Children's purple room: 53 ideas with photos for inspiration

Website “Mom can do anything!” collected 53 ideas for decorating a children's room in purple. With them, you will make your child's room a special place in the house, which will be pleasant for both children and adults.

A children's room in a purple hue looks cozy and gentle. A large number of shades allows you to show your imagination when decorating a room, as well as when selecting furniture and accessories.

The color violet has a beneficial effect on memory, creativity and helps develop imagination. A nursery in purple tones is suitable for a dreamy, creative child.

Lilac room for a girl

Children's interior in lilac color is always beautiful, sophisticated and expressive. The main thing is to choose the shades wisely.

Don't overload the room with them and don't use too saturated colors. They will have the opposite effect on the child’s still unformed psyche.

What you need to know about the color lilac?

  • Lilac and violet are not the same thing. The first belongs to the light part of the violet spectrum, having a warmer reddish undertone.
  • A room decorated in this way encourages creativity and work, while calming and relieving irritation.
  • The color of lilac must be diluted with a neutral palette. Approximately in proportion 1:2. This way the necessary balance will be achieved.

The design of a nursery in lilac tones is universal, and therefore suitable for both babies and rebellious teenagers.

Here everyone can find their own shade.

The unique world of a child

A children's room in purple tones is an amazing, fairy-tale world where the child will be very comfortable, because all shades of purple have a beneficial effect

on the human brain and psyche. Undoubtedly, those who refuse purple in the interior lose a lot, because such a complex and multifaceted shade combines the characteristics of two colors at once: red and blue. The aggressiveness of the first and the coldness of the second neutralize each other, creating a feeling of warmth, relaxation and grace.

According to psychologists, the color purple in a nursery has a positive effect on one of the most important organs of a growing person – the brain.

. Unstable functioning of the nervous system in primary school and adolescence can affect a child’s behavior, but when his room is decorated in purple tones, the situation changes: this color has a tonic effect on the brain and pituitary gland, which is the tip of the “iceberg” in the endocrine system. The child’s hormonal levels return to normal, endorphin (“the joy hormone”) and melatonin are produced, a hormone that stabilizes the state of the nervous system, regulates circadian rhythms and makes it easier to fall asleep.

In addition to the listed facts, the lilac design of a children's bedroom combines positive qualities

red and blue colors. Thanks to this symbiosis, a child who spends a lot of time in the purple room will not suffer from migraines, insomnia and decreased immunity, and will also actively develop creatively.

It is not at all necessary to completely decorate a room for children in purple; sometimes just a few decorative details to add a touch of positivity to even the most boring interior. For example, try hanging purple curtains in the nursery or putting a few pillows in purple tones on the bed, and you will see how much your child’s room will be transformed.

Interior decoration

How to create a nursery in lilac tones?

First of all, you need to decide on the age of the child.

  1. Soft light colors are suitable for newborns and girls up to 3 years old. You can complement the interior with white, beige or gray paints. In such an environment, the child will feel calm and fall asleep easily. Floral designs and simple ornaments, as well as children's motifs, are used as decoration.
  2. The room of a little princess under 12 years old should be decorated with a more cheerful palette (amethyst, lavender) with bright splashes of yellow, turquoise, green and blue. The design is already based on the interests and taste of the baby. If she likes dolls, then create an imitation dollhouse or castle. The room can be decorated with your favorite cartoon characters or hobby items (music, dancing). Be sure to highlight a play area with dynamic elements and a sleeping area in relaxed colors.
  3. The place where a teenage girl lives is distinguished by its brightness and stylization. Create comfortable conditions for her. You can safely move away from butterflies and flowers towards elegance, taste and functionality. This room has an “adult” look, with non-standard elements that reflect the child’s character. Provence is suitable for romantic natures, classics for aesthetic ones, Scandinavian and minimalism for strict and uncompromising natures. Discuss all the nuances with the hostess of the room in advance. And don’t be afraid to experiment and use bold combinations.

The size and location of the room makes its own adjustments. It is worth understanding that a dark and saturated color visually reduces space and absorbs light. Therefore, it is better to leave it for spacious rooms with plenty of natural light. It’s better to limit yourself to an accent wall or decor.

If the repair is intended to be “outgrown,” then for finishing, use a base in a neutral color scheme. Leave bright and colorful elements for accents and furniture.

In the future, this will facilitate the process of transforming the interior.

Lilac children's room according to style rules

Creating an atmosphere in Provence style, a variety of floral prints with an abundance of textiles and wood are used. Ruffles, lace, soft toys, warm blankets, pillows with ornaments will make the atmosphere very homely and cozy.

The rigor of the classic style will be diluted with delicate lilac notes. Carvings, moldings, plain lilac curtains in combination with floral patterns on the walls will create comfortable conditions for the life of a young lady.

A warm and sophisticated interior in vintage style will perfectly emphasize the softness and touchingness of a girl’s nature. Delicate shades of pink, lilac, lilac, beige and white will only emphasize the character of the hostess.

Add more aged furniture, floor lamps with fabric shades and plain curtains. Carved boxes, lanterns and collectible toys are used for decoration.

The easiest way is to create a minimalist style: plain lilac wallpaper, multifunctional furniture, simple and clear lines and patterns.

Remember, the main thing here is rationality and practicality.

A little fairy tale for a young princess

A purple children's room for a girl is a great alternative

bored with pink color. Although pink is the leader in the ranking of purely feminine shades, purple tones go well with it and can easily exist on their own. There is such a stereotype in society: supposedly pink is more suitable for a very little princess, and purple and its shades are the prerogative of teenage girls. It is worth dispelling this myth.

In Feng Shui, all shades of purple carry love and wisdom.

. They create a balance between physical and spiritual energy and even hide some mysticism and magic. If you look closely, most modern dolls and accessories have purple elements.

Violet also activates memory for the perception of new information, develops imagination and promotes the formation of creativity. Young princesses will feel the constant presence of an invisible fairy tale and magic, invent their own stories and fantasize a lot. For older girls, purple will help them relax and tune in.

for the success of any enterprise, be it an exam at school, a competition or a concert in a music club.

Parents should not decorate their daughter’s room exclusively in pink or purple; it is important to learn how to combine colors with each other.

For example, purple children's wallpaper will look more organic in the bedroom of a younger girl. They can be plain or interspersed with small patterns: flowers, butterflies or cartoon characters. And for a young lady, wallpaper in delicate lilac or lilac shades, which go well with a calm beige color, is suitable. If your daughter has crossed the threshold of high school age, then you can choose fine striped or checkered wallpaper for her room. Don’t forget to place accents: several soft poufs, paintings and a mirror in an original frame will give the design a feeling of integrity and completeness

Furniture in lilac color

What kind of furniture does a girl need for a comfortable life? Bed, wardrobe, workplace with a table, chair or armchair. If space allows, you can add a small sofa and chest of drawers.

We advise buying items that contrast with the main background of the room. Thus, lilac-colored furniture will organically fit into a neutral environment (beige, white or gray shades). It will not necessarily be in the same range. Combinations are welcome, but they must be organic and well thought out.

A child’s tastes change very quickly, so keep in mind that the furniture will be altered (painted, replaced facades or upholstery). This will allow you to save significant financial resources in the future.

If there is a lilac bed in the girl’s room, then the bedspread should be chosen in pastel colors with delicate patterns. The color of the pillows can play in all shades, which will add color to the room.

Be sure to organize a storage system. She will help to place all the outfits of the little fashionista, as well as arrange all her toys and items for creativity and study. Why exactly will the cabinet be lilac? Because this large piece of furniture always attracts attention.

Decorating it is a responsible matter! There can be as many variations of execution as you like. For example, a plain background with a simple pattern or doors painted in a checkerboard pattern. By the way, fittings play a big role. Let it correspond to the general style. And also, don’t forget about the mirror! After all, this is a girl's room!

Organize a comfortable workplace where everything is ergonomic and convenient. Choose models with height adjustment. After all, children grow up quickly.

Today, two-tier designs for children's rooms are very common. There is usually a bed on top, and a place for studying or playing below. This solution is very practical and does not take up much space.

Finish options

For a children's room, it is better to decorate the walls and ceiling with light blue-violet, lilac, lavender shades, and choose furniture and some textiles in more saturated colors. At the same time, the walls must stand out against the background of the floor and ceiling, otherwise all surfaces will merge and the design will be monotonous and boring.

Prefer lavender walls and brown or light floors to a white ceiling. For lilac ceiling decoration, choose lighter ones: yellow, beige, gray, cream wallpaper on the walls, etc.

Combine lilac and light green on the wall in the children's room, cover the ceiling with white, cover the floor with beige laminate, and place a light green carpet on top. You can also do this with any other companion color - blue, yellow, pink.

Finish options

For a children's room, it is better to decorate the walls and ceiling with light blue-violet, lilac, lavender shades, and choose furniture and some textiles in more saturated colors. At the same time, the walls must stand out against the background of the floor and ceiling, otherwise all surfaces will merge and the design will be monotonous and boring.

Prefer lavender walls and brown or light floors to a white ceiling. For lilac ceiling decoration, choose lighter ones: yellow, beige, gray, cream wallpaper on the walls, etc.

Combine lilac and light green on the wall in the children's room, cover the ceiling with white, cover the floor with beige laminate, and place a light green carpet on top. You can also do this with any other companion color - blue, yellow, pink.

Bright pop art

Pop art in the interior

This representative of modern interior design is recognizable at first sight. Having appeared in the distant 50s of the last century in England, it firmly established itself in the United States and from there it systematically “captured” the world with its riot of colors and bright character. Distinctive features of pop art:

Room with pop art elements

If we describe this trend in one word, “shocking” would be best. This is where comic and anime characters, music idols and popular actors, interesting advertising images and, in general, anything would be appropriate. This design is perfect for teenagers who value originality and unusualness, who prefer creativity in clothing and behavior, for creative and impetuous girls.

Combination of pop art and loft elements in room design

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