Light wallpaper for the bedroom: tips for choosing wallpaper, photo of white tone in the bedroom interior

Since choosing stylish wallpaper in light shades that is pleasant to the touch and appearance should not cause you any difficulties, all that remains is to figure out how to use such wallpaper to get maximum effect in the space.
Photos of light wallpaper in a wide variety of interiors, as well as useful tips on how to use them, will help you understand this issue.

It is better to plan repairs

Before you go shopping for finishing materials, including wallpaper for draping bedroom walls, it is advisable to think in advance about a plan of action for repairs.

You should also decide on combinations of tones of walls, floors, ceilings, decor, and furniture. You can play with contrast. For example, light wallpaper in the bedroom, as shown in the photo, fits perfectly with dark furniture and textiles.

However, curtains can also be light. Even if the floor has black laminate, it should be complemented with a carpet to match the walls. Of course, many proceed from what is offered in stores, but layout rules still need to be taken into account.

What type of wallpaper should I choose?

There are many options for different types of wallpaper: non-woven, vinyl, fabric, fiberglass, liquid and others. Not only the interior of the future bedroom with light wallpaper, but also the quality of the pasting and the durability of the repair depend on the correct choice of wallpaper.

Each type is based on a certain element (substance), which is the main component. The name of the species comes from it.

Pros and cons of light wallpaper

Like all types of wall decoration, light wallpaper has its pros and cons. Of course, it still depends on the preferences of the owners of the apartment or house. However, it is worth paying attention to some nuances regarding this choice.

Pros of light wallpaper in the bedroom

They consist in the visual perception of space in which there is not enough space. For a small room this is an ideal solution. In addition, light wallpaper can become the basis for decor and exquisite furniture. Against their background, these elements will be favorably emphasized even in a large room.

Disadvantages of light wallpaper for the bedroom

Over time, stains may appear through the walls. This is due to the fact that the surfaces were not carefully processed and primed. You should pay more attention to this process and this problem will not arise.

Light wallpaper can fade and lose its attractiveness. And one more minus - they are easily soiled. Dirt stains and dust are clearly visible on them. Therefore, it is important to take care of proper care of the walls, promptly cleaning them from dust.

Types suitable for the bedroom

Paper. Single-layer or double-layer. The drawing is applied as a printout on printing devices. Such wallpapers do not tolerate humid environments well and have average durability (3-5 years).

Sold in a variety of colors, patterns and styles. The photographs below show a bedroom design with light paper wallpaper.


A mixture of cellulose and polyester. Their main drawback is the chemical component in the composition. Beautiful in appearance, durable, can be washed carefully (can withstand moderate humidity).

  • However, it is not recommended to glue a bedroom, a room for sleeping and relaxing, with wallpaper containing polyester.
  • However, for those who decided to paint a similar look in their bedroom, the photographs below show examples of what is the best wallpaper to stick in a bright bedroom.


The second most popular wallpaper for bedrooms after paper.

  • Essentially, it is paper wallpaper protected by a second layer of polyvinyl chloride, which acts as a protective layer from mechanical damage and moisture.
  • At the same time, they are quite environmentally friendly. You can apply any designs to vinyl (the principle is similar to photo wallpapers) - that’s why they are often used for bedrooms.
  • The photo below shows which wallpaper is best to choose for a bright bedroom.

Vinyl tolerates moisture well. The fact that they can be washed is perhaps their greatest advantage. Keeping the walls clean is a must to give a clean, tidy and comfortable look to any bedroom.

Plain or patterned?

The choice in this context will depend not only on the preferences and tastes of the home owners, but also on practicality grounds. Plain light wallpaper is more suitable for a small bedroom, drapery with a pattern is more suitable for a large one. But if the room is small and you want to buy wallpaper with a pattern, you should choose the option with a small print or pattern.

Plain light wallpaper

Experienced designers say you can sleep more peacefully without monograms and intricate patterns. Indeed, neutral, pastel colors better induce sleep and have a calming effect.

Plain beige, gray, olive, and cream wallpapers look beautiful in the bedroom. You can choose soft pink or peach tones.

Wallpaper with a pattern for the bedroom

No one forbids you to select bedroom wall decor with an interesting ornament or a beautiful combination of patterns. In the sleeping room, walls with imitation stone, leather, and wood look beautiful. It is worth choosing neutral motives, then falling asleep will be more pleasant.

How to combine wallpaper in the living room correctly

Division into zones

A successful combination of colors and textures will favorably present furniture and other decorative elements of the room. By combining wallpaper, you can divide the living room into zones; this technique will add originality to the design of the living room and add modernity to the interior.

Vertical and horizontal layout

There are two types of combining wallpaper in a room - vertical and horizontal layout.

A vertical composition divides the wall area into two or more segments. You can focus on the classic style by using wall panels and wallpaper. By dividing the height of the wall into three parts, the vertical layout will help highlight the fragment with a TV.

Horizontal combination will divide a large room into zones. You can also highlight the wall with the window and the one opposite it in a different color than the selected wallpaper color.

Wallpaper combination rules

To correctly combine wallpaper in the living room interior, you need to choose between contrasting types:

  • type of texture: smooth or embossed;
  • ornament: large, small;
  • plain or patterned
  • color: dark or light

To ensure that different wallpapers in the living room are combined with each other, choose no more than three different textures and colors, maintain a balance of light and dark (70/30), and do not mix checks and stripes in the same room.

Variety of light shades

In the bedroom, light wallpaper is excellent. Here's how to decide on the shade. After all, there are almost fifty tones in the pastel range alone. It all depends on the preferences of the owners of the house and the colors of the interior.

You can't go wrong if you choose neutral beige, gray, or cream. Against this background, even purple curtains in the bedroom with light wallpaper will look great. However, if you match this textile with a soft lilac or purple wall decoration, it will look even better.

What to look for when choosing wallpaper color

They should be in harmony with the furniture. When the room is on the south side of the apartment or house, you may prefer cool, light wallpaper colors.

If in the north, warm ones are better. If the walls are uneven, you can choose a light decor option with a diagonal stripe. If you need to zone a room, you should buy wallpaper of different shades, but compatible with the overall interior.

Features of different colors

Certain tones have different visual effects on a person’s mood. Therefore, it is important to focus on this aspect. Moreover, in the bedroom you need to provide comfortable conditions for sleeping.

Green and yellow shades balance the emotional state. White people are in the mood for rest. But you shouldn’t overdo it, so as not to create the impression of a hospital ward. Cream, beige, gray tones set the mood for positivity and restful sleep.

Light wallpaper for Scandinavian style

This interior style, now especially popular, is distinguished by a small set of primary colors. You can count them on your fingers: white is the leading one, as well as black (contrasting), gray and wood color.

In Scandinavia, walls are decorated with natural materials or simply painted white. However, Scandi style options allow the use of wallpaper for walls and the addition of shades. And this is a vivid illustration of the excellent decoration of rooms with light wallpaper.

Most often, when arranging a room in a Scandinavian style, they choose the following tones:

  • White,
  • Lactic,
  • Light beige,
  • Ivory,
  • Bleached grey,
  • Pearl,
  • Powdery pink,
  • Olive.

These colors are harmonious, for example, in the following combinations.

White or milky colors on walls, ceilings and furniture are a Scandi classic.

Gray smoky walls are complemented by white furniture and wooden floors.

Olive-colored wallpaper goes harmoniously with white wood furniture.

A bedroom with powder pink and light beige wallpaper on the walls, a white ceiling and a bed of the same color will look good.

Light textured wallpapers and coverings with minimalist patterns fit perfectly into the interior. Sometimes the option of using liquid wallpaper is considered for the living room. Light-colored photo wallpapers are also partially used in wall decoration (for example, with graphic patterns, images of deer, imitation of tree bark).

Combinations of light wall colors

In the bedroom you should not combine flashy shades with any light ones. It is better to prefer discreet combinations of wallpaper in pastel colors.

However, if you want to give the interior some zest and make it brighter, the sleeping area can be decorated in exceptionally light colors, and where there is a wardrobe and dressing table, the walls can be draped with brighter wallpaper.

Contrasting combinations

The following combinations of wallpaper shades look very beautiful in the bedroom: black with white, blue with soft blue, pink with desaturated burgundy. You can combine several shades of beige and combine them with brown decor and one accent wall.

Related combinations

These are also appropriate, especially in a small bedroom. Lilac wallpapers with pink wallpapers, white wallpapers with vanilla or beige, cream wallpapers with pink or soft peach tones are beautifully combined.

Light wallpaper for Provence style

In the decoration of the French countryside style, natural materials prevail. But wallpaper is also applicable for walls. And only pastel colors. For example, lavender colors are held in high esteem.

  • Light wallpapers with floral motifs and striped coverings are also very popular.
  • They can be glued individually or combined with each other.
  • “Floral” wallpapers are also good in combination with plain coverings.
  • Checkered wallpapers of a light palette are also used.

Light wallpapers are also good in other interior styles: for example, in a rustic country style or in one of the modern color trends (where matte “whitened” coatings in pastel shades are a priority).

Features of using white tone

In a small bedroom, such a solution for wall decoration could not come in handy. However, in order not to overdo it with white, it is worth complementing it with other shades.

White with pastel colors

Combinations of white with delicate beige, more saturated, but not dark gray are appropriate here. All shades without exception go well with white. Therefore, you just need to shade the bedroom walls a little with white wallpaper, emphasizing them with decor, and do the rest of the walls in olive, nude pink or lilac tones.

White with darker tones

If you decide to play with contrast, you should use combinations of white with black, chocolate, brown, blue, and rich purple. These shades set you up for a restful sleep. But with red or poisonous tones of any scale, it is advisable to be careful.

Light wallpaper is great for any bedroom, small or large. It is important to take into account a number of nuances in the design of the room, choose safe materials and carefully prepare the walls for pasting, so that yellow spots do not appear on the surfaces over time.

Colored wallpaper

Colored wallpaper in the living room will add mood to the room and refresh the atmosphere. You can use any shade, based on its effect on the psyche, but choose your wallpaper carefully. Wallpaper should not be the first thing in the room; it is just an addition to the interior.

Red wallpaper

An exciting and aggressive color. Bright red wallpaper in the living room is difficult to use, since the shade attracts a lot of attention and is irritating. Color attracts all attention and makes the room smaller. It is recommended to use red wall color in coral, burgundy, wine, and terracotta shades. Red goes well with gray, gray-blue, yellow and muted green.

Blue wallpaper

The blue color of the walls is calm and relaxing. Blue wallpaper in the living room takes away some of the natural light, so we recommend that you use blue shades in combination with light wood, white, gray, yellow and green tones.

Green wallpaper

The green color of the walls is perfect for decorating living spaces; the color evokes only positive emotions. Green wallpaper in the living room has an anti-stress effect. Recommended to be combined with brown, orange, blue, white and black. Adding red accents as decor will add expressiveness and freshness to the interior.

Yellow wallpaper

Light and bright color in the palette. The color yellow is associated with joy and sunshine. Yellow wallpaper in the living room interior goes well with white, black, gray, green, red and brown. Pure yellow in large quantities can cause fatigue.

Photo of light wallpaper in the bedroom interior


Combination of shades of furniture and finishing materials

The selection takes place after purchasing the furniture . Wallpaper should either set off the furniture or emphasize it. They should not draw attention to themselves. This sequence is explained simply. It is easier to buy new ones than to completely change furniture. If the contrast of the furniture is dark, then you should use light ones. Warm shades such as pear, mustard, and sand are allowed.

Tone matching the furniture

This rule does not work in reverse.

Advice: White furniture does not have to be set off with dark wallpaper.

White furniture gives almost complete freedom in choice.

You can’t just use white wallpaper, otherwise it will blend into the background.

Color can be:

  • purple;
  • emerald;
  • sapphire.

Beige shades will give the room a calm atmosphere in the room.

If there is brown or reddish furniture in the room, you should use dark ones.

Cherry furniture will be combined with:
  • burgundy;
  • purple;
  • rich green.

This range is designed to lift your spirits.

There are recommendations on the Internet - the wallpaper can be pale. This tip is more suitable for the bedroom than the living room.

Nowadays it is fashionable to buy blue furniture. It looks stylish and not cheap. Blue doesn't get boring. The background of the room directly depends on the purpose of using the living room. Using the living room for leisure requires the use of red or yellow.

To relax you need to use wallpaper:
  • beige;
  • cream;
  • light blue.

Peach furniture is used less often. When purchasing peach-colored items, you need to make the background in the room brighter. This is a case where a brighter background will help make the furniture stand out. Looks elegant with peach:

  • grey;
  • blue;
  • pearl shade.

Blue never gets boring

For kitchen

The kitchen has exactly the same requirements for choosing wallpaper. It is necessary to take into account the degree of illumination and the size of the room. It is customary to compensate for the lack of lighting with warm colors in the wallpaper. This:

  • beige;
  • cream;
  • yellow wallpaper.

A warm shade is not required if there is a lot of light in the room. Here you should choose neutral ones.

This is the choice:

  • peach;
  • wheat;
  • olive wallpaper.

Muted cool shades are suitable. They will give the kitchen a cozy atmosphere.

Good tone for a large kitchen

A more aggressive red for the kitchen is considered a bold color. It can cause irritation if you overdo it with saturation. Red is the color of confident people. Feng Shui philosophy says that red light can increase appetite. If you approach the issue from this side, then red wallpaper for the kitchen will come in handy.

Advice It is best to dilute red wallpaper with black inserts or black furniture.

Cool shades are designed to soothe. But they are not suitable for the kitchen. In the kitchen, the main thing is to stimulate appetite, and blue has no effect on this process. Blue does not add coziness, but if the windows face south, they give a lot of light. Excessive lighting can be extinguished with wallpaper in blue tones. Both red and white shades look good with blue.

Print to increase appetite

There is a risk that large red inserts will disrupt the composition. Green is perceived well everywhere. This shade is suitable for the kitchen. It has a positive effect on your state of mind. This can include emerald and olive shades. Pear and pistachio are associated with natural beauty.

If green has a delicate shade, then such wallpaper can be combined with beige and yellow inserts.

This combination allows you to achieve a welcoming atmosphere. This is very important for the kitchen. Only one wall in the kitchen can be green - this will help highlight it.

Welcoming atmosphere

Design techniques

  • If there are no special thoughts in your head, then you can always use white wallpaper. You can combine white and dark wallpaper. White wallpaper in compact kitchens is a classic. The snow-white furnishings make the room feel light. You can use white wallpaper as a shading background. Then you will have to focus on orange, olive or even red.
  • You can solve the problem of low ceilings by installing wallpaper with vertical stripes. The color can be any. You can expand the room on the sides using wallpaper with a horizontal stripe.

Vertical stripes for low ceilings

  • Too colorful ones are not suitable for the kitchen. They get bored very quickly and begin to irritate rather than delight.
  • It is better to highlight one wall with a bright color, but all the walls in the room.
  • If there are sufficiently large drawings, then the color should be neutral.
  • If you don't have any specific ideas about color, you can choose shades of green.
  • When the furniture in the room has a simple shape, and the textiles are just as simple, it is better to choose wallpaper with an ornament.

Bright furniture and bright accessories in the kitchen require a shading element. This element should be wallpaper with a light shade. In this case, patterns are not needed.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main disadvantage of such wallpaper is its high price. They are more expensive than paper or vinyl. But, on the other hand, gluing them will cost less than installing lamps, individual light bulbs and LED tubes for night lighting.

An important advantage is fire safety. They are coated with special compounds that prevent the fabric from burning. Almost all species are not afraid of water and can easily tolerate wet cleaning. Static electricity does not accumulate on the surface of the film, so wool, dust and hair do not stick to such wallpaper.

They are highly wear-resistant: they do not fade, do not wear out or become deformed, and do not cause harm to health. The materials and dyes used to make them are not harmful. After repairs, at first they emit a specific smell, which dissipates over time. And so, they are safe, and therefore you can safely purchase luminous wallpaper for your children's room and bedroom.

Features of glowing wallpaper

Wallpaper that glows in the dark is made on thick paper, non-woven fabric or other durable material. Such products are several times denser and heavier than ordinary paper ones. Printing takes place in several stages: first, a design is applied, and then it is covered with a special paint or powder that glows in the dark.

They come in different widths: narrow, very compact, and large canvases that can be used to immediately cover an entire wall. The former are suitable for the interiors of small rooms, and the latter - for spacious, elongated living rooms and bedrooms. What is important here is the distance from the wall to the bed or sofa. If the luminous picture is large, then it needs to be viewed from afar - up close it appears as a spot.

All luminous wallpapers are available in two types:

  • rolls;
  • canvases.

The former are often used to decorate one wall, its lower or upper part. More often, a chaotic, repeating pattern is applied to the canvas: stars and the moon, flowers, drops of paint, geometric shapes. Such wallpapers are easy to join and can be used to cover large areas.

Scene wallpapers consist of several canvases that are assembled into one picture. Subjects can be different: the starry sky, a road in a winter forest, space, a cat on the roof, a flower, a tiger, Japanese characters, the sun with long rays. During the day, such scenes look like ordinary paintings, and at night they begin to glow. So that such a glow does not interfere with sleep, not the entire image is covered with glitter, but parts of it, highlighting the silhouette. Subject products are a worthy option for the ceiling. They can even replace neon lights.

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