Bathroom design 2022: fashionable tiles for a small bathroom - 50 photos

The lack of usable space in the bathroom is a well-known problem in many apartments and a real godsend for lazy owners: they say, leave newfangled trends to the mansions, and only time-tested options are suitable for our tiny space. These “time-tested” options cause such melancholy that sometimes you don’t even want to turn on the light. What is required to destroy this depressing stereotype once and for all? Obviously, take a look at what a successful bathroom design looks like in 2020-2021. We have selected for you 50 photos of fashionable tiles that will fit perfectly into the format of even the smallest bathtub.

  1. Don't be afraid of colorful shades
  2. "Metro" is still in trend
  3. The rugged beauty of porcelain tiles
  4. The versatility of the mosaic composition
  5. Unusual geometry of space
  6. Texture tiles - a scattering of options
  7. Even more interesting examples

↑ Don't be afraid of colorful shades

There is an opinion that flashy colors have no place in a small bathroom.
It’s hard to disagree with this: their abuse threatens to cause visual redundancy, which disrupts the natural background in the room and simply signals bad taste. However, the judicious use of bright and colorful tones is welcome, as it allows you to introduce an element of novelty into the interior and create a festive mood. Agree that taking a bath with a smile on your face is much more pleasant than with a sour expression.

of yellow
this season . Moreover, its most common variation is a juicy lemon shade. In the ceramic tile format, this color can be easily diluted with neutral white:

  • the freshness of perception will be preserved;
  • visually the room will become more spacious.

We also recommend paying attention to the following “restless” shades:

  • orange;
  • scarlet;
  • light green.

True, if you want your bathroom design to be balanced and harmonious, then use only one type of bright ceramic tile in a small bathtub format. If you break this rule, you will get a rather motley result, which does not always look as good in practice as it looks in theory. Tile manufacturers, by the way, take this point into account and almost always compose their collections in accordance with color balance.

Advantages of ceramic tiles

  • This material has a high strength index, it is resistant to abrasion, and does not deform under load;
  • Ceramic tiles have good moisture resistance, do not burn, do not conduct electricity, retain their shape and aesthetics in rooms with frequent temperature changes;
  • Ceramic tiles are resistant to detergents and chemicals and do not lose their decorative qualities after exposure to sunlight;
  • When heated, ceramic tiles do not emit toxic compounds, are not damaged by insects, and the dense, hard material is resistant to mold.
  • New collections of ceramic tiles for the bathroom are among the environmentally friendly and durable types of cladding. It is easy to clean to keep surfaces hygienic. Thanks to the precise dimensions, no special skills are required during installation.
  • Consumers are attracted by the wide color palette and variety of decorative finishes.

Among the negative qualities, the possibility of splitting the tiles when struck sharply by a sharp, weighty object is noted. The material does not have soundproofing properties. When finishing the floor, a rather cold surface is formed.

↑ "Metro" is still in trend

Who would have thought that the format of small tiles like bricks would not only safely survive the twentieth century, but would also begin to take leading roles in the twenty-first century? But almost a hundred years have passed since it first appeared - on the walls of the Parisian metro, hence its characteristic name.

Our people usually call such small tiles a little differently - “hog”. However, the essence remains the same:

  • correct geometry;
  • noticeable relief;
  • imitation brickwork.

Due to the large number of fragments used for installation, such fashionable tiles are simply ideal for a small bath, as they allow you to create the illusion of increasing usable space and seriously diversify the relief on the walls. In addition, recently manufacturers have mastered the production of such tiles with an emphasized three-dimensional texture.

Bathroom design obliges you to experiment even with already proven material - look at the photo to see how you can successfully use such a popular and fashionable tile as subway for a small bath. By the way, vertical arrangement and herringbone are obvious trends of the year that you should pay close attention to.

Marble for finishing the bathroom

Marble is always fashionable, being embodied in a variety of forms - from small tiles to large-format “slabs”. Today, the most justified choice is a neutral or light shade; it will look good for a long time.

Preference is given to white, gray, light wood.

  • However, it is worth paying attention to black marble; it combines very well with other materials.
  • You can choose both natural material and its imitation.
  • With elegant and luxurious black marble, the interior will be sophisticated and sophisticated.

It is important to maintain proportions; you should not get carried away with black, otherwise the space will be overloaded - it is necessary to fill it with lighter decor.

↑ The harsh beauty of porcelain stoneware

This name can be heard more and more often from the lips of buyers in construction stores. Everyone wants to buy porcelain tiles because they are much more durable than regular ceramic tiles. However, it would be fair to add that it also looks great. Both on the walls and on the floor. And if initially porcelain stoneware was conceived as an alternative to conventional floor tiles, now it has confidently expanded the boundaries of use and is increasingly beginning to appear in the design of modern bathrooms on the walls, including those for fairly small ones. Why is porcelain tile this year a fashionable and quite suitable tile for use in even the most modest spaces? Obviously, due to the mood created and the ability to scale. Often, fragments of porcelain stoneware are large and heavy slabs of 60*60 centimeters with a characteristic imitation of stone as a texture. And we all already know quite well the property of stone to visually increase space. Therefore, if you are transforming the design of your bathroom in strict accordance with the trends of the current year, then pay attention to these tiles. As for the texture, you can choose any imitation:

  • marble;
  • pebbles;
  • concrete;
  • autumn leaf;
  • slate;
  • tree, etc.

One of the common options that can fully realize its potential even in a modest-sized bathroom is polished porcelain tiles . It reflects light very well and saturates the space of the room with a magnificent play of glare. This will allow you to correctly place all the design accents. A few examples of photos where porcelain tiles do an excellent job of creating a somewhat harsh and heavy, but still very modern and complete style.

Fashionable tile colors

Designers highlight the most popular shades for the coming year: golden and silver. Lovers of dark shades should choose these shades:

  • black;
  • Burgundy;
  • violet;
  • blue.

For rooms with a small area, you should choose shades that visually enlarge the space, such as:

  • champagne;
  • pale yellow;
  • beige;
  • cream;
  • snow-white.


This color is worth considering separately, as it is complex and quite controversial; it must be used carefully. Black is elegant and classic, but on its own it can look dark, so it's best to combine it with other shades, such as white, yellow and dark green. This way the black color will transform, become stylish and interesting.

Under the tree

Today on sale you can find tiles that look no different from wood. This is a rather interesting solution that looks very original and interesting. Of course, it is not endowed with the same properties as natural wood and is not able to fill the air with a pleasant aroma. But its use guarantees the creation of home comfort.

Such tiles have a long service life and an affordable price.

Bright accents

Using bright accents will help break up the uniformity in the design. For example, a bathroom made in beige tones will look more interesting if there are gorgeous roses in golden, light brown or soft yellow shades on the main wall.

White flowers look stunningly beautiful on a plain brown tone. You can use monochrome mosaic as an accent. It also looks stylish and original.

Designers claim that absolutely any room can be transformed. All that is needed is high-quality finishing materials, while their appearance must correspond to the latest fashion trends for 2022.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a tile design for the bathroom, you need to familiarize yourself with all the recommendations and proposals of manufacturers and designers. This will help you quickly and efficiently carry out repair work, and as a result get a stylish and original interior.

↑ The versatility of the mosaic composition

In 2020-2021, it is quite reasonable to pay attention to ceramic mosaic - this is such a specific, but now very fashionable tile, which is suitable for both a small bath and a large room.

The versatility of mosaics and adaptability to the design of the most complex areas is one of the undeniable advantages that can be successfully used in the interior.

  1. allocation of a shower area;
  2. design of nonlinear elements;
  3. bathtub finishing;
  4. flooring modeling.

An obvious advantage of mosaics is also the almost limitless variations, because ceramics, natural stone, and glass can easily fit on one fragment. Everything instead allows you to create a rich pattern that reacts vividly to the lighting in the bathroom. But interaction with light is one of the important points that you should pay attention to if you are guided by the design trends of this year when renovating.

Current trends

Natural theme

Bathroom tiles for 2022 continue to embody all kinds of natural textures and colors in an eco-style. This includes woody motifs and plants.

• Wood motifs

Wood-look porcelain tiles work great in the bathroom as a substitute for natural wood. Where wood will deteriorate from moisture and rot, porcelain stoneware slabs will remain unharmed and will last for more than 15 years.

Wood-look porcelain tiles in bathrooms can be used for floors and walls. The surface of such porcelain stoneware is made with a structural relief coating, indistinguishable in appearance from real wood. It is enough to run your hand over the surface of the tile to make sure that this coating is very similar to natural wood. At the same time, the slip coefficient of such slabs due to the relief coating is low. Wood-look porcelain tiles are ideal as flooring not only for the bathroom, but also for the kitchen, hallway and other areas of the apartment. Wherever wood is used, everywhere it will give an atmosphere of comfort and homely warmth.


Wooden motifs combine well with the design of natural stone and form interesting combinations in the interior.

• Plants

Plant textures, so-called “floral decors” with flower decorations, fill bathroom spaces with aroma and lightness. Such decorations in interior decoration correspond to the design tone of 2022 and allow you to add particles of eco-style to minimalist interiors, especially in the spirit of the Japandi fashion trend. Focus

↑ Unusual geometry of space

The persistent search for new forms of expressing decorative potential in the bathroom forces us to abandon the usual geometry and confidently move towards experiments.
Manufacturers of ceramic tiles very closely follow design trends and promptly release fresh solutions for sale. For obvious reasons, they are of interest only to a limited circle of “initiates,” but over time, as a rule, they gain great popularity. The geometry we are used to is still in trend, but if you want to really impress someone with a brand new bathroom renovation, be sure to pay attention to hexagonal tiles - an option that can be 100% called fashionable and very relevant for a small bath. Judge for yourself from the photo below.

The use of such small fragments allows you to radically change the perception of even the tiniest room: a feeling of continuous movement appears, the eye constantly picks out individual decorative elements, light is advantageously scattered around the entire perimeter of the room.

Despite the solid decorative potential and a confident departure from classical geometry, this solution still successfully adopted its characteristic laconicism and symmetry.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of options with much greater expression. As a rule, such tiles boldly experiment not only with shape, but also with color and texture, turning the overall bathroom design into one continuous and fascinating decorative ensemble. Look how great it looks in the photo - maybe some of the trendy tile ideas will fit perfectly into your small bathroom too.

3D bathroom tiles

The fashionable trend is to create the effect of three-dimensional space. It is most noticeable when decorating a small room, since it visually “expands” the volume well.

It would be wise to combine 3D tiles with plain products without overloading the walls and floor - in this case, a small fragment with such an effect is enough.

  • Three-dimensional tiles are embossed and voluminous; with their help it is very convenient to create dynamics and a certain spatial design.
  • The room can become part of the ocean, a fairy forest, or a tropical island.
  • The interior will definitely be exclusive, unusual and modern.

↑ Texture tiles - a scattering of options

We all remember the good old tiles, which we still inherited from the no less old and good Khrushchev buildings: typical segmentation 15 * 15, a couple of simple decors - usually conventionally contoured on a floral theme, as well as a classic line of borders, which we love to call “edging”. That case when it’s really simple, even if tasteless. Surprisingly, one of the trends in modern bathroom design has also become the simplicity of wall decoration - a decisive rejection of intrusive visual images. However, texture took over to compensate for the lack of graphic information. textured are now gaining popularity .
It fits perfectly into the concept of any bathroom, as it directly appeals to the theme of water and helps to create a laconic, but capacious and cozy design that perfectly matches the spirit of the times. However, in addition to waves, there are plenty of interesting and promising solutions that have a good chance of settling in your bathroom at home. A whole scattering of options: from imitation of brickwork to complex arbitrary contour exercises.

Bathroom design 2022-2023. Plumbing

When the finishing of the walls, floor, and ceiling is completed, along with the choice of mirrors, lighting and furniture, an important aspect of the design is the choice of plumbing and all the main components of this room. Among them:

  • Bath bowl

  • Sink

  • Toilet

  • Bidet

  • Shower/shower stall

  • Taps and mixers for supplying cold and hot water

It is not worth saving on plumbing elements, because their quality determines how long you will use the bathroom without breakdowns and troubles, which often occur with poor plumbing.

Manufacturers today offer both budget plumbing options and designs with designer designs that will be relevant for a certain interior style.

Particularly relevant in modern design:

  • Rimless toilet models with additional protective coating against harmful microorganisms

  • Wall-hung toilets that look stylish and save space

  • Shower cabins with glass walls

  • Oval bowl baths that do not require additional finishing

  • Shower stalls with built-in plumbing and matte walls

You can combine a shower stall, a bathtub, and other elements provided for the bathroom, if space allows, or choose only certain options that are suitable for you.

↑ Even more interesting examples

If you are the happy owner of a modest-sized bathroom, but do not want to compromise with your aesthetic principles, then this material is like a balm for your soul. We tried to track the most interesting and obvious trends in the design of living spaces in terms of the use of fashionable ceramic tiles just for a small bath. We also advise you to get acquainted with examples of mirror tiles presented in Leroy Merlin catalogs. In general, the design of the bathroom 2020-2021 is not much different from the concept art of previous years: an obvious emphasis on the competent use of every square meter, the rejection of unnecessary accessories and bulky furniture and plumbing, optimization of space, fundamental adherence to the laws of geometry and general restraint in quality leitmotif through the vast majority of design projects. Although, of course, there are exceptions - and almost always you would like to call them pleasant. Therefore, experiment too - hiding behind the small size of the bathroom is bad manners, you will agree.


Small bathroom design 2022: bright modern ideas - 50 photos

Which tile to choose?

It's no secret that the main criterion when choosing tiles is the size of the room. Based on the area of ​​the bathroom, not only the size of the tile is selected, but also its color scheme. If the bathroom is small, then the tiles should be of appropriate sizes, but in a spacious room it is better to give preference to large square or rectangular tiles. As for the color scheme, it depends on the style of the interior and the general concept that will be used in the design and decoration of the bathroom. The furniture is selected to match the tiles or, on the contrary, to be very contrasting with the finishing material.


Undoubtedly, the most fashionable and popular color in 2022 will be gray. Many people think that such an interior will be boring, but thanks to the richness of textures and shades, you can create a luxurious atmosphere that captivates with its beauty. For finishing it is best to use stone tiles, since now the emphasis is on naturalness. You can create a harmonious atmosphere by choosing tiles that duplicate the texture of the furniture (glossy facades and glossy tiles, or wooden furniture and a matte finish that replicates the texture of wood).


Need to transform the look of your powder room? Every year, designers offer more and more interesting solutions regarding how to organize this space, because small bathrooms can look just as great as full bathrooms with four standard pieces (tub, shower, toilet and sink). Since the room is quite small, you can choose more luxurious finishing materials - this will not hit your wallet so much. We also note the use of wallpaper on accent walls or floor-to-ceiling tiles in powder rooms. Quite unique sinks of unusual shapes and designs, both concrete and marble, are also used.


Embodiment of the trend:
to make the most of the available space, storage areas can be raised to the ceiling. If the size of your bathroom/powder room does not allow you to fully express yourself and realize your vision, simply organize the space efficiently and add some personal touches.


When it comes to tiles, it's all in the details. No one needs extravagant, frilly tiles anymore. A carefully selected, discreet appearance is in demand. The trend is a neutral color palette, gray and matte black tones. For a slightly more dynamic appearance, you can choose a textured surface. The market also offers luxury, high-quality tiles with both matte and glossy finishes. Luxury comes in sophistication!

Embodiment of the trend:

Just because a certain tile is expensive doesn't always mean it's the best choice for you. Designers are experimenting with new styles, but it's always better to go for a more elegant look that will stand the test of time. You can also choose tiles in both dark and light colors, but avoid anything too flashy.

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