Bedroom for a girl: how to arrange it? (+50 photo ideas)

Every parent wants their little girl to feel like a princess. She deserves a place that is everything to her, reflecting her unique personality and interests. A space where children can explore, be creative, learn and grow, and the bedroom is the place to do just that at its best.

When it comes to girls' bedroom designs , you may be stumped. What if her interests change? How much space will she need? How to incorporate her ideas into the overall home interior scheme? If any of these questions resonate with you, fear not, we are here to share ideas and tips for girl's bedroom design that are sure to create a space she will enjoy for years to come.

Bedroom design for a girl - what is important to know?

When it comes to designing your child's bedroom, consider it a chance to bond with your daughter. This is an opportunity to let her creativity come out and express itself. After all, the girl will spend most of her time in this room. However, you can help guide her choices to best suit her needs.

When it comes to choosing the perfect bedroom furniture, you probably want functionality and quality. While you can easily buy a standard bed, there are many modern options that have unique storage features. Consider a bed with drawers to store toys. Or, for a smaller room, you can consider a loft bed - it's very convenient, as it leaves floor space free for games and other entertainment.

Also, keep in mind furniture options that your child may use as they grow, like dressers or added shelving. Little girls may not need all the space, but a teenage girl's closet may need more storage space, especially if she's a frequent visitor to the mall.

For girls in elementary school and even those who attend kindergarten, they need a place to play. Include toy storage areas or shelving to display her valuables and toys. Use bedding and curtains to add color to the room, which can be changed as it gets older.

Safety should always be a priority in little girls' rooms. Be sure to keep everything as low to the floor and within reach as possible to avoid any falling objects or accidents. If there are overhead shelves, invest in stools to help you reach higher places on your own.

Zoning the room

A room where all the furniture is randomly arranged is not conducive to either rest or work. In it you have to constantly rush from one corner to another in order to take the necessary things located at different ends of the room. It is much more convenient if everything you need is at hand, and the layout is thought out so that one part of the room is intended for sleeping, the second for relaxation, and the third for study. This is where zoning comes to the rescue.

Of course, there is no need to build walls and clutter the room with screens. There are several techniques that allow you to divide a room into functional zones without sacrificing free space.

  1. Wallpapers of different colors.
  2. The floor is different colors.
  3. Lighting.
  4. Sliding partitions.
  5. Placement of furniture.

Now it’s worth figuring out what zones the girl needs and what is best to place in them.

Zone Items
Bedroom Bed, bedside tables, floor lamp or lamp, small bedside rug
Working Computer desk, chair, cabinet, pair of shelves
Gaming A box with toys, a carpet, a TV, a small sofa
Storage Cabinets, racks, chests of drawers, shelves, mirror

The room must have a place for games and study

You can zone a room using color, decorative items or partitions

Try not to fill the room with unnecessary objects; the girl should have freedom of action

Bedroom for a teenage girl

Chances are, teens will want to be an active part of bedroom design planning by incorporating their favorite trends. String lights, wall photo collages and galleries are very fashionable today and are a versatile design option.

If possible, make room for homework and projects with a desk or study space. Try to keep distractions in this area to a minimum, if possible, so that the teen can focus on the task at hand. Another space she may need is a staging area. A small mirror and table will add storage space for makeup or accessories.

A bed for a teenage girl should be at least 90 cm wide. It is worth considering a model with an additional pull-out sleeping area so that the child’s friends can spend the night. Teenagers often read books in bed and study, so good lighting should not be forgotten.

A bedside lamp on a movable arm with a point light source that can be directed towards a book is essential. There should also be space next to the bed for a bedside table or shelf to put a book or phone. A soft, upholstered headrest is a must-have next to the bed. You can make it yourself from pillows or from plywood and upholstery material.

A comfortable table with a chair adjusted to the child’s height and ensuring the correct position while working is important in a teenage girl’s bedroom. Since they affect the proper development and health of the child, you should not skimp on them. The work area should be by the window and have access to daylight.

The table should be large enough for the child to lay out books, notebooks and teaching aids on it. To prevent a teenage girl from having problems keeping her desk tidy, choose a model with drawers or cabinets. Add-ons with compartments or shelves hung on the wall near the desk are also suitable. Lighting is also very important. A lamp that gives light as close as possible to natural light - it causes the least amount of eye fatigue.

Choosing the right wall color will help separate the above-mentioned zones in a teenage girl's bedroom . It is worth betting on colors that teenagers like. For a youth room, rich, bright colors are often chosen that will emphasize the youthful character. Be careful not to overdo the number of colors on the wall so that the girl’s room does not become too colorful. This will create the impression of clutter and this room design will be tiring.

If you decide to use rich, energetic paint colors, it's best to use them on one or two walls so as not to overwhelm the bedroom design. The best solution is to use expressive colors only in accessories with a neutral base, that is, the walls are painted white or gray.

Furniture items

A few examples of furnishing a kitchen combined with a living room:

  1. 1. Sofa. It becomes an object that zones space. The sofa is placed with its back facing the place where food is prepared. In small rooms (less than 20 sq m) a corner is placed, which is placed against a wall installed perpendicular or parallel to the kitchen.

  2. 2. Set. According to designers, minimalist models without elaborate details look modern. The service, vases or glasses are placed on an open shelf. You can buy a fashionable display case for them. Furniture is placed near the wall. If the space is large (20 sq. m, 25 sq. m or 30 sq. m), then in the central part you can install an island, which also has sections for kitchen appliances.
  3. 3. Furniture set. The style should be combined with the design of both rooms. In small rooms, a compact table and chairs made of transparent material or painted in light colors look good. You can add a table with a round top to your living room interior. In spacious rooms, the kit is installed near the wall or in the central part. An elongated rectangular dining table would look good here.

Read here: Window in the bedroom

Wallpaper for a girl's bedroom

Choosing wallpaper for a girl's bedroom requires a little effort on the part of responsible parents. The world of children's wallpaper is rich and beautiful, but the criterion for their purchase can be not only a fairy-tale pattern and a cheerful color - happy parents must remember that they are not arranging a room for themselves, but for their child. The most important thing is that the wallpaper design for a girl’s children’s bedroom should be adapted to the child’s age and contribute to his development. Some wallpapers should decorate the walls of a small child, some wallpapers are suitable for a preschooler, and still others should decorate the walls of a teenage girl's room.

Selection of materials and furniture

When choosing textiles and furniture for a children's bedroom, it is better to give preference to natural materials. They are absolutely harmless and rarely cause allergies. Naturalness and natural beauty correspond to the inner world of the baby. The furniture chosen is reliable and safe; it is advisable to eliminate sharp corners or reduce their number to a minimum.

A little girl will definitely love the children's interpretation of a castle with lighting Source

How to adjust wallpaper to the next stages of a girl’s development?

  • Wallpaper for a little girl. It often happens that future parents arrange their child’s room even before he is born. However, it should be remembered that in the first months of life the baby does not see an adult. At first he learns to recognize the faces of his parents; only after a few months do children begin to notice the shapes of their surroundings. At first their attention is attracted by simple shapes and primary colors such as red, blue, yellow. Properly selected children's wallpaper can support the development of a baby: a wall covered with a pattern depicting, for example, animals or fairy-tale characters in pleasant colors will certainly attract the baby's eyesight and support his development, gradually encouraging him to discover new decorative details.

  • Wallpaper for girls who are not yet in kindergarten. After the first year of life, the child's development accelerates. Babies begin to walk, talk and perceive the world around them with all their senses. Behavior becomes more complex and role play appears in which shapes and objects are created, for example, from blocks. Children at this age are already beginning to communicate with us and... convince us of their opinion. An indispensable background for themed games can be wallpaper with a child’s favorite “world” - for example, an Indian village, an enchanted forest or a tropical jungle. The child will already have his favorite characters, who, when they appear on the wallpaper in his room, will become ideal playmates.

  • Preschool girl's room. At the age of 3-6 years, children attend kindergarten, where their knowledge and skills are constantly improved. Contact with peers teaches social behavior. Children begin to have their own opinions on many issues, including the color and design of the wallpaper on the wall in their room. There is also a clear division between colors and themes that are unacceptable for girls and unacceptable for boys. Many girls will definitely not agree to motorcycles, cars, pirates or spaceships. This is the moment when you need to decorate the children's room not for yourself, but for the little person.

  • Which wallpaper to choose for a teenage girl? Finally the moment comes when your “princess” goes to school. This is a new chapter in life, in which study gradually begins to prevail over play and laziness. How should you arrange your bedroom? First of all, a compromise should be sought - the child’s ideas and the common sense of the parents may differ radically. This is a great opportunity to teach children to take responsibility for their decisions.

Floors, walls, window, door

The door and floors should be in harmony with the interior of the children's room. It is better to choose natural materials in light shades. Small children love to play on the floor, so the free space does not need to be cluttered.

The coating should not be slippery. The carpet in a children's room for girls is better washable and has short pile.

  • Paper wallpaper in light colors is often chosen for walls, especially if your child is a little artist. Subsequently, they can be easily re-glued without much expense.
  • A creative corner is required where the child can show off his achievements. Works can be attached to the wall with tape or other materials. They also use various applications and stickers that are interesting to your child. Photo wallpaper is suitable for older children's rooms.
  • It is better to choose curtains in neutral shades that match the overall color scheme. A child's drawing on the fabric will cheer up the baby, but later, as your child grows up, the curtains will have to be changed. Curtains should allow daylight to pass through well.

Modern girl's bedroom

It's always easier to decorate a bedroom if you have a theme in mind. Here are some bedroom themes to get you thinking about what you can include in your girl's room.

Black and white design

For a trendy bedroom look that is sure to grow with your child, black and white is perfect. To add an accent, choose bedding and wall decor with unique patterns or bright colors. They can be easily changed if the girl's interests change. Pink and purple add a pop of color to a black and white room.


This style came into fashion several years ago, but still does not lose its relevance. Its practicality and European elegance are well suited for a living room in a city apartment or house. You can add bright accents, for example, textiles of different shades.

  • Bed in the bedroom

  • Bedroom design
  • Beautiful bedrooms

The basis for the Scandinavian style is white and gray finishing, wooden details. To decorate the space, pink, blue or ocher elements are suitable.

A girl's room should be adapted to her needs

When looking for a room idea for a girl, you should first of all focus on the needs of the child, which are largely determined by his age. The most important thing for a child is the love and closeness of his parents. A preschooler is interested in the world and learns through play, so he needs space to play and relax. A school-age child should have a suitable place to study, relax and develop his interests. The teenager values ​​most of all his privacy, the ability to express himself and spend time with peers.

The sleeping area should be in the quietest place in the room. A child's bed should be configured so that the child feels comfortable and safe. Therefore, in a girl’s room, the bed should not be placed near the window or in front of the door, as this will disturb the feeling of peace and comfort.

You can install a decorative canopy over your daughter’s bed, which will not only look beautiful, but will also clearly separate the relaxation area in the girl’s room from the play or work area. We recommend especially beautiful muslin canopies.


Minimalism will be a good basis for another modern design in the living room combined with the kitchen. At the same time, the rooms are kept in perfect order and unnecessary things are hidden. To maintain minimalism in the kitchen, you will need cabinets and drawers in which you can put dishes and other kitchen utensils.

  • Scandinavian bedroom
  • Built-in bedroom
  • Bedside tables

How to approach a color scheme when decorating a room for a girl?

When decorating a girl's bedroom, inspiration can be drawn from many sources. Children's rooms are usually quite colorful. However, if you want the girl's bedroom to grow with the child, that is, to be equally attractive and functional for at least a few years, it is worth focusing on a neutral interior color and giving it a unique and expressive character with the help of easily replaceable accessories, such as decorative pillows , blankets or decorative figures.

However, remember that there should always be plenty of light in the room, it is better to avoid too dark colors, especially on all four walls.

Many parents choose pink paint for the walls when decorating their bedroom . Pink certainly looks very cute and girly. However, if you don't like pink or your child doesn't like it, then nothing prevents you from choosing another color as the dominant one. Colors such as mint, blue, grey, cream or classic white will also work.

An interesting and very fashionable way to decorate a girl’s bedroom is to accent only one wall in the room with a richer color or pattern. This solution will give the room a voluminous look and a stylish, modern expression, while the expressive theme will not overwhelm. Moreover, this option also creates a very practical opportunity to clearly separate the sleeping area and other areas in the girl’s room.

Regardless of what colors you choose when planning your bedroom, you should remember to adjust the saturation of the selected colors to the gender and age of the child. Room decor for little girls is usually based on very muted and not very bright colors. And rightly so, because young children need a place that will strengthen their sense of security and promote healthy and restful sleep. Girls' bedrooms also look great with floral elements, colorful bows, or a charming fairytale forest in shades of pink and mint.

When arranging a bedroom for a girl, it is worth choosing one collection that is consistent in style, as it greatly facilitates the arrangement of the interior. It is also good to think about the future and immediately decide on furniture that will grow with your child. Furniture in a neutral color and style not only blends easily with the style of the room, but also ensures functionality for years to come.


Teenage girls are especially sensitive to their environment. Like all women, they are drawn to beauty, and only in a pleasant environment do they feel truly at home. To design a children's bedroom, it is customary to choose one specific style that will be visible in all elements of the interior.

Style Finishing Furniture Accessories
London Imitation brick, wallpaper with thematic patterns Simple shapes, rough textures Avant-garde lamps, textiles with images of double-decker buses, telephone booths, and the British flag
French Plain walls made in pastel shades Elegant furniture in a classic style: dressing table, four-poster bed, cabinets with carved legs Porcelain vases, forged elements, boxes, dolls, photo frames, watercolor paintings
Tropical Pure bright colors: yellow, green, pink, turquoise Light wooden furniture, wicker models Indoor flowers, aquariums, birdcage
High tech Stretch ceilings, glossy surfaces, use of metal and glass Only the most necessary furniture, nothing superfluous: compact, ergonomic, modern, transformable models. Minimal decor, futuristic accessories
Bohemian Bright colors, various textures, silk-screen printing The furniture is mostly upholstered. Swap your usual chairs for pear chairs and poufs. A four-poster bed will also come in handy. Abundance of textiles: carpets, pillows, curtains. Shelves and cabinets can be filled with souvenirs.

When choosing a room style, it is worth considering the girl’s hobbies

Every little thing can make a room special and support a child’s hobbies.

The style of the room should reflect the character of the owner

See alsoChildren's room design: ideas and photos of original solutions

How to choose lighting for a girl's bedroom

When thinking about how to decorate a bedroom , you should also choose the right lighting. There must be several light sources. Central lighting is best created with a pendant lamp. The main light should be bright, but diffused. Ideal models would be those equipped with adjustable cable length, which allows you to adjust the degree of light concentration.

Don't forget to pay attention to children's bedside lamps, the yellowish light of which will make it easier to fall asleep and increase the child's sense of security. Decorative sconces for children can become additional light sources. To ensure that all lighting points are consistent in style, it is worth choosing lamps from the same collection.

Room design depending on the child’s hobbies and age

The design of the room largely depends on the child’s hobbies.

  1. "Little Princess". If your child likes princess heroines from Disney cartoons, it is enough to use stickers and applications on furniture on this topic, choose bed linen with a picture of your favorite princess, an airy bedspread and even a removable canopy.
  2. "Young Naturalist" The room is decorated with shades of green in light tones, appliqués and stickers in the form of trees, flowers, and animals. Photo wallpapers in the theme will look good.
  3. “Cartoon lover.” “Be-Be-Bears”, “Three Cats”, “Barboskins” and other famous cartoons bring a lot of joy to your child. Then the parents decorate the room with drawings, crafts, and embroidery of their own making. We feel free to include the baby in such activities. Unforgettable emotions await you.
  4. "Classic". If your child is not particularly interested in anything or his preferences often change, then we add decorations and accessories as needed.

The age of the child also affects the design of the room.

  • 3-5 years - less clutter, dust collectors in the form of soft toys;
  • 6-8 years - the beginning of school time. A reception area is required, a sofa and a tea table are added.
  • 9-12 years old - during this period, when changing the design, be sure to consult with your child.

Sisters' room

When two girls (or even more) live in the same space, it is important that each has her own place for sleeping and activities, personal belongings, and clothes. Bunk beds are convenient - they save space and teach children to respect other people's space.

The idea of ​​two or more girls living together is unity and individuality. Children should feel safe, know that their interests are taken into account, then there will be no conflicts or struggles for territory.

It is worth discussing with the girls the issue of maintaining order and the inviolability of your sister’s things. The task of parents is not only to provide coziness and convenience for their daughters, but also to take care of a friendly atmosphere.

Zoning and decorating a girl’s bedroom space is a fascinating process that will inspire many to experiment. The basic principle of creating a decent interior for a teenager, schoolchild or preschooler is functionality combined with comfort. It should be a comfortable place to study, relax, play and grow up.

Advice from professionals

A few recommendations from experienced stylists will help you navigate the variety of options for decorating a room for a little lady.

  • Look at the size of the room. If there is space, it is better to divide the space into a study area and a place for rest and sleep, and separate a creative corner. For example, the bed area is separated by curtains with a canopy, and the closet and dressing table are separated by a screen for changing clothes.
  • You should choose a wide, comfortable, one-and-a-half bed.
  • A girls' room should not resemble a branch of a toy store or Disneyland. If there is a lot of emphasis inside, it will tire and distract attention. There is either bright wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern, or a bed from a fairy tale.
  • In the foreground it is worth keeping in mind minimalism, not to overdo it with details. It would be better to have more space for games, gymnastics and communication.
  • Furniture should not have sharp corners, no wobbly objects, or breakable or torn materials. It is better to hide sockets and communications.

Lighting Features

Psychologists advise supplementing the main lighting in the bedroom with a night light with soft, dim light: if a girl wakes up abruptly at night, the light will calm her down. And the process of falling asleep will go much faster. Too bright main lighting after suddenly switching on can also frighten a child.

Above the desktop you cannot do without an additional source of direct directional light. But directly above the sleeping area, diffused light will be enough.

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