Kitchens with a column in the "Khrushchev": layout, design, examples

The problem with old Soviet-built standard apartment buildings is that they have very small kitchens. Fortunately, the choice of finishing materials and furniture in modern stores makes it possible to create a functional and cozy space even on 5-7 square meters. Planning the design of a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building is complicated by the fact that in addition to the large appliances - refrigerator, stove, oven - you also need to somehow fit a gas water heater into the interior.

Experienced designers and simply resourceful owners of tiny kitchens have already implemented many similar projects. We have collected the most beautiful and practical ideas for your inspiration.

Style solutions

Not all interior styles are suitable for a small area. For example, classics that require high ceilings and bulky furniture. It is also controversial to use the country style, which uses a lot of decorative details or loft, which is characterized by large free spaces. But even for a small kitchen, you can choose from several design options:

  1. Minimalism. Laconic, nothing superfluous, as simple as possible. Compact, multifunctional furniture of regular geometric shapes. Lots of free space or tall narrow pencil cases to increase volume. A minimum of decor, no decorative elements, simple appliances, preferably built-in. Color design - monochrome, neutral shades, or contrasting, in two colors.
  2. High tech. An abundance of glossy and chrome surfaces, lack of decor. The emphasis is on emphasizing modern household appliances. The color palette is bright and contrasting. Glass, metal, and plastic are welcome materials. Natural wood is undesirable.
  3. Modern. Characterized by smooth lines (for example, you can use a corner sink, a semicircular bar counter). The furniture is as functional as possible, characterized by a variety of lamps and contrasting colors. Many bright accessories are allowed. The materials are budget-friendly and practical.
  4. Provence. Elegant light furniture, the presence of floral motifs in the design, light colors, the presence of flowers in pots, country-style curtains, dishes of different colors are relevant. Materials: wood, natural fabrics.
  5. Vintage. Of course, it is difficult to completely recreate such a design style in a small kitchen, but you can use some details, for example, natural wood furniture with carved details, porcelain dishes, and stucco elements.

Even a small kitchen can be made comfortable and at the same time functional. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of design and not limit yourself to imagination, then your kitchen will become bright and original.

Special furniture and appliances

You can solve the problem with the size of the kitchen without major renovations and special reconstructions by purchasing special furniture for small kitchens, which was mentioned at the very beginning.

Buying special furniture for a small kitchen

It is best to buy to order; many stores have been providing this service for a long time, but you can also buy furniture from a catalog. There are several options available for small kitchens.

Select furniture from the catalog

Methods for masking pipes

There are several ways to solve this problem:

cover the gas pipeline with kitchen furniture. Behind the wall cabinets of the kitchen unit you can completely hide both the pipes and the gas water heater and meter. To do this, dismantle the rear part or remove the side wall of the cabinet. The meter and gas pipe will not take up the entire volume inside the cabinet; there will still be enough space left to store kitchen utensils or food. For a disguise option using wall cabinets, watch the video:

  • install a box made of plastic, plasterboard, polycarbonate or chipboard. The box is a lightweight structure that is mounted on a metal frame profile and guides. Its installation will cost less than purchasing a new kitchen set;
  • use a railing system. The railing is used to disguise the gas pipe when it runs across the entire width of the wall at the level between the countertop and wall cabinets. This makes it possible to use it as a hanging structure for placing light kitchen utensils, hooks, shelves and drying racks on it. In this case, the pipe is cleaned to a shine, and then covered with chrome paint in several layers;
  • decorate pipes. Masking in this way does not require the creation of any structures from various materials, inside of which elements of gas communications will be located. To paint a gas pipeline to match the furniture or wallpaper, you can use any waterproof paint, and also apply decorative painting to the surface of the pipes.

Which way is better?

The simplest, most economical and optimal from a safety point of view for masking gas pipes is the decoration method. In this case, there remains free access to the gas communications for preventive inspections and maintenance.

In addition to budget painting, you can use various improvised means and modern finishing materials to decorate gas pipes:

  • cardboard sleeve;
  • decorative painting;
  • interior mosaic;
  • wallpapering the pipe;
  • decoupage method;
  • twine or twine;
  • bamboo panels.

Features of repair measures

Kitchens with a gas water heater mean a minimum of free space, most of which is occupied by the water heater. In addition, such a unit makes the interior of the room unattractive. After all, its appearance is not presentable, and its dimensions are quite large, so you have to come up with different ways to somehow decorate such a device.

In this case, designers offer the following:

  • Correctly calculate the required amount of building materials, for which a sketch plan is created, which indicates all the dimensions of the kitchen space.
  • If, according to the repair plan, the dispenser will be moved, then this process will have to be coordinated with the gas services, because independently moving the dispenser and its pipes is considered illegal.
  • Methods for decorating pipes are being thought through; the budget for the operations performed will depend on this.
  • The geyser is decorated in different ways. Designers offer several options, from which the customer chooses the one he likes.

In any kitchen there are significant changes in humidity and temperature, therefore materials for renovation of the room are selected taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages.

In addition, a gas-powered dispenser is a device whose design includes a chimney. Therefore, it needs to be taken out somewhere. Usually the exit is made to the street through the wall of the building. If the gas appliance was moved during the repair process, then the exhaust line is also rebuilt with an outlet through another hole or into the old one, taking into account the new chimney. At the same time, it is thought out in advance how to close or decorate the chimney.

Before repairing the wall and making ventilation holes in it, you should accurately calculate the installation height of the gas water heater, and, accordingly, the length of the chimney. Thus, the issue of cost of materials is resolved.

What to consider when repairing

Owners of small-sized apartments in Khrushchev-era buildings cannot boast of a spacious kitchen. Instead, they are forced to place all the necessary equipment and furniture on the meager square meters of this room.

Let us add that the kitchens in such housing are equipped with a gas heater, which further complicates their design, because such a unit reduces usable space to a minimum, making the kitchen design unattractive. However, it can also become a functional part of the decor if the renovation is done correctly.

Experienced designers insist that:

  • kitchen renovation should begin with taking measurements of the space, creating a sketch that will show the future layout of the room, calculating the current amount of construction and finishing materials;
  • if the future interior requires redevelopment, including moving the unit for heating water or pipes from it, the budget for repairs will have to be increased. In addition, changes to the interior will have to be legalized by special authorities;
  • When moving a gas-powered dispenser, do not neglect the advice of a fire safety specialist. Repairing a Khrushchev-era kitchen should be carried out taking into account his recommendations. If it involves moving a unit or communication elements, permission from utility services will be required;
  • Despite the fact that in such houses the walls are quite thin, the kitchen should be insulated exclusively from the outside. Internal insulation will eat up valuable space.

Arrangement of the work area

In a small kitchen it will not be possible to place a large number of pieces of furniture

In such a situation, the main attention should be paid not to the quantity, but to the quality of the furniture. The most important thing when choosing furniture for a small kitchen is functionality.

Any kitchen must have a refrigerator, and, of course, a stove; You can’t do without a sink. Household appliances – only the most necessary.

A traditional stove can be replaced with a hob, which will significantly save space. Manufacturers offer modern folding designs and many other interesting and practical models.

You can cook in the microwave or purchase a small oven.

Use the space under the sink. Install a dishwasher or small washing machine there.

Instead of a conventional refrigerator, you can purchase a built-in model, which is located horizontally. Such technology options are now in fashion, and they also look very original. In addition, this way you will get additional space. A standard refrigerator can be placed in the hallway.

Advice. To save space, choose a folding table model or take a closer look at transforming tables.

The window sill can be used as an additional useful surface.

The main problem of a small kitchen is clutter. When starting to renovate a room, first of all, throw away unnecessary things that have accumulated over the years.

Avoid shelves and cabinets that are popular in kitchens: they visually make the room smaller. Use pencil cases instead.

An excellent replacement for small shelves are metal rods. They are good for storing kitchen utensils.

Doors that open freely in cabinets hanging on the walls should be replaced with automatic ones or a roller mechanism should be selected to move the doors left and right. They look more compact and do not “eat up” extra space.

The door takes up quite a lot of space in the kitchen. It is best to install sliding doors or remove them altogether. Sliding door designs do not take up space at all.

For a small kitchen, it is recommended to purchase a corner model of the kitchen set. It can be used to separate the cooking area from the dining area. The work area will be equipped inside the kitchen unit.

Often a bar counter also acts as a zone separator.

In addition to the fact that it can be safely used for its intended purpose, when preparing a large number of dishes for the holidays or while waiting for guests, it can be used as an additional surface - both when cooking and when serving a festive table directly in the living room.

Where to place the refrigerator

To have an idea of ​​where to place the refrigerator, you need to remember the principles of ergonomics. At the tops of the working triangle there should be: a sink, a stove or work area, a refrigerator or a storage area.

Work triangle, for different types of kitchen layouts

Ideally, the triangle should be isosceles or strive to be so. Compliance with this rule saves time and energy during the cooking process.

But in the realities of Khrushchev, it is very difficult to comply with this rule. Since the size of such kitchens is from 5 to 7 sq.m., and the refrigerator, as the largest piece of equipment, takes up a significant amount of space. The furnishings of a Khrushchev-era kitchen with a refrigerator depend on the shape of the room and the layout of the kitchen unit.

But there are universal rules for installing a refrigerator:

Closer to the sink - further from the stove. This rule will not only ensure long-term operation of the refrigerator, but will also reduce movement around the kitchen. If the stove is located next to the refrigerator and it is not possible to separate them, it is necessary to provide a small space between the appliances of 15 to 20 cm.

In a corner or at the entrance. In this case, the dimensions of the refrigerator will be less noticeable. And also, you can save a little usable space. You can blur the boundaries of the room by installing a refrigerator in a plasterboard niche at the entrance to the kitchen. Having previously removed the front door or even widened the passage. A refrigerator in a niche will be a continuation of the wall and will conveniently delimit the space.

The geyser is located between the wall cabinets, and the refrigerator is at the entrance

A built-in refrigerator in a set is the most economical, in terms of space, and the most expensive, in terms of finances, option. The built-in refrigerator provides a unified, uncluttered design. The interior looks very neat. There is another significant advantage of built-in equipment - it is much easier to keep clean.


It is advisable to remove the door to the kitchen, as this will significantly widen the opening and enlarge the room as a whole. But you will have to purchase a hood so as not to spread odors throughout the entire apartment.

There is a more interesting way, but which is not suitable for all kitchens - to put the door on rails and make it sliding or folding. This will make the space lighter, provide comfort, but the requirements of inspection organizations will also be met.

Often in Khrushchev buildings there are large doorways. You can take advantage of this and narrow them down to 70–80 centimeters. The 20 centimeters of wall that appear will never be superfluous.

Where does the repair begin?

A gas water heater, of course, greatly complicates repair work. It is recommended to start designing a kitchen with a geyser with precise planning of the interior of the room and creating a sketch. You need to calculate not only the dimensions of appliances and kitchen units, but also the dimensions of finishing materials. Changing the position of the gas water heater entails significant additional costs. Transfer can only be carried out under the guidance of specialists and after obtaining appropriate permission.

There are several options for the location of the gas water heater in the apartment.

  1. In the bathroom, if its area exceeds 7 square meters and there is a ventilation hole in the room.
  2. In the hallway, subject to the same conditions as in the example with the bathroom.
  3. Moving the speaker inside the kitchen.

The design of the geyser needs to be thought out in advance

The geyser greatly complicates repair work

The transfer of a gas water heater must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

How to hide pipes

In addition to the column, problems often arise with pipes and chimneys. In order for the repair to be complete, they often also have to be masked. In stores you can pick up a kit that helps you hide pipes. It consists of boxes and panels. Everything goes together easily and quickly. In the photo you can see the result of using such an acquisition.

You can also create a similar kit yourself. An excellent material would be plywood or drywall.

You can hide the column using plywood or drywall

Creating a work area

The work area is the main part of the kitchen. It should be as convenient and functional as possible. The main thing not to forget is that a small-sized kitchen with a gas water heater can be stylish and modern. Of course, you will have to carefully consider every step in order to make efficient use of the space.

Most often, the problem of lack of space for everything you need is solved with the help of multi-level and retractable kitchen worktops. A good solution would be to make the window sill an extension of the work area.

A classic gas stove takes up a lot of space. It should be replaced with a hob. And the functions of an oven will be well performed by a compact microwave with an air fryer function. You can save space by choosing a compact sink. As practice shows, a large sink is often not fully used.

The work area should be as comfortable and functional as possible

A kitchen with a gas heater can be stylish and functional

Think through every step to make efficient use of space

Selection of furniture and household appliances

A small kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building, of course, cannot accommodate a lot of furniture and appliances. Therefore, you have to choose the most necessary thing, which sometimes turns out to be very difficult. Design experts share a few tricks that are great for saving space.

It is better to choose a corner set. The corner of the kitchen in Khrushchev will be used to the maximum, and corner cabinets are considered more spacious than classic ones. An excellent choice would be cabinets with sliding doors. This will also help to visually enlarge the kitchen in the Khrushchev-era building. The height of the walls should be used to the fullest. For example, you can order two-tier hanging modules or a pencil case for storing kitchen utensils from floor to ceiling. It is better to install a folding dining table and lightweight folding chairs. It is recommended to integrate household appliances into the furniture. This way it won’t spoil the design with its appearance and won’t take up much space. Using white will visually enlarge the room

In this case, the light geyser will not stand out against the general background. Particular attention should be paid to lighting. You can highlight the work area on the kitchen unit. It is better to make a suspended ceiling from a glossy material. Reflective surfaces always increase space. In Khrushchev-era apartments, it is better to place the refrigerator outside the kitchen.

Reflective surfaces always increase space. In Khrushchev-era apartments, it is better to place the refrigerator outside the kitchen.

Choose comfortable and functional furniture

Make the most of every possible space, from floor to ceiling

A creative approach to the design of a small kitchen and rationality will help create a stylish and functional room in which all family members will be comfortable. The main thing is to use the available space wisely and not to overload the kitchen in a Khrushchev-era apartment with useless items and decor.

How to design pipes and chimney?

When decorating a small kitchen, the question arises of how to hide the pipes, the presence of which most people consider a disadvantage. You cannot sew them up: blind plasterboard niches and boxes will be a serious violation. When hiding the pipeline, it is necessary to leave free access to it - equip the decorative box with a door or hatch.

In the photo there is a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building, where the only reminder of the water heater is the gas pipe left in plain sight. The refrigerator is built into the closet, and the window sill serves as an additional seating area.

Connoisseurs of modern styles (Scandi, loft, fusion and contemporary) are more tolerant of open pipes and chimneys, preferring to leave them in sight. Firstly, boxes deprive a Khrushchev-era kitchen of valuable space, and secondly, even “unattractive” gas pipes can fit perfectly into the chosen style.

The photo shows a straight kitchenette with a neat black column and pipes that harmonize with the stylish decor.

Options for placing gas equipment in the kitchen

In the process of choosing a suitable location for the speaker, you must first take care of your own safety. And so, it is prohibited: to place the unit directly above the stove (hob) - the minimum margin (distance) from the stove should be 10 cm; hide it in a closet without ventilation holes or air circulation; decorate the wall and nearby fittings with flammable materials. Also, it is prohibited to hide gas pipes in walls or in permanent boxes.

NB! Access to the column and supplied communications must be open.

There are three good locations for a speaker in the kitchen: inside the wall cabinet, between the linear cabinets, and in the corner at the junction of the L-shaped cabinets. With the right approach to business, the design of a small kitchen with a column will look harmonious.

Contrary to safety rules, gas equipment can still be hidden behind a furniture façade. In this case, the cabinet should not have a back wall, top and bottom covers, and there should be ventilation holes in the side walls. It is recommended to trim the walls and door with insulating material. It should be remembered that the distance from the unit to the sides must be at least 5 cm on each side.

A structure with a stylish design does not need to be hidden at all, but, on the contrary, put on display by installing it between wall cabinets. In this case, the height of the cabinets should be almost the same as the column. At the same time, care should be taken to ensure that the speaker body matches the style and color of the facades. As mentioned above, the color of the equipment may be different from the surrounding objects, but not contradict the overall concept of the room.

In room designs with an L-shaped arrangement of furniture, it is rational to place the column in the corner between the wall cabinets. The installation body can be covered with a decorative door, imitating the design of the surrounding cabinets. With this arrangement, when entering the kitchen, it will be quite difficult to detect gas equipment.

Finally, when developing the design of a kitchen with a gas water heater, one should not forget about the need to disguise the communications that come with the water heater. Agree, bulging pipes and a chimney do not look aesthetically pleasing, to say the least. Special panels and boxes with a removable structure will help hide unsightly components.

If you decide to install a gas water heater in your apartment, the choice will usually fall on the kitchen. At the same time, the main task remains the proper placement of the speaker in such a way that the kitchen interior does not suffer from it. But how can you do this in a small area? We will describe you some interesting ideas and show you photos.

Selecting a column depending on its design

Today, manufacturers offer us speakers of various colors, including the design of a small kitchen with a gas heater, which will bring novelty and originality. Therefore, choosing a speaker to match the rest of the equipment or interior will not be difficult. Moreover, you can do the painting yourself, decorating everything to your taste. The main thing is not to forget to carefully prepare the surface of the front panel: clean it from dirt and dust, sand it and coat it with a special primer. For greater precision and accuracy, you can use a sprayer.

There are several permitted options for placing a gas water heater in the kitchen.

Placing a speaker between kitchen cabinets

The first is to place it between wall cabinets. However, following safety precautions, it is necessary to leave 3 cm to the left and right of it, so as not to impede natural ventilation. Moreover, it must be located away from flammable surfaces, and the sides of the cabinets will have to be covered with a special non-flammable material.

Embedding a geyser in a cabinet

Alternatively, the geyser can be placed in a cabinet, but safety standards must also be taken into account. There must be free space on each side of the device, and the cabinet must have no back, top or bottom panels. Since the column will be hidden by just one door, you can play around with the facade and make it carved.

If you have a corner kitchen set, you can make the device the last link, hiding it behind the door. In this case, you will create the effect of a corner cabinet.

Obviously, with proper ingenuity, the design of a small kitchen with a gas heater can become the highlight of your home.

Photos of the best design solutions

Thinking through the design of a kitchen with a gas heater is difficult, but possible. If you listen to the recommendations of specialists, the room will become truly cozy and functional. And our selected photographs of real interiors will help you organize your kitchen space correctly.

Video: what pitfalls may arise if you decide to hide a gas water heater inside a furniture cabinet.

Kitchens with geyser

Kitchens in old-style multi-storey buildings are quite small and can often include a ventilation duct or gas water heater of their own design. These seemingly obstacles, which reduce the useful space of the kitchen to a minimum, making its design unattractive, can be played up in different ways or hidden by doing the renovation correctly.

The geyser provides the home with regular hot water supply, but also spoils the interior of the kitchen.

To leave this necessary and functional device in the kitchen, it needs to be correctly integrated into the overall interior of the room.

The ideal option is a solution when the geyser becomes an integral part of the design project, while at the same time not being a bright accent that attracts attention.

With a properly planned design, a gas water heater can turn from a disadvantage of a kitchen into its advantage.

A gas water heater hidden behind the furniture facades will not attract attention and will not spoil the interior

Kitchen-living room

Main article: Design of a kitchen-living room in Khrushchev. To implement such an idea, you just need to tear down the wall. Making a similar project in a Khrushchev-era building is not difficult, since there is no concrete.

After there is no partition left, you need to think about what you will use to decorate the walls and floor.

In general, according to the laws of the genre, it is necessary to make floors of different structures or colors, thereby setting the line. But, in the case of a very modest cubic capacity, it is better to lay exactly the same floor in the living room and kitchen.

The same applies to the ceiling. You don't need any tiers, boxes or arches. It is best if the kitchen and living room are a completely unified ensemble.

Curtains, also, should be the same, not mismatched. Only in this case will the interior look truly harmonious.

Main types of geysers

There are three main types of columns:

With manual ignition. The most outdated option, which at the same time is the least secure. Ignition occurs in two stages - first, the gas supply to the wick is opened, which is ignited with a match. Then the main gas supply is turned on, which is ignited by the wick flame. This type is practically no longer produced, but in many old-type apartments it can still be found.

With piezo element. Ignition is performed by pressing a button. The piezoelectric device is activated and the water heater begins its operation without further human action. These models are already considered modern, have excellent functionality and design, as well as a relatively affordable price.

Automatic. The most modern variation of the geyser. Switching on and ignition occurs when the hot water tap is opened, switching off when closed. The principle of operation of the mechanism is similar to the ignition system in a car. The advantages of automatic water heaters are convenience, safety, and economical gas consumption. The disadvantage is the relatively high price compared to other models.

Column decoration

If you prefer open placement of equipment, then you can successfully play up the speaker using the simplest means of expression. In rare cases, the column is painted, but this option should be seriously considered. There are much simpler ways to decorate. For example, use stickers or magnets.

You can go further and make a full-fledged artistic concept. The main thing is that your creative experiments do not in any way interfere with the proper operation of the speaker.

Style selection

Before choosing a method for decorating a gas water heater, you need to decide on the kitchen design style. If you want to do nothing and leave everything as it is in its place, it is better to give preference to the loft. This direction is implemented by exposing all engineering communications. A gas water heater, in plain sight, will come in handy here. Everything can be put on display: gas meter, pipes, risers. They become the decoration of the room, their color and shape sets the tone for the overall design.

Gas water heater in a loft interiorSource

If you like a rustic style, you also don’t have to hide the equipment. It should be aged a little using special paints. You can display a geyser even when the rustic or Provence style is used. Here you can safely experiment with artistic painting, stickers and decals. The main thing is to choose subjects that are close to the theme of the chosen design direction. When implementing other styles, it is better to hide geysers in cabinets.

An example of a successful implementation of a classicSource

The following photo shows an example of the implementation of minimalism in the kitchen interior.

A modern interpretation of minimalismSource

Enlarging the kitchen in Khrushchev at the expense of the bathroom

Surely, many will be surprised by this option, since the bathtubs in Khrushchev-era buildings are already so miniature that it’s hard to imagine what could be cut down there.

But people found a rather interesting solution: replace the bathtub itself with a shower stall and “sink” the refrigerator into the resulting square. Of course, to do this you need to knock out part of the wall from the kitchen side.

In principle, the idea is quite good if you under no circumstances use the bathroom and do not need it. For example, there are overweight people for whom cabins are much more comfortable.

But, if you still use it, it is better not to expand the area by depriving yourself of such benefits. No shower will warm you up after freezing temperatures as well as a hot bath. And in terms of functionality, it is very necessary: ​​to wash something, wash it...

Therefore, there is no need to get excited. Just take note of this method.

In conclusion, I would like to say: go for it, everything is in your hands! Try to stick to these basic rules and everything will work out.

Other useful tips for renovating a small kitchen

When drawing up a design project for renovating a kitchen with a gas heater, it is necessary to take into account fire safety requirements, use ergonomic rules and think through the ventilation of the room. There are some useful tips that can help put all this into practice.

Modern geysersSource

First, even at the stage of thinking through the future interior, it is important to decide where the described equipment will be located. Perhaps it makes sense to replace the speaker with a more modern model, more suitable for future furniture

It is important to determine in advance where the device will be located, how to make a chimney and install ventilation.

Modern model in the kitchen interiorSource

Secondly, regardless of whether the speaker will be built into the set or not, it is better to order furniture for equipping a small kitchen in a workshop and make it exactly to the size of the existing room. This will allow you to organize an ergonomic storage system and use every centimeter of available usable space.

Custom-made setSource

Third, many people think that if you have a gas water heater, you can’t install suspended ceilings in the kitchen. If the ceilings in the apartment are higher than 2.25 m, then you can

It is important to observe one condition. There must be a distance of at least 8 cm between the chimney opening and the tension fabric film

At the same time, it is better to make the chimney not from an aluminum corrugated pipe, but from a sandwich that has an internal thermal insulation layer.

Geyser and suspended ceilingSource

Fourth, the wall on which the gas water heater rests cannot be covered with wallpaper or covered with plastic panels. Heat generated by operating equipment may cause this finish to melt or catch fire. It is best to choose plaster. It is allowed to hang the speaker on walls decorated with ceramic tiles.

Fifth, for the safety of family members and for the proper operation of gas equipment, it is necessary that there is a constant flow of fresh air in the kitchen. Therefore, in the kitchen where the gas water heater is used, it is necessary to install plastic windows with a fresh air ventilation valve.

Fresh air ventilation valve on plastic windowsSource

Note! If a small kitchen is being renovated from scratch, it is advisable to take care and install fresh air ventilation valves as an element separate from the window. They cut into walls and look like the following photo.

If a supply and exhaust system is already installed in the room, it is worth inviting a specialist home at the renovation stage and entrusting him with checking their balanced operation. If any deficiencies are found, immediately correct them and put the chimney in order.

Supply ventilation valves in the kitchenSource

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