard partition can be considered as an excellent alternative to a brick wall.

The partition is installed using a metal frame, which ensures reliability. As a result, we have the thinnest wall, which retains heat well and also cuts off external sounds.

Budget divider - textiles

If the issue of intimacy in the bedroom area is important for the owners, then it can be solved with curtains.

  1. With their help, you can separate not only the bed, but clearly outline the entire personal sleep area.
  2. They should move well along the limit line and be easy to remove.
  3. They are mounted on a rod cornice or on a rack system.
  4. In addition to thick curtains, light tulle is used.
  5. The material is chosen so that there are no problems with washing and ironing later.

The combination of organza and satin looks original. Textiles are selected not only to match the style of the interior, but also to match the curtains on the window. Curtains made of beads are popular.


The design of a small living room-bedroom can be based on the use of arched structures of several types. Arches can be made of brick and plasterboard, giving them any shape - round, rectangular, oriental style, asymmetrical.

This curly ledge running along the wall creates the distinct impression of two rooms, one of which can be used as a bedroom.

Bed or sofa?

Almost everyone who had to combine a bedroom area with a living room in a room was faced with the difficult problem of choosing a sleeping place. This can be a full bed, a sofa or a sofa bed.

Sofa in the living room-bedroom to save space

A folding sofa is a traditional and already familiar solution. But is it really that good?

Such models have many disadvantages:

  • the need to unfold and fold the sofa and collect bed linen every day;
  • The sleeping comfort of the sofa is lower than that of the bed.

If the area of ​​the room is not small, allocating space for a bed will be highly desirable.

A sofa will be comfortable in part of the living room. If there is little space, then you will have to abandon the traditional pair of chairs.

Sofa bed as the best solution


If the budget does not allow for complex repairs, but the decision to isolate the bed has been made, there is nothing left to do but separate the sleeping area from the living room using a mobile partition or a thick screen.

About 100 years ago, screens were used everywhere, allowing you to quickly create an intimate area in any part of the apartment. For some reason, this solution is considered old-fashioned these days, although the relevance of the mobile device is beyond doubt.

If you need to work at the computer so that no one is distracted, fence off your desktop with a screen, and you will feel as if you are in your personal office. If you want to lie down when others are still awake, place a screen in front of the bed and you will be guaranteed relative peace.

The use of a mobile partition is especially appropriate when the design of the bedroom and living room is made in oriental style. Semi-transparent fabric inserts with paintings of Japanese landscapes on a frame made of beautiful wood will harmoniously complement the composition. Using wood carvings and dense fabrics, you can create a screen for an interior in a classic style.

A mobile partition made of plastic on an aluminum profile frame will take its rightful place in any modern living room combined with a bedroom.

Such a screen can be translucent or lightproof. The material for it can be durable frosted glass, inlaid with laser engraving or amalgam patterns.

Looking through collections of photos of a bedroom combined with a living room, you can come across many options for the design of mobile partitions - using wooden adjustable blinds, wickerwork made from natural materials, bamboo stems, inserts made of colorful fabrics, etc.

Separation of zones in the apartment

Modern developers often sell apartments with minimal finishing, and a one-room apartment in a new building will be quite large. Finishing options visually change the size of the room, so when choosing a partition in the form of a plasterboard wall or other type of partition, you should consider the colors of the walls, furniture, textiles and areas in which you plan to divide the room as needed. If the owner lives alone, he will need at a minimum:

  • recreation area (usually located in a fairly bright place, closest to a natural light source - a window, loggia);
  • dining room (this is either a separately equipped kitchen or a corner with household appliances and a high-quality hood to avoid cooking odors throughout the apartment);
  • Sleeping area (this place should be as far as possible from the door, often the sleeping area is located at a distant angle from the entrance and window, however, to obtain natural light in this area, a partial barrier or barrier using transparent, sparse elements is used).

For those who work and at home, you need a separate workspace. This can be organized using glass partitions with blinds (they will have important features: sound absorption and light transmission).

Sliding doors

A very interesting option is to divide the habitable space using sliding panels made of translucent material. You can create one line of guides in the middle of the room, or connect the guides crosswise.

By moving the panels with frosted glass in different directions, the situational unification of different areas of the room is carried out. If you open the doors completely, the room will become spacious.

Pros and cons of a combined interior

Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of a new interior will help determine whether to accept or reject a space layout with multiple functions.

Positive aspects of planning a single space with zoning:

  • It is possible to create an individual, interesting layout.
  • A personal recreation area appears in a small space.
  • Useful space is added to the room.

Negative aspects of creating an interior with zoning:

  • For light sleepers, shared space remains a challenge because it is impossible to “stop” sound at the threshold of the sleep area.
  • It is impossible to ensure intimacy in such a bedroom.

Designers advise organizing the interior in a modern or minimalist style.

Furniture as partitions

Let's look at how to zone a room into a bedroom and a living room using furniture:

A cabinet door cabinet can serve as a powerful partition.

One of the most practical solutions is to order the manufacture of a sliding wardrobe according to your dimensions. By placing a wardrobe across the room, you will not only get a reliable wall between the bedroom and living room, but also voluminous storage for all kinds of things.

An elegant option is to place a light bookcase across the room, some of whose segments are through, and some are blind.

In addition to large tall furniture, sofas with high backs, bar counters, and computer tables with high shelves are also used as partitions.

The design of the living room combined with the bedroom will ideally complement the aquarium standing on the cabinet. By placing the aquarium with its end against the wall, you visually divide the room into two sections.

An interesting option is with shelves attached to chains hanging from the ceiling. It will not be difficult to attach the chains to the ceiling, and then use bolts and nuts to fix the shelves at the required heights. No one will be able to knock over such a rack.

Dividing a room with plasterboard

Drywall is one of the materials that is absolutely necessary in the renovation process. With its help, you can not only build and level walls, create suspended ceilings, but also create openwork partitions. All this is possible thanks to several advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation;
  • reasonable price;
  • possibility of bending and cutting;
  • the presence of a wide range of blind options (moisture-resistant, fire-resistant, supersheets), which are suitable for almost any room;
  • relative lightness and strength.

Of course, it is much easier to buy and install a wooden screen. But do not forget that if you divide the space with plasterboard, you will get almost an entire wall. He can install soundproofing, install lighting, build shelves and niches. This design can give almost any shape and finish to most available materials. With all the above arguments, we can conclude that dividing into zones with a plasterboard partition is the best way to change the lives of all family members for the better. In addition, this task can be completed with your own hands and without significant costs.

Different levels

Among the options for zoning a room into a bedroom and living room, there is another strong technique that deserves close attention. We are talking about creating podiums that allow you to do without high delimiters that visually clutter up the space.

There are many connoisseurs of wide space in the apartment, for the sake of which some even break down the partition between the room and the kitchen. In order to visually designate a sleeping area, a study area and an entertainment area, you just need to raise the zones to different heights.

High podiums in small-sized housing are also good because inside them you can organize spacious storage for bedding, seasonal shoes and clothes.

Low podiums with different floor coverings also cope with the task no worse. To enhance the effect, you can combine podiums with ceiling structures of various types - openwork arches, false beams, hanging decorative elements.

If the owner of the apartment lives alone

Everyone needs comfort, even if they live alone. A small apartment will look respectable if its zoning is done using glass partitions. What are their advantages:

  • They are environmentally friendly and safe because they are made of special tempered glass.
  • Visually expand your space with complete transparency.
  • To design any type of room (full or partial filling of the partition), options are available with MDF filling, laser engraving, paint coating or decorative stickers.
  • They are stationary and sliding (open ceiling or accordion).

A glass partition by filling or installing blinds can limit visibility, so in an apartment where there is no bathroom, you can drain waste water into the room by installing fixed partitions in it, which will save space in the room due to the lack of large walls and give it a modern look. view. ,When it comes to arranging a personal office, a relaxation area, or arranging a kitchen and living room (kitchen and dining room), many options for glass compartments create beautiful and custom solutions. Glass partitions with photo printing, designs, decorative stickers, etc. look elegant and remain reliable.

Curtains and drapes

Curtains on a ceiling bracket are a development of the theme with a screen. Depending on the chosen style, light tulles, translucent curtains and thick curtains can be used.

If the tulle curtain only outlines the boundary of the zones, then the dense fabric of the light-proof curtain completely isolates the sleeping area. As an option, zoning the room into a bedroom and living room of 20 square meters. m. can be achieved using a canopy over the bed.

If the design is made in Provence or classic style, the canopy will look quite appropriate.

Zoning approaches - choosing the optimal one

Combining several zones with different functionality is a fascinating process. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that the space should not only be comfortable, but also stylish. There are several approaches for this.

Two main groups of zoning options:

Irreversible, which include serious repair and construction work with the installation of partitions, podiums, and other structures.

Irreversible designs in the interior

Reversible, the use of which is less expensive. To implement design ideas, screens, curtains, and separation by rearranging furniture are used.

Screen when dividing space


A long list of ideas for zoning a room into a bedroom and living room also includes the use of a variety of finishing materials. One section of the wall can be decorated with beautiful liquid wallpaper, another with imitation brickwork, and a third with marble or granite tiles.

The craftsman has at his disposal paint, plaster, traditional wallpaper, wood panels, decorative fabrics, and mosaic panels. Using combinations of different colors and shades, materials of different textures, you can achieve stunning results.

Separation by finishing material

Each zone is often distinguished in its own tone. But lately, designers have been advising to choose a single background in the room, but to highlight the zone, select a pattern in one of them.

The living room can be decorated with photo wallpaper. Properly organized lighting will emphasize the separation. There should be no bright light in the bedroom, which cannot be said about the living area.

  • The second way is to decorate the walls with finishes with different textures.
  • Wood is more suitable for decorating the bedroom area, and decorative plaster is more suitable for the living room.
  • The floor is also finished with different materials.


Light can be a powerful factor in dividing a room into different functional zones in the evening.

Using lamps of different types, lamps of different brightness, LEDs of many colors, you can simulate the living environment in a complex way, expanding the space, creating interesting visual accents.

Interior combination ideas

Combining wallpaper of different types or shades is a bold technique that will help create an original design from standard trellises. A correctly selected method will positively change the geometry of space. Among the existing methods, designers identify 8 popular ideas.

Vertical stripes

The striped finish optically raises the height of the ceiling, so the technique is used in compact rooms. Vertical lines are often combined with plain canvases. A print of 2-3 colors is appropriate on an accent wall, and the rest of the space is done in muted shades.

Design technique with lines Source design-homes.ru

The uniform combination of stripes and monotony looks original. The effect of columns is created, which visually raises the ceiling. The technology has proven itself well for both large and narrow lines. Due to the alternation, vertical thin prints will not ripple in the eyes.

Second tier

If the room does not boast a large area, but has a fairly high ceiling, you can solve the problem of insulating the sleeping area very creatively by raising the bed to the second tier.

The space under the tier will successfully accommodate an impromptu work office - a computer desk, office equipment, and a high-tech chair. Thus, every millimeter of this corner of the room will be used with maximum efficiency.

How to divide a room with one window

If the room is narrow, you can place the beds side by side on one wall and set up a learning area for the older child closer to the window, and for the younger child away from the window. If the room is wide, you can give each child a place against the wall, set each of them up with a desk or table near the window, and place shelves in the middle of the room. In the latter case, you can use partial division, that is, without reaching the ceiling. The same method applies to any room with a sitting area and a work space or bed. Light from the window can be diffused with virtually no barriers. Due to the partial separation, the impression of separate zones is created visually, but does not add shadows.

Photo of room zoning for bedroom

Why is it worth zoning the living room and bedroom?

Zoning will allow you to organize a full-fledged place to sleep. In this case, you do not need to carry out serious redevelopment.

Visually, a large space will be maintained in the room, despite the creation of partitions.

Using the podium

If you arrange a podium, it will help organize the bedroom in a small room. In addition, you will have space inside the “stage” where you can store things.

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