Glass curtain for the bathroom - photo review of models with exclusive designs from the catalog

When creating the interior of such a multifunctional room as a bathroom, every detail is important. An important design element are curtains for a bath or shower - glass doors that protect the rest of the space from moisture. The choice of material, size, design, method of fastening and opening curtains is one of the important points in shaping not only the image of the room, but also the level of ease of use. Let's take a closer look at the options for creating reliable and practical protection of the room from the shower or bath area using the example of a selection of a wide variety of bathroom design projects.

Advantages of glass curtains

Modern manufacturers of bathroom accessories and furniture offer a wide selection of curtains made of thick fabric and waterproof fabrics.

However, glass partitions have many advantages over other materials:

  1. Presentable appearance. The photo of bath glass shows that even the simplest frosted glass curtains have a beautiful decor. And fashionable partitions with decorative coating deserve special attention.
  2. The strength of the purchased structures is ensured by a special manufacturing technology. Tempered glass is used in the production of bathroom accessories.
  3. Thanks to the extensive assortment, each buyer will be able to choose a model suitable for a specific interior style, room size, bath or shower size.
  4. The glass surface is more hygienic, because any dirt can be easily removed from such a curtain. For high-quality cleaning, it is enough to have a rag and detergent on hand.
  5. A separate issue for everyday life is the safety of the accessories used. Even with a strong impact, the glass panel will break into fragments with blunt edges that simply cannot be cut.

Unlike fabric curtains, bathtub shower glass does not stick to your body while bathing and after getting out of the bath. There are no streaks or soap stains left on the surface of the partitions.

Plastic screen

Typically polycarbonate is used for screens. Its main advantage is its low cost. This material is produced in various colors, so this partition will suit any bathroom. For a low price you can get an interesting designer color accent option.

Another plus is ease of installation. You don't have to worry about damaging the structure. Polycarbonate is easy to attach to the frame and can easily withstand bends. Dismantling will also take a little time.

The downside of polycarbonate is that it can become cloudy over time. It will also have to be washed more often than glass, and more dirt will accumulate on its surface.

Main types of glass curtains

The peculiarity of modern production is the presence of a wide range of available products. Catalogs of interior items and bathroom furniture are constantly updated, and product descriptions contain all the information of interest to buyers.

Depending on various factors and technical features, the following types of glass curtains for the bathroom are distinguished:

  1. According to their configuration, all glass bathroom curtains are divided into solid ones, with two or three leaves. There are also more complex models consisting of four moving blocks.
  2. According to the characteristics of the moving mechanism, curtains are divided into sliding glass for the bathroom, hinged, folding, solid - without rotary fittings. The choice in each specific case depends on the wishes of the owners themselves and on ease of use. When choosing movable structures, you should pay great attention to the condition of the fittings, as well as the possibility of replacing parts if they break down.

Based on the surface condition and design, all glass curtains are divided into transparent, matte, models with decorative coating, with a tinted or lightened surface.

More expensive types can be equipped with colorful embossing, relief patterns, and designs.

Disadvantages of glass screens

Since all products, such products also have small disadvantages, namely:

  • If you compare these curtains with their competitors, then you will have to spend significantly more money than purchasing and installing a regular fabric curtain.
  • If you do not take proper and timely care of your screens, then very soon salt deposits or mold may form on them.
  • The most significant disadvantage of glass curtains is the rather complex process of installing such a structure. So, if hanging a fabric curtain is quite simple, and perhaps on your own, then it would be better to seek help from specialists. The correct functioning of curtains depends on high-quality installation.

What to pay attention to

Choosing furniture and accessories for the bathroom is quite a difficult task. Future owners should take into account a huge number of factors, each of which is important:

  • Bathroom dimensions. The glass partition should be selected so as not to interfere with free passage.
  • Dimensions and shape of the bathtub. Today, triangular-shaped bathtubs with built-in Jacuzzis or lighting are very popular. For such designs, curtains are selected individually.
  • Before purchasing, you must carefully inspect the curtain for chips, cracks, or damage. For folding, swinging and sliding models, the condition of the fittings should be assessed.
  • All additional accessories (handles, hinges, frame stands) are also carefully studied by future owners.
  • It is better to find out in advance from sales consultants about the existing rules of care, about the resistance of the structure to detergents and cleaning products.

You should also find out how this model is installed (on the floor or on a pallet). The design of the glass curtain is important: its shape, color, pattern, degree of transparency, presence of a glossy or matte finish.

It has long been known that the decor of just one accessory can dramatically change the interior of a room.

How to decorate a window

As a decoration, you can hang on the bathroom window:

  • Regular matte curtains. Long curtains are suitable for decorating and disguising panoramic windows; short curtains - for small windows.
  • Tulle curtains. Rather, they are hung for beauty, because everything is visible through them. That’s why they hang thick curtains with them.
  • Roman curtains. They are opaque, made of waterproof material, and are also in fashion now.
  • Shutters. Everything is fine about them: light passes through normally (when they are open), and nothing is visible through them (if they are closed), but it is quite difficult to remove dust from them.

What fabrics are suitable?

For sewing Roman blinds, in addition to classic-length curtains, polyester-based fabrics are suitable for the bathroom, as well as mixed fabrics with a predominance of synthetic materials (about 85-90%) in the composition (acrylic, polyester, polyamide) and added natural ones - cotton, linen, cambric, muslin.

Such compositions will not allow the fabric to shrink and will withstand moisture and repeated washing. Roll options are usually purchased ready-made, and here it is important to check with the seller whether the canvas is impregnated with special water-repellent compounds. This option will extend the life of the curtains.

Features of practical care

To ensure the longest service life of the glass curtain, the regime and practical care should be properly organized.

The climate in the bathroom is of particular importance. Constant temperature changes and high humidity can cause rust on metal fittings.

There are some rules for optimal care for bathroom accessories and furniture:

  • The permissible load on the holding frames and rings should not be exceeded. All recommended standards can be found in the attached instructions or descriptions from the manufacturer.
  • After each bath or shower, thoroughly wipe the glass surface until dry. The fittings and supporting frames are wiped especially carefully.
  • Despite its sufficient strength, glass should not be subjected to strong mechanical shocks.
  • During operation, you should regularly inspect the structure in order to notice malfunctions or required repairs in time.
  • The issue of practical care for glass curtains deserves special attention. It is better to clean and disinfect surfaces with a soft sponge or rag. Do not use rough brushes, rags with coarse bristles, or abrasive compounds that can leave scratches and chips on the surface.

When installing the structure in the locations of the fittings, it is necessary to treat the surfaces with an antifungal compound.

Moisture may remain in hard-to-reach places, which is an excellent environment for the development of fungal colonies. After all, it is pathogenic microorganisms that become a big problem for everyday life.

Types of partitions

There are several types of designs for different types of baths. Manufacturers offer screens for rectangular, semicircular, and round bathtubs. You can choose what suits your room best.

  1. Frame construction. A frame is constructed on the bathtub into which glass or polycarbonate is inserted. The screen may have one or more doors. If your bathtub is located near one wall, then you can build a structure of two side walls and two sashes in front. If the bathtub is in a niche, you can install a structure of two doors, one of them will be fixed, and the second will open.
  2. Frameless design. In this case, there is no metal frame and thicker glass/plastic is used than in the first case. Most often this is a semicircular partition that is fixed on two walls. It looks like a shower stall. It can also be a glass screen that is fixed to one wall and has a rotating mechanism for access to the bath. This type of screen is suitable if you don't have a lot of splashes in your bathroom because it doesn't completely protect the surrounding area. These structures are easier to install and cost less.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Bathtub design in black and white (14 photos)

According to the method of opening, structures are divided into:

  • Foldable. Most often made of plastic. The screen folds to the wall on hinges.
  • Sliding. They usually have two doors that move apart. It is necessary to choose high-quality rollers and fastenings so that the mechanism lasts a long time. During operation it requires careful handling.
  • Openable. They work like doors that open outward. The disadvantage of this model is that open doors take up a lot of space. Therefore, it is only suitable for spacious rooms.

Photo of a glass curtain for the bathroom

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