25 ideas on how to expand your kitchen space with photo wallpaper

  • Posted by larisochkaivanovna
  • Date: January 16, 2019

The kitchen combines several functions. Here we not only cook, but also eat food, drink morning coffee, arrange family feasts and get-togethers with friends. Therefore, I want it to be light and spacious. Unfortunately, modern apartments rarely boast large kitchen spaces. Then various methods of visually increasing the area come to the rescue. One of them is the use of voluminous photo wallpaper.

  • 2 Types of volumetric photo wallpapers
    2.1 Video: features of different types of photo wallpapers
  • 2.2 Scenery options for the kitchen
  • 3 How to choose photo wallpaper and plan the interior
      3.1 Photo gallery: a variety of photo wallpapers in kitchen interiors
  • 4 Recommendations for gluing
      4.1 Video: how to properly glue paper photo wallpaper
  • Choice and cost

    There you can choose an exclusive design, up to your portrait, as well as a unique size.

    Photo wallpapers vary in cost due to the fact that they are printed on different substrates. There are ordinary paper ones, and there are fabric ones, or, as they are also called, non-woven ones. The price varies by about two times, but believe me, it's worth it.

    In this case, it is better to overpay, but you can install such photo wallpaper yourself, without involving professionals. They are dense and lie flat. But paper ones are very complicated in this regard. They tear, crumple, fall in waves.

    And their wear resistance is different. Bald spots will very quickly appear on the paper in those places where they come into contact with the furniture. But the non-woven base will last much longer.

    Our brief review has come to an end and you now have an idea of ​​which photo wallpapers visually enlarge a room. Choose carefully, take your time and remember the “immersion” effect.


    1. Whatever the kitchen, everyone collects a lot of dishes and other utensils, so storing them is always problematic. The solution is to organize storage locations wherever possible. So, a variety of wall cabinets, open shelves that make the most of the wall space, as well as long handles are great - they will become a place for towels and potholders.
    2. It would not be amiss to conduct an audit and analyze which dishes are actually constantly used , and which ones have been lying idle for several years. Therefore, we leave everything we need in the kitchen, and take what is needed on holidays or once every five years to the pantry, barn, etc.

    Selection of photo wallpaper depending on the purpose of the room

    On the wall

    Mural on the wall

    When choosing a wall covering, be guided not only by the parameters of the room

    Its purpose is just as important: bright colors, realistic floral prints look too provocative in a bedroom or office, while neat, modest patterns on the walls of a wide dance hall look naive and out of place.

    To the hall

    A few rules for pasting in the living room:

    • paste over one wall - this will be enough to create a design effect;
    • do not neglect the style of the interior when choosing wallpaper - it should harmonize with light walls; they take “neighborhood” better with photo prints than dark ones;
    • when you install furniture in a room, make sure that it is not high (it is advisable to leave the space near the photo empty).

    photo wallpaper for the living room

    When choosing wallpaper, the layout of the room also plays a role:

    • a mostly empty room benefits from wallpaper with frequent contrasting patterns;
    • a room filled with furniture looks organic when the wallpaper is noticeably lighter than the furniture and covered with a small repeating pattern;
    • the round-shaped hall seems spacious and “airy”, covered with canvases of light shades;
    • Photo prints with dynamic abstract images are selected for square rooms to smooth out the sharpness of the corners and the uniformity of the walls.

    In the interior of the hallway

    photo wallpaper in the hallway interior

    Features of gluing in the hallway:

    • for small rooms it is not recommended to use photo prints with a 3D effect or other massive elements;
    • bright designs are not desirable - neutral shades and smooth textures will work better to visually expand the corridor;
    • narrow and long hallways will be decorated with low-contrast photos without horizontal lines;
    • to visually raise a low ceiling, use a vertical pattern;
    • if the walls of the hallway are crooked, then the flaws are hidden by abstract and curvilinear images;
    • photo prints with “perspective” are placed on the opposite side from the entrance - they will “break” the side surfaces and the drawing will not be perceived by the eye.

    Since there is a lack of lighting in the hallway, preference in the color palette is given to pastel colors (beige, peach). The effect of expanded space is achieved using cold colors (blue, green).

    Photo wallpaper that expands the space in the kitchen

    photo wallpaper expanding the space in the kitchen

    To choose photo wallpapers that expand the space in your kitchen, pay attention to canvases in light shades or panoramas with a pronounced perspective. Do not choose three-dimensional drawings - they will draw attention to themselves and “shrink” the room

    Images of high-rise buildings and towers on the wallpaper will help visually raise the ceilings. For a narrow kitchen, it would be relevant to use a continuous photographic canvas (preference is given to a marine theme).

    To add light to a room, use shades with warm undertones. Cold, refreshing tones are more suitable for “southern” rooms.

    If the walls set the theme of the room, then other decorative details for the kitchen are not needed. It is advisable not to use this type of decoration in a room crowded with furniture - glue the panels from table level and above.

    To the bedroom

    photo wallpaper for the bedroom

    For the bedroom - a traditional place of relaxation - choose calm shades that do not interfere with light sleep. Bright patterns are not recommended as they are distracting when falling asleep. For bedrooms, canvases are produced with designs printed with environmentally friendly inks: they are hypoallergenic and do not harm health.

    For the corridor: photos of successful solutions

    photo wallpaper in the corridor

    How to choose wallpaper for the corridor that expands the space. We suggest looking at photos of successful options in the catalog, and for inspiration, here are a couple of ideas:

    • a complex photo-painting made from posters or small posters;
    • vertical wallpaper pasted on furniture doors;
    • correctly selected paintings on the ceiling will help make them taller.

    Popular Topics

    Compositions with photographs of large flowers fit perfectly into an oriental-style interior. Series with bouquets and blooming gardens, Mediterranean romantic streets, immersed in climbing flowers, made in soft pastel colors, perfectly decorate kitchens in the style of shabby chic, Provence and country. The images of the streets of European capitals look great in rooms decorated in loft and hi-tech style. Clear and concise photographs of the sights of Paris, New York, London or Venice can turn even the most unsightly kitchen in an ordinary Khrushchev into a stylish, cozy corner. Photos of bridges, busy boulevards and streets, arched spans and large squares are popular.

    Open summer terraces, verandas and balconies, and gazebos, where lush cascades of hanging flowers hang down along trellises and end up right above your table, are popular.

    False windows and glass doors overlooking shady streets and flowering gardens look like portals to another space. Such illusions create the feeling that you are on vacation in a cozy green place away from everyday worries.

    Magnificent expanses of fields, mountain gorges with the majesty of cascading waterfalls, forest edges with slender tall trees flashing in the distance - and the kitchen turns into a small island of civilization in the vast kingdom of nature, where an atmosphere of peace and tranquility reigns.

    Landscapes with animals, endless deserts and savannas look too large in a minimal area and are more suitable for a kitchen-living room, but marine compositions are in perfect harmony with even the most modest kitchen.

    Photo wallpaper with a marine theme is perfect for a kitchen in a Mediterranean and minimalist style. Photographs depicting the calm surface of the sea, sandy shallows stretching into the distance against the backdrop of sunset, small cozy coves with clear sea water, bathed in the morning sun, give a feeling of mental balance and peace. Photos capturing the sea, the horizon and the bow of a light pleasure yacht create the illusion of a family sea trip on board.

    For many, the theme of the sea evokes vivid memories of a vacation spent somewhere on the south coast. The preserved photographs can become the basis for photo wallpapers that will remind you of a pleasant holiday all year round.


    Large images of delicious juicy fruits are not suitable for a small room. It is much more appropriate to have small still lifes above the table on a fruit theme with kitchen utensils.

    Original drawings

    There are many themes for creating wallpapers and they do not necessarily have to have a plot. To decorate a “Khrushchev” it is important to use a small pattern, which successfully helps to increase the space. Photo wallpapers “natural stone”, “coffee”, “spices”, applied fragmentarily and in the form of prints to the wall near the dining area, look very fresh and interesting.

    How to choose the color of photo wallpaper

    Dark shades can steal up to 40% of the space, but white walls are also not the best option. Optimal colors for walls would be: cream, light beige, light yellow, sand, light pink, peach, gray, blue-gray, gray-green, light green, light blue and bluish-green.

    TIP: It is also important to consider the lighting in the room: if you have a small dark room you need to choose warm colors, if the lighting is good enough you can choose cool colors. The structure of the wallpaper is also of great importance: textured wallpaper creates small transitions of light and shadow on the walls, which create the impression of expanding space

    The structure of the wallpaper is also of great importance: textured wallpaper creates small transitions of light and shadow on the walls, which create the impression of expanding space.

    Color combinations:

    • Pale yellow and cream colors can be combined with light purple, grayish pink, pale green, light gray, green and muted red;
    • Pale pink color will look good with light green, light purple and blue;
    • Light green with dark green, lilac and pink;
    • Blue-gray color with gray and cherry;
    • Light gray goes well with violet, magenta or light purple.

    Color spectrum

    It is believed that the most comfortable space for a person is a square. The layout of apartments is quite rare to find a hall with such geometry, so the use of color in changing the space will help us. The choice of color depends primarily on your preferred style, although you can always find a way to add a contrasting touch. Let's talk about the main styles and their solutions:

    A classic interior is made in the style of a certain historical period, so the color dictates its time. These can be combinations of imperial red and light marble shades, noble black, brown wood and champagne-colored wallpaper. The fittings should be black, copper and resemble natural forged products;

    Classic hallway interior with champagne-colored wallpaper.

    Natural forged hanger for the hallway.

    Provence is never dark and boring. Light tones of creamy, grape mint color are adjacent to an ocher, lemon tint. The colors of tea rose, delicate greenery and the use of a small flower on the wallpaper will be appropriate in the interior. Do not forget that metal fittings contain elements of aging;

    Provence style in the interior of the hallway.

    The loft style for a modern apartment is considered a very fashionable trend. Elements of brickwork, the color of burnt clay, natural blocks of wood, blue wallpaper. Beams and large pieces of furniture are perfect for a studio apartment or a long hallway;

    Corridor interior with brick wallpaper.

    Ethnic interior requires the use of natural products and bright colors; yellow, green, purple in combination with sand, cream or beige create contrasting stylish combinations;

    Hallway interior in ethnic style.

    Modernism has several directions in design. Style colors should be deep blue, burgundy, lilac, malachite. In combination with white, silver or chocolate they allow the hallway to look elegant.

    Art Nouveau style with blue combined with white.

    Color matters most

    To visually enlarge a room, take into account the colors that predominate in it. Shades should be light and light

    The choice of panoramic wallpaper is taken seriously, because it has a psychological impact on residents. They suggest how this or that image affects people’s mood. Take into account which room you plan to glue the wallpaper in.

    It is important to consider how much daylight enters this room. If it is sufficiently illuminated by sunlight, then choose photo wallpaper that expands the space, which consists of warm colors

    The room looks cozy, but this will not significantly expand the space. Bright sunlight will be distracting.

    If the room is small, it is better to choose a picture with a horizon line, a seascape or an image of open doors from which you can see a river or forest.

    Volumetric photo wallpaper - interiorPhoto wallpaper - interior ideaPhoto wallpaper expanding the space for the kitchen

    In this case, you can also get creative with flowers: draw attention to where something beautiful is located, and distract from what you shouldn’t focus on. For this purpose, choose bright, eye-catching photo wallpapers.

    If the finishing material is dominated by pastel shades, this will expand the space and bring a spring atmosphere to the room. Striped photo wallpapers give a positive result: both horizontal and vertical lines are suitable. Here you need to take into account that horizontal stripes make the room wider, and vertical stripes make it taller.

    Objects in an image appear closer if their colors are white, red, or orange. Gray, black and blue objects will have the opposite effect.

    Interior idea 2022: voluminous photo wallpaper

    Photo wallpaper with a light blue tint will make the atmosphere in the room light and airy. Pieces of furniture, complemented by translucent legs, will only complement this style.

    Calmer shades are recommended for the living room. A rich green will do. Its beneficial effect on the nervous system has long been known. This color relaxes, distracts from everyday problems, and tones the body. This room is suitable for dinner with guests and for family viewing of your favorite films.

    Most preferred colors and designs

    Many people have literally absorbed a simple truth with their mother’s milk: dark colors narrow and make you look slimmer, while light colors expand and make you look fuller. The rule has remained unchanged to this day.

    To visually change the size of a small room to a larger size, here are the ones to choose:

    • lactic;
    • beige;
    • apricot;
    • cream;
    • caramel;
    • golden;
    • green;
    • blue;
    • pink;
    • grey;
    • silver color.

    All colors chosen for a modest-sized room should be warm. Cool shades will further narrow already small rooms (how to choose the right wallpaper color?).

    In addition, you should not be afraid to use wallpaper with patterns (read about how to adjust wallpaper to a pattern here, and from this article you will learn how to properly and economically glue wallpaper with a pattern). After all, without them, firstly, it is impossible to create such design styles as Provence, modern or classic. And, secondly, correctly, well-chosen prints help to achieve the desired effect faster.

    The following have “expanding” properties:

    • medium-sized stripes;
    • large, single arranged flowers;
    • small patterns on a contrasting background;
    • geometric shapes located separately from each other.

    Combining photo wallpaper with plain canvases or intersecting a bright bottom with a muted top on one wall will help expand the space of a child’s bedroom (find out how to choose the right photo wallpaper, glue it, and also make a picture out of it).

    Where is the best place to stick it?

    Now that everything is more or less clear with the basic rules, it’s worth talking in more detail about where to put photo wallpaper. Someone will say - on the wall! Yes, there is no doubt about the correctness of this answer, but on what wall? So, if the room is not square, then it is better to leave the longest wall for decoration with photo wallpaper. If you do the opposite, the room will seem even narrower and more pancake-like. And then goodbye to the effect of expanding space!

    In addition, it is better to glue photo wallpaper on a wall that is completely free. Even if you choose the right theme and wallpaper the desired wall, a pile of furniture near the same wall will ruin the whole picture. As a result, the boundaries of the room will not visually move and all efforts will be in vain.

    Of course, if the room is very small, then leaving it completely without furniture will hardly work. Nevertheless, it is better to limit as much as possible the number of objects near the surface that is decorated with photo wallpaper. And let them be as low and small as possible

    And, of course, the wall that will be covered with photo wallpaper must have no windows or doors - this is also an extremely important rule, and its essence is not at all necessary to explain, since everything is already clear.

    But don’t limit your imagination only to walls! After all, if you choose photo wallpapers wisely, then you can decorate the ceiling with them. In this case, the ideal solution would be an image of a clear sky. Moreover, this finish can still be used to decorate doors. Of course, the effect will be completely different when a whole wall is covered with photo wallpaper, but the result will still be impressive.

    Types of wallpaper

    The walls in the corridor and hallway are susceptible to contamination. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase wear-resistant products from which it is easy to wipe off dust and soot. Vinyl wallpaper is dense, the top layer is covered with a protective film. There are many options with bright designs, you can always find an interesting pattern. A significant advantage is the ability of the coating to hide minor defects and unevenness of the walls.

    Large corridor decorated with wallpaper with an original pattern

    Liquid wallpaper resembles decorative plaster in texture. They are often used for covering walls in the corridor. They are a dry powdery finishing material. They are diluted with water and applied to the wall with a spatula.

    Glass wallpaper is considered the most durable. They can be painted with acrylic paint. The relief surface will give an original texture

    If you like natural materials and want to improve sound insulation, pay attention to cork flooring. They are always natural warm shades. Non-woven wallpaper can imitate the texture of stone or wood

    Non-woven wallpaper can imitate the texture of stone or wood.

    The cloth finish looks impressive. But not everyone can afford to buy expensive fabric and invite a specialist to attach it to the walls. A compromise solution would be paper-based wallpaper with a fabric covering. They are glued using wallpaper glue.

    Glass wallpaper is considered the most durable

    Paper wallpaper must be replaced after 2-3 years, and if there are pets in the apartment, the coating may become unusable within a year. If you get bored with wall decoration, you can easily replace the decorative coating. Due to the affordable cost of the material, it becomes possible to frequently update the furnishings. The advantage of paper is that it breathes, so fungi do not grow under it. Russian and foreign manufacturers produce thick paper wallpaper made of two layers - duplex. This wall covering is much more durable.

    Basic rules for using photo wallpaper

    There are a limitless number of photo wallpapers on the market, but not all of them are able to expand the space. Moreover, even those that work well to increase space in one room will be completely useless in another room. Each room requires an individual approach, and the smaller it is, the more carefully you need to approach the choice. For example, a photo wallpaper with a large flower on the wall of a tiny room will play a cruel joke - the room will only seem smaller.

    So what kind of wallpaper can really expand the space in a small room? Designers advise considering the following rules when choosing:

    • The main task of all techniques aimed at expanding space is to erase boundaries or move them, as it were, outside the premises. For these purposes, panels with perspective work best, incl. those with a horizon line;
    • Light shades expand the space well, while dark shades do the opposite. This is a fundamental rule that almost everyone knows and uses;
    • if it is necessary to extend the room in height, then use photo wallpaper with vertical stripes, but you should not take this information literally, because vertical stripes can be tree trunks or skyscrapers in the image of megacities. To visually expand the room in width, use wallpaper with horizontal stripes, which work well with horizon lines in landscape images;
    • The texture of photo wallpaper is also important, since smooth glossy canvases, due to their reflective properties, although slightly, expand the space of the room;
    • Separately, it is worth noting 3D photo wallpapers, which, due to a special printing technology and the correct choice of colors, appear three-dimensional. They expand the space well, which will be discussed below, but in especially small rooms you need to be extremely careful, since the 3D effect can only be appreciated from a certain distance, and if there is not enough of it in the room, then the effect will be exactly the opposite - the image will be crushed and even irritate, and it will be difficult to find in such a room for a long time;
    • In the desire to maximize the space, one must not overdo it. For example, a combination of photo wallpaper with perspective, multiple mirror and reflective surfaces, a mass of lamps is a direct path to creating a room where it will be impossible to spend time;
    • Photo wallpaper that expands the space is a fairly active element of the interior, so the remaining finishing elements should be calmer. This primarily concerns the flooring and the design of the remaining walls.

    Wallpaper for a small room that visually enlarges the space, or 4 more ways

    In addition to photo wallpaper, you can use the following ideas to visually increase the area:

    • Light is an important factor for both large and small rooms. Small lamps and neat sconces are perfect for a small room. The more light, the more voluminous the room will seem. The same applies to daylight: it not only increases the area, but also has a beneficial effect on the climate, health and mood of people. Bright small room with photo wallpaper
    • Mirrors. This is an excellent solution, but be sure to take into account the location - strictly vertical, because... otherwise, the image will become skewed, which will negatively affect the design. Do not place the mirror so that it is exposed to direct rays of light - this will cause dullness or staining. An excellent, but not cheap, solution is to install a mirror at the height of the ceilings. It increases the space both in width and depth. Mirror reflection

      Photo wallpaper “Resting cheetah”

    • Furniture. In a small room, it is recommended to install low and compact furniture. Replace bulky tables for a large number of people with a transforming table, and a large closet with a closet with a mirror or an option built into the wall. If you cannot select all the small-sized furniture, and there are large design elements, place them in the background, and small-sized furniture in the front. Great mountain view!
    • Textile. Plays an important role in arranging a room using photo wallpaper. Avoid dark curtains and opt for light colors. It is recommended to assemble them into an accordion and install them from floor to ceiling. Don't buy tablecloths: they attract the eye. Try small rugs and be sure to pay attention to the proportions of the room and the harmony between all the elements. Dawn in the forest

    How to use regular wallpaper to visually enlarge your kitchen

    Not only with the help of photo wallpaper you can visually expand the space of a small kitchen. If you don’t want to glue this type of wallpaper, you can use regular rolls. In this case, you just need to follow a few rules:

    • You should give preference to light shades of white, beige, gray, vanilla, lavender, etc.
    • It is worth abandoning the large pattern. Small details will look more advantageous.
    • It is better to generally use wallpaper not with a pattern, but plain wallpaper with a jacquard effect.
    • You can also choose a combined option - paste part of the wall with plain wallpaper, and the other part with photo wallpaper.
    • If you want a pattern, you should choose a print with a clear geometry, for example, with vertical thin stripes. Or leave one wall plain, and make the other with vertical or horizontal stripes.
    • Combine wallpaper with other types of facing materials. For example, with tiles, wood, or make an apron under a brick wall.

    You can achieve a visual expansion of space if you glue one wall with a plain canvas, and the other with a small pattern.

    Photo wallpaper for a small room

    Photo wallpaper that expands the space in the interior - photos of great ideas

    Solutions with abstraction, photos of big cities, flora and fauna, and beautiful landscapes are considered optimal. We’ll talk about photo wallpapers that expand the space in the interior further.

    Big city

    City landscapes on photo wallpapers are an excellent solution that creates an amazing, diverse effect

    Their use is doomed to success, but it is important to choose the technique used:

    • 3D Window City. A technique that involves creating the effect of open windows from which a densely populated metropolis can be seen. An ideal solution for narrow and small rooms with low light levels;
    • presence effect. In this case, absolutely any urban view is used, the main thing is to create the feeling that a person is at the epicenter of the picture. There are many possible uses: beautiful landscapes of winter and summer, a futuristic city or a city from wild west films, a real portrait or one created using computer graphics.
    • posters. The photo wallpaper reflects pictures of city landscapes not in the entire size of the wall, but as a small poster.

    Beautiful landscapes

    A gorgeous view of a waterfall, a slight smell of the sea beach, alluring mighty mountains, a flat and bright plain. It’s nice to imagine all these landscapes in your head, and being there is a pleasure. Canvas for a small kitchen, visually enlarging the space with beautiful landscapes, will allow you to feel the effect of being completely present in the alluring, wild nature.

    A road that has no boundaries

    Flora and fauna

    Nature is what surrounds us every day, what we admire, praise in poetry and reflect in paintings. Panoramic paintings contain both pictures of animals, birds, underwater inhabitants, as well as forests, lakes, rivers, gardens and more. Experts recommend taking photo wallpapers in light colors. An excellent solution is a picture with a road stretching into the distance: it allows you to visually elongate the room.

    At home, just like in nature - even bring out the grill!

    There's no stopping him!

    Photo wallpaper that expands 3D space – abstraction

    Abstraction is not a holistic image, but a collection of symbols that create the effect of escaping the real world. By choosing photo wallpaper that expands the 3D space with abstract paintings, a person emphasizes his own individuality and shows his special thinking. This is the choice of adventurers and thinkers with multifaceted personalities.

    Abstraction that visually enlarges the territory

    Abstraction creates a unique mood, expressed in careless brush strokes, colorful lines, circles and stripes. It’s not for nothing that abstraction is called a bold experiment, a flight of fancy. This is a chic option that makes the house stand out from the gray mass, giving it a special brightness.

    Other options

    For interiors such as industrial, high-tech, and some others, geometric abstractions made in silver-gray tones or clear imitations of pencil drawings are suitable. Various types of perspective will also come in handy here - tunnels, bridges, highways, stairs. Spaces in pop art, boho, art deco, and oriental styles can be decorated with abstract paintings, but in brighter, often “flashy” colors.

    Photo wallpaper with a geometric pattern is suitable for high-tech kitchens.

    Advice: the more detailed and multi-colored the image on the photo wallpaper, the easier it should be to select kitchen furniture.

    Correct proportions of photo wallpaper in the interior

    When using photo wallpaper in your interior that increases the space for a small room, take into account the following rules:

    1. if the room is in dire need of visual expansion, it is recommended to take photo wallpaper with a glossy surface. Objects reflected from them will create additional visual space;
    2. wallpaper with vertical stripes extends in height, and horizontal ones – in width;
    3. Illustrations of open windows and doors are a great solution. It creates the illusion that there is additional space behind the wall, visually enlarging the room;

    A little 60s?
    For each individual room, choose the right size and shape of the canvases, which can be rectangular, square, narrow vertical. The overall picture consists of many panels (up to 16 pieces), and the more there are, the larger the picture and the higher the price. Standard sizes of photo wallpapers are:

    • 190x135 (2 panels);
    • 295x135 (3 panels);
    • 280x270 (8 panels).

    Examples of kitchen design with photo wallpaper above the dining table

    Photo wallpaper for the kitchen is glued near the dining table or on a completely empty wall. This element can easily highlight the dining area, while simultaneously creating an original accent. Usually the decor placed near the table is small in size. It imitates an open window, doors, a piece of another room in an arch, a staircase going up, a picture in a frame.

    Kitchen interior with photo wallpaper with an interesting solution.

    Tip: “appetizing” wallpaper options depicting brightly colored fruits, berries, and other food products are very popular.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Photo wallpapers have many advantages compared to other wall coverings:

    • ease of care;
    • low fading (the color of the material remains rich and bright for a long time);
    • photo wallpapers form and enrich visual perception (wallpaper for a small room, visually enlarging the space - a design trick for small rooms);
    • imitation of materials that are different in structure and texture;
    • prints have low sound absorption (this option is not suitable for a music studio, but it is possible to isolate yourself from sounds from the next room);
    • ease of gluing (no need to level the surface);
    • environmentally friendly (purchase certified brands).

    The disadvantage of wallpaper is its price. The high cost of the canvas does not allow changing the design often. The problem is solved by selecting coatings of neutral shades.

    Color selection

    Before purchasing and making the final choice of finishing material to visually expand the space, you should pay attention to the color scheme of the room. At the same time, all shades should remain light and light.

    If you decide to use ferry photo wallpaper, then you should approach the choice of canvases as carefully as possible, since this factor has the greatest impact on the human psyche. For the most part, the image in this case will influence the mood of the residents.

    An important point is where exactly you are going to use the new material and what is the functional orientation of the room being renovated.

    If the windows of the room face the south side, then you can buy warm-colored canvases. This solution will allow you to create the most comfortable interior, but you won’t be able to greatly increase the size of the room.

    However, in such a case this is not so important, since natural lighting will greatly distract from the size and volume of the internal space

    Cool shades have a special expanding effect. In this case, various photo panels made in perspective or panoramic photo wallpapers will look especially beautiful in the interior.

    By choosing pastel-colored material, you increase the chance of creating a spring mood in the room and, as a result, a stronger impact from the expanding effect.

    Striped photo wallpapers, both with vertical and horizontal lines, can also be a good option.

    Here it is important to finally decide what is your priority: to expand the gap between the ceiling and the floor or to visually “pull apart” the walls. In the first case, you will have to use vertical lines, in the second, on the contrary, horizontal lines

    To create the illusion that the elements in the room are located close to each other, it is better to buy photo wallpaper with images in white, red or orange. The opposite effect can be achieved with the help of gray, black and blue paintings on canvases.

    Using light blue wallpaper will help make the room more airy and light. In this case, it would be more correct to choose pieces of furniture with transparent legs for the room. This will help maintain the style direction of the interior.

    Combining Images

    Using an abundance of paper materials in the interior of a room can look a little cheap, so the photographic image looks better in combination with harder materials, such as tiles and decorative plaster. The use of contrasting textures makes the renovation more modern, but for the kitchen, an abundance of paper is also impractical.

    The tile should be chosen after purchasing the wallpaper.

    The color of the material is selected according to the dominant shade of the paper covering.

    • Let's select a dark green tile for the forest image.
    • For a seascape - light blue to match the color of the sea or sky.

    The kitchen is a room where you can safely use bright colors and images that whet your appetite, so wallpapering the walls with images of food is appropriate here:

    • For a photograph where there is fruit cut into rings, we take a white tile.
    • Berries on a white background combine perfectly with pink or red tiles.
    • A pattern with a cup of coffee will go well with milky-colored tiles.

    3D – modern techniques

    Designers have long been using this technique to help increase the area of ​​a room. 3D copes with the task perfectly, no worse than mirrors, light, color solutions and all other methods considered.

    Wallpaper, suspended ceilings and floors with 3D patterns will help to add volume, and therefore width and height. At the same time, no one will be able to ignore the originality and uniqueness of the style of your room.

    3D wallpaper in the bedroom interior

    The choice of effect depends only on your imagination, because with this technology the room can easily turn into a dense summer forest, the sea coast or a window overlooking the skyscrapers of New York or another famous metropolis.

    Combining the kitchen with adjacent rooms

    1. The kitchen can be combined with the next room, loggia or hallway, but now we are not talking about dismantling walls and studio apartments. It’s enough just to remove the door, change it to a sliding or glass one, and make the walls in both rooms in the same style: use the same paint, the same wallpaper, etc. In this case, two small adjacent rooms will be perceived as a single whole, and, therefore, will become larger.
    2. A radical way to expand the kitchen space is to combine it with the living room , loggia or hallway, while destroying the wall.

    How to calculate construction costs?

    To calculate the cost of erecting permanent polystyrene formwork, you need to take the current cost of the following materials:

    • Formwork block
      - 3.3 pieces per 1 sq. m.
    • Concrete
      - 0.12 cubic meters per 1 sq. m.
    • Reinforcement
      - about 10 kilograms per 1 sq. m.

    Expanded polystyrene material is quite delicate, lightweight, it should be stored in a place protected from the sun and wind. Especially from the wind - so that you don’t have to collect blocks blown away by gusts throughout the area.

    A typical mistake that comes from a misunderstanding of the essence of the technology and a banal misunderstanding of what mass concrete has: they assemble foam plastic permanent formwork the entire height of the wall, order 20 tons of concrete, and try to build (pour) a monolithic house in one day. This cannot be done - this method is not a high-speed construction of buildings.

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