Dark living room - photo examples of living room design in dark colors



Light colors of furniture in the living room visually expand the space, making it larger and lighter, and often this becomes the decisive argument in choosing a design. Dark furniture requires a special approach, but with it, the design of the living room can become interesting. For example, in cases where:

  • priority is given to presentability and solidity of the interior;
  • optimal conditions for intellectual work are important;
  • the setting is designed to create an intimate atmosphere.

Dark colors will be relevant if the living room windows face a highway with busy traffic. This option will calm you down and create a kind of protection from a too noisy and bright environment.

Living room Isotta

Features of interiors in dark colors

Nowadays, when decorating modern apartments and country houses, designers often choose dark colors for the living room. In former times, family celebrations and entertainment were often held in this room. The bright room created the appropriate atmosphere for such events.

Modern lifestyle dictates different conditions. The living room is most often used for watching TV, quiet conversations, and relaxing. Often it is necessary to arrange a sleeping place in it. A living room with dark wallpaper, flooring, and furniture provides excellent conditions for such use. This room is comfortable:

  • watch your favorite films,
  • read,
  • work,
  • have romantic dinners.

The dark living room is suitable for quiet conversations and relaxation

The obvious advantages of such an interior include the presentability inherent in decoration in dark colors. It looks respectable, aristocratic, and emphasizes the good taste of the owners. This solution is ideal for a room that faces a busy highway. The design of a living room with a dark floor and walls is calming, creates a kind of protection from the outside world, and allows you to relax and unwind.

A living room with dark wallpaper looks solid and aristocratic

Many people think that such a solution can give the room unnecessary gloom and make it depressing. However, this is a misconception. Just look at photos of living rooms with dark wallpaper and furniture to see how comfortable such an interior can be if the tones and combinations are chosen correctly.

Optimal ratios in the color palette

The living room will definitely be too gloomy and boring if it contains only black, dark shades. There are certain guidelines that you can adhere to when choosing finishes, furniture, and decor. Professional designers recommend that when decorating a living room in a dark color, choose three types of shades: dark, medium and light, using them in a ratio of 2:2:1.

For example, in a living room with a dark floor, you can use materials in medium tones to decorate the walls and complement the interior with light accessories. If the wall decoration is dark, furniture in light shades will look advantageous against its background.

Light wall decoration is combined with a dark floor

Lovers of contrasts often use a combination of black and white and complement the interior with red shades. This technique can be seen in various variations in photos of living rooms with dark wallpaper and floors. This design is expressive, but not everyone wants to see such drastic solutions in their living room. There are many interesting options for interiors in dark colors. The main color can be used:

  • chocolate;
  • emerald;
  • sapphire;
  • cherry;
  • burgundy;
  • asphalt gray, etc.

Contrasting combination of black and white

It’s not difficult to find partners for them in a medium, light palette. This will help create a harmonious, interesting interior.

It should be taken into account that the interior of a living room with a dark floor, walls, and ceiling is acceptable only for spacious rooms; if the living room area is less than 18 m2, this technique should not be used. If the room is small, you can use less radical options. For example, one dark wall in the living room in combination with furniture with such upholstery will look original and unusual.

Artificial lighting

If the room does not have enough natural light, special attention is paid to artificial light. In addition to the central place for the chandelier, at the stage of finishing the room it is necessary to make marks for spotlights. Their main purpose is to create a warm, cozy atmosphere and illuminate important areas.

With the help of hanging sconces you can highlight the dining area in the kitchen. A floor lamp is useful in the living room next to the sofa.

Dark floors in the living room

The interior of the living room with a dark floor looks majestic and solid. This is an excellent background for furniture made of natural wood, leather or velor upholstery. There are several design options, the choice depends on the interior style and personal taste. Can be used in finishing:

  • tiles imitating granite;
  • dark oak parquet;
  • laminate imitating wenge, cherry, etc.

Dark oak parquet looks solid

Imitation stone brings grandeur and luxury to the atmosphere. A living room with a dark floor in a classic style with matte finishes with a muted shine looks great. Glossy materials fit perfectly into modern styles and add a touch of chic to them.

The design of a living room with a dark floor made of natural wood or high-quality imitation harmoniously combines presentability and comfort. Such coatings will be appropriate in any classic style, Scandinavian design.

Living room design with dark floor

In a living room with a dark floor, the walls can be decorated in the same colors. But in this case, it is better to choose medium, light colors for the ceiling and furniture to avoid excessive gloom.

Walls in dark colors

The design of the living room with dark wallpaper looks interesting and extraordinary. This solution can be used in different directions. For example, in the classic, Victorian, and English styles, textured wallpapers in deep blue, burgundy, and bottle colors with patterns, ornaments, gilding, and silver are used. For modern designs the following coatings are used:

  • plain,
  • embossed,
  • glossy.

Extraordinary living room design with dark wallpaper

The choice of tones for other interior items depends on the size of the room and its location. A spacious living room with dark wallpaper and the same floor will look attractive. This technique is not suitable for a small room.

Sometimes it is not practical to cover all the walls with dark materials. They are the background for furniture and decor, which is taken into account when choosing finishes. If the abundance of such tones does not suit personal preferences, one dark wall in the living room would be a good solution. It will act as an accent.

Dark accent wall in the living room

Tips: How to Avoid Boring Decor

  • Experiments with geometry. Circles on the walls, rectangular zones, and other geometric shapes of different colors will allow you to change the space without large-scale renovation work.
  • Contours. This can be done using moldings, baguettes, and paint. You can trace both the contours of objects and the entire wall. In this case, a contrasting color is selected.
  • Patterns. Prints, drawings, paintings, ethnic motifs can transform any room. The dark wall will sparkle with completely new colors and reveal its true potential.
  • Panton. A modern design technique that represents a smooth transition between shades. For example, you can choose an emerald color near the window, gradually “diluting” it closer to the doorway. The technique can also be used for vertical gradation.
  • Wall panels. A good option for a classic. They add aesthetics, elegance and some aristocracy to the room.

Of course, don’t forget about paintings in various frames, photographs, posters, pop art style sets, hanging decorative items and other elements that can easily dilute the dark color.

Dark ceilings

Dark colors for ceilings are rarely chosen. Meanwhile, such a solution can provide the room with a special charm. If you create a tension structure with a glossy finish and equip it with an LED system, a dark-colored living room will become mysterious, glamorous, and romantic.

When making such a decision, it is necessary to take into account the general nature of the design. If the color of the walls in a dark living room is chosen in a medium, light range, the ceiling can be black or dark blue. But with floors and walls decorated in deep dark colors, such finishing should not be used. The room will be too gloomy, even if you install white furniture in it.

Dark ceiling in the living room

The ceiling can be made the main accent, adding originality and charm using design techniques. Depending on the decor of the floor, the color of the walls in a dark living room, and the general style of the interior, it is decorated:

  • molded elements made of gypsum or polyurethane;
  • gilded, silver painting;
  • LED systems “starry sky”;
  • photo printing, etc.

Ready-made professional projects posted on the Internet will help you create a beautiful, harmonious living room design with dark wallpaper, floor or ceiling.

Glossy dark ceiling in the interior

Freeing the windows

The best window decor in a dark room is its complete absence.
If there is no need to hide from the gaze of passersby or cover up the unattractive landscape outside the window, it is better to abandon curtains altogether. For those who feel uncomfortable without tulle, light curtains made of translucent silk and organza are suitable. To visually increase the size of the window opening, the cornices are raised as high as possible. Another interesting move to add light is to free up as much space as possible at the windowsill.

You will have to look for a new place for flower pots, decor and dark furniture.

Selection and distribution of shades

It is not easy to create a cozy, stylish and attractive living room design with dark floors, walls, furniture, without knowing the rules for choosing and distributing shades. Professional specialists have several recommendations that will help with registration.

When choosing tones for the floor, ceiling, and wall color in a dark living room, you need to take into account the ratio of dominant, auxiliary and accent shades. Special attention should be paid to the priority color scheme. About 60% of the space is allocated for it; it will not only set the tone for the entire interior, but also have a psychological impact. When choosing colors for a living room with dark wallpaper and floors, this factor must be taken into account so that the interior does not exert pressure and provides the desired atmosphere. Here are the psychological characteristics of the most popular options:

  • dark red provides elegance, luxury, fills with active energy, can raise blood pressure and increase heart rate;
  • dark blue looks aristocratic, majestic, calms, pacifies, promotes relaxation;
  • purple creates a mystical aura, stimulates the desire to reflect, meditate, and can evoke melancholy;
  • green gives coziness, provides the interior with a noble, solid look, relieves stress, and calms.

The dark blue interior looks aristocratic

Auxiliary shades in the design of a living room with dark wallpaper and flooring should occupy approximately 30%. You should not choose saturated colors; it is better to give preference to calm, muted colors. They should not interrupt the dominant scale.

Bright colors can be used in accent elements. This could be a white, yellow, blue wall in a dark living room, accessories, textile decor, etc. It is important to note that accents are allocated no more than 10% of the total volume.

Bright colors are used as an accent

Interior elements for a dark living room

When designing in dark colors, one should not forget that such interiors symbolize luxury and respectability. They need to use additional elements that emphasize the special nature of the design. In the interior of a living room with a dark floor and walls, depending on the style, the following are used:

  • furniture with glass, metal elements or gilding;
  • mirrors with carved frames or mirror mosaics;
  • multi-tiered chandeliers, crystal sconces, LED lamps;
  • fireplaces are natural or decorative.

Spectacular mirrors emphasize the special character of the interior

The lightness of glass, the shine of metal, the chic of gilding fit perfectly into such designs, diluting excessive severity and gloom. A wonderful addition to such a stop is a fireplace, which adds comfort and warmth.

Look carefully at the photos of living rooms with dark wallpaper and floors. Perhaps in these galleries you will find the embodiment of your dream of an ideal interior.

Crystal chandeliers

Many sunbeams scattering from the crystal throughout the room fill the space with light and warmth. If earlier candelabra chandeliers were associated exclusively with classic apartments, today they are appropriate in Scandinavian, country, and modern interiors. Crystal candlesticks, dresser handles, and decorative threads near a window or doorway will help support the play of light.

When decorating a dark room, you should be as consistent as possible. An impulsively purchased stylish but bulky wardrobe, dark curtains or a too bright carpet can ruin all your efforts. If an apartment renovation is done without designer supervision, it is important not to deviate from pre-set tasks.

Photo gallery – living room with dark wallpaper

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