Bathroom in the bedroom - pros and cons, choice of color, zoning examples, photo review of the best design ideas

Recently, a non-standard solution associated with creating a bathroom in the bedroom has become especially popular.

In this article we will try to understand the essence of such a combination and consider the most popular options for such an interior, taking into account the use of various dividers.

Advantages and disadvantages of the original design

Creating a custom design is impossible without overcoming difficulties. If you do not study in advance all the positive and negative aspects of the new layout, then you can only get a lot of disappointment from it.

The bathroom project in the bedroom assumes that a bowl will be installed in the room, and this has its pros and cons:

  • Pros of modern design
  • Disadvantages of installing a bowl in the bedroom

Extravagance, originality - this short description fits the modern design of a relaxation room.

At the request of the BTI, it is impossible to plan a bathroom above the living room. Therefore, the redevelopment is coordinated with the relevant authorities.

A bowl where you can wash off fatigue and a bed are located nearby, and the feeling of relaxation intensifies, the body fully rests. In addition, furniture for storing linen and cosmetics is most often installed in the bathroom. Again the “everything is at hand” principle works.

  • Before making a bathroom in the bedroom, you need to select moisture-resistant materials for finishing. They're not cheap.
  • The bedroom space increases if the common partition with the bathroom is demolished.
  • This is especially true in small residential buildings

To avoid high humidity and the smell of dampness, a hood is installed in the combined room. Need waterproofing.

Shell shape

Modern washbasins can be:

  • rectangular
  • oval
  • round
  • square
  • asymmetrical

The rectangular sink is considered the most versatile . It is suitable for bathrooms of any size and style:

A round bathroom sink looks unusual and creates a memorable image:

But perhaps the most stylish bathroom sinks are oval:

Arrangement of the bowl according to the rules

Arrangement of the built-in bowl in compliance with the requirements is the key to comfortable use. There are not many requirements, but they need to be taken into account.

  • All furniture and finishing materials must be moisture resistant. The floor is covered with teak boards, tiles, and mosaic coverings. The ideal option is to install heated floors. Plaster, tiles, and moisture-resistant wallpaper are suitable for decorating the walls of such a bedroom.
  • Additional ventilation is installed in the private bathing area. There is a dehumidifier in the sleeping area. Such measures reduce the humidity in the room.
  • The bowl is not mounted near the bed. You need to have a space between them, or a partition.
  • There are more aesthetic requirements for bedroom plumbing. A cast marble bathtub or acrylic bowl is durable and attractive.
  • Particular care must be taken when installing electrical wiring and installing sockets. Sockets must be closed, wires hidden.

According to reviews from people who have already gone from designing a combined premises to bringing it to life, it is better to leave the design in the hands of professionals.

This is a guarantee that there will be no problems with high levels of humidity and everything will be thought out in terms of comfort and convenience down to the smallest detail.

Designing an en suite bathroom taking into account the main points

In apartment buildings, the bathroom should be located above non-residential premises. This significantly narrows the variety of project options. Any redevelopment involving the transfer of plumbing necessarily requires permits.

In the private sector, the bathroom area can be located where it is convenient. Even at the design stage, it is important to consider the functionality, convenience and ergonomics of such a solution.

Important points when designing a bathroom (bathroom) in the same room as the bed:

  1. Reliable waterproofing with floor level correction. This is necessary to prevent accidentally spilled water from flowing under the bed. At the same time, waterproofing of the floor is necessary throughout the room.
  2. Organization of additional ventilation.
  3. Use of moisture-resistant materials.

In a loft-style bedroom, brickwork combines well with ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware

Bedroom Bathtub Installation Projects

Several options for placing the bowl in the relaxation room are popular.

  1. In the floor, the bathtub becomes invisible and this focal point makes the bedroom spacious. If you want to highlight the bathing area, then the floor is decorated with colored tiles.
  2. In a niche, a bowl is the case when the criterion of practicality and convenience is at the forefront. A beautiful partition separating the bedroom from the alcove bath enhances the feeling of coziness. If the niche is large, then you can install a bowl, a shower, and sometimes a toilet there.
  3. On the podium, the bathtub attracts all the attention and becomes the center of the interior. The issue of aesthetics when choosing a bowl in this case is at the forefront. Small steps attached to the podium will add solemnity to the picture.

Choosing a bedroom design style with a bathroom

Rest in such an original bedroom will be comfortable only if all the nuances of its design are taken into account in the project and design.

The seating area is illuminated by a chandelier on the ceiling. For the bathing area, sconces are mounted on the walls and spotlights on the ceiling.

The design for a bedroom with a bathroom is chosen in a style close to the design of the entire house or apartment.

  1. For a classic style, the bowl is mounted on beautiful curved legs. They can become the highlight of the room.
  2. The “interior of the future” is created by an illuminated bowl. The high-tech style is enhanced by a glass table and neat small shelves.
  3. A laconic oval bathtub is installed on a podium or closer to the wall. Minimalism will make the room light and spacious.

Ready-made bedroom projects with a bathroom are used by many owners as a cheat sheet. This makes it easier to understand in what style you would like to decorate the room.

Style of simplicity and conciseness - minimalism

For those who prefer simplicity in design, minimalism is the best design option.

  • White and gray predominate as primary colors.
  • Wood is used as a finishing material for ceilings and floors.
  • The podium under the bowl is made from high quality wood.
  • The bathing and relaxation areas are separated by a simple curtain in gray shades. It would be enough.

What to look for?

When choosing a washbasin, you should look at the following parameters:

  • material - it determines how long the sink will last and how reliable it will be;
  • size - it determines how easy it will be to fit it into the interior;
  • form - it determines whether the designer’s delights will be realized;
  • countertop - it also needs to be chosen wisely so that it does not fail in the first year.

It is also important to pay attention to the color, whether it matches everything else, and the cost.

Round countertop basin Round countertop basin

Room with panoramic view

When you see a bathroom in a bedroom with a panoramic window, you immediately imagine how many romantic evenings you can spend there.

  • The bowl is mounted near the window. A beautiful view of nature will be before your eyes, and will act on the human psyche as a relaxing, calming session.
  • You don't need a lot of lighting fixtures near the bowl.
  • Windows are decorated with thick curtains or roller blinds.

Partition options

To protect against unwanted sounds, as well as splashes of water, the wet area is separated by a partition or curtain. The glass partition can be completely transparent, frosted or darkened - made of tinted glass. Sometimes the bathroom is separated by hinged doors.

The photo shows an unusual rectangular structure made of dark glass that protects the room from moisture.

In addition to glass, wooden partitions and special thick curtains are used for privacy.

The photo shows a screen-type slatted design with a movable mechanism, which allows you to separate the bathroom from the bedroom.

Pros and cons of combination

The combination of a bathroom and a bedroom is a modern design for a private home, but can also be implemented in an apartment.

But it’s easy to decide on such an original design if the owner of the apartment is single. For your significant other, the sound of water or light can become a challenge and interfere with rest. The pros and cons of installing a bathroom in the bedroom should be discussed together. A second bathroom will help avoid conflicts.

For shower lovers, a shower room is designed in the bedroom. Communications and plumbing are hidden behind the glass. The drain ladder replaces the pan. To ensure that the seating area remains dry and no water gets in, the floor in the cabin is arranged with a slope.

When deciding on such a bold design, you need to be aware that even household appliances in a combined bedroom must be moisture resistant.

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