Secluded corner: design and photo of a small bedroom 6 sq. m

Adequate rest is the basis of psychological and physical health, as well as good mood. For proper rest, you need a place that will accompany and help relax the whole body. The bedroom, a photo of the interior of which can be selected on the appropriate Internet resource, should not only be equipped with a comfortable bed, but also have that very relaxing atmosphere.

It’s difficult when the room is so tiny that squeezing even the most necessary furniture into it is problematic.

Design of a small bedroom 6 sq m

A small bedroom is a standard option for rooms in Khrushchev. The interior of a small bedroom needs to be carefully thought out so that it is not only functional, but cozy and original.

Setting up a tiny bedroom in a Khrushchev-era building or a modern apartment is not easy, but it is possible.

The advantages of small rooms.

  • The small space makes cleaning easier.
  • The absence of a large amount of furniture does not result in the accumulation of dust on surfaces.
  • Each item will have its own functional purpose.
  • It is easier to decorate a small bedroom than a large one.
  • Savings during repairs, costs for materials in a small room are minimal.

The planning and zoning of a small room must be taken seriously, and the issue of visually increasing the space must also be considered.

Important! First of all, you need to determine the location of the bed. The rest of the furniture is arranged after it is installed.

Design techniques for decorating a small bedroom.

  • Laminate laid diagonally will visually enlarge the room.
  • You should not hang more than one picture.
  • Decorating your bed with too many pillows is a bad idea.
  • Do not clutter the space with a large number of shelves; one universal and laconic rack is enough.
  • Place a large mirror opposite the window; it will reflect light, making the room much brighter and larger.

The main problem is the correct selection of furnishings, compact and comfortable at the same time.

Where to make stairs to the second floor

For the installation of the stairs, 1.5 m2 on the first floor and the same on the second. This is a trifle, considering that with the second floor the usable area increases exactly twice. The attic floor will add slightly less square footage ( 27 m2 ), but this is still enough to sacrifice 3 m2 for the construction of a flight of stairs.

The staircase is installed inside the house in the living room or hallway. If it is made in the hallway, then the room should be quite spacious, and at the same time it should be heated in winter.

This house layout with a staircase is convenient if there is a sleeping area in the living room for one of the family members. When the living room is not used as a bedroom, it is better to make the entrance to the second floor from it, and then, to go up to the bedroom, you do not need to leave the room in the hallway.

It is also appropriate to make a staircase on the veranda or terrace, while saving space in the living quarters.

In country houses, an external staircase is sometimes installed, which is connected to the balcony. But this location creates some inconveniences in using it, especially in inclement weather.

Important. For safety reasons, the flight of stairs and the landing must be equipped with railings with handrails.

The staircase in a 6 by 6 house should be light and not take up much space. Its design is subordinated to the interior, and wood is chosen as the material of manufacture.

The most economical in terms of space is a spiral staircase. But it should be taken into account that it is difficult for older people to climb it.

The easiest way is to make a flight of stairs. It is convenient because the space under the steps can be equipped as a pantry or wardrobe.

Style options

Modern style is laconic furniture without unnecessary decor. For bedroom design, the absence of cluttering objects and details is a winning option.

Before furnishing the room, you need to think through all the planning aspects down to the smallest detail.

Distinctive features of the style.

  • Wall and ceiling decoration in light colors: beige, gray, cream.
  • Metal, chrome fittings on furniture.
  • An accent in the form of a painting, flowerpot or floor lamp.
  • LED spot lighting.

It is advisable to view several design options: photographs, diagrams, sketches.

A classic bedroom option for connoisseurs of elegant luxury. It's all a matter of taste and individual preferences. If you like a room of 6 square meters in a classic style, you should do the following.

  • Create stucco decoration on the walls, near the chandeliers.
  • Luxurious decorative ceiling decoration combined with a crystal chandelier in the middle of the room.
  • Noble color scheme: pearl, olive, chocolate, emerald.
  • Furniture made of natural wood.

A miniature bedroom 2 x 3 m has its advantages.

Interesting to know: expensive materials have cheaper synthetic analogues. Modern classic style can be more budget friendly than before.

Not all people like huge rooms.

Minimalism is the best option for the design of a small and cozy bedroom of 6 sq m, photo examples of which can be found on the Internet. There is nothing superfluous in such a design solution. Here are present:

  • smooth and even surfaces;
  • chrome-plated lamps of simple shapes;
  • light, plain textiles.

A minimum of furniture, dim lighting, skillfully chosen decor - all this makes for healthy sleep and complete relaxation.

Provence is gentle and sophisticated. There is no rough and massive furniture here.

It is important to use predominantly light, muted colors.

Main characteristics of the style.

  • Textiles with embroidery.
  • Curtains and drapes are made from natural materials, usually linen.
  • Wallpaper with floral print.
  • Imitation of wood covering.

Rational use of every square centimeter of usable area.

What to consider in decor and lighting?

The presence of decorative elements in the setting is a controversial issue. On the one hand, there is not enough space, and on the other, without them, the bedroom will look empty and uninhabited. To avoid this, use decor to a minimum and, preferably, it should be useful.

Let's start with textiles: curtains are an essential attribute of any bedroom. Blackouts made of non-translucent material provide complete darkness even during the day, allowing you to sleep longer on the weekend morning.

Now decorate the bed: pillows, blankets. A few small thoughts can completely change the perception of a room. Another plus is that decorative pillowcases can be changed at least every season.

Pictures are hung on the walls (maintain proportionality: instead of 1 huge one, 2-4 small ones), carpets (yes, they are back in fashion!), decorative wreaths (popular not only for the New Year).

Avoid three-dimensional figures, such as deer antlers - they create unnecessary shadows and look bulky.

The photo shows decorative pillows on the bed

The last important nuance is lighting. Think in advance where exactly the light sources will be located: having one ceiling chandelier in the bedroom is inconvenient; it must be supplemented with lamps on the bedside tables. And if you managed to allocate space for a cabinet or table, there should also be sources near them.

Selection of colors

Since the bedroom is 6 square meters, it is necessary to use all the techniques to visually increase the space. Light shades reflect light, so they are most often used for small rooms.

Six square meters is quite enough area to maintain the interior in a certain style.

In addition to classic light shades, there are successful color schemes for the bedroom.

  • Blue and light blue. According to research, the color of sea green shades has a calming effect on our brain. People in a room with this color sleep longer.
  • Green. Shades of green evoke positive emotions; upon awakening, a person experiences optimism and a good mood.
  • Yellow. This color promotes rest and relaxation.
  • Silver. Promotes quick activation of the brain in the morning.

Compliance with style requirements allows you to get a real masterpiece, and not just a beautifully furnished room.

This color scheme will also be relevant for a child’s and teenager’s bedroom.

It is the style that makes the interior whole and complete.

No. 4. Drawn curtains

If curtains are a mandatory attribute of a window, then their mere presence makes our brain believe that behind them lies an ordinary real window . This means that some wall, or part of it, can be covered with curtains, and their length can be any. Long curtains from ceiling to floor usually look best. You can place them behind the back of the sofa or the head of the bed. We will not receive additional light from such a design, but we will relieve the feeling of discomfort due to the lack of a window in the room.

Selection of furniture for a small bedroom 6 sq m

Having chosen a suitable room design, start planning the interior. Decide on the furniture and functional areas that will be located in the bedroom.

Compact, laconic furniture, a discreet selection of colors and a careful selection of decorative items will suit you.

In the bedroom you can combine such zones.

  • For sleep. A large double bed with an orthopedic mattress is an excellent option for a good rest.
  • For reading. In the corner of the room you can place a small table with two or one chair.
  • Leisure area. May include a desk with a comfortable chair.
  • For carrying out toilet procedures. A dressing table with a mirror and a small pouf can be placed in free space: along the wall next to or opposite the bed.
  • Wardrobe. Part of the room in the corner or along the wall can be reserved for storing clothes by placing a spacious closet there.

Using a neutral color scheme for a 6 square meter bedroom. meters is quite justified.


The first stage of work is to think through the layout of the bedroom. Experts identify several basic principles that will help combine everything you need in a room:

  • Stick to light colors in the room.
  • When choosing a color scheme, it is necessary to take into account the location of the room. If the bedroom is located on the north side, it is preferable to use warm shades, if on the south side - cool shades.
  • Carry out zoning to highlight the sleeping area.
  • Make the most of available space.
  • Give preference to hanging furniture.
  • Use light and light curtains on the windows.
  • Place additional lighting sources.

A small room for a cozy bedroom Source

Small bedroom with a work area Source
In general, there are several main options for bedroom layout:

  • Square. It is quite easy to place furniture in such a room. To save space, you can buy a hanging bed and place storage systems underneath it.
  • Rectangular. It is advantageous to place furniture along the walls here.
  • Non-standard shape. The room can be made unique with the help of unusual furniture and accessories.

Cozy square bedroom Source

Small rectangular bedroom Source

Cozy bedroom in the attic Source
What zones can be created in a small bedroom:

  • Sleep area.
  • Reading corner.
  • Work zone.
  • Dressing table.
  • Wardrobe.

Small bedroom with work area Source

Compact wardrobes in a small bedroom Source

Interior design ideas for a 6 sq. m bedroom with and without a balcony

You can create a whole room without a balcony by combining rooms. If the room has a loggia, it is not necessary to demolish the walls to merge the space. It is enough to remove the window frame and door. This will significantly increase square meters.

By removing the partition, you can get excellent additional space for a sofa, sofa or small work table.

The main advantages of the merger.

  • The room will become much larger, a new functional area will appear.
  • Additional partitions in the form of window frames will not prevent light from entering the room, and the room will become much brighter.

The neutral color palette is by no means limited to ivory and shades of beige.

No. 6. Transom, or Hello from the past

Many of us are familiar firsthand with the idea of ​​​​having a small window near the ceiling. A similar solution was put into effect by the designers of Soviet Khrushchev apartments, who connected the bathroom and kitchen with a small window. There are still a lot of jokes about it, but such a life hack cannot be underestimated. The architects were then able to solve the problem of additional lighting in the event of a lack of electricity, making the bathroom a little lighter and more spacious. Residents of such apartments admit that in sunny weather the bathroom can be used without turning on artificial light. Everything new is well forgotten old, so we take this idea into service.

Creating a small window right under the ceiling and connecting the problem room with the adjacent room is an excellent solution and not as drastic as arranging a large window opening. Light will enter through the transom, and the neighboring rooms will remain isolated and secluded - what is needed for the design of a room without a window.

There is a slightly different variation of this method . Where does a windowless room come from in an apartment? After constructing a blank partition and separating the space from adjacent rooms. You can build a wall that is not full height , leaving a gap under the ceiling for the penetration of light and fresh air.

Decorating a small bedroom with a balcony

If you are against combining a balcony and a bedroom, there are win-win options that will help you arrange both areas comfortably.

A cool palette looks better in a room with a south-facing window.

  • Arrangement of a flower greenhouse. Lovers of vegetation and wildlife can create a green area on the balcony. There is enough light for the lush and rapid growth of flowering plants.
  • A place to relax. You can place a sofa along the wall with a small bedside table on the side. This reception will become even more comfortable if the window facing the street is made panoramic, right down to the floor. So, in the bedroom there will be an additional place where you can retire for morning coffee.

The right decision is to choose several shades that harmonize well with each other.

No. 12. Sliding panels instead of walls

Replacing blank walls with mobile partitions would seem to be the simplest and least expensive solution, but, unfortunately, not always possible. A sliding partition is well suited for separating the bedroom from the living room, or the living space from the kitchen. When privacy is needed, the doors close, creating two separate, isolated spaces. Doors ajar or fully open will allow light and fresh air into a windowless room.

Design options for a rectangular and square bedroom 6 sq m

Types of layout

Rectangular. A common version of a 6 sq. m room with an interesting design and photo. The peculiarity of this layout is to create the correct shape by arranging the furniture correctly. In such a room it is better to avoid wide furniture. Narrow walls can be expanded with vertical stripes. If there is a window on one of these walls, hang curtains with a vertical print, and if there is a blank wall, then hang appropriate wallpaper.

For example, light brown floors and sand-colored wallpaper go well with a white ceiling.

Important! It is not recommended to place furniture along a long wall from beginning to end, as this will make the space seem even narrower.

For flooring, you can use laminate, parquet, linoleum or thin, smooth, lint-free carpet.

Square. This is a room that does not require special adjustments. The bed can be installed in the center, and the rest of the planned furniture can be installed around the perimeter. The bed size in a small bedroom should be chosen smaller; 150 by 150 is the best option. A bed that is too small will affect the quality and comfort of your sleep. The best solution would be if the furniture in a square bedroom performs several functions: an armchair and a bed with a storage niche, a bedside table - a table.

Compactness, convenience and conciseness - these are the three basic requirements for the environment.

Important! When choosing transformable furniture, make sure it matches the rest of the design elements.

If we are talking about a child's room, a transformable bed will help save space.

A small room is not a death sentence; there are many modern solutions for how to properly arrange and decorate a room so that you want to be in it and relax after a productive day at work.

If desired, you can create a comfortable and stylish interior even in a tiny area.

Thinking through ventilation

The most difficult moment in the arrangement and the main problem in legitimizing the redevelopment is the penetration of fresh air into the bedroom. This is a mandatory condition for any premises, because the inability to ventilate can cause the development of fungi and bacteria, which will harm human health.

Today, there are 2 main methods for organizing ventilation:

  1. Artificial. This is an engineering system consisting of many pipes and outlets throughout the apartment. It works simultaneously as a ventilator, air conditioner and heater. Considering the pros and cons, the advantages include the efficiency of the system, and the disadvantages include the complexity of installation and maintenance. Artificial ventilation is more suitable for private houses, where there is the possibility and need for a centralized air system.
  2. Supply. A breather or aerogiver is a compact monoblock that draws in air from the street, cleans it and lets it into the apartment. For its successful operation, a through hole in the wall and a socket are sufficient. In appearance, a ventilator is similar to an air conditioner; the only difference between the devices is that the first one cannot heat or cool the air.

You can use an air conditioner in addition to a breather, but you won’t be able to do it alone - this device cannot provide a flow of fresh, purified air.

The photo shows the operating principle of the ventilator

Reflective surfaces for visual expansion of space

Source: //
To visually expand the space and compensate for the lack of light, it is recommended to use reflective surfaces. This technique is used only for one or two walls, but so that the bed is not reflected in the mirrors. Mirrored narrow panels can be used for walls, columns or cabinet doors. The best option would be panels with relief ornaments, sandblasting or stained glass patterns.

For a large space, you can use matte and translucent partitions, which will help not only zone the space, but also create the necessary imitation of natural light. When finishing, it is better to use glossy light surfaces; when planning the furnishings, avoid a large number of storage rooms and closed structures. For the ceiling, it is better to use stretch fabrics with a glossy surface, which will not only visually expand the space, but also provide more light by reflecting the light of a sconce or chandelier.

No. 13. Green room decoration

A windowless room is a room with limited fresh air. In this case, it will be difficult to do without a normal ventilation system, but a few plants in the room still won’t hurt. They will decorate the room, bring life into it and give a little oxygen.

ficus plants are best suited because they can purify, moisturize the air and even remove toxins from it. Chlorophytum, begonia, aloe and Kalanchoe are also excellent

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