Combination of colors in the interior - table, photos of layouts, furniture, curtains and wallpaper, color palette for decoration and a little theory

When decorating your home, you will inevitably face the need to correlate several colors with each other. There are several basic rules, knowing which you can easily arrange any room. The article presents a table of color combinations in the interior, as well as many useful tips and theoretical materials. In this article you will learn about:

  • color circle and the principle of its construction;
  • tones that are used in a particular interior style;
  • how to combine them correctly in the interior;
  • how to choose shades and how to combine them.

We wish you happy reading.

Color combination in the interior of the room

Table of color combinations in the interior depending on the type of room

Since color affects a person’s psycho-emotional state and biochemical processes in the body, in rooms with different purposes, the combination of shades when decorating the interior will be different.

Living room interior

You need to be especially careful when choosing a palette when decorating rooms such as a bedroom and a children's room, since they are intended for relaxation. If done incorrectly, a person will not be able to rest normally, both physically and psychologically. Below is a table of color combinations in the interior, compiled by our designers.

Room nameRecommended color combination palette
KitchenSoft and calm tones: yellow and turquoise.
HallwayTones that improve mood and digestion of food: green, beige, yellow, silver, as well as their combination with red and blue.
Color combination in the living room interiorNeutral, soft tones, which are diluted with bright accents.
Color combination in the bedroom interiorPastel colors and shades of purple. Please note that the bedroom is a personal space, so there are no restrictions here, and it is decorated at the request of the owners.
BathroomLight colors with a bluish tint, as they give a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

Principles and types of formation of combined colors

There are a huge number of shades of colors in nature. But, as you probably noticed, not all of them look equally good next to each other. Some seemingly unexpected combinations are simply mesmerizing, while others make you want to look away. This is because when choosing flowers for the interior, flower bed, bouquet, clothing, you must be guided by certain rules and principles.

The palette of combined colors can range from two to seven colors and shades

To make them easier to remember, special tools were created - a color wheel and tables of combined colors. Basically, the main tool is a circle, and tables are the finished result of a selection based on it. If you want to learn the basics of color combinations, use a wheel. Otherwise, select an option from the tables.

Color wheel and rules for its use

The color wheel has three levels. It contains the primary colors - red, blue, yellow. They are called primary. Their pairwise combination gives three additional (secondary) colors - purple, orange, green. The third level contains tertiary colors - this is the result of a combination of secondary and primary colors. Based on these colors, a combination of colors in the interior (and not only) is selected.

Color compatibility circle - for selecting basic colors for the interior

As you can see, black, gray and white are not represented in the circle. They do not exist in nature in their pure form; when decorating the interior, they can be used as basic (white and gray) or additional.

Number of colors

Before explaining the rules for using the color wheel, you need to understand the number of colors for their harmonious combination. In general, you can use two, three or four compatible shades. You can also add universal colors to them - white, gray, black. This is exactly what decorators and artists do.

There are many colors, but in one interior they look harmonious. This is because they were chosen correctly - they are combined with each other

But for the interior, two shades are too monotonous and boring. Much more interesting are rooms decorated with a combination of three, four or more colors. However, it is wrong to use colors in equal proportions. One or two of them are chosen as the main ones, there are “many” of them. These colors are used to paint walls and floors; they are present in furniture upholstery and textiles. One or two more are used as additional ones. There are not many of them, but they are noticeable. The rest - no matter how many there are - serve to add variety and emphasis. They are present in small quantities - these are decorative items, pillows, etc. If you take a closer look at the interiors that you like, you will most likely find this pattern in the distribution of colors.

Combination of colors in the interior based on the color wheel

Using a color wheel, you can use it to choose colors to match. They do this according to certain rules. There are several principles for forming combinations:

  • An analogue triad is several shades arranged one after the other. So you can choose two to four shades.
  • Contrasting colors are two colors located opposite each other. They look good together.

    The principle of forming harmonious color combinations

  • Complementary triad. Instead of one of the contrasting colors, take two adjacent to it on both sides.
  • Double split contrast color matching scheme. It is formed in two ways: according to an inscribed square - every third color in a circle is taken, or according to an inscribed rectangle - the lower two colors according to the complementary principle (every other) and contrasting ones also selected for them.
  • Three-color (triad) scheme. Choose a base color, two additional ones - three shades from the base.

Using these principles alone, several dozen combinations can be formed. But there are also extremely distant pairs and four colors that can be combined. This also adds to the number of options.

Additional principles for forming groups of compatible colors

But that's not all. Each of the colors in the circle varies in saturation - from lighter in the middle to darker on the outside. That is, in the selected sector you can select several shades by tone. This combination of colors in the interior is called monochrome. They are also used in design.

Within one color, you can take several shades, add touches of neutral colors - and your monochrome interior is ready

Playing with color is sometimes interesting. And so as not to be too boring, you can use “universal” ones as accents - black, white, gray or red - to taste, depending on the desired mood and purpose of the room.

What is a color wheel, what principle is used to build the palette of color combinations in the interior?

Professional designers know how to choose the right palette of color combinations in the interior, so their work looks attractive and harmonious. To do this, they use a tool called a color wheel. What is it?

It is a symbolic representation of the visible spectrum of sunlight, which represents different color options. Over the years, different theories have emerged, so there are several circles:

  • RGB:
  • R.Y.B.

Color wheel
In sectors of the circle, shades are placed in almost the same order as in the spectrum of visible light, and to link the extreme tones, a conditional purple hue is additionally used

To better understand the correct compatibility, it is necessary to build a color wheel. A person distinguishes three main tones: yellow, red and blue. All others are obtained by mixing the main ones with each other, as well as the main and derivative shades. By mixing primary colors, composite colors are obtained, and the remaining empty cells are filled with third-order tones.

Photo examples of interiors indicating the color combination used

The fact that colors affect mood and well-being has been talked about for a long time. There is even such a direction of alternative medicine as color therapy, where various types of disorders are treated by being in an interior with a predominance of a certain shade. So the “mood” of each color is worth keeping in mind when choosing a palette.

Impact of based colors on humans

Red: matching colors

Red color is very active and aggressive. It is usually present in interiors as accents - to break the monotony of design in white, gray or beige tones. In this case, it is almost irreplaceable - it brings the picture to life very well. You can see for yourself - below are several photos. Red in the interior of a living room can only be done in this way, otherwise the occupants’ anxiety increases, and health problems may even begin.

In the interior of a red bedroom there may be some textiles, several decorative details. The main one in this interior is milky white, additional ones are brown and beige, accents are green and red. About the same range, but for a living room in a different style - here instead of green there are black details, which gives more “coldness” to the atmosphere

A place where red can be the dominant color is the kitchen. Here you need high activity and this color will give you vigor. And, at the same time, it will also increase your appetite.

Even in the kitchen, red is present as an accompaniment, but not the main one.

In modern kitchen sets, facades can be of different colors

If you add beige, you get a softer interior. With beige, red doesn’t look so provocative.

If you need a similar effect, please choose a combination of red as the main one. As an additional option, it comes with gray, shades of white, beige, and there may be black details. You can still find a little green - in the form of plants or a few details. Other colors are rarely woven in, otherwise the result is too colorful even for the kitchen.

Combination with gray

Gray is a dim, so-called base color that can be combined with any others. For living room interiors, this is one of the best options. There are several ways to create the right combination of colors in an interior with a predominant gray. They take two or three shades from the gray range, add one or two shades of another color and the result is a very harmonious design.

Combining gray with other colors to create a harmonious interior

In the photo above, the bedroom interior is formed according to this principle. Light gray in them is the main one, two more saturated shades are additional. Blue (complimentary shades) are used as accents in one case, and pastel pinks in the other.

By the way, brown ones also look good with gray, and if you add raspberry, yellow, orange - warm shades - as an accent, you get a very cozy and “warm” interior that is suitable for a bedroom, a girl’s room, and also applicable to the design of a kitchen.

More options for combining colors with gray

Gray also looks very good in the kitchen. It is suitable for creating interiors in loft, high-tech, and modern styles. In this room, everything can be even simpler: add one bright shade to three or four shades of gray - yellow, red, orange, blue, green. In one of the bright and warm shades. It turns out to be a very unusual and not at all dull combination.

Crimson and yellow as accents create the mood

In general, gray interiors - with any accents - turn out to be somewhat cold. This is not bad for the kitchen, especially if it faces south. Such combinations are also good in the corridor/hallway. In those interiors where there are at least two warm shades with gray, and the interior turns out warmer, it is quite suitable for bedrooms and living rooms.

Beige and colors combined with it

Beige in the interior is an even more universal color. Like everyone else, it has warm and cold shades, but in any case it creates an atmosphere of comfort and reliability. You can create a monochrome interior based on beige colors. This option is for lovers of discreet interiors. This combination of colors in the interior is typical of the classics.

Beige color scheme with additional brown - comfort and tranquility

If you need solidity, add brown; for greater lightness, any color spots are suitable - as is the case with gray. Add cold shades of color spots to cold shades of beige, and warm shades to warm shades.

In the bedroom, beige and brown creates a feeling of stability. For accents, add one or two bright or pastel color spots - depending on the effect you want to create. Several color combinations based on beige shades with the addition of colored accents. Characteristic colors for calm neutral interiors.

Beige can be chosen as the main one. The walls and floors are then painted in lighter shades. Furniture is chosen darker, but also beige or brown. Add a few accents of bright colors. That's all, the harmonious interior is ready.

Color combinations in the interior - layouts for different styles

When creating a specific design, you need to take into account not only your wishes, but also know and follow certain rules. This is the only way you can properly decorate your premises and avoid serious and gross mistakes.

Before studying the layout of color combinations in the interior, we recommend paying attention to the main points of correct design:

  • choice of basis;
  • the right combination of warm and cold tones;
  • Warm colors are used to create coziness in a large room;
  • in a small room, it is better to use cold colors, this will visually enlarge the room;
  • when decorating a kitchen or dining room, keep in mind that shades can both enhance and suppress appetite;
  • in the bedroom, the color palette of the combination of colors in the interior should provide a comfortable rest;
  • For each interior style, experts recommend using certain tones;

Combination layouts
Each style has its own color scheme for combining colors in the interior. The table below reveals all the recommended shades when decorating a room.

Style nameRecommended shades
ClassicalDifferent tones, but must be white.
ProvenceBlue, pink, light milky.
Eco styleBrown and dirty green.
High techWhite, black and metal color.
BaroqueAny pastel colors.
ModernGreen, blue, brown-beige.
MinimalismWhite black.
Pin-upYellow, pink.
LoftGreen, red, orange, blue.
CountryLight yellow, brown, sand.
FuturismLight green, white, ultramarine, lemon yellow.

How to decide on shades using a designer's circle to select colors in the interior

Experienced designers are guided by professional skills when choosing colors. And you can use their advice and add your preferences. 5 simple rules to help:

  1. Choose 3 main shades and combine them in your design. You should not get carried away with a large number of colors and create an excessive riot of colors - this is a sign of tasteless decor;
  2. Maintain a balance between warm and cool shades. Dilute the selected range based on the color wheel for interior designers;
  3. Remember that in a polychrome interior, the base shade accounts for approximately 60% of the decorated area;
  4. Use different shades of your favorite colors. To make the design stylish and harmonious, try to fit into the initially chosen range;
  5. Don't ignore intuitive choices. Analyze your favorite shades and try to understand what associations resonate with you when you see them. For example, you prefer green clothes because you feel comfortable in them. Perhaps this tone will also be appropriate in the interior.

Attempts to keep up with fashion trends in decor without relying on the type of room and personal preferences will fail. The interior must first of all be comfortable to perceive. A striking example is the correct use of pink in design.

Options for color combinations in the interior

Color plays a huge role in creating an interior; with its help you can create comfort and coziness, visually increase or decrease the space, so you need to take a responsible approach to such an issue as combination.

Complex combination

This option is considered universal. Classic shades are used, these include beige, gray and white. By combining these tones with others, you can create a classic solution that will always look modern and beautiful. In this case, you will not need to constantly change the interior of the room when buying new furniture, replacing flooring or other elements.

Complex combination

Triad or combination of 3 colors

The use of three primary colors, which always harmoniously combine with each other and can be used in equal measures. The combination of red, blue and yellow evokes a surge of emotions and cheerfulness. If they are used in their pure form, the result is a bright and rich solution. If you use halftones, the design of the room turns out to be less aggressive and more comfortable.

Triad of shades

The use of a triad helps fill the room with energy, so this solution is used to decorate the living room, sports rooms and children's rooms, but this design is not recommended in the kitchen or bedroom.

Similar combination

This option involves the use of 2-3 types of shades, which are located nearby in the color wheel. You need to choose the appropriate one in which you decided to decorate the room and select several tones in the color wheel to the right or left of it. This solution is simple and original, and choosing two or three similar colors is not difficult.

Similar combination

Separate-complementary combination

In a complementary combination, contrasting shades are used; they are located opposite each other on the color wheel. With a separate-complementary solution, instead of the color located opposite, choose the shade that is next to it. This allows you to create contrasting solutions, but they are not as intense as with a complementary combination.

Separate-complementary combination

Tetrad or combination of 4 colors

In this case, the scheme consists of a main color and there are two more that complement it, and the fourth serves as an accent color. This creates a rather interesting effect that evokes positive emotions. Basically, these colors are preferred by young people or people who are in constant motion and fast rhythm.

Notebook in the interior

Style and color: recommendations for different directions

When choosing a color, do not forget about the canons of interior styles. For everyone there are preferred tones that fully reveal the features of the direction. To confidently choose shades, open the Itten color wheel online or study the table.

StylePreferred colors
ClassicWhite, beige, brown
ModernGreen, blue, beige, gray, brown
BaroqueCombination of pastel shades
EcoBeige, grass, brown
LoftDark grey, blue, green, red, orange
ProvencePink, beige, blue, milky
CountryBrown, muted yellow, brick
High techMetallic, grey, black, white

It is much more difficult with the directions of fusion and futurism. These directions allow you to use a riot of rich colors. Within these styles, you can experiment with bright tones: turquoise, light green, yellow. To tone down too loud combinations, include white in the combination.

Now it is fashionable to use fuchsia color in the interior. This tone can also be found on the color wheel of combinations and correctly fit into the decor.

The magic of color or the gradient effect in the interior

Gradient in the interior is a modern solution used to decorate various living spaces. It is based on a smooth transition from dark to light tone. This method can be used when decorating various interior details.

The gradient effect helps bring freshness and excitement to the room. Typically, designers use various shades of blue, as it gives a beautiful combination of colors in the interior.

Gradient effect

Experts recommend making the transition in such a way that the darker tone is near the floor and the lighter tone is near the ceiling, this will visually enlarge the room.

Classic and original color solutions for studios

Designers divide compositions into 4 main types - single-color, polar, two-color, multi-color. For studios, monochromatic ones are used - the interior is decorated in several shades of the same color, multi-colored - from 2 to 4 colors.

Classic monochromatic interior

The most common monochromatic solution is playing with shades of white. You can zone the space and create a certain style using a palette that includes

  • Scandinavian white;
  • baked milk;
  • cream;
  • Ivory.

“Stockholm white” will help to focus attention on the details of the interior - the main one is complemented by yellow and gray pigments, the result is a warm, but not contrasting color.

Original multi-color solutions

There are no standard rules in such interior concepts. Only a professional interior designer can choose the right unusual color scheme for a specific room. The most daring decisions:

  • Flamingo based on pink, companion colors – rich green, light beige;
  • Emerald – green with a blue tint, “diluted” with light shades of gray (30%) and yellow accents;
  • Haze is a “union” of four colors – gray, powdery pink, gold, bright blue;
  • Azure – the key role is given to sky blue, the color is complemented by brick, graphite, and any of the shades of white;
  • Sun – white, yellow, brick, with purple accents.

Not everyone will decide to decorate their studio interior in such color schemes. The riot of colors and rich tones are frightening; it seems that a compact room simply cannot accommodate such combinations. Entrust the work to the professionals from Nikon Stroy. The company's portfolio contains examples of extraordinary solutions that have already been implemented.

We select a combination of shades for different places in the room - a table with recommendations

To create a comfortable and cozy space in a room, it is important to choose the right color schemes when decorating the ceiling, floor and walls. With the help of a competent combination, you can breathe light and air into even a small room, and make a large room warmer and more comfortable. Further in the article there is another table of color combinations in the interior, which will help you choose the design of different places in the room.

Floor, wall and ceiling design optionsRecommended Solutions
Contrasting combinationThe walls are made of bright colors, the floor is dark, and the ceiling is light. You can visually change the size of the room, hide existing shortcomings and highlight advantages.
Current gradientThe ceiling is light, the walls are a little darker and the floor is dark. The transition from a dark tone to a light one allows you to create harmony; this design is suitable for any room.
Light and airThe walls and ceiling are light, the floor is dark. Suitable for a small room with low ceilings.
OppositesThe ceiling is light, the walls are dark, the floor is light and vice versa. This option can be used in rooms with low and high ceilings.

How to choose the color of the floor in the apartment?

A lot depends on the choice of floor color, because the play of colors and light can distort different shades and make the room visually larger or smaller, darker or lighter.

Below are several floor color options with a detailed description of all the effects each shade has.

  • A white floor will add brightness to the room and symbolize conciseness and purity. Most often, floor coverings of this color are used in small and dark rooms in a minimalist style.
  • Gray floor makes the room calm and noble, but it must be very carefully combined with other colors in the interior. It is important to remember that a gray floor goes best with black and white interiors, as well as yellow.

  • Yellow and beige floor the interior will add warmth and comfort to the room. This is the most versatile floor color that matches any type of interior.

  • Orange and red floors make a room feel bright and warm, but it's important to remember that these colors are highly reflective and transfer to other surfaces in the room. Therefore, it is worth maintaining a warm tone in the interior of the entire room.
  • Brown floor embodies confidence, stability and security. The only disadvantage of a floor covering of this color is the absorption of a large amount of color. But in general, this floor is universal for any interior, especially in country style.

  • The black floor in the interior creates an aura of wealth and mysticism. It must be used very carefully, especially in combination with bright colors. Black flooring is most often used in modern interiors and very rarely in classic ones.

How to choose the color of the laminate to match the interior?

Laminate has a wide range of colors and different patterns. You can choose a board that looks like wood, or you can make a stone floor using boards with this pattern.

Laminate flooring can look very strict and noble, or it can give the room a playful country style. Below are several laminate options with a description of all the effects they have on your dream apartment.

  • White and gray laminate flooring is most often used in apartments where minimalist or Provence style predominates. Rustic simplicity prevails here, which is perfectly complemented by laminate flooring.
  • Light wood laminate is perfect for rooms with windows facing north. This floor finish will add warmth and tranquility to the room, suitable for any type of interior.
  • Brown and red laminate adds warmth to the room and is perfect for interiors in autumn colors. But it is important that the room is abundantly illuminated, because dark floors take away light. These floor colors are very relevant in Gothic and Baroque styles.

  • Black laminate gives the room a magical mystique. To prevent such a coating from absorbing too much color, it is most often combined with white walls. The styles of minimalism, high-tech and modern are simply unthinkable without such luxurious and elegant contrasts. Glossy black laminate will prevent strong light absorption, but will add charm and luxury to the room.

Watch the video

This video shows several beautiful options and examples of floor and door color combinations.

Psychology of color, or how it affects us?

Studies have shown that color affects a person’s mood through his subconscious. Perception is influenced by such factors as the state of health, age, social status of a person and his character.

Colors and colors

For women

Women are more sensitive to the perception of color and shades. There is no clear distinction between “male” and “female” colors, since each person is individual. Despite this, there are tones that women prefer more:

  • blue, it has a calming effect and is loved by both women and men;
  • green, associated with nature and the feminine, symbolizes health and tranquility;
  • turquoise, this shade is one of the most favorite among women;
  • purple – it is a representative of the “feminine” color, emphasizing the mystery and mystery of a woman;
  • pink tones are associated with women, but this is not a preference, but a pleasant rule;
  • Lilac color is also considered “feminine”, it evokes a feeling of romanticism and nostalgia.

Women and interior colors
With age, color preferences change; women love pink more, but give less preference to green than in their youth.

For men

It has been found that men perceive approximately 30% fewer shades compared to women. Often women are indignant that men cannot appreciate their efforts when choosing a color, but this is due to physiology, since for them pumpkin and peach colors may not be different from each other.

Men's perception of color

Most men prefer blue and its different shades. Some scientists believe that they symbolize it with clean water and clear skies. In addition to blue, men love green, but unlike women, they prefer cooler tones. Traditionally they like black, but most men cannot stand purple and pink.

For children

Newborn babies see everything in black and white and only after 2 months they begin to distinguish other colors. At the age of 2-5 years, they can already distinguish the entire visible spectrum.

Children are attracted to everything bright, so they love pink, red, yellow tones, such preferences persist until the age of 10, after which the child may already like the blue tone and all its shades. Girls prefer pink and purple, while boys prefer blue and its shades.

Some features of the combination of white and black

Want to make your room taller? Combine black color for the floor - and contrast it with white walls and a similar ceiling. It’s good if you choose wood texture as a floor covering - it looks great both in laminate and in ceramic granite format.

The opposite situation: high ceilings in your room cause you not so much a feeling of comfort as some confusion about the general shortage of living space. The parallel design of the floor and ceiling in a single black color, and the wall surfaces in classic white, will help remove this flattening effect that puts pressure on the psyche.

Even more photos using dark/light contrast in the interior

Combination of colors in the interior: curtains and wallpaper, as well as furniture - how to combine?

In most cases, textiles are purchased when the room has already been renovated and furniture has been placed. In this case, when selecting the right fabrics, many difficulties arise that affect the combination of colors in the interior. Curtains and wallpaper, as well as furniture, are much easier to select at the same time.

Successful color combination

The procedure for selecting the color of furniture and textiles will be as follows:

  1. determine the first and second basic shades;
  2. wallpaper is purchased in a light shade of the first color;
  3. furniture in two different colors of the second option;
  4. curtains should be made of fabric with a pattern consisting of the first and second colors;
  5. the same fabric will be used for decorative pillows;
  6. pillows can be made from fabric in a rich first color.

Bright room
This is a conventional algorithm and each designer can develop his own, but if you are new to this business, then focus on the described technology and you will be able to correctly design your home yourself.


The implementation of gray color in the interior involves playing with both shades and texture: stonework, fur throws on furniture, dry bleached wood as an accessory or iron beams under the ceiling

Bright accents

When choosing a combination of bright colors and gray in the interior, do not be afraid of mistakes - any “live” and rich color will enliven the space without dissonating with the basic tone.

But try not to overdo it with color - red, for example, being an extremely active shade, in large quantities can begin to bother and “harm” the eye. Make a choice in favor of burgundy, wine or brick shades if they are expected to significantly predominate in the interior. Panels, vases, floor lamps, textiles and even living plants - everything will be used.

A bright sofa and a standout painting on a gray background.

Credit: @

A couple of “juicy” spots diversify the interior.


Gray textiles in the interior will soften the brightness of the background colors and add nobility to the atmosphere as a whole. Heavy velvet curtains, silk bed linen or fluffy carpet pile - these little things add up to the comfort and overall emotional background of the entire room.

Graphite curtains stand out against the white trim.

Pearl curtains and fluffy carpet to match the furniture.


Gray a priori belongs to the “dark side” even in its brightest manifestation. Therefore, any gray interior requires light accompaniment - natural in the daytime (this requires wide, preferably not curtained, windows), and artificial in the evening (lamps, chandeliers, LEDs, etc.). Mirror surfaces and gloss will help expand the walls and illuminate the space.

Dark colors require decent lighting design.


Gray furniture in the interior always looks expensive and elegant, regardless of the design style. Even against the backdrop of bright, flashy tones, the furniture looks dignified and “grown-up”, softening the boldness of the surrounding colors with its neutrality.

Luxurious dark sofa in a studio room.

Furniture in elegant ethnic style.

What colors definitely won't go together?

There can be no categorical answer to this question. Modern fashion is characterized by extravagance and creativity. If earlier the combination of green and red in the interior was considered tasteless, now this will not surprise anyone.

Harmony and disharmony, or combination of colors in the interior - table.

When creating a classic interior, experts do not recommend combining cold and warm tones, but there may be small bright inclusions. If you want to combine contrasting colors, then it is better to do it with halftones.

Character of color: warm and cold tones

Some colors evoke associations with summer and the sun, others with coolness, wind, ice cubes, and sea breeze. The first ones will be warm, and the second ones will be cold.

Warm colors contain more yellow pigment, cool colors contain more blue pigment. To understand the principle, the Itten color circle can be divided into two parts, as shown in the photo. In one sector there will be warm tones, in the second - cold.

There is a third group of shades - neutrals. Examples: black, variations of gray, white. Such tones do not evoke associations with yellow and blue, and therefore do not have a conventional thermal color. But they serve as an excellent base for combinations of shades. There are several ways to create a stunning interior with neutral colors.

Scheme for determining cold and warm colors on a circle

Combination of colors in the interior – 15 photos

In brown tones In a recreation area City apartment Modern style

Cool blue tones In red colors

Relax zone

In a room with a fireplace

In a country house

Green shades In the cottage In the kitchen In the room with photographs Cozy atmosphere

Mediterranean style

Popular interior styles

The colors of concrete, asphalt and iron are most often used in modern interiors, but classic motifs are not alien to them.


The industrial style of the urban jungle consists almost entirely of gray concrete blocks, metal structures and chrome ventilation systems. A gray interior in this style will be complemented by wide panoramic windows.

Credit: @

In a loft there is no place without metal and brick.

Industrial concrete finish in grunge style.

High tech

Steel shine, polished plastic, tempered glass and the latest technology – these are the pillars on which high-tech is based and where the gray palette looks as organic as possible.

Credit: @

Graphite high-tech kitchen.

Credit: @

Light walls in a high-tech kitchen.

Rules for color combinations in the interior: strategy from professionals

In order for the finished interior to be a great success, the coloristic design of the decorative finishing must obey certain rules of color combinations. They play a particularly important role for small-sized apartments, where everything catches the eye at the same time: style, texture, and, of course, color composition, which is so important for the area. Using a palette, you can well adjust the space: make it visually more spacious, increase the height of the ceilings, improve proportions, etc.

Recommendation! It is generally accepted that light colors give volume. This is true, therefore, if the apartment is very miniature or it is designed as a studio, then white, light pastels and muted colors will be an excellent solution for modern design.

Professionals believe that you should not use more than three color nuances in decoration, suggesting the following strategy:

  1. Basic color – that is, the main or leading color. The direct purpose is to make it immediately clear what shade is most in the room. As a rule, it can be seen on large objects: walls and most furniture.
  2. An additional nuance serves to support the first. It manifests itself on an accent wall, some part of the furniture, textiles in the room, etc. It can be contrasting or, conversely, related to the leader or close to him.
  3. Auxiliary - has a minor role, but also noticeable. It can be bright and rich, but at the same time occupy a small area in the design of curtains or in the details of accessories, and also be an ornament on wallpaper or an upholstered chair with butterflies.

Note! A harmonious composition in an ideal format should take the form of the following formula: basic nuance - 60%, additional - 30%, auxiliary - 10%.

A striking example of how well the 60:30:10 color rule works in interior design with green, white and gold colors

Colors in different rooms

The choice of many is based on basic principles drawn up by designers. There are recommendations from psychologists and other specialists.

Based on all the useful information, a certain model has been developed, which is reflected in the manner of using other colors in rooms for different purposes.

Living room

When color designing a living room, it is important to take into account the full functionality of the room. If this room is used exclusively for its intended purpose, then it is possible to use bright, unusual palettes.

Fuchsia, red, turquoise and similar tones are popular. Here, an intense color can become the main one, and additions of universal meaning will help create harmony in the environment.

If the living room doubles as a bedroom and kitchen, then your imagination will have to be tempered. It is better to decorate the interior in gray-blue, golden-brown, yellowish-green colors without bright contrast.


To create the right atmosphere in the bedroom, it is important to choose suitable shades for interior decoration. Most often these are neutral, pastel, always calm colors. In this form, you can complete the basic part of the room.

If necessary, details of any character are added to the setting. These can be soft blue, green notes or expressive red, orange, and purple colors that inflate passion.


In any home, the hallway acts as the face of the home. Properly decorating this room is the most important task. When choosing a color scheme, a dilemma often arises here.

They don’t want to use light colors because they get dirty, although they are the most relevant. Dark colors are avoided due to the modest size of the room and lack of natural light.

The optimal solution would be to choose golden, woody options that can be conveniently combined with white, beige, gray or even black.


There are no significant restrictions for decorating a nursery. It is imperative to focus on the psychology of small residents.

There should be a comfortable environment in the room. Let's have a multi-colored design that won't bore you.

The best solution is to divide the room into zones, which are decorated accordingly. You need to understand that the room usually serves as a bedroom, a playroom, and an office at the same time.

Bathroom and toilet

They don’t spend much time in the bathroom; any of its design will not have time to have a negative impact. When decorating, do not forget about the size of the room.

The variegation of colors is definitely not appropriate here. It is better to give preference to calm, universal tones. Any paint can easily be combined with white, which is more often used for plumbing fixtures.


It is important to focus your kitchen design on the result you want to get. If you use intense, bright colors, you will be able to whet your appetite. However, it is important not to overdo it.

For example, an abundance of red risks further increasing blood pressure, while purple will make you depressed. The optimal solution is to use rich green, yellow, and orange.

It is not uncommon to see kitchens decorated in calm gray-blue tones, which are conducive to long conversations and good digestion of food.

What do colors mean from a psychological point of view?

White color

White always carries a good beginning. This clear, “transparent” color symbolizes sincerity and purity of thoughts. White is considered the color of life, peace, friendship, happiness. In almost all countries of the world, brides choose white dresses. Men wear white shirts to make a good (serious) impression and to demonstrate the solemnity of the moment. White color is neutral and pure, flawless and impartial. We see it in the clothes of doctors and in the interiors of medical institutions, since white color can calm. However, one should not overdo it, since solid white color seems frightening to many, symbolizing also the decline of life (white is the color of old age), as well as winter and cold (white color can even “cool” a little everything present next to it).

Therefore, use white with caution and without fanaticism. White details or elements are always perfectly perceived in the interior of a beauty salon or in the clothing of staff: they add freshness and airiness.

Until recently, the choice of color for beauty salon walls often tended towards a single shade, usually white. Sometimes in a combination of different colors with white, but certainly conveying an atmosphere of cleanliness, order, and a feeling of sterility. However, if you choose white color when decorating a beauty salon, then you emphasize your asceticism and minimalist style. At the moment, the trend is the complete opposite: personalizing a beauty salon with color, giving individual character and originality - this is the only way to immediately “hook” your target group of clients.

The white walls of a beauty salon make clients feel calm, but you need emotions, since most purchases have an emotional motivation: “just wanted to try it,” “liked the scent and texture,” etc. Some interior designers of beauty salons and spas believe that white should only be used in one area - the hairdressing salon, since the absence of color in this area is crucial. The hair coloring area should include clean bright light and white walls, this way it creates contrast and the white color highlights who is king: the client with the new hair color.

An example of an ineffective color scheme (white dominates the interior of Cloud 10 Blow Dry Bar & Salon in Boca Raton, Florida)

But white will look good in the painting area:


Yellow is the color of looseness, relaxation, freedom and creativity; it is sunny, bright and “vitamin-rich”. The color yellow is believed to give impetus to the development of intellectual abilities. With all this, yellow is a very contradictory color. An excess of yellow can lead one into an unreal world, make a person incapable of action, and interfere with the sequence and orderliness of events. According to the classification of Lüscher (a Swiss psychologist and developer of the Lüscher color test, a projective technique for personality research), yellow symbolizes a person’s desire to look forward and hope. If it is not too bright, it brings joy and comfort into our lives, but if it is too bright, the environment can be perceived as hostile and encourage us to hide our actions from others.

Yellow color is usually used in narrow and long rooms, such as corridors, as well as when choosing furniture, if your salon is closer to the classic type. Deeper shades of yellow convey importance and prestige.

For example, the waiting and reception area might look like this:

An example of a clear excess of yellow in floor design:

An example of excessive bright yellow when the environment may be perceived by clients as hostile:

Orange color

Orange color instantly excites. Sometimes this excitement is too intrusive, but often the activity of this color brings good results. Bright orange color attracts attention, so it is often preferred to be used in beauty salons during sales or global promotions. This color symbolizes celebration, joy, eroticism, hope and vivid impressions. Not the happiest people strive for it. With the help of orange, you can remove complexes and stiffness, encourage action and the desire to live. According to color psychology, orange is the color of energy, extravagance, transformation and uniqueness.

Orange in the office evokes sexuality, it makes the room bright and elegant (if the color is not too saturated).

You can use orange in staff clothing; it will tell customers about the activity, cheerfulness and innovative thinking of your employees. In this color, the staff turns into a little sun, which they turn to with joy and goodwill. But this color does not suit everyone; he prefers reddish shades of appearance (which corresponds to the “autumn” type): peach or yellow skin tone, light hair with a red or copper tone. Cool tones against an orange background will look emphatically pale.

If the overall style of the beauty salon is laconic, then it is better to choose furniture in warm colors. Derivatives of orange, red, yellow ranges, brick colors combine perfectly with “concrete” tables and stainless steel lamps, concrete floors and mirrors in black frames, emphasizing the modern and “warm” appearance of the beauty enterprise.

Bright and rich orange colors can be successfully used in the interior, creating a special atmosphere of unique style, luxury and chic in the room.

Red color

Red is an emotional color, it instantly captures attention and at the same time encourages the client to take action. We see red on traffic lights (the “stop” sign), on sale price tags and on food products. This is the color of urgency, emergency (“ambulance”). It is impossible not to notice him. For example, we can't help but notice bright red lipstick. The color red in clothing attracts attention and evokes sexual desire.

Using red furniture to create a strong contrast

According to Luscher's classification, the color red symbolizes a person's desire to act and achieve success, therefore it attracts people who are sensitive and have a need to receive warmth from the world around them. Bringing red to the fore in a room attracts people with leadership qualities who are prone to active action, since the color red symbolizes the will to win, struggle, and willpower.

Red color helps speed up all life processes and at the same time reduces alertness. This is why it is not recommended to paint walls red: the likelihood of staff errors increases greatly. Red color is aggressive, over time it begins to cause irritation and nervous disorders (this color has a particularly strong effect on children, since their psyche is not yet stable enough). Therefore, it is recommended to use red not as the main color, but only as an additional bright accent in the interior.

The interior design of the beauty and cosmetology center Legend New York fully reflects the concept of industrial minimalism: a large number of mirrors, dominance of white and black colors, bright accents in red details.

Pink color

Pink is the color of naivety, tenderness and subtle feelings. It is also associated with youth and innocence. To people who prefer pink, everything seems better than it really is. This is where the expression “looking at the world through rose-colored glasses” even comes from. This color improves your mood, calms you down, and allows you to look at the world and yourself more positively. Clients who like this color are usually emotional, timid and shy. They worry about a variety of reasons, but quickly calm down.

In a pink room, a person feels protected and energized. Pink color fills the room with warmth.

Pink is considered a feminine color, and a man feels uncomfortable in such an interior. As proof - Nail'd It manicure and pedicure studio in London ( Variations of bright pink and calm pink shades of furniture and wall colors allow clients to feel young and romantic, giving them confidence. Pink conveys lightness, carefreeness, fun, innocence, and delicacy.

Blue color

We associate the color blue with the color of the sky and sea, causing a feeling of peace and tranquility. It is the color of harmony, fidelity, peace, sympathy, serenity and communication. According to Luscher's classification, blue color symbolizes the need for satisfaction, tranquility, and stable positive attachment. For clients, this color is able to create a feeling of trust in you or your company; it prepares a person for change, for contacts with the outside world. However, not everything is so simple: a pronounced blue color can cause a depressive background mood, as it is perceived by people as too cold and distant. Interestingly, blue and blue colors are not suitable for rooms where people eat, as they do not promote appetite and enjoyment of food.

It is recommended to paint blue only those rooms in which the client does not need to stay for a long time.


The color violet contains the properties of both blue and red. The psychology of color associates it with luxury and religion. Purple objects and things intrigue and attract the attention of customers. It is not a very common color in nature, so when used correctly it really stands out from the rest.

Purple is associated with nostalgia, fantasy, ambition, vanity and impermanence. The preference for purple is typical for emotionally immature people, children, teenagers and... pregnant women. This color promotes the development of imagination. People who like this color are often creatively gifted. As psychologists note, people with non-traditional sexual orientation also tend to prefer the color purple.

Rooms painted in purple shades calm the weakened human psyche (in psychiatry there are even purple rooms for patients).

It is worth noting an interesting interior project for the Nail It nail salon in the city of Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico. Since there are many colors used in nail designs, the bottom half of the space was kept white to ensure that the nail design being created would be the only color visible. At the top of the studio there are multi-colored sticks of purple, blue and other colors, which visually separate the areas of work of the masters.

Green color

Green is associated with nature and health. Most environmental organizations in the world use green symbols. Recently in Russia, many pharmacies have changed the red cross to green on their signs. Green is the most natural color, the color of grass, peace and relaxation. It creates a feeling of security.

Green color is preferred by people prone to critical analysis, scrupulousness, and logical consistency. According to Luscher's classification, green color symbolizes a person's desire for self-affirmation. Dark green is usually liked by persistent people who place high demands on themselves and, because of this, often find themselves in a state of overexertion.

Green shades are good for maintaining efficiency and conducting negotiations.

Green attracts attention. Lush greenery, a harmonious tandem of natural shades and lots of mirrors - the FLOWERS beauty bar resembles an oasis in the center of a noisy metropolis. This salon incorporates a vibrant green hue without going overboard. It matches perfectly with the shelves and cabinets, and the framed mirror completes the look. Dark tile floors and simple light walls help complete this modern look.

Green color is often used in display cases to emphasize the naturalness of cosmetics. For example, at Margaret Street Salon, Inverness, Scotland:

Brown color

Brown color symbolizes the sensual basis of sensations. It surrounds us everywhere and evokes a huge number of diverse associations. Brown is also the color of wood and autumn, warmth and comfort. Interestingly, this is one of the most underrated colors: it is used less and less in interior decoration, but in vain. This color keeps you in good shape, calms you down and activates your thought processes. The less a person likes brown, the less attention he pays to the physiology of his body.

Metal pendant lights and black and white curtains balance the look of the salon, while brown armchairs and lush green plants create a relaxing, zen-like atmosphere.

Grey colour

Gray is the most neutral, “fencing off” color. It is very difficult to see under normal conditions. Gray color symbolizes release from obligations. It creates a feeling of peace and detachment in people. It’s not for nothing that the expressions appeared: “gray market”, “gray scheme”, “gray salary”. Since gray does not excite any emotions, tired people who consciously protect themselves from the influences of the outside world are prone to it. They love order, each thing has its own place.

Remember that there should not be a lot of gray in the room. But this color is great for spas.

For example, Guigu Spa Pavilion in Fuzhou, China. The use of natural materials such as stone and wood created a tranquil ambiance throughout the spa, while surprising the client with highly textured surfaces that bring the space to life. Every corner of the pavilion offers a meditative backdrop, combining absolute simplicity and sophistication.

Black color

Black is the darkest color, a kind of border: the end beyond which there is nothing else. Therefore, the color black expresses the idea of ​​“nothing.” It is the complete opposite of white, so it goes well with it. Moreover, black has a strong influence on any color next to it, emphasizing and enhancing the properties of that color.

Black color surrounds us everywhere, it is useful and functional. Who doesn't have any black clothes in their wardrobe? Definitely there! A beautiful black dress or suit is always an elegant option for evening wear. However, there are people who prefer to wear only black. Usually they are very attached to family, traditions, friends, but at the same time they do not believe that they can achieve serious goals in life, since the black color symbolizes refusal, complete renunciation and non-acceptance.

Use black if you want to emphasize some detail, but very carefully. For example, black walls or ceilings in everyday life can lead not only to a bad mood, but even to prolonged depression.

Conceptual barbershop Chaps & Co, Dubai: black and gray colors highlight the privacy and privilege of the club - a stylish and comfortable refuge for modern gentlemen, where you can drink coffee, watch football and discuss the latest news with the master.

To create a calm and comfortable atmosphere in the massage rooms, the designers came up with an unusual ceiling design: 287 amber-yellow bottles of massage oil are placed in square sections. Thanks to a special lighting system, they cast graceful reflections on the walls. Black and gray walls, cream tables and framed mirrors pair well with shiny oak floors. But even in this combination it seems that there is too much dark color. Girls don't come into this barbershop!

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