3D wallpaper for the living room: original photos of wallpaper for walls that can create a realistic atmosphere in the interior

The place that should surprise is undoubtedly the living room.
As one of the most important in the house, it should be designed in accordance with the brightest and most interesting fashion trends. And today, when the production of stylish wallpaper for walls also does not stand still, one of the trends with aesthetic and practical significance is beginning to gain popularity - wallpaper with a realistic three-dimensional plot.

3D wallpaper for the living room is one of the few options for interior wall decoration that allows you to radically transform the space without depriving the design of its originality and modernity.

This approach to home interior design has already been appreciated by many professional specialists - now it’s your turn to pay attention to their advantages.

What are photo wallpapers made of?

Photo printing is applied to the same materials from which ordinary wallpaper is made. The most common:

  • paper;
  • interlining;
  • vinyl;
  • textile.

In this case, the canvases can be single-layer and have a backing in the form of duplicating material (duplex). In this case, the lower layer sometimes differs from the upper one in its structure and properties.

Non-woven fabric and paper are well suited for “breathable” walls made of wood, Adobe and other materials.

Vinyl coating does not allow air to pass through. For this reason, it is often duplicated with a paper or non-woven backing to improve performance.

No. 3. Printing method and substrate type

The production of 3D photo wallpaper has its own nuances, but the basic manufacturing principles are similar to those used to create conventional photo wallpaper. A drawing, previously created using special programs, is applied to the base. Different types of inks and bases are used.

To print 3D photo wallpapers use:

  • ultraviolet ink . This is the best choice, allowing you to correctly convey all the shades and create contrasting and bright wallpaper. The ink polymerizes on the base under the influence of UV rays, so it firmly adheres to it. The design is durable, resistant to sunlight, moisture and grease;
  • Latex ink is made by dissolving paint pigments in latex, causing the coating to harden quickly. The dye is completely safe for humans, which is why such wallpaper is used even in children's rooms. The coating is abrasion-resistant, durable and has rich colors;
  • Eco-solvent inks are made by dissolving dye in water. For humans, such a coating is completely safe, although a slight odor may be present - it disappears within the first day and does not indicate toxicity. The inks are low cost, abrasion, wash and UV resistant and can be used to print images at the highest resolution.

The requirements for printing 3D photo wallpaper are increased. Thanks to high resolution and special solutions, it is possible to create realistic pictures.

The base for 3D photo wallpaper can be of several types:

  • paper is the most environmentally friendly and inexpensive, breathable, but in terms of performance it is inferior to vinyl and non-woven fabric;
  • vinyl – more durable, resistant to wet cleaning;
  • non-woven is a good option. This material breathes like paper, but is much stronger and more durable than it.

How to glue it?

Next, we’ll talk about how you can stick photo wallpaper in the living room and look at interesting ideas for covering walls.


Quite often the living room has to be divided into several zones:

  • rest;
  • reception of guests and leisure;
  • study or student's corner;
  • sleeping area.

Family leisure is combined with a reception area and there is also a TV with a headset.

The second block usually includes a bed and a study. This is the area of ​​silence. The studios add a kitchen and dining area. This approach uses several techniques.

Accent wall

Pasted over completely or partially. In this case, most of the area is covered by the image. The main condition under which the picture looks best is the absence of furniture and other objects that cover the graphics.

Exceptions to the rules are possible in the form of ornaments and abstract designs. However, even in this case, it is desirable that 90% of the image remains visible.

Accent stripe

Usually serves as a separator between zones or emphasizes the location of large upholstered furniture (beds, sofas). There are many projects where the strip flows onto the ceiling, crossing it or covering some part.


Like real decor, it is located on the wall, but does not tend to occupy all its space. It looks like a picturesque painting, which is an integral part of the interior partition. As a rule, the image is made in sepia mode or any other mode that allows you to achieve the impression of an aged photograph or painting.


In spacious rooms there is a problem when elements are simply lost in space. In this case, the walls are decorated with wallpaper with large images, visually narrowing the living room.

In such situations, large 3D prints, patterns imitating ancient fabrics, abstract lines, large plant motifs (blades of grass, flowers, leaves, fruits, etc.) work well. You should not use panoramic models, because... they will give the exact opposite effect.

Dark shades compress space, but in the presence of light areas, thanks to the contrast, they seem deep and distant.

Expanding space

In small living rooms, it is advisable to use light reflective wallpaper. The images are selected based on the task of erasing the boundary between the real and illusory world. Various landscapes, photographs of mountains, valleys, and the view from a skyscraper window are well suited for this. Abstract shapes are also great if they create the effect of a receding tunnel or road.

However, the desired effect can easily be ruined in the bud by improper lighting, dull faded colors and improper placement.

To make the image look realistic, you need to add some element that connects the room with the plot. For example, what is the lawn doing next to the sofa? If you add a patio, false columns, a curtain made of light fabric, you will get a realistic installation that enhances the effect.

It is advisable that the color in the picture matches the color scheme of the living room. This important factor is rarely taken into account by owners and European finishers.

Changing the ceiling height

A longitudinal strip in the middle of the wall will visually raise the ceiling. You will get the same effect if you select a panoramic image in which objects are photographed from below. They are elongated and narrow at the top.

Any vertical lines divide the space into parts. This works well in narrow, elongated studio living rooms.

Excessively high ceilings can be brought closer to the ground through horizontally oriented panels and landscapes with a wide horizontal projection.


Prints have the amazing power to change the visual perception of space. By changing the geometry of familiar objects, you can ensure that the wall takes on a convex or concave appearance, appears trapezoidal, etc.


In some interiors there is no task to change the geometry of the room. However, I want to fill the empty space on the wall with a suitable image, but I don’t have the desire or the means to buy a painting. In this case, the solution will offer a small format of photo wallpaper, which is pasted instead of a triptych or a single canvas.

Blurring boundaries

This technique is suitable for small rooms and panoramic images. Urban, rural and seascapes work especially well. The idea is to cover adjacent walls with a canvas with a clearly planned composite picture. As a rule, such projects are carried out on an individual order, because... It’s quite difficult to guess the size of the walls.

As a result, the corners fit into the image in the form of columns, houses or tree trunks. And the walls are covered by a single continuous panoramic landscape.

With this arrangement, there should be a minimum amount of furniture. Only low cabinets, chests of drawers and a soft corner. No tall pencil cases, cabinets, hanging TVs or shelves. Anything that obscures the picture automatically turns a chic idea into banal wallpaper from the Soviet period.

In each specific case, you need to select a suitable solution, taking into account the style of the room, color scheme and geometry features.


Such photo wallpapers differ from others in their depth of 3D effect.

In this case, the wallpaper format is selected based on the arrangement of furniture and the configuration of the room.

  • the entire wall;
  • on adjacent walls;
  • imitation of windows and doors;
  • on the doors;
  • above the sofa;
  • around the TV;
  • on the ceiling;
  • on cabinet furniture.

Options for gluing wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern

Take a look at the photo of 3D wallpaper for walls for the living room: in most cases, such materials are used to create an accent on the main wall . Forming an accent zone is far from the only way to use realistic three-dimensional images in design.

You can highlight a separate area of ​​your home interior by gluing photo wallpaper on two adjacent walls . Continuing the pattern on the adjacent surface will help create an even more realistic atmosphere.

Small-format photo wallpapers can be placed in niches or on small areas of the walls. If desired, such an image can be decorated with moldings to imitate a painting or decorative panel.

Tip: if the photo wallpaper depicts landscapes, you can create something like a window frame or balcony in your room.

Most often, large-format photo wallpapers are glued to the walls behind the sofa or TV. Three-dimensional design of the fireplace area is quite popular. In addition, some images can be pasted on the ceiling, doors or pieces of furniture.

If you have chosen wallpaper with a glossy surface, it is not recommended to glue the pattern in front of a window or balcony, since sunlight will create glare on the canvas, distorting the realistic perception of the image.

If it is necessary to create an accent on a volumetric picture, the wall is cleared of tall furniture and accessories, and the rest of the space is decorated in a color scheme that does not play the role of an additional accent.

Please note that photo wallpaper does not have to be glued to a separate area of ​​the room. Of course, we are not talking about combining several large-format images with a realistic three-dimensional effect, but using neutral subjects to decorate all surfaces in the same style is quite possible.

In the following photo of the living room you can see one example of this design: soft pink walls complement the design of the room, but the atmosphere does not seem oppressive and chaotic, since the very nature of the design has a relaxing effect.

3D photo wallpaper in the living room interior

Realistic three-dimensional images only work if there is high-quality and correct lighting. In this case, you need to carefully select which side your window is located on, how the sun’s rays usually fall, and where the sources of artificial lighting are located. Most often, 3D photo wallpaper is glued above the sofa.

For a painting to come to life, it needs an appropriate frame. An elephant that walks straight into the room will turn into an ordinary flat picture if a plasma screen is hung on its ear. And the pier, buried in the morning fog, is completely lost against the backdrop of a hanging chest of drawers in the minimalist style.

It’s not uncommon for designers to choose photo wallpaper with a beach print for the living room. This pattern is refreshing, helps you relax and unwind.

Insert TV into the drawing. Find a place for it. Demand realism from the designer. Fortunately, these days it is not difficult to order visualization, as well as large-format printing.

If you cannot do without furniture, it is better to choose smaller format photo wallpapers and find a suitable place for them.

What is 3D wallpaper? Their advantages

3d wallpaper is a pattern designed on a computer and applied to any type of wallpaper.

Thanks to special particles that can reflect light, the image appears three-dimensional. For example, the sea looks alive, and the flower looks real. This new product helps to significantly change the design without additional costs.

Similar ideas are suitable for both dark (for example, brown) furniture and light laminate flooring or a gray sofa. It all depends on the color of the wallpaper and its style.

The main advantages of this type of wallpaper for walls:

  • High quality printing;
  • The effect of “immersion” in the picture depicted on the wallpaper;
  • A suitable option for an “accent” wall;
  • Beautiful and expensive look;
  • Possibility to “zone” a room without extra costs;
  • Suitable for those who adhere to high-tech style;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Do not release toxins;
  • Withstands sun exposure.

Photo wallpaper roses

A separate item that needs to be highlighted is the print of white roses. Because they are a popular trend this year.

Roses in delicate, pastel colors remain no less popular.

Bright bouquets of roses create a unique look for the room.

Disadvantages of 3D wallpaper and limitations in use

However, there are disadvantages and limitations in the use of this type of wallpaper. The volumetric effect is better visible from a certain distance; in small rooms it is difficult to achieve such an effect. Large or bright drawings, like in the photo, can quickly become boring. At the same time, prolonged perception of three-dimensional images can provoke fatigue or increased excitability.

In addition, the use of expensive paints and fabrics in production increases the price of wallpaper. The cost of 1 m2 of wallpaper with a three-dimensional image is 2-3 times higher than the cost of regular wallpaper. When making canvases to order, there is a possibility that when pasted on the wall, the pattern will not match the intended one. The lighting features of the room can slightly change the three-dimensionality of the image.

Night city

Photo wallpapers with the “Night City” print will help you immerse yourself in the night atmosphere. New York, Manhattan, Paris, Moscow will become closer and decorate the walls of your apartment.

Ideas for different rooms

If it’s difficult to come up with a way to decorate the interior on your own, thanks to voluminous wallpaper with a 3D effect, then you should use ready-made ideas:

  • Romantic drawings are suitable for the kitchen. A motif in the form of a French courtyard, a rural landscape, a window with a panorama of Venice, a summer veranda and other charming options to ensure peace and tranquility looks advantageous;
  • For the living room, an image of a park, beach or forest is beneficial. No less interesting is the realistic rendering of the interior of a museum, ancient castle or art gallery;
  • For the bathroom, the realism of the rain process, the image of a lake, a river, the serene movement of a sailing boat with surrounding clear water, in which fish, stars and other sea inhabitants are visible, are interesting.

Now we have realized almost all the features and capabilities of 3D wallpaper considered through the prism of different locations of the living space. This will allow you to independently develop and accurately implement an idea to improve the quality of life of the whole family.

Photo wallpaper on the wall: photo in the living room interior

Next, you will see various options for using photo wallpaper in the living room interior. Flowers, cities, interesting patterns all come closer and fit perfectly into the overall look of the room.

For other wallpapers for the living room that are relevant this year, read our article -

Favorite topics

Each interior uses its own themes and directions, depending on this, the plot of the picture depicted on the 3D wallpaper is selected. In principle, the choice of theme is a matter of taste of the owner of the house. The following photo wallpaper themes are considered the most stylish today:

  • The first place, rightfully, is occupied by the theme of nature and everything connected with it. These include landscapes, individual trees, flowers, gardens, mountains and rivers. With the help of such wall pictures you can always be in your favorite season, be it autumn, spring, winter or hot summer.
  • The urban style is a little less popular. These are skyscrapers, bridges, lighthouses, engineering structures, photos of the streets of the city at night. These 3D wallpapers are suitable for active people who love movement and dynamics. These photos are equally effective in color or black and white.
  • Fans of everything unusual and bright will definitely like photo wallpaper for walls with a macro-image effect. Huge fruits, books, musical instruments, animals and insects - anything can become a theme for creating such wallpapers.
  • Abstractions attract with their unobtrusiveness, versatility, and excellent combination with any interior style. Such wallpapers can be either bright or pastel shades. There are also light-colored wall coverings, the beauty of which lies in their volume.

  • The plots with the continuation of the room are very interesting and even mysterious. These can be images of stairs, additional rooms, balconies, which seem to lead from the living room to a parallel world.
  • Historical subjects are also found on three-dimensional wallpaper for the walls of the living room - these are all kinds of frescoes, reproductions of paintings or sculptures, ancient castles or other architectural monuments.

Important! When using three-dimensional coatings in the interior, it is very important to prepare the walls well for pasting. The surface should be as flat and smooth as possible; any roughness can lead to the picture being distorted and the perception of the 3D plot being disrupted.

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