Window sill in the bedroom: 30 photos of the most thoughtful and unusual solutions for using a window sill

A window sill is an ideal place to place decor in an apartment, especially in the era of plastic windows, which have a ventilation mode and do not require them to be thrown wide open. In our article we will tell you how to decorate a window sill so that the decor looks stylish and does not feel cluttered. At the end of the article there are more than 20 photos of the best decor options in different styles!

Window sill size

The layout of the bedroom can differ quite a lot from case to case, and this can happen between two apartments, it is not necessary to consider a private house.

In an apartment, the smallest rooms are usually allocated for bedrooms, because the largest is always the living room.

In a small room, we must wisely use all available space and objects in it.

If you look at the photo of the window sill in the bedroom, you will notice that in different situations it can be of different sizes, and often it’s not a matter of layout, but how you did the repairs.

In old panel houses the walls are quite thin, and therefore the window sills are quite short. Often such window sills are not even suitable for placing flower pots on them.

In this case, it is better not to try to load it with small, and especially large, details - this will not make the interior more beautiful.

In this case, you can try to decorate the window itself, or simply pay more attention to the choice of curtains and cornice - they can compensate for a small window sill in terms of design.

On the other hand, wide window sills in the bedroom are a real godsend, because they can be used for different tasks.

Storing something useful or simple decorative items is certainly good, but it doesn’t stop there. If you still have thin walls, you can artificially enlarge the window sill.

Most often this is done at the renovation stage, when a false wall is created in which the heating radiator is hidden. This option works especially well if you are adding a loggia to a room.

Cozy reading corner

Are the overhangs of your window sill wide enough for you to sit there and read a book? If so, then you should definitely turn it into a small reading nook. Add pillows for comfort and lightness, and place a bookshelf nearby and a table lamp for evening reading. If the situation is the opposite, but you really want to have such a cozy place, then you can put a small bench or banquette right under the window or windowsill.

Window sill decor

As for the appearance, only you can decide how to decorate the window sill in the bedroom, because a lot will depend on the general style of the room, the size of the window sill, and your preferences.

A simple window sill is often decorated with small objects and flowers, but it can be left “bare”. The window sill table itself does not need additional decorations, because everything you need will be on the tabletop.

Romantic and festive window decoration

Your windowsills will instantly become more romantic with the addition of a few candles, LED string lights or freshly cut flowers. This window decoration will give you a wonderful mood on any calm evening or rainy day.

Photo of window sills in the bedroom

Read here Classic bedroom: design features and 100 photos of the best modern examples

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Homemade cornices, garlands and other decorations

Do you like to make things with your own hands? We have several ideas for creating crafts to decorate windows and windowsills!

London curtains

They are flat at the top, with deep folds in the middle and on both edges.

There are rings sewn on the inside, where special cords are threaded, by pulling which you can raise and lower the canvas.

Photo: Instagram poshivochka_rimskie

Photo: Instagram zhanna_textil_life


Designers have not come up with any number of variations for altering window sills. Their area is used to create original pieces of furniture of various types. These are all kinds of tables - dining or office, various recreation areas - benches, sofas, sleeping areas, combined with different-sized storage systems. These include independent wardrobes and chests of drawers that can hold a lot of useful things, and even such unexpected elements as a built-in doghouse.

Winter Garden

True plant lovers will not be deterred by designers’ warnings about overcrowding the window space: apartment gardeners successfully create magnificent green compositions even in a small space.

A wide window ledge with plenty of light, a bay window or a balcony are best suited for this purpose. However, even a small area does not stop the creators of home greenhouses: shelves, stands and hanging rails are used to place flowers.

The photo shows a small winter garden on a narrow windowsill.

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