Doors for toilet and bathroom - choice, reviews, characteristics

Manufacturers produce a huge range of interior doors, but not all of them are suitable for the bathroom. This room in the apartment has a special microclimate, and not every material can withstand it. When choosing a door for a bathroom, what is important, first of all, is its performance characteristics, but design, ease of use and appearance are also not the least important qualities. How to make the right purchase in all respects, read this article.

Options for filling and covering doors for bathrooms and toilets

Today's market is literally replete with numerous offers from manufacturers offering door panels for bathrooms and toilets with various coatings. When determining a rational solution, it is worth proceeding from what material the door is made of and what size the room is.

Consider the following situations:

  • when placing plumbing fixtures, there is sufficient space left to the canvas: most likely splashes will not fall on it, therefore, it can be made of different materials;
  • when placing plumbing fixtures, it is impossible to take more than one step: due to the limited space in the room, high humidity will be observed, accordingly, it is necessary to consider solutions from the appropriate material and finishing method.

Any door leaf has an internal frame and provides external finishing. As the basis of the frame, manufacturers give preference to solid “budget” wood, chipboard and MDF. Such materials are able to withstand moisture if its level does not exceed 60%. In other cases, experts recommend considering doors made of glass and plastic.

The ability to withstand moisture depends on the quality of protective coatings, internal filling and frames. As practice shows, the most vulnerable are those made from solid wood; the most resistant doors are structures made from chipboard and MDF.

Frequently asked questions

Let's look at a few questions that most untrained users have:

Is it possible to install regular interior doors in a bathroom?

Bathroom doors are manufactured using the same equipment and according to the same technical standards as any other models. For manufacturers, they differ only in size (most of these canvases are narrow, their width is only 600 mm). Therefore, interior doors can easily be used for a bathroom.

Is there a great danger of MDF doors wedging in the frame due to high humidity?

This danger exists for almost all canvases if the box itself is made of natural wood or MDF. If the room is small, protective measures should be taken - increase the compensation gap between the canvas and the box, and also increase the ventilation power.

How big is the risk of breaking glass?

Glass doors are thick and durable because they are made from specially trained material. However, certain precautions should be taken in any case. For example, try to act more carefully when carrying large objects, limit active play of children near canvases, etc.

Sliding doors are not airtight. Could they cause damp air or unpleasant odors to spread?

This opportunity exists when using any canvas, not just sliding ones. However, one must keep in mind that if natural ventilation works normally, air enters the room and is exhausted outside. Therefore, the spread of odors and humidity can only be observed with unorganized air exchange.

Should I be afraid that the wooden canvas will begin to rot?

As a rule, doors made of natural wood are treated with special compounds that prevent rotting, mold or mildew. If the canvas is made in artisanal conditions, you can take protective measures - periodically renew the varnish coating and monitor the ventilation mode.

Effective door coverings – how to choose?

When applying a protective layer to a door, some manufacturers first cover the leaves with it, and then the edges. As a result, barely noticeable joints are formed, which are often not airtight. The moisture that gets through them gradually destroys the canvas, rendering it unusable. It is best if the upper and lower ends are not covered with protective materials, but a special varnish is applied to them.

The most optimal coatings that can protect fabrics from moisture:

Bathroom doors Laminate

Laminate : this variety attracts many buyers at a reasonable cost. The paper is glued to the base of the canvas, previously coated with resin. The resulting laminated doors, according to manufacturers, are ready to withstand humidity levels that do not exceed 60%. When choosing a canvas with such a coating, it is worth considering solutions offered by manufacturers with an excellent reputation. In other cases, it is possible that low-grade thin paper will be used for the coating, which is prone to damage due to minor mechanical impacts typical during the operation of doors. Moreover, moisture penetrates through the cracks formed, causing the canvas to swell. Laminate – a coating similar to the previous version, with the exception of the thickness of the paper used and the application of the varnish coating in several stages. Laminate is a more expensive material; accordingly, prices for finished doors will be higher than those of laminated analogues.

PVC bathroom doors

In this case, manufacturers use frames made of MDF and wood for canvases, after which they cover them with wear-resistant PVC film, which cannot be harmed by chemically active substances. It can be painted in any color and have different textures, which allows customers to choose a tone-on-tone canvas. The composition contains chloride, the content of which in the paint is strictly maintained within acceptable limits and is not at all dangerous to people. Another definite disadvantage is the tendency to delamination.

Bathroom doors made of eco-veneer

Eco-veneer is a plastic covering made using a special technology using wood fibers and plastic as a binder. The material is environmentally friendly and does not emit hazardous substances even when the air temperature rises. Eco-veneer, with a structure reminiscent of wood, differs from the latter in greater strength, wear resistance, and immunity to moisture. Budget wood or chipboard is used as internal filling, and valuable wood veneer is used for the top covering. Wooden doors are “afraid” of moisture, but if you use protection for the door leaf (varnish, enamel, paint), then this factor will not harm them. If there is high humidity in the bathrooms, then experts advise giving preference to veneered models made from chipboard.

Is a ventilation grill necessary?

If the microclimate in the bathroom does not deviate from acceptable values ​​and the exhaust system copes with its task well, then there is no need to buy doors with grilles or install them yourself.

The correct door should be installed without a threshold, but with a gap under the door of 1-1.5 cm. This will improve ventilation (and not only in the bathroom) and you will not stumble all your life. A grille without good ventilation will not solve the problem of high humidity, but will greatly spoil the appearance. It is better to install an exhaust fan and create a gap under the door.

Choosing bathroom doors is not difficult if you know what criteria and characteristics to evaluate products by. For rooms with a special microclimate, not only the appearance is not so important as the properties of the structure and the ability to withstand negative influences.

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Selecting a door by material

Plastic door leaves for baths and toilets are currently in high demand among consumers who find this solution one of the best for use in bathrooms where the humidity level exceeds 60%.
They are made from inexpensive, durable material that does not form mold or mildew. Expanded polystyrene is most often used as a filler, providing excellent sound and thermal insulation. All materials used in the manufacture of plastic doors are not susceptible to moisture. It would seem that such canvases are ideal, but, in fact, they also have disadvantages. First of all, this concerns the presence of chloride in the composition (only certified products have an acceptable amount), and secondly, the lack of choice of color (all products are white). Glass door panels are the ideal solution. The material used in production, compared to others, is characterized by excellent practicality and presentability. Glass doors are not exposed to a number of negative factors inherent in the operating conditions of bathrooms and toilets, but they have significant weight, therefore, only high-quality fittings are allowed when installing them.

Door leaves made of chipboard and MDF are distinguished by functionality and durability. Such solutions demonstrate excellent resistance to water, high temperatures and other factors that can cause harm. Affordable prices for doors, a wide color palette and a decent range of sizes coupled with decent quality and performance characteristics make them an excellent option.

Door leaves made of natural wood are ideal for any design. Environmental cleanliness and noble appearance are key advantages, however, despite these positive qualities, they are afraid of moisture and water, from the influence of which they become deformed, and accordingly, they will not last long in the conditions typical for bathrooms.

Metal-plastic doors guarantee effective heat retention and withstand temperature loads and mechanical stress. The canvases, even after long-term use, are ready to boast of pristine presentability and preservation of quality properties and functionality. Unique characteristics make metal-plastic doors an excellent solution, but the cost of such models is quite high.

Operation and care of doors

Doors in sanitary facilities require careful and regular care. This is due to compliance with hygiene and sanitary standards.

If the door to the toilet needs to be washed once a week, then in the bathroom it is enough to do this procedure once a month. The lower part of the doors gets dirty more often, so you should pay more attention to this area when cleaning.

You should not use abrasive compounds to clean doors - even a durable door will become scratched and lose its attractiveness.

If you care for toilet and bathroom doors correctly and regularly, they will last a long time and retain their beautiful appearance.

Plastic, MDF and PVC-coated doors are the most unpretentious in maintenance. They can be easily cleaned with simple detergents and then wiped with a dry cloth. But solvents, alcohol and acetone cannot be used to clean such surfaces.

Special products for glass without alkalis and abrasives will help you easily remove dirt and stains from the surface of glass doors and elements, otherwise the surfaces will be hopelessly damaged.

Wooden doors are the most difficult to maintain. They need to be wiped with a soft cloth soaked in an alcohol solution. After this, the door leaf is thoroughly wiped dry and coated with a protective compound.

To ensure a long service life of your door, you need to take good care of it: do not allow condensation and moisture to settle on the surface of the leaf, regularly clean it from dirt and, if necessary, lubricate the metal elements. Such simple manipulations will increase the service life of the door and maintain its appearance at the proper level.

Determining the best way to open a door

The modern market offers consumers doors that provide various opening methods, namely:

  • swing plan (classic opening method) : such canvases allow you to use a threshold when installing, thereby increasing heat and sound insulation. The disadvantage of this solution is the need for free space sufficient to open and close it.
  • sliding plan : such solutions contribute to significant space savings, however, the mounted panels leave gaps between the floor and the door, therefore, you should not count on good sound and heat insulation. If you still want to use just such a modification, then experts advise considering cassette plan models, where the above disadvantage is practically reduced to “no”;
  • folding plan : doors of this type do not require additional space when opening. According to their design, they are divided into books and accordions. The first models are represented by two halves, and the second - by three or more elements. The disadvantages of such doors are poor sound insulation and absorption of most of the door openings when they are folded.

Standard dimensions of interior doors

Typically, bathroom doors differ from other structures between rooms in size. As a rule, their dimensions are 55*190 or 60*190 cm. Most apartments are built according to these standards. Therefore, the door for a bathroom or toilet is 60 cm wide. However, before purchasing the canvas, it is better to carefully measure the opening. If the door is installed in the opening, then it must be dismantled along with the casing. This will eliminate errors when measuring. The height of the opening is measured from the floor to the ceiling. Width is measured from wall to wall. The depth is measured together with the tiles or wall cladding.

Features of glazed doors for bathrooms

Modern doors surprise with a variety of design solutions and decor. One such type is glass insertion. When choosing a canvas, you should not forget about such a factor as their transparency. Of course, frosted or tinted glass is more appropriate for bathrooms, since in this case visibility of this level is quite enough to understand that the bath or toilet is occupied. Glazed doors are presentable, and there are no restrictions or advice on selection. In this situation, the buyer is guided only by personal preferences and financial capabilities.

On the practical side, you will need to pay attention to a number of the following factors:

  • sound insulation : only a thick and dense fabric can ensure the absence of noise. When considering glazed doors, it is important that the inserts are multi-layered (triplex with 2 or 3 layers);
  • the ability to determine whether there is someone in the bathroom: this factor is relevant for a large family, so canvases with decor in the form of glass inserts will solve the problem perfectly.

Threshold at the entrance to the bathroom

In fact, whether to make a threshold at the entrance to the bathroom or not is a question that is decided on an individual basis. The point here is not only and not so much about aesthetics, but about safety. A small threshold will be able to hold water in case of flooding for 15-20 minutes, and you will have time to solve the problem and not put the flooring in the apartment at risk.

The threshold can be organized in several ways. The classic option is a small barrier no more than 2 cm high, while the floor in the bathroom and the adjacent room remains at the same level. Such thresholds are perfectly combined with swing doors. You can make the floor in the bathroom slightly lower than in the next room, which is important when installing swing doors.

Ventilation windows for door panels

There is no need to install ventilation windows in the door in all cases. So, if, after taking a bath, condensation forms on the wall and canvas, and the mirror fogs up heavily, then you cannot do without such a window. Excessive humidity is the cause of insufficient natural ventilation of the room, and if it is not removed forcibly, the door will soon become unusable.

Installing ventilation windows allows you to reduce the formation of condensation by equalizing the temperature of the air and the canvas through forced ventilation. Their installation involves drilling the door leaf, so it is best to carry out all the work before the door leaf is put in place.

Ventilation windows on the market are offered in various design solutions, but the highest demand is for products:

  • in the form of a lattice. Rectangular design with curtains located at an angle. Metal, PVC and plastic can be used for manufacturing;
  • in the form of rings. The products are usually made of plastic. To absorb noise, special meshes are installed in the structure. Usually 4-5 rings are installed in the canvas.

For greater efficiency in combating condensation, it is recommended to install a fan in the ventilation openings. This solution will speed up the circulation of air and the mixing of hot and cold layers. Fans can be automatic or manual, and each consumer independently determines the type of operation of the unit, based on personal preferences.

If air removal is problematic, experts recommend organizing supply ventilation, which involves pumping air into the bathroom from the outside and circulating it as a result of the pressure difference. In the absence of the possibility of organizing the natural movement of air masses, mixed ventilation will act as a rational solution. It involves the intake of fresh air from the outside through one channel and its output through the second.

PVC door designs

PVC products are produced in four types:

  • sliding;
  • sliding;
  • swing;
  • folding.

Door to the bathroom made of plastic with glass inserts

One of the most common types of plastic doors are swing doors. Their main advantage is ease of installation and operation. Such models do not require adjustment to the opening. The most compact designs are folding. They allow you to free up space as much as possible thanks to the folding mechanism. At the same time, their width is easily adjustable. Sliding and sliding designs are very similar. They differ only in the number of valves. Such models require free space in the room. In these situations, two types of canvas are used: standard and rounded.

Selection of fittings for bathroom door panels

Fittings are decorative and functional products, the installation of which makes them convenient to use. When choosing doors, handles and locks deserve special attention. Let's consider the solutions that manufacturers are ready to offer today, as well as their advantages and disadvantages:

  • pens

    with built-in lock - an economical solution. It is represented by a regular handle with a latch installed inside. One position allows you to fix the mechanism, eliminating rotation. Installation of such fittings is simple and requires drilling only two holes;
  • separate latches : in this case, you will need to purchase a door handle and a mortise or overhead latch. When using the latter, valves are installed instead of locks - an unpretentious and reliable solution with an unlimited service life;
  • plumbing locks (standard). The traditional design has one tongue, which is responsible for fixing the door when closing and using a latch to lock it in the open state. The operating principles of locks with built-in locks and plumbing locks are similar, but the latter are more reliable.

When choosing the type of lock for the bathroom linen, you should proceed from its reliability, while families with children and elderly people should better consider options that have special holes for emergency opening.

Platbands are integral components for swing-type doors; when choosing them, you should pay attention to the angle of insertion.

The 45-degree option is an outdated solution that will spoil the stylish design and will not be able to convey the full presentability of the canvas. Currently, the current driving angle parameter is 90 degrees. Using such platbands it is easy to emphasize a stylish design. For consumers who want to create a spectacular door, the market offers capitals and cornices as frames. Decorative elements add solidity and presentability. Recommended for decorating doors in a classic interior.

An important structural element of doors are the hinges through which the panels are hung. They can be expressed or hidden. The first type of hinges are ideal for classic paintings, the second - in modern and high-tech styles. It is worth noting that not all hidden hinges will allow doors to open more than 90 degrees, so when choosing, you will need to ask the manager about this issue.

Three installation technologies depending on the type of structure

Most companies that supply plastic bathroom doors offer installation services.
The ideal option is to order a comprehensive service, including measurements, construction, delivery and installation. If this is not possible, then you can do everything yourself, but it is worth considering that only swing models are relatively easy to install.

It is best to determine the dimensions of the future door when the old structure is dismantled and pieces of plaster are removed

Option #1 – rules for installing swing doors

First of all, prepare the doorway. It is necessary to dismantle the old box, remove pieces of crumbling plaster, and treat the surfaces with an antifungal agent. The door itself is partially disassembled: the panel is separated from the frame.

Next, the frame is mounted in the opening, leveled with wooden wedges, if necessary, and secured to anchors. The correct installation of the box is checked using a laser level.

The peculiarity of the plastic frame is that it can “play” due to loads, so you cannot put too much pressure on it. The position of the profile should be checked after each screw is screwed in. The mounting locations can be additionally treated with sealant. This will protect the metal from moisture.

The door leaf is mounted on the installed profile, the position of the structure and the ease of opening and closing the door are again checked. If there are any discrepancies, they are eliminated immediately. The gap between the wall and the profile is filled with foam. It will need to be cut off in a few days, and then the surfaces will need to be finished.

The main stages of installation of plastic swing doors are presented in the video:

Option #2 – installation instructions for sliding models

The opening is prepared in the same way as for installing swing doors. After this, you should mount a plastic profile with guides and stops. These elements are fastened with self-tapping screws.

The door leaves are reinforced with rollers and installed in guides. All that remains is to check the level of the structure, adjust the fittings and make sure that the doors slide easily along the guides.

Below is a step-by-step video tutorial on how to install sliding doors:

Option #3 – how to install a folding accordion door

After preparing the opening, guides are installed. If the profile is longer than necessary, it is trimmed.

Attach the guides to self-tapping screws. For them, holes are prepared in advance at an equal distance from each other. Some models are installed on special clips; they are usually included in the kit.

Assembly of the accordion door leaf is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The strips can be connected directly to each other or using spacers. Such models can also be supplied assembled.

The door is inserted into the guides and latched tightly. All that remains is to install the handle and check the quality of the installation.

We offer a detailed video tutorial on installing folding models:

Whatever model of plastic door you choose for your bathroom, pay attention to the quality of materials and fittings, and strictly follow the installation technology. It is not uncommon for low-quality or crookedly installed products to fail within the first year of operation.

Therefore, buy doors only with a manufacturer’s guarantee, and trust the installation to professionals

There are often cases when low-quality or crookedly installed products fail within the first year of operation. Therefore, buy doors only with a manufacturer’s warranty, and trust the installation to professionals.

Selecting canvas by color and style

Every owner wants the interior to be complete and laconic, so when faced with the need to choose a door leaf for a bathroom, it is worth taking into account that the door leaf must simultaneously correspond to the internal (bathtub or toilet) and external (corridor) design.
All doors for bathrooms can be classified according to style into the following groups:

  • modern: a group that is represented by modern door leaves, recognizable by straight chopped lines and a slight “rounding”;
  • hi-tech: a group that includes canvases with sharp, straight lines and futuristic designs. Doors of this style are decorated with glass;
  • classic canvases with an unobtrusive design will be ideal for any interior design solution.

Modern door collections amaze with the variety of colors and shades and, of course, every buyer knows that it must be selected, first of all, so that it is in harmony with other interior items and its style.

Interior style

The choice of door also depends on the design of the bathroom with toilet. For classic interiors, it is worth choosing solid wooden models made of oak or cherry; this design looks noble and expensive. The same option is suitable for country or Provence. In this case, the door can be decorated with panels or decorative glass inserts. Wood will also fit perfectly into a minimalist eco-style, which tends towards simplicity of forms and a light natural range of colors.

Frosted glass inserts are very often used as a decorative element in doors for rooms with high humidity

If you choose minimalism or high-tech to decorate a bathroom with a toilet, it is better to give preference to modern materials: plastic, glass. The shape of the doors should be simple without decoration, the surface should be smooth. The glossy finish looks stylish and also visually increases the size of the bathroom with toilet. Doors with internal lighting look impressive.

Doors for avant-garde bathroom design can come in the most fantastic shapes. In addition to the classic rectangular box, round, wavy, pentagonal, and trapezoidal models can be used.

A frosted glass door with a pattern looks very elegant in a bathroom interior

Doors to the toilet and bathtub photo in the interior

Professionals recommend taking note of the following tips:

  • the natural colors of the doors are laconic for an interior decorated in any style (classic, ethno, baroque). Warm colors help create a special atmosphere of comfort. The darker the color of the canvas, the stricter the interior design;
  • cool colors are an excellent solution for a modern interior. For a minimalist interior, dark cool shades are recommended, neutral shades like light wood, especially good for high-tech;
  • white doors are universal. This color is associated with purity, lightness and spaciousness, and even if the owner decides to change the design, there will be no need to change the canvas.

Advantages of PVC doors

  • reduced fire threshold, non-flammability;
  • resistance to deformation, which is maintained when exposed to moisture and elevated temperatures;
  • low weight;
  • neutrality to chemical and mineral substances;
  • low maintenance;
  • a wide range of shades and textures.

However, these products also have disadvantages. Among the most common shortcomings is loss of shape when exposed to load. This possibility exists if the material is not elastic. Special tabs, reinforcing fabric, or combining plastic with a metal base will help to avoid this problem. Therefore, when purchasing a PVC door for a bathroom, you should inquire about the degree of resistance to deformation. Products of this type will cost more, but they are more durable. The door leaf can be made from a single material, paneled or combined. Plastic is combined with metal and glass.

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