Interior doors 2022: TOP 70 beautiful ones with photos (+trends)


Veneer is a thin layer of natural wood coated with varnish. The method of its production allows you to preserve the structure of real wood, get rid of the shortcomings of the solid wood and slightly reduce the cost of the final product. According to production technology, veneer can be divided into three types:

  • Sliced ​​natural veneer. The most durable - thick plates protect the canvas from damage.
  • Fine-Line. This is reconstituted veneer - a thin section of softwood that has been pressed, painted and varnished. It is not very durable, but it is inexpensive.
  • Multispon. These are painted wood chips that imitate the texture of wood. It is glued together with melamine resins and then varnished. It is a porous material and should be used with caution in damp areas.

Good veneer can be as expensive as solid wood. The most expensive categories include oak or ash veneer. Aspen, maple and poplar will cost a little less. Fine Line and multi-veneer are the most budget options.


  • The structure of natural wood is preserved.
  • Interior doors made of veneer are easy to restore - just update the varnish.


  • Low sound insulation and moisture resistance.


Eco-veneer is a polymer film that imitates natural veneer. Its main advantage is the price. Compared to natural analogues, such canvases are two to three times cheaper.


  • Doors made of eco-veneer can be more durable: the coating is applied without an edge - that is, the door is sealed, as it were, which means that moisture and dirt cannot penetrate inside the panel.


  • Inexpensive options do not look like real wood.
  • It is difficult to restore damage, because if there are chips or scratches of more than two millimeters, the entire coating will have to be replaced.


Polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, is an elastic film that can be given any color and texture. For example, wood, leather and even silk. The film can be matte or glossy.

PVC is glued under pressure to the array or to individual parts, such as drawers. Such doors are slightly more expensive than laminated ones, but cheaper than veneered ones.


  • Large selection of colors and designs.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Affordable price.


  • The coating cannot be repaired - in case of minor damage, you can spot-cover small scratches and glue the film. But for large cracks and chips, the entire canvas will need to be replaced.
  • Low sound insulation.
  • Fear of moisture. If the film is not glued as a single piece, then in damp rooms it can peel off from the canvas at the corners.


MDF is compressed and glued sawdust that is painted and covered with veneer or film. For the internal filling of such doors, corrugated cardboard or shield is used.


  • MDF doors are relatively inexpensive, but they withstand changes in temperature and dampness well. They can be installed in rooms even with a humidity level of 80%.


  • Poor sound insulation.


Chipboard is also made from sawdust, only larger ones. They are mixed with an adhesive and then pressed. And it is the type of composition that determines how moisture-resistant the resulting fabric will be.

Maxim Kotyrev door installation master

4,85 129

Open profile

Chipboard is a natural material, but with an adhesive base. Therefore, you need to look at what this basis is. The manufacturer can use acrylic or alkyd compounds. The former repel moisture, the latter allow moisture to pass through.

When making doors from chipboard, a minimum amount of solid wood is used. As a rule, the block is placed only at the edges of the canvas, and the internal space is filled with cardboard honeycombs. The door itself is laminated or covered on the outside with PVC film.


  • If the correct adhesive composition is used - acrylic, then the doors are quite moisture resistant.


  • Dents on the canvas cannot be straightened out, so the door cannot be repaired.
  • The canvas is fragile and allows sound to pass through.


This option is best suited if you want to visually enlarge the space and add more “air” to the room.

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing is durability. Triplex made of tempered glass is considered the most reliable - if damaged, it does not crumble into small fragments and does not collapse entirely.

Then you can think about the design. Glass can be frosted, with 3D prints and designs, or sandblasted.


  • The glass door is not afraid of either high humidity or temperature changes.


  • It is difficult to keep light and sound out of such a door.
  • If there are small children or animals in the house, you should be wary of this choice - after all, glass is a much more fragile material than wood.

What models of interior doors will be in fashion in 2022

This question is important for those who are planning to carry out high-quality renovations in their home in the near future.
In order not to make a mistake when purchasing and not to purchase the most ordinary door for repair at a high price, let’s consider the main criteria for their selection. When choosing a modern interior door for a fashionable design, the buyer, first of all, looks at the cost and appearance. In order to properly decorate the interior and create comfort in the house, it is also important to rationally use space, have sound insulation and retain heat in the house.

Tip: To find an attractive model with suitable characteristics, pay attention to the main design characteristics. These include: style and design, color scheme, size, opening method and type of door covering.

Single design or patchwork?

When and how to choose interior doors - before developing a design project or at the final stage? There is one important point that proves that this should be done at the concept development stage. Think about the interior of the hallway and corridor - what they will be like if they “meet” a paneled double door from a Baroque living room, an aged one from a Provence bedroom and a glass one from a high-tech kitchen. A serious argument in favor of not decorating rooms in “conflicting” styles, isn’t it?

Beautiful models of interior doors

Beautiful models of interior doors will set the tone for the entire room and become the “finishing touch” of the interior, like a handbag, scarf or brooch in a woman’s hairstyle. Their color and shape can say a lot about the character of their owner.

For example, green doors are preferred by calm and friendly people, while red doors indicate that their owner is an extrovert, an active person who likes to stand out and be the boss. Wide trims indicate respect for the family, and narrow doors show that the owner has a broad view of the world.

Popular collections of interior doors should not be considered separately, but as part of one style. For classic interiors, it is best to use doors made of natural wood in noble shades. Many people choose an aged cognac color, which looks expensive and sophisticated.

This year, the choice of doors should be approached individually, depending on the color of the floor, furniture, walls and room decor. But there are no strict rules. It's impossible to find a specific color door that goes with everything. Unless you have white leaves and a frame, which looks great on any wall from milky beige to taupe.

Note: White doors give the interior lightness and airiness, especially if the walls and window frames are the same color. This technique is often used in modern, Scandinavian and minimalist styles.

It is especially difficult to choose designer interior doors for a stylish and fashionable interior when all rooms are decorated differently. In this case, the only solution is to choose the color of the floor in the corridor where all these doors go. This creates a unified perception of space.

An unusual solution is to order veneer doors in different colors on both sides. They are more expensive than the regular option, but it will help create the perfect color scheme in each room.

Natural wood doors are available in a variety of colors that can enhance the beauty of a particular style. For example, in ethnic and country style interiors, warm wood tones such as yellow, red-yellow and red-red will be appropriate.

Classic and Baroque dictate that doors should be either very dark or very light. Doors with vintage elements are ideal for Provence style. High-tech requires a laconic design and cool tones.

Beautiful interior doors look very impressive when surrounded by objects that match their tone. For example, a cherry door will go perfectly with burgundy curtains. A Provence style kitchen with purple upholstery on the chairs will look great with a door of the same color.

Doors with clear or frosted glass inserts and artistic paintings look good in any interior. The doors with multi-colored stained glass windows are especially beautiful. Transparent pieces of glass can be combined in various ornaments, designs and entire compositions. With the right lighting, they create a special coziness in the room.

Stained glass windows look best on doors to bathrooms, kitchens and children's rooms, enlivening the entire interior and giving it shine.

If your living room has an "antique" fireplace, a double door in the same style will suffice. They can be arched, with silvered or gilded filigree, or decorated with carvings. For a children's room, as well as for other rooms with bright furniture of unusual geometric shapes, varnished plastic doors are suitable, which will look harmonious and stylish in such an interior.

Additional qualities

Depending on where the door is planned to be installed, the following qualities may be required from it:

  • In the living room. The entrance to the living room demonstrates the style and taste of the owners, so aesthetic requirements are important. Functionality is no less important: doors should not block the passage, and in the open position they should not obscure interior items.

Timeless classic Source

  • In the bedroom. The emphasis is on light and sound insulation. It’s good if there is an opportunity for privacy, for which the structure is equipped with a lock.
  • In the kitchen. Moisture resistance and the ability to isolate odors come first. It is also important that the surface can withstand frequent wet cleaning.
  • In the bathroom and toilet. The moisture resistance of the fabric is important here; You can't do without a lock or latch.
  • In the nursery. The door leaf will require anti-vandal protection, as well as good sound insulation and safe operation.
  • In the office. In addition to a solid appearance, sound insulation and the ability to lock the door from the inside and outside are important.

TOP 5 hot trends in the design of interior doors

Hidden doors

A door that visually merges with a wall, partition or storage system is a favorite solution of many designers. In addition to reducing visual noise, this solution makes the interior more uniform and optically disperses the door leaf in space.


The fashion for soulful and warm vintage furniture has not bypassed interior doors. By the way, you can age an existing door yourself.

High doors

Tall doors and doorways are another proven design trick. It gives the interior a sense of status, visually raises the ceilings and adds elegance to the atmosphere. You can order doors with a height of 220, 230 or 240 cm instead of the usual 200 or 210 cm.

By the way, to increase the opening it is not necessary to rebuild the walls: you can even choose barn doors that are higher than the opening. Or “increase” the height with decorative elements above it.

Barn doors

Barn doors owe their new popularity to the real boom in the loft style that we have seen in the last few years. Although the fashion for a purely industrial style subsided somewhat, many of its elements found a place in other style solutions and remained at the forefront of trends for a long time.

Block dyeing

Painting a door the color of a block is an effective design move that can be used for a variety of purposes. You can also add a little more flair to your interior doors and make them a piece of art. You can also visually fit the door leaf into the space by painting the entire wall in a similar color.

Forget everything you've seen in the last 20 years

Yes, interior fashion in the 90s and early 2000s spared no one. No one thought much about the color scheme, the combination of textures or style. And if big changes are observed in the choice of furniture or decoration, then many people continue to choose doors out of habit: combining them in color only with each other. The examples from the photographs below, both in design and color, are long outdated. They can simplify even the most stylish interior.

Therefore, we strongly suggest: forget all those pictures illustrating European-quality renovation that you have seen over the past 20 years. Nowadays completely different combinations are in fashion. And you also need to pay attention to the choice of doors so that they do not become the main ridiculous accent in the interior. If you don't want your apartment to look like a budget hotel in a provincial town, door models like the one in the photo below need to say goodbye!

Popular types of door designs

Sliding (compartment)

Ideal for practical people. The door leaf slides along guides, which can be attached to the floor and/or ceiling. Smooth walls are not required. They are great space savers, unobtrusive, stable, quiet and safe for children. The disadvantage is that they do not provide a good seal, allowing noise, odors and light to enter the room;


Hinged doors open wide, are convenient and easy to use. Today there are many different interesting designs of such models on the market, so there really is plenty to choose from.

When installing swing doors, you should pay attention to whether there is enough space for them to open. These door designs are great for living rooms and other rooms. But it most likely will not be suitable for a small kitchen or bathroom.


When opening, the structure slides along guides on a roller and folds, and when closing, it unfolds. This type is well suited for narrow doorways. Folding doors do not provide ideal protection from noise and cold, and also require frequent repairs to the opening mechanism. But this is an advantage for interesting interior design and division of rooms into zones;

Accordion door

This type of door has slightly more slats, which makes it look like an accordion when sliding. Doors are made from various materials, from wood to metal. They are very functional and useful, as they allow you to divide the room into two zones. This way you can separate the room from the dining room or combine the office with the living room or bedroom, because such a division will look like a simple partition or screen and will help you play with the space.

These doors are popular in styles such as hi-tech and minimalism. The size and quantity can be completely different. Folding doors are clearly cheaper than glass and wooden interior doors.

Tsar doors

A frame door is a model of a wooden frame with holes filled with horizontally laid boards or structural members. They add weight to the structure, making it more durable.

Panel doors

Panel or frame models consist of a frame sheathed on both sides with MDF. They have good sound insulation, as they are filled from the inside with a special material. External covering - PVC film, natural veneer or laminate.

Paneled doors

Vertical posts and horizontal lintels of panel doors cover part of the glazed or decorative door leaf. The openings between them are filled with boards or panels of appropriate size. The shape of these elements resembles the configuration of a frame door.


Doors that open in both directions are suitable for public buildings. They are rarely used in apartments.

Doors with hidden track

This sliding mechanism is optically invisible: the hidden guide along which the door leaf moves is built into the ceiling. To install it, it is necessary to specially prepare the doorway at the shell construction stage.

Door inside the wall

Internal doors are inserted into a special cassette in the wall. It has a very original look and saves a lot of space.

The installation of this type of door must also be planned in advance, and the walls must be made in a special way.

Track Magic

An effective solution on the sliding door market: a special Magic track is installed along the wall behind the door leaf and is completely hidden from the outside, creating the effect that the door is “floating” in the air.

Veneer and eco-veneer: advantages and disadvantages

Veneer is a material that does not react in any way to fluctuations in temperature or humidity. Additional varnish coating of the veneer completely protects it from negative influences.

Veneer is a thin cut of wood and therefore retains all the advantages of a natural material, including beauty, environmental friendliness, durability and strength. A wide selection of textures, various patterns and colors make it possible to choose the right doors for any interior.

Along with the advantages, veneer products also have a number of disadvantages:

  • Veneer must be protected from exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet light makes the material dull.
  • Veneer is not moisture resistant enough. If the assembly is of poor quality, it is possible that a thin layer of veneer will pick up moisture and move away from the base.

Veneered doors are difficult to distinguish from doors made of natural wood, either in appearance or in how they feel when touched.

Another material, eco-veneer, completely copies the properties of veneer. The addition of resins makes it especially durable and moisture-resistant, but the price is much lower.

Advantages of eco-veneer coating:

  1. Highly moisture resistant. Due to the fact that eco-veneer does not absorb moisture, it will never swell or dry out. This material is ideal for the bathroom and kitchen.
  2. In ease. Eco-veneer has a relatively low weight. Doors with eco-veneer coating are easy to install, without requiring additional reinforcement of canopies, etc.
  3. In resistance to UV influences. Eco-veneer does not react in any way to solar exposure.
  4. In wear resistance. A special protective film ensures high resistance of the material to mechanical stress.
  5. In strength. There are practically no chips or cracks on the eco-veneer coating.

All these characteristics of eco-veneer increase the durability of its use. A wide range of textures and a large color palette make this material increasingly popular among consumers.

However, eco-veneer also has its weaknesses:

  1. Low level of sound insulation.
  2. Lack of breathability. Moisture is also not absorbed by the material and is not released.
  3. It is quite difficult to eliminate mechanical damage on an eco-veneer surface.

How to choose the color of an interior door

The overall appearance of the room depends on how the shade of the sheet harmonizes with the rest of the decoration.

A bad choice can ruin a carefully thought-out design, but a good combination can improve it.


Dark fabrics will fit almost anywhere. They can be either an independent accent or in combination with furniture or flooring.

In any case, they will emphasize the beauty of the interior. If the room is decorated in dark colors, the ceilings will visually appear higher.


Fans of unusual solutions may like bright and catchy colors. If you choose them correctly, they will be a wonderful addition to your apartment.

They can create contrast or complement the brightness of the scheme.


For rooms decorated in lighter colors, white bedding is perfect.

They can also become a contrasting element if the room is decorated in dark colors. White surfaces heat up less in extreme heat.

Same doors for all rooms

This solution is often used when they all go out, for example, into a common corridor or hallway. It is important to respect the style of this room so as not to distract from the perception of space and its unity.


Neutral canvases are canvases made in natural wood tones.

Shades and textures may vary, the only condition is to maintain naturalness. This option is suitable for bright rooms with white or similar-colored wallpaper.

Match the color of the floor

Popular solution, timeless classic. This combination will look best when using parquet or laminate.

Design by Elena Howeverova

Silver and glass

Ideal if the atmosphere in the room matches the high-tech style.

The overall concept of the door will also be combined with minimalist design elements.

Briefly about the main thing

Before purchasing door leaves and other structural elements to fill the opening, you need to decide on the shade of the product. To achieve the optimal result, you should order a design project, especially if the apartment is planned for non-standard finishing with individual design solutions. The best option would be to select a door leaf for the floor covering or baseboard. At the same time, many experts often recommend choosing a color scheme that matches the furniture, walls, or general style of the space being used.

Designer and modern door models (photos)

Manufacturers always pamper consumers by offering a huge selection of doors that differ from each other in almost every respect. The rectangular shape remains the same, but the size, design, accessories (handles, locks) and installation method have changed significantly.

The most important thing when choosing a door is to match it with the interior decor. Every year new products appear on the market, designers present more and more modern door concepts, but still it is consumers who decide what is fashionable now. After all, each of us has our own taste and our own idea of ​​an apartment or house.

Classic white doors are very popular this season. This color brings freshness, aesthetics and elegance to your home. They go well with classic, Scandinavian and industrial styles. This solution will also appeal to minimalists. Famous fashionable interior designers recommend using the doors presented here mainly in small spaces. They look good combined with bright window frames and furniture of similar colors.

Interior design trends clearly show that beautiful interior doors made from wood-look veneers are a highly desirable solution. Grooved veneer is resistant to stains, looks natural and is durable.

An accidental impact on such a door will not leave marks, and cleaning the veneer surface does not require special procedures. The material is cheap, which makes the price of the door attractive. Recently, the following shades have been very popular: light European oak, light walnut and ebony. This type of door is ideal for any room.

Minimalism is common among people who value a well-designed yet uncluttered space. Doors with an original design, for example, made of anthracite veneer, look organic in such an environment. If you have furniture in a similar color scheme, the door will match it perfectly. Anthracite goes well with white and light colors.

Anthracite doors at the entrance to the bathroom, kitchen, living room or bedroom will not leave anyone indifferent. This color combines easily with wood, steel and concrete, making it suitable for classic, rustic or industrial interiors alike. Anthracite doors can be combined with contrasting colors (cobalt, sapphire or emerald).

In dark interiors, glass should be used to decorate doors. This design element will emphasize the character of the interior. Glass doors let in more light, which improves not only the appearance of the room, but also the well-being of all family members.

Fashionable interior doors made from natural materials go well with apartments or houses decorated in warm colors. You can choose models in unusual shades or patterns in the form of a solid canvas or with glaze. Antique copper doors are becoming very fashionable and are commonly installed in private homes. They fit perfectly into loft-style interiors.

When choosing designer interior doors, keep style in mind. Choose the ones that go best with your interior. If desired, choose doors that contrast with decorative elements to highlight their presence.

This is a classic solution that is often used in many homes. They look great in rooms where you need to find additional living space.

Perhaps nothing is more impressive than double sliding doors. This is a very effective solution as it allows you to easily isolate two rooms from each other. No special modifications are required to implement this system.

All you need are a few guides hidden in the door frame and rollers for the door panel to slide on. These mechanisms are almost invisible. The entire design fits perfectly into minimalist interiors.

Many companies offer single-leaf sliding doors that can be installed in, for example, a kitchen or bathroom. This is a practical design solution since no space is required to open the flaps.

Blue door leaves are becoming increasingly popular. We subconsciously associate blue doors and windows with the sea, breeze and silence, so in such interiors it is easier for us to relax and unwind. Psychologists have long proven that the blue palette promotes calm and makes residents more willing to surround themselves with this color.

The optimistic, azure shades of blue doors have the added benefit of being easy to match with furniture in lighter colors (such as yellow, light beige or sand tones).

Design experts emphasize the parallel existence of certain fashion trends. Many people prefer to stick to one style throughout their entire home or apartment. This is certainly a very consistent solution, creating the impression of confidence that the individual design elements form a coherent whole in the interior.

In line with this trend, interior doors in the living room should be designed to make us feel at ease, and in the office to make it as easy as possible for us to concentrate.

Useful tips

Additional tips on how to choose interior doors for your apartment:

  1. Evaluate the protective coating. It should be strong enough - when pressed with a fingernail, no marks should remain on the surface.
  2. Quality finish. The color should be uniform, without poorly painted areas or smudges. Also, imperfections and small particles adhering to the surface are unacceptable.
  3. It is worth carefully inspecting the ends - they are often made poorly. If the fittings have already been installed, you should definitely evaluate the quality and accuracy of the insert.
  4. Measure the diagonals of the door leaf. They should be the same or differ by a maximum of 1 mm. If the difference is greater, then the canvas is not very smooth or it has moved due to various reasons.
  5. The surface must be flat and smooth or have a uniform relief, if provided for by the model. The easiest way is to run your hand - this way you can feel the flaws, if any.
  6. If there are glass inserts, they should hold well and not wobble if you shake the canvas.
  7. The connections of the elements in a high-quality door are neat, the seam is uniform - without glue smudges or other defects.

By the way!

Quality can also be determined by the weight of the door leaf. If it is very light, then most likely the frame is made of a block, and the inside is filled with corrugated cardboard. The weight must be significant if the base consists entirely of an array.

Understanding how to choose high-quality interior doors is not that difficult. If you take all the tips into account and carefully inspect the products when purchasing, you can find one that is well made and will last for many years. Appearance is also of great importance, so it is better to decide on color and texture in advance.

The most beautiful doors from around the world

Burano, Italy

Photo: John S. Hutchins

Jaipur, India

Photo: payal.jhaveri

Rabat, Morocco

Photo: David&Bonnie

Copenhagen, Denmark

A door decorated with many brightly colored birdhouses. ××

Valloria, Italy

Massive wooden door decorated with forged elements.

Door to the garden, Japan

Garden door overgrown with green moss.

Paris, France

Magnificent door in Art Nouveau style.

Putrajaya, Malaysia

Fantastic door in a classic style, decorated with a profiled arch.

secret garden

A massive metal door reminiscent of the entrance to a witch's hut.

Miami, Florida, USA

Photo: jaydkim

Montmartre, Paris, France

Photo: John Kroll

Bali, Indonesia

Photo: Corinna A. Carlson

Germanno, Piedmont, Italy

Photo: Wozz

Porte, Italy

The front door is in the shape of a piano keyboard.

Chefchaouen, Morocco

Photo: Olga Osipova

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