Design of a kitchen hood in kitchen interior design

When you are in the kitchen, you want to breathe clean air, and not fumes from pots and pans, which can even be harmful.

Exactly for this? All kitchens should be equipped with hoods that, absorbing unpleasant odors, will fill the room with fresh air.

However, you should carefully consider the choice of such a device; it must have sufficient power to provide the kitchen area, its dimensions must correspond to the required dimensions, and it is also important to decide whether to install it yourself or whether it is better to invite a professional for this difficult task.

Hood as a basic functional attribute of kitchen premises

It’s hard not to agree that no matter how high-quality materials and expensive repairs are made, everything is useless if you don’t take care of it.

Kitchen care is the main function of the hood. When cooking on an electric or gas stove, various vapors are released, which subsequently remain on all surfaces in the form of soot.

In addition, the unit acts as a remover of foreign odors, which also contributes to a favorable environment in the apartment.

When you open a window, the smell goes deep into the room and is eliminated over time when mixed with new air masses, but the technology allows you to draw out odors immediately, preventing them from spreading throughout the rooms.

The hood contributes to a favorable atmosphere and cleanliness in the kitchen

Principle of operation

Flat hoods in the kitchen have a simple principle of operation, which consists in purifying the air mass through a filter system. This process is called recycling. Currently, there is a wide variety of models that have both a single-stage acrylic filter scheme and a complex two-stage air purification system.

After turning on the hood, air intake begins. Getting inside the device, it passes through a coarse filter. It retains particles of dirt, soot, grease, smoke, and excess moisture.

For reference. Grease filters come in two types: disposable and reusable. In the first case, they will need to be changed regularly, in the second it will be enough to clean them periodically.

After passing through the grease filter, the air undergoes fine cleaning. This process involves removing unpleasant odors and tiny particles of contaminants. Carbon filters are rightfully recognized as the most effective for fine cleaning. They effectively capture and retain even very small particles, making the air clean and safe for health. Coal has absorbent properties, making it ideal as a base element in a fine filtration system.

After going through all stages of cleaning, the air mass enters the room. Thanks to this, there are no strong odors, humidity or foreign impurities in the kitchen. All this creates favorable conditions for preparing food and eating it with the whole family.

Thus, the operating principle of a kitchen hood is as follows:

  • The device draws in air;
  • The air mass undergoes purification in several stages;
  • Returns back to the kitchen.

The cleaning process is carried out inside the equipment itself without connecting it to ventilation ducts and venting it outside. Most models have 3 speed settings. The higher it is, the faster the air flow will be cleaned. Modern appliances have additional options that make the operation of the hood even more comfortable and efficient. For example, an operation timer or a sensor indicating the need to change the filter.

Types of models and sizes

As already mentioned, today manufacturers offer hundreds of different options that differ not only in appearance aesthetics and size. The fundamental difference can be noticed by the presence and absence of a pipe for the air duct. That's what they are called - with or without a tap.

Kitchen hoods with outlet

When constructing buildings and structures, sanitary standards provide for the mandatory installation of ventilation ducts that work both for air supply and air intake. It is to the latter that the hood is connected, and the fans enhance the effect of “drawing in” air masses, and with it harmful impurities.

It is quite easy to distinguish a model with a tap. In addition to the dome, which contains built-in fans and electronics, the kit includes a decorative pipe, which hides an outlet for connecting to the ventilation hole.

Kitchen hoods with vent photo

Kitchen hoods without outlet

As is already clear, a hood without an outlet does not interact in any way with the ventilation ducts of the building. Why is this necessary? The question is quite obvious. In old buildings, for example, in Khrushchev-era buildings, soot accumulates over decades of operation and over time, or rather already now, there is practically no air inflow and outflow.

Therefore, on sale you can find “stand-alone” models with carbon filters, which are called recirculation ones. They have a more attractive appearance, but are much more expensive. In addition, filters periodically require replacement.

Also on sale you can find combined options that work with and without a tap.

Model without outlet

Design features or what to pay attention to

Built-in hoods have virtually no effect on the design of the room, so perhaps the main argument when buying a new built-in hood is its dimensions. First, pay special attention to the size of the stove - the hood should not be smaller than the size of the hob!

If the size of the hood is slightly larger than the size of your stove, it’s okay; small deviations from the standard dimensions are acceptable and will not affect the operation of the system as a whole.

When purchasing a new built-in hood, pay special attention to those models that have coarse and fine filters. For your information, coarse filters are essentially grease traps. Their base is a mesh, which, if necessary, can be easily removed and washed with a regular cleaning agent.

Fine filters are designed to clean the air from harmful microelements and odors - they are mainly used in air recirculation mode, cleaning the room and at the same time keeping it warm. Quite often, carbon filters are not included in the standard assembly of built-in hoods, so carbon filter elements must be purchased separately.

Many modern hoods have a speed setting.

Please note!!! The more speeds the hood has, the faster the fan rotates and, accordingly, the noise level increases. You should not take super strong units - a range hood with an 8-speed mode can satisfy the needs of even a small culinary workshop and will be a completely acceptable option for an ordinary kitchen.

In addition to speeds, hoods can have either one or two fans. But keep in mind that two small fans are much quieter than one large one.

Criteria for selecting kitchen hoods

In addition to the operating principle, it is also worth considering such a criterion as the installation method. Depending on the headset project, you will have to give preference to one of the following options:

  • Wall

The most common option (dome-shaped, hidden, retractable). The main thing is that they are mounted “against the wall”, right above the stove. Often built directly into a kitchen wall cabinet. There is also a pipe hidden there.

Wall model

  • Ostrovny

In large kitchens, the hob is often placed on the “island” work area, where a wall cabinet cannot be hung. Connection to the building's ventilation system occurs through vertical flexible air ducts, which are usually hidden under drywall.

Photo of island hood

  • Angular

If a gas or electric stove is installed in the corner of a kitchen unit, it is worth considering this installation option, which differs from the wall-mounted one only in the form factor.

Corner model

There is no difference in terms of work efficiency. Each option can be recirculation, combined or simply with outlet.

How to choose a model

Despite the fact that flat-type hoods are quite compact and ergonomic , during installation it is extremely important to ensure that their parameters match the dimensions of the furniture or hob.

The standard sizes of such hoods range from 40 to 60 cm: accordingly, if you have a large stove, you will have to choose a larger model or with a higher power.

Advice: if you are going to purchase a model of a flat hood of a non-standard shape, choose a larger one so that it completely covers the area of ​​your stove.

Many people prefer to integrate hoods into a ready-made wall unit. To make the design of such a kitchen look harmonious, order furniture based on the parameters of the purchased equipment : it is desirable that the bottom area of ​​the wall cabinet and the built-in hood coincide.

Please note that to choose a reliable hood model, you need to calculate not only the area of ​​the cabinet or hob, but also the footage of the entire kitchen . A hood with medium power is suitable for a kitchen with an area of ​​no more than 10 square meters. If the interior of your kitchen is more spacious, you will have to install a model with high power, for example, 800 m3/h.

Remember! The importance of using powerful cleaning equipment increases when combining the kitchen with other interiors. Polluted air flows will quickly spread throughout the kitchen-studio, which is not separated by partitions, so take care of timely cleaning of the room.

You can calculate the optimal power indicators for a flat-type hood using the generally accepted formula: according to the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station, the performance of such equipment must correspond to the volume of the room, multiplied by 12 and 1.3.

For example, if you have a kitchen with a ceiling height of 3 meters and an area of ​​10 square meters, you will have to purchase a hood with a minimum power of 3x10x1.3x12 = 468 cubic meters per hour. If there is smoking in such a room, increase the result obtained by one and a half to two times.

When choosing a suitable model, pay attention to the features of the hood control : you can adjust the power using push-button or touch mechanisms, as well as remotely using the remote control. The latter option is more preferable in large rooms: to change the operating mode of the hood, turn on and off appliances, you do not have to move around the kitchen.

Advice: if you plan to cook a lot and often, choose sensor technology: its coating will be easier to clean from stubborn dirt, dirt will not accumulate between the buttons, and even if wiped with a damp sponge, such a hood will not work less well.

Many flat hoods are equipped with built-in lighting. If the work area of ​​your kitchen is not lit, a hood will be enough to ensure comfortable cooking on the stove.

The need for additional lighting will not disappear even if you mount the hood above an island structure: in this case, you will have to carefully consider what materials will be used to keep the hood at the desired level under the ceiling.

Types of hoods and their photos in the interior

The form factor has already been partially touched upon above, but given the huge variety of the model range, it is worth exploring this issue in more detail.

Traditional (classical)

In the interior of the kitchen, it is also called a fireplace hood (or dome), because its shape is very similar to the upper part of the fireplace.

It is often found in the classic style, since it was in this form that it was first presented. True, at the beginning there weren’t even fans in it, and the connection was made directly to the exhaust pipe of private houses.

Traditional form factor

"Island" hood options

As mentioned above, this type is installed above the island part of the kitchen unit.

Considering that hidden installation is impossible here, manufacturers began to offer various interesting form factors in the form of a cylinder, a ball, “flying saucers”, etc., as in the photo.

Traditional island hood

Built-in kitchen hood

Not all designers and customers like to see a hood, which usually does not harmonize with the kitchen set. So manufacturers began to offer mechanisms built into wall cabinets.

In terms of functionality, this option is practically in no way inferior to traditional form factors and even wins in terms of practicality in cleaning.

Built-in hood

Retractable hood

Almost the same as the option above. The only difference is that these models have an additional retractable element. Due to this, such a hood is partially visible from the facade.

The advantage of this model is that when the additional panel is pulled out, the fans turn on automatically. No buttons need to be pressed.

Retractable hood in the kitchen interior

Examples for small kitchens

The main task in a compact kitchen is to save space. The hood must also meet this parameter. The most laconic models are built-in or flat. Moreover, if they are circulation, there will be no need to place a bulky pipe.

For all their advantages, models built into a closet or placed under it are not the most economical. There are more invisible, but no less effective technologies.

Embedding it in the ceiling will solve the problem of saving space in cabinets. If you place the hood inside a tension or hanging frame, it can go completely unnoticed - only the decorative grille will be visible from the outside.

In a private house it is possible to place ventilation equipment in the wall. Remaining practically invisible, it copes with its functions perfectly.

When it’s too late to make changes to the design or finishing, installing a model built into the countertop helps out. The hood is located in close proximity to the cooking area and efficiently draws in polluted air. And getting to it for cleaning grease or replacing filters is much easier.

The photo shows the placement of appliances in a small kitchen

Differences between an inclined hood and a traditional one

Studying manufacturers' catalogs, you can also notice a subtype of wall-mounted hood, in which the working surface is located at an angle. It’s worth noting right away that this form factor does not have any special features, but it does have several important advantages:

  • the noise level is lower here due to the way the fans are installed;
  • saves space and provides easy access to the stove;
  • more convenient access to the control panel;
  • looks stylish (especially black glass models) in comparison with other options.

This hood will decorate any interior in modern styles.

With similar characteristics, an inclined model will cost more than a domed one.

Kitchen with an inclined hood photo

How to choose an inclined hood for your kitchen interior

Before purchasing equipment, you need to calculate the required power. There are special formulas for this. It will be different for each type. Specifically for the inclined model, the calculation is as follows:

  1. First, the volume of the kitchen is calculated.
  2. The resulting number is multiplied by 12 (according to sanitary standards, the air in the workroom must be completely replaced within 12 hours when the stove is on).
  3. What happens is again multiplied by the following coefficient - 1.3. This number determines the ratio of the required efforts to “pump” air for the ventilation duct of a multi-story building.

For the rest, you should focus on the dimensions of the stove (the hood should be a couple of cm wider), the interior design and the functionality of the equipment.

It is also worth giving preference to options with LED backlighting. Relevant for large kitchens. Many owners of such models practically do not use the main light when cooking late in the evening.

Advantages of a round hood

Agree that the rounded design of the appliances has always stood out against the background of standard kitchen equipment. Therefore, a hood with this shape may well become the main accent of your interior and ensure a comfortable stay in this room. You just need to choose the right model based on performance indicators.

A round kitchen hood has many positive characteristics:

  1. It harmoniously combines with other design elements of such interiors - a round table, a sink, dishes, corner furniture with rounded corners. Given the variety of assortments, you can choose the option with the optimal parameters.
  2. Even a small hood of this type will cope with the task of air purification much faster and better than other models, since its diameter will be sufficient to suck in air over a stove of a standard area.
  3. Since the round hood has a smaller diameter compared to square and rectangular models (the difference is about 20%), less materials are required to make round hoods . Consequently, the cost of such equipment depends not so much on production costs, but on the power and quality of cleaning.
  4. Round hoods are more compact and better suited for island kitchens . Therefore, purchasing such equipment will allow you to make the interior even more ergonomic.
  5. Since air purification occurs faster, and the power with which a round hood produces cleaning exceeds the performance of other options, this model is considered more attractive and due to less threat to human well-being . You will not have time to inhale polluted air, since such an exhaust hood will quickly cleanse it of harmful substances.

Despite the stereotypes that round and smooth-shaped appliances are more “feminine,” such models are universal and suitable for any kitchen .

Another advantage of this technique is a greater variety of designs : manufacturers are constantly working to improve shapes, optimize the size of hoods, and also offer customers not only standard black, white and metallized models, but also colored options.

Attention! It is not at all necessary to settle on a round kitchen hood model. Today you can also find semicircular and oval varieties of hoods that work on a similar principle.

Thanks to the presence of several speed modes, you can independently regulate the air suction power. When purchasing hoods that operate on a remote control, you will be able to control these processes remotely.

Several placement rules

Since there is nothing complicated in the hood installation scheme, many homeowners prefer to do the installation themselves. It is worth knowing that:

  • the distance to the gas stove should be 75-85 cm for a straight line, and 55-65 cm for an inclined one;
  • for an electric stove the figures are slightly less than 65-75 cm and 35-45 cm, respectively;
  • there must be a socket above the wall cabinet;
  • Grounding is required.

You can deviate from the standards by 5-10 cm only if the design features or height of the cook do not allow it.

Kitchen design with a hood: 4 best ideas

Finally, it’s worth citing some kitchen hoods, photos of which you rarely see in real life in traditional interiors:

A striking example of original models of the “island” form factor, which is perhaps the most diverse today.

Island split hood

You can also find a hood in a completely different guise, which will fit perfectly into the original loft or country style.

Antique island hood

For more modern interiors, they also produce original versions that, at first glance, do not look like hoods.

White hood, designed as a wall cabinet

You can also find designer models with completely incomprehensible shapes, in which, however, functionality suffers.

Designer form factor

Designer models are good in those kitchen interiors where the installation of wall cabinets is not provided. However, when choosing, it is worth considering which stove will be installed and selecting a ventilation unit based on the area of ​​the burners.

A kitchen hood is an indispensable attribute of a modern kitchen. The model range allows you to implement any design solutions without compromising the aesthetic component. The most popular option today are inclined models due to their original appearance, convenience and less noise during operation.

Briefly about the main thing

The inclined hood, unlike traditional models, is compact and therefore suitable for installation even in small kitchen spaces. Modern models have high power, and their noise level is significantly reduced and does not irritate people in the kitchen.

Inclined-type models differ in operating principles, type of installed filter and number of fans. The units are varied in material, shape and color, which allows them to be integrated into any interior style. Usually they do not try to hide them from view, but try to make them a significant design element.

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