Bathroom curtain - photo of original bathroom accessories

[ads1] The bathroom is a special room in the apartment. The environment should promote relaxation, energize you in the morning, and set you up for relaxation in the evening, so you need to approach the interior design of this room correctly and think through every little detail in the design and decoration of the bathroom.

It is important to choose the right accessories for the bathroom, so today we will pay special attention to the choice of curtains, curtains or screens.

Choosing curtains for the bathroom is not so easy: you need to take into account many details. Decide what material the curtains will be made of and what their sizes will be. The main thing is that they have waterproof properties.

The material from which the curtains are made directly determines their visual perception, service life, and most importantly, the degree of protection.

Curtains should be functional, beautiful and durable. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of curtains before making your final choice.

A beautifully decorated window will add coziness to the interior. Blinds and curtains are an additional decorative element that will make the interior holistic and add harmony to it.

When choosing curtains, you need to take into account that the curtains should be in harmony with the style in which the interior is decorated.

Window curtains

Most often in multi-storey buildings there are no windows in the bathroom, but in private sectors small windows are very common. The window performs many functions: ventilation, so mold does not form. The window is an excellent addition to artificial lighting, in addition, the room seems spacious and bright.

Blinds are often used to decorate windows. This design option does not require large financial expenditures and looks original. Also, owners of private sectors respect roller blinds. They look great on small windows in small spaces.

Types and advantages of roller shutters in bathrooms

Roller blinds for the toilet are the optimal solution, the durability of the design even with the most active use. Their mechanism consists of the following elements:

  • canvas profile;
  • guide rails;
  • box;
  • spring-inertial mechanism.

Installation of roller shutters with manual drive

Fabric blinds are made of cotton and silk, which are treated with special antiseptics and use moisture-resistant coatings.

Installation of vertical fabric blinds

Many consumers are afraid to use curtains of this type in toilets due to deformation of the slats and the appearance of fungal infections due to high humidity, as well as the presence of unpleasant odors. But the developers took into account all factors, and such a model meets all standards, which accordingly affects its cost.

Roller or cassette curtains in the toilet behind the toilet are by far the most commonly used in homes. The simple design, easy to use, fits perfectly into the interior of the bathroom and saves space.

Open roller blinds are the most budget-friendly way to disguise pipes

Roller blinds in the toilet behind the toilet are retracted using a chain. The curtain fabric is rolled into a roll, which fits into a box mounted on the ceiling of the bathroom.

Spring operated models are available. More expensive models are controlled remotely and operate thanks to the use of an electric drive in their design.

Adaptive decor in the form of a print or pattern is popular for roller blinds. They use roller shutters for the toilet with photo printing. For greater aesthetics of the product and individuality of the interior style, roller blinds are also decorated with various images using a special airbrush.


Both single-color blinds and those with patterns look great in the bathroom. Various companies offer a huge selection of blinds for every taste and color. Some people like plastic blinds, while others like fabric ones, it’s a matter of taste.

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Blinds models are also divided into horizontal and vertical. These blinds fit perfectly into the decor.

Pros of a bathroom with a window

  • unusual stylish interior;
  • beautiful view from the window to the garden, park;
  • a window changes the appearance of the entire room, sometimes offering its own style;
  • daylight;
  • energy saving;
  • you can decorate the room with live plants;
  • a large window will double the space;
  • in a large country house you can make a large relaxation room with a jacuzzi.

Roller blinds

They are considered the best material for decorating bathroom window openings. The advantage of roller blinds is their ability to repel moisture, which is why they are usually used in the bathroom.

Roller blinds have excellent performance characteristics and will last for many years. Such curtains will look like new in a year, five or ten years.

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By type of lamella arrangement

  1. Horizontal blinds. The slats are arranged horizontally; when opened, they are assembled and fixed at the top in the box. The design of opening the blinds is simple and durable.
  2. Vertical. The slats are located vertically. This type looks impressive in fabric design in spacious toilet rooms.

Separately, it is worth noting roller blinds. This is a special type in which the whole canvas is carefully rolled into a roll using a special mechanism. Modern models of roller blinds are controlled remotely, which undoubtedly adds to their popularity among consumers.

Roller blinds can be used as a sanitary curtain

Fabric curtains

Fabric curtains, or curtains in other words, are a good solution for the bathroom. They are attached to the bar using rings or hooks. Fabric products are made from polyester - the fabric has a waterproof treatment.

Curtains can have a smooth or textured texture; satin, linen and cotton are very popular.

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Polyester does not change color or shape after washing and is resistant to temperature changes.

The only disadvantage of fabric curtains is the formation of fungus. To avoid this, take care of the ventilation of the bathroom.

Decorating the window

You can use roller blinds to decorate only the window, and hang a traditional plastic curtain over the bathroom. At the same time, it is better to install compact, mini-cassette roller shutters on the window. They are attached directly to the frame and leave the window sill and the space underneath free for use.

If the bath is located directly under the window, the window curtain should not only hide the room from prying eyes, but also protect the glass from splashes. A mini-cassette roller blind made of water-repellent textiles will be an excellent solution in this case.

To make the room more comfortable, you can choose a roller blind with a floral or marine print and complement it with a laconic lambrequin. It is also advisable to choose water-repellent fabric for the lambrequin.

The Day-Night system is very convenient for use on a bathroom window - a double cassette-type roller blind. It combines the beauty of traditional fabric curtains with the functionality of blinds.

During the daytime, such a curtain will make it possible to save on lighting by letting sunlight into the room and at the same time protecting it from prying eyes.

Bathroom curtain

The main function of bathroom curtains is to protect against water getting on the floor. Curtains will also help you to have privacy and relaxation while taking water treatments. And the image of the room will be complete.

The curtain should be striking; it should not merge with the interior of the room, because it is a separate element of the room.

The store offers a wide range of bathroom curtains, but what material is better to choose?

Types of transformable structures

[ads2] There are several transformation mechanisms here, let’s focus on the main ones.


Sliding models have a different number of doors - it all depends on the layout of the bathroom, as well as its length.

As a rule, the curtain is placed from one wall to another. Thanks to the sliding curtains, the bathtub becomes like a shower stall. Such designs have their drawbacks. In order to secure the structure, it is necessary to use a sealant; subsequently, mold may form on it.

In addition, such structures are opaque and are installed from wall to wall, so you need to think carefully about what the lighting will be like so that the room is not dark.


Folding structures can be easily folded and thus free up space. Folding curtains can have several sections. Folding models must be installed close to the wall, so it must be completely free of plumbing fixtures and shelves. You will have to abandon protruding elements on the wall.


Swivel models are recommended for use in spacious bathrooms. They open by turning at right angles both inward and outward of the bathtub, depending on the model.

Panel structures

One of the most affordable options is panel structures. They are inexpensive and at the same time very practical. Such models cover only the place where the shower stall is installed.

Read about how to decorate a black and white bathroom and what to look for when choosing a design option: there is a gallery with ready-made projects.

A selection of photos of small bathroom interiors can be viewed in the gallery here.

Read about the types of glass shower partitions for the bathroom in the article at:

Combined rigid curtains

There are also combined designs: in these models, one side of the curtain remains stationary, while the other side rotates or moves to the side.


Curtains, which are screens, are very convenient to use. They are used to highlight a shower area.

If the screen is no longer needed, it is folded similarly to an accordion so that it does not interfere and does not take up space.

The most common type of such limiter of the area for receiving water procedures is considered to be screens for a bath or shower made of glass. Such glass structures - sliding or folding - can be made of colored or frosted glass; stained glass is often used.

Such designs have many advantages. They provide good protection, fully coping with their main function.

The screens are compact in size and do not take up much space; they are easy to fold. But such structures are not very durable. The fasteners are easy to break, hitting the structure. Screens must be handled carefully, otherwise they will quickly break.

When choosing curtains for the bathroom, you need to take into account the size of the room and the design. But, first of all, focus on your individual preferences.

Interesting decoration of the bathroom with curtains will make the environment in the room more comfortable, and you will enjoy spending time in the bathroom.


Textiles in the bathroom are used as part of zoning.

The choice of material is carried out taking into account the color scheme of the room; the curtains should be thick, not translucent and not heavy.

Design solutions

Neutral natural shades create a pleasant atmosphere of cleanliness and comfort even in a very small room.

Original patterns and prints will highlight the refined taste of the home owner.

Any design can be applied to sanitary roller shutters

The unusual colors of wooden blinds perfectly highlight the stylish print on the walls of the toilet.

The marine theme for the toilet room is always relevant. Supports starfish print blinds style.

The selected pattern can complement the design style of the bathroom

Plumbing blinds in the toilet are distinguished by their practicality and functionality. Simple installation allows you to fix them yourself. A variety of colors and materials for roller shutters help create an individual, unusual design of the toilet room.


Vinyl is one of the strongest and most durable materials, so the main advantage of vinyl curtains is their high strength.

Vinyl curtains can have an unusual pattern or simply be transparent. A wide selection of colors will allow you to experiment with the decor in the bathroom.

Vinyl curtains will last at least five years.

Types of blinds according to manufacturing materials

Roller shutters are classified according to the material used.

Metal. They attract consumers with a lot of advantages:

  • strength ;
  • a variety of coatings (painting, photo print) help create an individual room design;
  • fabric resistance to moisture and temperature changes;
  • optimal ratio of cost and quality of the product.

Metal roller shutters are durable and resistant to moisture
. Plastic ones. Advantages of use:

  • the price of the product is affordable for everyone ;
  • a rich palette of colors and shades of fabric;
  • resistance to moisture , temperature changes;
  • very easy to clean.

When choosing plastic options, you must remember that only with careful handling will this type of roller shutter last a long time.

Plastic options are durable, but do not withstand mechanical stress

Wooden blinds are afraid of moisture

Wooden. When choosing options made from natural materials, evaluate their advantages:

  • wooden curtains as an elegant interior detail;
  • wooden roller blinds serve as a good sound-absorbing partition (helps to muffle the sounds of water in the pipes).

Such structures must be periodically treated with protective compounds and varnishes.

Wooden blinds must be periodically treated with antiseptic and varnish

Fabric. Advantages:

  • rich color range;
  • variety of textures;
  • lightness, airiness of the canvas.

Fabric options will please the eye for a long time if you choose models with special impregnation against fungi and moisture.


The waterproofness of the material and relatively inexpensive price are the main advantages of polyethylene curtains for the bathroom. But the service life of such curtains is short.

Low wear resistance and instability to any contamination will significantly reduce their service life and they will break.

Polyethylene curtains have to be constantly changed, but without spending a lot of money, you can constantly update the interior of the room.

Why do you need blinds or roller shutters in the toilet?

The blinds have an attractive appearance and provide convenient access to the pipes

The peculiarities of the toilet room are such that there are many pipes and wiring in a small area. All plumbing elements are hidden under plasterboard structures, and the surface is decorated with tiles.

To avoid dismantling the decorative surface in case of leaks, leave a small hatch or curtains, a plumbing window or cabinet through which it is very convenient to get to the required leak point.

The main advantages of a roller shutter in the toilet:

  • provide unhindered access to plumbing elements (pipes, riser connections);
  • a variety of colors and patterns helps to break up the monochrome interior of the toilet;
  • the door neatly closes communications and prevents condensation from penetrating the surface of the decorative finish of the wall.

Roller shutters in a bathroom or bathroom carry not just a functional load (they cover plumbing hatches and windows), but also an aesthetic function (they decorate the interior of the room).

Glass curtain for the bathroom

It is very easy to remove dirt from glass; the advantage of such curtains is convenience and compactness. Glass is suitable for shower stalls and rectangular bathtubs.

The structure is mounted on a metal frame. When closed, the glass panels are not visible.

Glass curtains are tinted and transparent. The design with a mosaic or mirror insert looks original.


The standard version of curtains for toilets is attached to the window bay using a curtain for curtains. It should be slightly wider than the window itself, so that the canvas can be freely transferred into the valley of the structure.

Curtain shutters can be either double or single. It all depends on the overall design. If the windows are constantly ventilated, then you should think about installing a weighting agent or a fabric retainer so that the canvases do not develop from incoming air flows from the street. An example of such a weighting agent is shown in the photograph.

It is customary to use curtains of thin fabrics to allow the sun's rays to penetrate into the room. Here you can use a trick and hang the curtains in several layers. The lower one can be made thinner and more transparent, like a tulle, so that it can conduct incoming light through itself.

A second, darker layer is placed on top of it, in the form of a frame. It is more massive and is adjustable with ties along the entire length. If necessary, the top panel can always be lowered. Thereby blocking access to incoming light.

Photo curtains

Curtains with photo printing will be an interesting element of room decor; they are more difficult to match to the interior, because in most cases they are not monochrome, but have a colored pattern:

You can also use a roller type, which perfectly protects the room from penetrating light, and the mechanism itself is quite compact and suitable for any type of window.

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Plastic curtain for the bathroom

Functionality and cost – these are the main advantages of plastic curtains, and they look exactly the same as glass ones.

It is best to install multi-colored and patterned curtains. They have an affordable price and good flexibility, but over time, cracks form in the plastic and it darkens.

There are many options for designing a bathroom. And only you can choose how to decorate your room.

Photos of various curtains in the bathroom interior

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