Brown kitchen: 150 photos of the best combinations of brown kitchen design

About the character and properties of brown color

those around us have a huge impact on our well-being, mood, desires and even appetite. With color it is possible to form an idea of ​​the beauty of objects, focus attention on certain details and hide what you would like to fade into the background.

Like all natural colors, brown has a beneficial effect on human physiology in general. Evoking associations with the soil of the earth, tree bark, such products as fresh bread, cinnamon, chocolate, vanilla, creme brulee, caramel, nuts, it will undoubtedly take its rightful place in the kitchen interior.

When creating an interior, remember that comfortable living and a healthy psychological climate for the family directly depend on the color design of the apartment.

The kitchen, as a place intended primarily for eating, is the subject of detailed study and clear planning of color schemes. After all, if someone’s goal is to lose weight, then they should not use shades that increase the desire to eat. Conversely, there are people who suffer from poor appetite and, on the contrary, need to stimulate it, creating favorable conditions for this through visual influence.

Brown color has a relaxing effect on the human nervous system, creating a cozy, calm atmosphere, and at the same time does not cause drowsiness; on the contrary, it increases mental and physical performance.

Choosing a design for the kitchen

Step 1. First of all, it is important to calculate the budget spent on decorating the room and purchasing new furniture for the kitchen. A complete renovation of the interior is an expensive undertaking in any case, but already at this stage you can decide whether to buy, for example, solid wood furniture or cheaper MDF.

Calculate your budget first

Step 2. Now you need to decide who will do the design. Of course, the easiest way is to entrust this to a specialist, but if you have a sense of style, you can create the design of the room yourself. You can preview how the kitchen will look when choosing a certain color of furniture if you use some simple design programs.

Decide who will do the design

Step 3. It is worth thinking about the overall style of the room. You can choose a classic or some modern style. It is important to take into account personal wishes.

Decide on the style of the room

Step 4. Having decided on the style, you can choose the color of the walls, floors, wallpaper, furniture and the general color scheme. It is important to understand that often the color choice will depend on the style chosen. Brown goes best with classic and natural styles, but can also be used in other directions.

Choose the right colors for your kitchen

Step 5. You should immediately decide what kind of household appliances will be - built-in or conventional. This can also greatly affect the appearance of the kitchen.

Decide what household appliances will be

Step 6. It is important to understand how much work space you will need in the kitchen, whether it will be used only for cooking or whether there will also be a dining area. All this greatly influences the design.

It is also important how much work space is required

Step 7. In a small kitchen, it is important to consider the use of every corner of the space. You should evaluate the possible number of cabinets, placement of various shelves, etc.

Every corner of the kitchen needs to be used rationally

Video - Suitable colors for the kitchen

Green and brown kitchen

A green-brown kitchen is the best way to relieve fatigue and tension after a working day. A green-brown kitchen is an excellent choice for fans of the Provence style. These colors have a calming effect on the psyche, as they evoke pleasant images of a dense and shady summer forest.

Brown trunks and green tree crowns - what could be more harmonious than color combinations created by nature itself? It is not surprising that on the basis of this color combination you can build an ideal interior in the Provence style.

This popular French interior style is loved by many of our fellow citizens for its special style and charm. Southern motifs and evergreen fields inspired the founders of this style. In this context, olive color looks especially impressive with brown shades; it evokes images of hot summer and an olive grove.

Positive properties of brown shades

Any color has certain characteristics, thanks to which its use in the design of a room brings a positive effect.

Brown has perhaps the most expressive properties.

  1. First of all, it is universal: the shades are perfect for any component of the kitchen, from flooring and furniture to accessories and lighting.
  2. The color has a rich palette in which all shades delight the eye - from the lightest to the darkest. The most popular are delicate combinations of milky and beige colors, as well as wood tones. They create a comfortable atmosphere in the modern style of the premises.
  3. In general, it’s worth mentioning separately about styles - a large number of trends are based directly on brown color: first of all, country and loft, chalets, retro and fashionable eco, ethnic styles, Provence, etc. In the design of a brown kitchen, this color can dim excessive brightness or add “liveness” to frankly boring colors. For example, blue is considered not the best choice for a kitchen, but in combination with brown it becomes comfortable and effective.
  4. Brown color looks equally good in any texture - from glossy to artificially aged. The combination with natural stone, glass and textiles looks great.
  5. To bring brown color into the interior, it is not at all necessary to do a full renovation. Sometimes it is enough to change or diversify accessories - lamps, fabrics, and then gradually change the flooring, furniture, and wall color. Brown shades will easily combine all elements into one ensemble, setting combinations even for completely random things.
  6. This color is one of the few that can be safely used to decorate the ceiling.
  7. The brown color is non-staining and is easy to keep clean. In addition, to create a warm and comfortable atmosphere, it is not necessary to purchase expensive materials; the kitchen of your dreams can be quite budget-friendly, without losing originality, efficiency and practicality.

Kitchen in beige and brown tones

This color tandem is widely popular in the interior. On the one hand, the practicality and nobility of brown, on the other, the light and comfort of a beige companion. These warm, congenial colors softly shade and complement each other perfectly.

A beige-brown kitchen is practical to use; in a room with this color design there will always be a good appetite, because the colors of caramel, chocolate and vanilla evoke corresponding associations. A brown-beige kitchen set will serve as an excellent basis for creating a chic interior in any style.

If you correctly place color accents and select suitable shapes for beige, a wide field opens up for experiments in such popular directions as Provence, shabby chic and country style. It all depends on what your specific color preferences are. Based on them, you can choose shades in a warmer or cooler range of beige.

Warm colors include beige-pink, beige-green, beige-orange, peach color and some other combinations. From year to year, experienced designers and colorists are inspired by the breadth of brown and beige tones.

In the cosmetics industry, the clothing industry and of course in interior design and other areas of fashion, different names for shades of beige and brown are used. The tendency to reveal brown and beige tones in the form of a coffee and chocolate theme has long gained mass popularity.

The names of various fashionable drinks, the main ingredient of which is coffee, instantly appeared in kitchen set catalogs: mocha, café au lait, latte, cocoa, ice cream, cappuccino and many others. This advertising gimmick works great. It is intended to encourage the interior designer, furniture maker and buyer to direct their attention to the appetizing names.

Materials used

Another issue that affects the kitchen interior and its character is the choice of materials. Due to their modern diversity, you can choose those that are more affordable, acceptable within the style, environmentally friendly and safe for use in such a room.

The choice of coverings for a white and brown kitchen is usually determined by the style and the chosen shade:

  • A natural wooden facade can be either light or dark. But if you do not hide the natural texture of wood, then such solutions are acceptable in styles such as eco, country, vintage, contemporary, and classicism. In retro directions, the array can be painted white. But you need to choose a matte paint and cover the surfaces with such a layer that the grain of the wood can be seen through it.
  • A technological interior most often turns to appropriate materials - MDF, glass, plastic. This facade is usually made glossy. Glass is used in frame structures, in the finishing of aprons, and less often in walls. The design of MDF kitchens can be varied, but this material is mainly used in modern styles.
  • The plastic facade, which is considered one of the current functional solutions today, is the same MDF material, but with a dense laminated layer. It is the plastic lamination that gives such structures strength, wear resistance and durability. But despite the variety of simulated textures, the difference between solid wood and MDF in this case is not so difficult to notice. Therefore, it is better to choose such a façade for a modern kitchen in one of the functional styles.

Whatever kitchen design you choose in a duet of white and brown shades, you always need to pay attention to details. It must be remembered that minimalist technological trends do not accept unnecessary decor, so here utensils, abstract paintings, ordinary or 3D skins serve as such. They can be quite bright, and the atmosphere and comfort in the kitchen will depend on the choice of the third companion.

Briefly about taupe kitchen

Brown and gray colors create a harmonious, strict combination. A gray-brown kitchen is the choice of a practical person who prefers impeccable style and comfort. The duet of gray and brown sounds elegant and expensive if you choose the right tonal relationships. These colors are designed to balance each other.

The predominance of cool light gray over the warm brown shade of milk chocolate will give the interior space and at the same time a cozy, stress-relieving atmosphere.

It would be appropriate to add bright, contrasting accents in the form of, for example, posters or paintings. Of the textures in such an interior, gray stone and golden brown wood will work well together. For variety, you can add metal and glass elements.

Decorating the room for a brown set

Thanks to the versatility of brown color, such furniture will look good with any decor - just look at the numerous photos of brown kitchens. Natural shades are always harmonious, and you can choose them for any style.

  • There are practically no restrictions for the blue color - it looks great on wallpaper, plaster, and paint, and an apron in the work area in blue shades looks very original.
  • Green should be limited a little, leaving it for the apron in the work area, the top of the cabinets, and the pattern on the wallpaper. You can paint the entire walls pastel green. A hint of lime will add freshness, and it is also positive and cheerful.
  • Yellow or orange are perfect as an accent color, especially in rooms where there is not enough sunlight.

White color for the ceiling and walls in combination with a dark gray color for accents and zoning will bring harmony to the interior with a set of wood shades. A white and brown kitchen is always impressive, even in a budget option.

It is important to balance the interior well in proportions and color saturation. In this case, you will never have to doubt the harmonious and cozy luxury of brown.

Features of brown kitchen

The design of a brown kitchen should be thought through to the smallest detail. All interior elements, such as curtains and furniture upholstery, kitchen facades, the color of wallpaper and floor finishes, lighting and lighting fixtures, should seem to form some kind of unified ensemble in color and style. Kitchens in brown colors can be combined with elements in shades of chestnut, cognac, brick, yew, coffee, cinnamon, cocoa bean, brass or barley.

It’s easy to get lost in this variety and make the wrong choice, especially since for an excellent result of all finishing work, you should take into account the lighting factor, the size of the room, and the personal style preferences of the owner of the room. After all, if in a small six-meter kitchen we use the maximum of chestnut shades, the room will visually become smaller, and in addition to poor lighting, we will end up with a tiny kennel.

Based on these premises, the interior of a brown kitchen should be diluted with companion flowers. A good companion to brown is the color of caramel, as it is a transitional color to yellow.

Complement these two colors with a shade of azure or red pepper, and you will get a lively, multifaceted, but at the same time calm interior.

A kitchen in brown tones is perfectly complemented by orange shades. Brown in a duet with orange gives a wide range of design ideas. The orange-brown combination is reminiscent of a riot of autumn colors, bright, warm, special. The third color will be superfluous here, but it’s worth diversifying the interior picture with the presence of different shades. They go well with the brown-orange colors of peach and apricot, which can be diluted with milky shades.

Plain solutions for furniture and walls

As a rule, when choosing monochromatic solutions, you should understand that brown cannot be the background, so white is left for the walls.

But there are options here too:

  • A plain white palette for decorating a kitchen can still seem quite boring, even when combined with brown furniture. Therefore, a harmonious solution would be to choose an accent wall, the wallpaper on which may contain a chocolate pattern in the style chosen for the entire interior. For example, a large openwork pattern is chosen for a classic design, polka dots and small flowers are chosen for a vintage design, an abstract pattern with cosmic notes is suitable for a high-tech and minimalist style.
  • The majority of surfaces, including furniture, can be made in white. Then it is advisable to choose textured wallpaper and still choose a place for an accent wall. This is usually the dining area. The interior will then be decorated with a brown floor, perhaps partly with the same ceiling. An apron in the same colors also becomes a mandatory element. You can complement this combination with a dark dining set and matching tabletop. This solution is applicable in modern interiors, when kitchen furniture in the same color scheme with the walls will simply blend in, and attention goes only to the details.

The photo shows a white interior palette with a wooden apron and countertop.

Brown kitchen interior elements

If for some reason you were unable to purchase a brown kitchen set and in general completely different colors predominate in your kitchen, but you are a fan of this noble color, then you should not deny yourself a little.

There is nothing stopping you from adding brown elements to your interior, because the brown color itself is natural and discreet, and with the right combination it will only add contrast and charm to the room.

This could be, for example, brown wallpaper in the kitchen or a kitchen with a brown countertop. It should be remembered that wallpaper that is too dark visually makes the room smaller.

Choose lighter shades such as brown-beige. Chocolate-colored walls will contrast effectively with the light facades of the set.

Brown curtains for the kitchen will also help satisfy the taste preferences of a lover of chocolate shades. It will not be difficult to fit brown curtains into the interior, because they do not attract much attention, but will serve as a backdrop for brighter accent spots.

Brown combinations

Brown is a serious, down-to-earth color that means stability, protection, comfort, support. Because it is hard, durable, mature, it is often preferred by men in interior design.

Lilac combined with brown

Combining brown with other colors in the interior can be as follows:

  • gray, metallic silver with brown for an unusual neutral look;
  • black, orange-red, whitish and brown for a strong neutral background;
  • pale pink, light brown, beige, black for a neutral color scheme;
  • light brown, orange citrus, shade of white for earthy vibrations;
  • brown, red, bright teal creates an earthly scheme full of life;
  • shades of brown with hints of gray with dark earthy orange-red are a strong masculine scheme;
  • dark chocolate as a background works great with orange-brown, yellow, as well as gray shades that add lightness.

Bright orange countertop

The kitchen is the heart of the home, the place where delicious meals are prepared for the whole family. Good food needs atmosphere, warmth, which is complemented by the surrounding colors. Let's explore how each shade affects our kitchens with these thoughtful, carefully chosen samples.

Mix brown shades with bright, neutral tones

Light and dark brown shades continue to take pride of place in new interior design trends. They are comfortable, safe, elegant, familiar, well suited to any style, layout, architecture. Light and dark shades are versatile and captivating, allowing you to create a calm, peaceful interior design in neutral tones or experiment with bright color combinations to create personalized home interiors.

Because brown is quite expressive and powerful, even a painting, throw pillow, flower pot or picture frame in dark brown can beautifully highlight a modern interior design in lighter colors, enhancing home decor with strong color contrasts and a comfortable feel. You can display paintings or photographs in brown tones on the walls for a dramatic, unexpected effect.

All brown tones work well with black, gray, and white decorations. They look interesting with green and yellow, creating natural, bright, modern interior color schemes. Purple, red, pink, blue are suitable alternatives for accenting.

Brown and white combination

Browns look great with white decor - white room furniture, lighting system, wall painting, window curtains, floor mats. White makes brown more expressive, emphasizes the contrast; together they are like clean air and moist soil. The combination of cream or any shades of white in kitchen textiles is great for creating balanced, bright and comfortable kitchens.

White makes brown more expressive

Taupe decor

Brown goes well with any texture; they look especially beautiful with natural wood. Place gray color in large appliances so that they contrast brightly with the wood. You can also dilute the wood with concrete walls to bring industrial notes into a cozy atmosphere.

Chrome with clear acrylic, wrought iron and ceramic are great for modern interior design in chocolate tones with other color accents. Gorgeous light, dark shades, dark mocha, coffee, chocolate, bronze, mahogany with ochre, sand or camel hair look pleasant, comfortable.

Brown goes well with any texture


Chestnut walls look best with lampshades in soft colors. Light brown shades, beige, and tan are perfect for creating a romantic, cozy look; they affect the mood of the room. Bright yellows and emerald greens are good for creating bold, stylish accents; they brighten up modern interior design in neutral chestnut shades.

Important. Walls painted chestnut create a unique interior scheme, they serve as one of the ways to bring a new look to a room, creating unique, very personal home interiors.

Play with contrast

Tip Use light pink, purple or blue color tones, violet, reddish brown shades for your window curtains, furniture upholstery fabrics, lampshades, decorative pillows, flower pots, kitchen utensils.

These tones add interest and liven up the design, which is based on dark and light brown shades.

In the style of minimalism

Natural wood textures and textiles

The chocolate shade is great for furniture. Hardwoods and modern wood materials harmonize with all dark and light brown shades. Adding decorative accessories in vibrant hues creates unique, impressive modern ideas.

Jute ideas create stylish eco-friendly retreats. Chestnut, combined with stylish patterns and other light neutral tones, can dramatically transform an interior design, surprising with striking details, bringing balance, giving a special look to the interior.

Add creative paintings to a monochrome scheme. Chess, stripes, simple geometric or round patterns for walls, cabinets, eye-catching pillows, upholstery fabric, window curtains or kitchen utensils, vases, lampshades are successful, unique, modern ideas for interior design.

Chocolate shade is great for furniture

Soft beige and dark brown color combination

Creamy, chocolate shades look fabulously romantic and soft. Mixing dark brown with light colors such as beige, camel, ocher, sand, tan, wheat, and accentuating modern interior design ideas with light teal, light blue, and blue offer ways to create dramatic yet cozy, elegant home interiors.

Wooden set

Wooden furniture in natural colors looks comfortable, familiar, and works well in traditional and vintage home decor. But it's also great for creating young, fresh, modern interiors that reflect your personality - just add bold, bright colors to the scheme.

Install natural stone countertops onto the cabinets so that both materials complement and play off each other.

This kitchen looks cozy

Yellow-brown interior

Yellow signifies creativity and growth. The bright colors are appropriately softened by the almost neutral brown hue. Yellow is a vibrant color that has been found to stimulate thought, imagination and creativity.

Stable, solid brown suits yellow well. It is also a color that denotes simplicity and comfort. Practical but with sensual overtones, brown is best suited for kitchen decor. The brown and yellow kitchen is the focal point for consistently creative and satisfying meals.

Yellow is a universal color that goes very well with more conservative brown. It's good to have brown as a complement to a scheme as it comes in a wide variety of shades from rich amber to pale cream. Brighter shades of yellow include:

  • chartreuse;
  • chromium;
  • gold;
  • lemon.

Brown has shades from beige to dark chocolate.

Yellow signifies creativity and growth

Warmer shades of yellow such as cream, butter and lemon paste pair very well with richer, darker browns. They give a more traditional look and a warm welcome.

You can add:

  • bright pop colors;
  • chartreuse;
  • citrus;
  • gold.

Deeper shades of yellow such as amber and apricot look sensational with beiges and browns. To keep this combination from looking gloomy, add a few drops of red or green or even black as accents to keep things interesting.

The color scheme of a room determines its feel

Here's what designers say about this:

  • “Because brown is a mixture of red, yellow and black, it is a composite color that looks good with yellow since it is already in the composite. Paint the walls a butter color and make the cabinets and floors a dark mahogany look. Use a pale brown-yellow granite for the countertops and trim, with an additional brighter shade of the same yellow on the backsplash. Accents of red on tableware or window frames can add a focal point." - Jordan Dane of Jazz Interiors.
  • “Make the walls beige and add bright lemon or buttercup yellow cabinets. Vinyl flooring with patterns of beige, white and yellow will look anti-aircraft. Add a backsplash in the same yellow shade with black accents in the wall covering, rug and tableware." - Ashley Brown of Pretty Homes.
  • “Amber walls with dark wood cabinets and matching flooring look beautiful. Add focal points of beige or cream to create a delicious contrast. The colors work together beautifully and create a really warm and cozy atmosphere." - Sandra Lenon

Yellow is a universal color

The color scheme of a room determines its feel. Yellow and brown kitchens can be traditional and warm or edgy and modern. Choose your design and start creating. Make your own combo.

Summer palette of green and brown

Green is essentially a summer color and it looks best when chosen in the right shade of grass green. Brown and green together is a great combination because it is what we see in nature, especially in trees.

Think about a scheme that includes wooden furniture. The kitchen is a part of the home where you can effectively use wood for style and function at the same time. Here you need to use wood correctly for cabinets in various shades of natural brown and you can combine them with green accents in details. Green shades can be in dishes, wallpaper, rugs and curtains . There are homes where green has been suitably used for cabinets. Think about the color scheme in advance before deciding on anything.

Add a little summer to your interior

Brown cabinets

From shades of rattan to darker shades of oak and walnut, there are colorful options for brown furniture that you can easily integrate into a scheme. When it comes to green, the simplest idea is to use it for the walls. When designing your walls, you can stick to muted shades of green, which are not as dark as olive but also not as light as grass. Other colors that can be used include white and some yellow.

Dinner Zone

Green and brown together make the perfect mixture for the dining table, provided there is room for an area. Again, brown elements are found in furniture and flooring, while green is used as table covers, window frames, wallpaper, and tableware. An interesting idea to add here includes plants - in planters, vases, pots or hanging. Plants work great for those dining rooms where there is a natural light source.

Small, bright elements make the kitchen look fresher

The best reason to use a summer palette of brown and green is the amazing consistency when both colors are in equal/balanced amounts and complement each other harmoniously. White, yellow and black can be used in proportion without diluting the main theme.

Amazing combination of brown and gray

The combination of two neutrals - brown and gray - is definitely appropriate in a room, moreover, they are also found in nature. Not only can they be the perfect combination - they also work well with many other colors.

Opposites attract

As with any color, brown and gray shades can vary from cooler to warmer, but in general, brown is considered warmer and gray is considered cooler. And that's one of the reasons they're so good together. Gray can provide a nice visual break and highlight cold areas in a room with brown furniture, while brown can add warmth to a room dominated by gray.

Gray can provide a pleasant rest for the eyes


When you have a predominantly brown and gray color scheme, using different shades of both colors will be interesting. And accent this color scheme with a sharp contrast of white in trim, walls, accent walls (especially textured brick), and accessories that will add a fresh feel.

I especially love the warm-toned wood that contrasts with the gray walls and white trim. This scheme works great when you want to give a new look to a kitchen with brown cabinets.

And since browns and grays are neutrals, they make the perfect backdrop for showcasing your current favorite accent colors.

Stylish option for a small room

Brick wall

Raw brick walls are defining one of the latest trends in modern kitchens. Interior brick surfaces are beautiful and original architectural features that bring vintage style to traditional and modern homes. The authentic brick surface adds a rustic feel to living spaces, creating a cozy atmosphere and highlighting simple interior design. Exposed bricks are versatile, suit many kitchen styles and look fantastic in small spaces and spacious interiors.

They are beautiful, durable and low maintenance architectural features that work well with all traditional and modern materials. Small blocks of bricks create beautiful patterns and add warmth to modern kitchens. There's something about a raw brick wall that draws the eye.

Raw brick walls come in a variety of colors, textures and patterns, creating an industrial charm or a country-style ambiance . Although brown brick looks stunning on its own, it can also be painted partially or completely with paint - grey, white, black or another color. Any brick design in the kitchen will be unusual.

Photo of a brown kitchen

Subtleties of floor and wall design

The floor of the kitchen space must withstand constant mechanical stress, high humidity and be easy to clean. As a rule, ceramics, tiles or natural stone are used if the owners’ budget allows. However, laying a plank floor is quite acceptable, for example, in country or loft style.

When deciding what wallpaper will suit a brown kitchen, keep in mind that they are rarely exactly brown. Usually a palette of light shades is used - from white to beige. Wallpaper for a brown kitchen should be selected in contrast with the facade and with the ability to easily remove dirt.

Pros and cons of color scheme

The two-color design of the headset has both advantages and disadvantages.

Main advantages

1. Lightweight design. Most often, the fronts of the upper cabinets are matched to the color of the walls, this makes it possible to visually lighten the kitchen environment.

Photo: Instagram @superfrontdotcom

Photo: Instagram @superfrontdotcom

2. More light. The light top of the headset helps to expand the space and multiplies the light. The lighter the undertone is chosen, the more illuminated the room will seem, and glossy facades will further enhance this effect.

Photo: Instagram @casaejardim

Photo: Instagram @casaejardim

3. Lack of reference to the area. Combined kitchens look great both in spacious rooms and in conditions of limited space.

Photo: Instagram @casaejardim

Photo: Instagram @casaejardim

Photo: Instagram @casaejardim

Photo: Instagram @casaejardim

4. Neutrality of style. A set with rich lower facades and a lightweight top will be appropriate in a variety of styles: it is suitable for neoclassical and minimalist interiors, it will decorate a Scandi kitchen and will come in handy in classics.

Photo: Instagram @cecilieclaussen_iark

Photo: Instagram @cecilieclaussen_iark

Photo: Instagram @lardocecasa

Photo: Instagram @lardocecasa

5. Variety of options. The combination of dark and light is not only black and white, but a lot of other options, from catchy and contrasting (for example, light pink + dark blue) to neutral and unobtrusive (milky + dark brown).

Photo: Instagram @cecilieclaussen_iark

Photo: Instagram @cecilieclaussen_iark

6. Timeless relevance. The combined color scheme for the headset has enduring relevance: such a design will be appropriate both today and in decades to come.

Photo: Instagram @casacombr

Photo: Instagram @casacombr

7. Independence from configuration. A linear set, a corner set, or any other can be combined.

Photo: Instagram @cecilieclaussen_iark

Photo: Instagram @cecilieclaussen_iark

Photo: Instagram @casacombr

Photo: Instagram @casacombr

Key Disadvantages

1. Contrast. Not everyone likes contrasting color combinations in the interior. To reduce the sharpness of the contrast, you can choose the closest variations of the same color for the headset: for example, light gray and dark gray, cream and caramel.

Photo: Instagram @superfrontdotcom

Photo: Instagram @superfrontdotcom

Photo: Instagram @casacombr

Photo: Instagram @casacombr

2. Inability to dissolve in space. The set, the upper and lower cabinets of which are matched to the color of the wall finish, visually seems to dissolve in space. With a kitchen where the lower facades are darker than the upper ones, this is more difficult to do.

Photo: Instagram @superfrontdotcom

Photo: Instagram @superfrontdotcom

3. Difficulty of adding to the palette. Often the lightweight top and rich bottom of the kitchen causes certain difficulties with complementing the palette: the combination in itself is quite expressive, and inclusions of any other colors may seem redundant; creating a truly harmonious interior requires a designer’s vision and developed taste.

Photo: Instagram @superfrontdotcom

Photo: Instagram @superfrontdotcom

Instagram @superfrontdotcom

Instagram @superfrontdotcom

Apron and countertop

The color of the countertop in a brown kitchen can be combined with the apron. A combination of ceramics, tiles or wooden materials looks great. However, you need to remember one simple rule: the darker the color, the more difficult it is to clean - the smallest stains will be visible to the naked eye. Considering the frequency of use and the degree of contamination of these surfaces during everyday cooking, it is worth giving preference to lighter colors.

Light work surface in a kitchen interior in beige tones

White kitchen contrasts with brown countertops

Credit: @

White and brown kitchen with a bright juicy apron

Pay attention to the kitchen interior design in black and white - photo examples and design tips.

Credit: @

Black countertop in a kitchen interior in beige tones

Choosing a shade of brown

In order for the interior to look elegant and harmonious, you need to decide which shade to use. The choice is quite large, because this color can be either cozy and warming or cold and formal.

Thanks to such a multifaceted palette, it can be used to design any room:

  1. In large kitchens with proper lighting, it is good to use rich shades such as chestnut, dark chocolate, mahogany, golden brown or black coffee.
  2. If the task is to make the space wider and airier, then you need to add several delicate tones, such as baked milk, ivory, light brown cocoa with a hint of pink, nutty or caramel.
  3. To create a calm and friendly environment, soft autumn tones are perfect: peach, tan, sand, neutral medium cinnamon or milk chocolate.

Brown is considered a universal option. It will decorate any kitchen interior and will be appropriate in various styles: it will bring grace and chic to classic, and comfort and homeliness to Provence. By choosing it for ultra-modern design images, you will be able to give the room clarity of shape, depth and dynamism.

Ceiling in corner kitchen design

For most kitchens, a plain white ceiling will do. It won’t stand out and won’t spoil the idea. If desired, it can be painted with slightly colored paint to match the main color in the kitchen. But don't get carried away. The darker the ceiling, the worse the light from the chandelier is reflected from it, and, accordingly, the darker it is in the kitchen.

Advice! A good idea would be to have no chandelier at all. It already takes up too much space, which is already not enough in the kitchen. Instead, install recessed lights and apply LED strip lights to the bottom of the cabinets. This way you will save space, and there will be even more light. In addition, it can be turned on in different parts of the kitchen.

Window in corner kitchen design

For the most part, windows are a problem in the context of kitchens. They reduce the number of options for arranging cabinets and cabinets, interfere with design ideas, and offer a view that is not always pleasant.

In general, try to position your kitchen so that when you cook, the window is located to your right or left: this will give you more space. Under no circumstances should you surround the windows with cabinets - it looks tasteless and terrible. As a last resort, you can always block the window.

Advice! Turn a window from a disadvantage into an advantage: decorate the window sill with the colors of your countertops, thereby adding an additional surface. There you can store spices and bulk products or make it a “parking place” for various kitchen gadgets: a coffee machine, a food processor, a multicooker and others.

Corner kitchen living room

A kitchen combined with a living room can truly become the main decoration of the whole house. With such layouts, designers try to make the kitchen the center of attention, use the best materials and the most daring solutions.

As a rule, large kitchens are made from valuable types of wood in noble shades; large dining tables made from the same wood are often placed nearby. At such a spacious table you can gather a large group, and due to the proximity of the kitchen surfaces, it will be convenient for the hostess to serve food and drinks.

In any case, you shouldn’t concentrate too much on the catering unit, because besides it, there is a lot of furniture and objects in the living room that should not be “in the shadow” of the kitchen.

How to combine a brown set with the interior

A good way to make a room look respectable is to use chocolate shades for kitchen fronts. To prevent the room from looking too gloomy, it is important to choose the right colors for the remaining components of the interior.


The shade for curtains must be chosen based on the basic tones used for the interior design of the room. They should either exactly repeat the primary colors, or be several shades lighter.


The most suitable variations are cream, beige, yellow, coffee with milk and green. To create a contrasting effect, you can choose milky, ivory or white wallpaper.

Floor and ceiling

When it comes to a spacious room, you can play with different shades that will give the space richness and sophistication. For example, make the floor and ceiling in the same color scheme. For small kitchens, it is better to make such surfaces in light colors.

Apron and countertop

Usually, for the design of these elements, colors are chosen that are close to those used for the facades. All shades of beige, milk chocolate or the contrasting color of vanilla are perfect. Black will also fit harmoniously into the interior, especially if the walls are light in color.

Table and chairs

In order for the kitchen not to look boring and formal, you should not choose the color of the dining room furniture, which repeats the shade of the set. If the overall tone of the room is light, then you can play on the contrast and make the table and chairs dark and vice versa.

Kitchen appliances

Black or steel color of household appliances will be an excellent solution for a room made in brown tones. If you need to dilute a too dark interior, then a refrigerator or other appliances can be used as bright color accents.


Multi-level lighting in kitchens made in wood tones will add airiness to the interior. It is also good to use for combining in one space what, at first glance, does not fit together at all.

Spot light can be used for demarcation, for example to visually separate a work area from a dining area.

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