Crib in a room for a newborn: varieties and nuances of choice

When arranging a room for a newborn, a special role is given to the crib. After all, this is where the baby will spend the maximum amount of time in the first months of life. And it turns out to be very difficult to choose. In addition to the fact that it must be beautiful and made from safe materials, there are other requirements for the crib that must be taken into account when purchasing.

Crib materials

On sale today you can find cribs made of wood, metal, plastic or semi-metallic alloys. Models made of natural wood or metal are hypoallergenic. If you like a plastic crib, it is important that it meets established quality standards. You can verify this by asking the seller for the appropriate certificate.

When choosing natural wood furniture for a newborn, look at the type of wood. Pine is the softest, and therefore the cheapest. On the surface of such a crib there will be both scratches and marks from cutting teeth. The fastenings on such a crib will also be weak. Birch wood will be stronger. And beech can be considered a favorite among materials. Such a crib will not be damaged, so this option will last as long as possible.

It is equally important to check the reliability of all mechanisms of the selected model. After all, after a couple of months, the baby will learn to roll over, and later sit and stand up. All fasteners must be metal. They are protected from deformation even with frequent and active use.


Bumpers for a crib (also known as bumpers) serve to soften the perimeter of the product and give it an aesthetic appearance. Ready-made borders are no longer a rarity in the windows of children's goods stores, but making a functional decoration yourself is a special pleasure. Basic sewing skills will allow you to create a cozy nest for your baby, where he will be comfortable and warm. It is important to choose a soft, moisture-absorbing natural material without excess dyes.

The task will become even easier if the bumper is made from small pillows with ties for attaching to the walls of the bed. A harmonious combination of several shades and a cute pattern in the form of animals, birds or flowers will certainly interest the child. The remaining material can be used for another important and necessary element - an organizer.

You can also place a soft toy in a newborn’s crib with high-quality stuffing, pleasant to the touch, which you can create with your own hands, filling it with warmth and maternal love. Don’t forget to buy a beautiful blanket—you can read about the selection rules here.

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In addition to the competent arrangement of the children's room, taking into account the correct choice of everything that the baby and mother need, we must not forget about decorating its space. After all, it should not only be safe and comfortable, but also aesthetically pleasing. Moreover, all aesthetics must be directed so that any decoration contributes to the harmonious development of a little person who begins to explore the huge world of images, sensations, and sounds.

Recommendations when buying a crib for a newborn

What criteria should you pay attention to when choosing a particular crib for a newborn:

  • The bottom should be slatted and well ventilated.
  • To prevent the child from getting stuck between the bars, the distance between them should be no more than 6-7 cm.
  • It is necessary that the bottom height can be adjusted. Ideally, the crib will have 3 options for the bottom location.
  • It will be more convenient for mom if the crib has wheels. This way you can easily move it away during cleaning or simply move it to another place.
  • To make it more convenient for you to put your baby in and out of the crib, the side should be lowered.
  • The material used to treat the surface of children's furniture (varnish, paint, etc.) should not contain harmful substances. You can check their availability by reading the hygiene certificate, which every seller must have.

Influence of decor

Everything that surrounds the baby affects his psychological state. A too bright environment with large aggressive accents will irritate him, increase nervous excitability, and prevent him from calming down. Therefore, from the first days of a girl or boy’s life, they should be surrounded by calm tones with minor spots of color that will arouse interest and positive emotions.

Every child is talented from birth, but it is quite difficult to develop their abilities on their own. You can help your baby in many ways, including properly decorating the newborn’s room.

With wall painting

Additional accessories

Having chosen a crib suitable for your baby, it is important to take care of its contents. In addition to bed linen, there are other necessary things:

  1. Mattress. The ideal option would be a double-sided model. One side of this mattress is hard. It will be comfortable for a newborn. When the baby grows a little, the other, softer side is used. There are a huge number of fillers for mattresses (coconut fiber, padding polyester, buckwheat husk, etc.).

  2. Sides. This is the name of soft devices, the task of which is to protect the baby from impacts and other damage that may occur when it is turned over. They are easy to wash in a washing machine and are made from safe materials.
  3. Canopy. Parents' opinions about canopies vary significantly. Some consider them a necessary attribute of a crib, while others are sure that this is an ordinary dust collector. However, in some situations you cannot do without it. For example, the only free place in the room where you can place a crib is near the window. In this case, the canopy, in addition to its decorative function, has a protective function. Special holders are used to secure the canopy. There are also options when special fasteners are used in the ceiling or wall.
  4. Mobile. This is a mechanical device to which toys can be attached. After turning on or winding up the mechanism, they begin to rotate in a circle accompanied by quiet music.
  5. Bedding for a baby crib should be made from natural fabrics. Preference should be given to cotton, calico or satin. The most comfortable sheet will be a model with an elastic band. When choosing colors, you need to pay attention to calm tones.

How to decorate a bed with your own hands for a newborn

Many parents wonder: how to decorate a crib for newborns with their own hands? The answer to this question is very simple - as the heart and soul want. This article will provide some ideas to inspire you to create the best nursery for your newborn baby.

To create bedding for a child, it is best to use natural fabrics.

It's no secret that crib decoration designs for boys and girls are different. But the main rule for every design is convenience, practicality, environmental friendliness and aesthetic beauty. And now a little more about decorating cribs for children of both sexes.

For girl

The interior for a little princess seems light, delicate, made in pastel colors of pink, peach or any other non-flashy colors. You can use flowers and cute images of animals. Some people make the bed simply in white, which also looks very interesting.

Decorating a bed is not difficult; you can do it at home, especially since the decor is very diverse.

Almost all colors and patterns can be used for a newborn baby girl. The only thing that will not look entirely appropriate is dark or, on the contrary, too bright elements. After all, a nursery for a child is made taking into account his growing up.

Modern cribs can last a long time.

Now cribs are designed so that a child can sleep in it for up to 3-4 years. Therefore, it is important to choose harmonious combinations for his comfort.

For boy

And for boys, future men, I want something simple, but at the same time stylish and instilling future interests. It is not uncommon to use a nautical or football theme. There is a stereotype that a boy's crib must be blue or light blue.

You can choose any decor color.

But there are many other colors that will look no worse, for example green, soft orange. If you want simplicity, then a white crib is best suited. Also, splashes of gray shades will look beautiful.

The baby should have the very best - beautiful, comfortable and safe.

It may seem that it looks gloomy, but if you combine it correctly, you will get a very beautiful and even cute decor.

Boy's room: warrior or explorer?

A minimum of extremely functional furniture - boys are often very active, and for any activity they need space “to spread out.”

And decide who is growing up? If a guy is into sports, active games, and can’t sit still for a minute, give him a sports corner so that he has somewhere to put his irrepressible energy.

But there are also calmer boys - always studying something of their own, making something out of something, inventing some kind of nuclear reactor. Collectors and lovers of physical and chemical experiments are not warriors, but researchers.

These people do not need a mini-sports ground, but something like a work area, where they can calmly disassemble, assemble, repair, study something.

The first one will most likely need some kind of space or device for storing sports equipment, the second one will need space for storing tools, collections, unfinished models...

Both may not be hidden from view at all, but will organically fit in and become part of the interior of a boy’s room.

Rocking chair

The crib is equipped with special runners that help rock the baby to sleep. In addition, there are wheels that are designed to move the product from room to room.

In addition, the runners allow you to rock the baby very quickly. The baby will rock himself to sleep as he moves.

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Ideas and principles for decorating a space

Decorating a newborn's room is not at all difficult to do yourself. For this purpose, both ready-made products or accessories and those created by hand are used.

The beginning of the beginning - crib decor

By and large, a child's first room should be called a crib. After all, immediately after birth, the baby spends several weeks almost constantly in it (with the exception of feeding, communication, walks). Therefore, it is the decoration of the sleeping place that you need to pay maximum attention to. If you decide to paint the crib yourself, then the chosen color and pattern will provide it with an original and beautiful decoration.

The most important accessory is a mobile, which you can purchase or make your own. It is attached to the top of the crib, and since the newborn lies on its back most of the time, it is constantly in its field of vision. Multi-colored elements, collected in a colorful three-dimensional composition, arouse the baby’s interest, contribute to its development, and also perfectly decorate the interior.

Another functional accessory is a canopy or curtain for a crib. It should be borne in mind that these are not just decorations, but protection for the baby from bright light, dust or extraneous movement that interferes with sleep. They can also be used as a full-fledged interior element, giving the entire room an original style.


You can give preference to a single or double option, a loft bed, or a castle bed. The model can be equipped with legs, have a solid bottom, or have a soft or hard headboard.

It is important that the shape you like fully meets the baby’s needs and fits into a specific room based on its functional features.

Criterias of choice

Before covering the surface, preliminary finishing work must be carried out correctly. Violation of one of the technologies of this kind can cause problems with further processing. In addition, low-quality finishing materials can cause negative effects on the baby’s health.

Initially, the characteristics of dyes are studied.

In turn, they must meet the following criteria. In particular, this applies to paint, so that everything is safe:

  • The composition of finishing materials should not contain substances that cause allergic reactions. It is better to avoid those products that contain unknown compounds and contents. They have special coding.
  • The paint must not contain heavy metals or pesticides. It often happens that children put everything that surrounds them into their mouths, so paint particles enter the body. When interacting with organic substances in the body, they oxidize and release harmful particles, destroying furniture fibers.
  • The basic components of children's paint do not contain chemical compounds. The most suitable solvent for the substance is water. During the drying process, water does not release volatile harmful substances into the air throughout the entire time. Some impurities have an adverse effect on the body.
  • The harmless composition eliminates the presence of flammable substances. This will ensure safe operation in extreme conditions. As a result of combustion, no harmful components and compounds will be released into the air.
  • The paint must be elastic, well pliable for periodic wet cleaning and chemical influences. Constant contamination from food, paint, feces and the need for cleanliness can significantly wear down the coating, leading to mechanical damage.

The choice should be made not only in accordance with the words of the seller or consultant, you need to check the quality certificates. If the paint and finishing materials are legal and completely safe, then the document will definitely be present in the store. The option of how to paint the furniture will immediately be determined. It is best to paint it white - it is as versatile as possible.

On video: paints for a children's room.

Focus on lighting a teenager's room

Modern lighting is the best way to play with interesting ideas for decorating a teenager's room. Simple objects will sparkle in a new way with original lighting. If you are tired of the old lampshades or they look too childish, there is an opportunity to make a lamp with your own hands.

It is better to leave the socket and electrical wiring unchanged, but make the chandelier in a new way. Beautiful shadows on the ceiling are cast by a large lampshade crocheted like openwork napkins.

There are many creative ideas on how to decorate a girl’s room with unusual lampshades using improvised materials. We offer a master class on making a lamp from disposable cups fastened with a stapler.

User collection Pregnancy, preparation for childbirth, discharge from maternity hospital



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Beautiful decorations for a newborn baby’s crib upon discharge from the maternity hospital will create a festive mood for all participants in this happy event, and will also serve as a suitable backdrop for photo shoots and video filming. The largest online store Loveincity offers to buy everything to decorate a baby’s bed or order exclusive handmade attributes for the birth of a child.

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