Tiles with flowers - wall design ideas and design features (125 photos)

Floral themes are often used to decorate the walls in almost all living rooms, and the bathroom is no exception. But if in other rooms wallpaper is used as a finishing material, here it is almost always ceramic tiles. It is the one that will be able to serve for decades in conditions of high temperatures and high humidity, without losing its appearance and its characteristics. In addition, the tile has considerable strength, and its surface is insensitive to the chemical effects of household chemicals, so it is not afraid of either dirt or mechanical stress.

When choosing bathroom tiles, it is important to consider where they will be used. For the floor, for example, you need a more durable and preferably matte or textured finishing material so that the surface is not slippery. And yet, the main parameter for choosing a tile remains its appearance, which shapes the style of the bathroom and its mood.

Advantages of choice

The theme of flowers in wall decoration has always been present and today is again at the peak of popularity. Flowers decorated almost every room. The bathroom in this case was no exception.

But wallpaper is used to decorate living rooms, and ceramic tiles are used for bathrooms. Firstly, it will serve for a long time, despite temperature conditions and high humidity, remaining the same in appearance and in its properties. Secondly, it is durable, resistant to chemical cleaning agents, and is not afraid of dirt and mechanical stress.

When choosing tiles, be sure to consider the place where they will be used. For floor use, it should be durable, matte in color (preferably) or textured with an anti-slip surface. But appearance still plays a major role both in the choice and in the formation of the overall style and atmosphere.


And if everything is already clear with the images on the tiles, then what about the manufacturer of these products, from what spectrum to choose? Let's start with the fact that if the result must be of high quality, then branded material should be used. This will allow you to avoid certain flaws during execution and get excellent results. Therefore, it is worth purchasing tiles from trusted manufacturers.

And who is it? Of course, these are companies from Italy and Spain. These countries are industry leaders. This is where quality goods are produced, the best in the world today. Therefore, the ideality and accuracy of forms and design solutions are guaranteed. Of course, a compromise option can be used. For example, Polish tiles. It may be of almost the same quality, but it will cost much less.

Therefore, the final choice is yours, based on the requirements, desires and budget of the project.

The theme of flowers in the bathroom

Almost everyone associates a bathroom with some water element, but primarily with water. Therefore, when making the final choice of finishes, in most cases, marine colors predominate: blue, indigo, white, azure, etc. However, they all belong to a cold color palette, which is not recommended for use in rooms where it is damp and cool.

It is much more comfortable and cozy to take a bath in a harmonious warm atmosphere, surrounded by warm and light walls. And surrounded by flowers you can feel like you are in a fairy tale.

Many people believe that images of flowers are only suitable for romantics or young ladies. But this is without foundation. Floral-themed tiles are versatile and versatile in use:
  • in most cases it evokes associations with celebration, positivity and good mood,
  • its model range is quite wide, so even for minimalism and hi-tech there is a suitable option. Beautiful tiles with flowers will harmoniously fit into the interior of a sophisticated aristocrat or a brutal macho.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a “floral” finish

First you need to decide what exactly the image of the flowers should be: in the form of a solid picture or in the form of an ornament on tiles. The first option is a kind of photo wallpaper, only for a “wet” room. This decoration is a ceramic panel depicting photographs or paintings with flowers. It is placed above the bathtub, and the size is selected depending on the total area of ​​the room. There are several types of panels:

  • in the form of a solid tile;
  • assembled from several tiles of the same shape;
  • a free-size panel that does not have a clear geometry and consists of several parts of arbitrary shape;
  • mosaic.

A solid tile is a small-sized ceramic “picture”. It is suitable for small bathrooms in combination with the main decoration in neutral tones.

A panel assembled from tiles is usually quite large in size, so it is suitable for spacious rooms.

Beautiful flowers in the bathroom interior

The free-size panel looks interesting. This option involves the formation of an overall picture from tiles of different shapes and sizes, with a pattern partially or completely applied to them. This solution is ideal for decoration in modern high-tech or minimalist styles.

Mosaic is the most beautiful and at the same time expensive type of panel, requiring a significant area. The mosaic looks great from the outside, visually expanding the walls, creating the illusion of open space, but to appreciate it, you need to look at it from afar.

The use of panels not only decorates the room, but also visually adjusts its size: a vertical “picture” raises the ceilings, a horizontal “picture” expands the walls. In addition, the volumetric pattern creates the illusion of a window or open space, “enlarging” even the most modest room.

Orchid mosaic in the bathroom

Some tips for decorating with floral tiles:

  • if a panel is used, it should be the main accent in the room. The background decoration is selected in pastel colors or white is used;
  • the panel can be framed with a decorative border with an unobtrusive and as simple as possible ornament (can be floral), but it is better to do without it;
  • When using individual tiles with images of flowers, they are placed mixed with plain tiles so that the walls do not look tacky.

Photo of tiles with flowers

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Features of bathroom tiles

Any tile that is used to cover walls and floors in a bathroom must meet certain specifications. These include:

  • Collection. Before purchasing, the consumer can consider various tile options that can be combined with each other. The stands should have a special collection that contains five elements: light and dark background, frieze (border), decor, floor copy. With the help of such an assembly, it is easier for the buyer to decide on the option and imagine the possible design.
  • Surface quality. Typically, wall tiles are made with a glossy finish. This model is easy to wash; drops of dirt, soap and stains can be easily removed. The ideal option is a ribbed mosaic surface. It solves all aesthetic problems in the bathroom. As for the floor covering, it must be matte, otherwise the surface will be slippery and will lose its shine over time.

Azure blue background and pixel tiles in the interior of a modern bathroom Source domex.pl

Muted turquoise with green ornament Source sanguru.ru

  • Optimal sizes. Here everything depends not only on the taste of the owner, but also on the chosen design. This year it is recommended to use tiles with the following parameters: 60x20, 50x20, 50x25, 60x30, 45x20 cm. It is worth abandoning large-format porcelain tiles and seamless tiles.
  • Additional friezes. This cladding detail has practically gone out of fashion. With modern wall decoration with tiles, the border greatly affects the visual effect, which spoils the overall impression of the design.

Yellow tiles with different shades in the design of the bathroom Source eto-vannaya.club

A successful combination of four tones of tiles in a large bathroom with a shower Source roomester.ru

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