Loggia design: rational use of space, tips for choosing a style (real photo examples of finishing)

A cozy loggia can be a wonderful addition to your living space. Some people prefer to combine it with a room, creating a spacious room with a beautiful view of the street. Decorative materials and unusual accessories allow you to create an unusual design.

We present to you several unusual options for balcony design in 2022. Using the right combination of fashion trends, it is possible to create an attractive corner in the apartment.

Brief overview of the article

What kind of loggia is there?

The modern design of a loggia needs to be planned based on what kind of loggia you have - closed or open.

An open balcony means there is no glass. Of course, it can only be used in the warm season, and there should be no precipitation, even in the form of rain. You can calculate how much the glazing will cost and close it. Then you can safely go out onto the balcony at any time of the year.

A closed loggia means full glazing. It can be either insulated or not. If it is insulated, then you can stay in the space all year round. If not, then only in the warm season, but even on a rainy day you can go out onto the balcony.

Stationary furniture

Quite heavy and not very convenient to move. Most likely, the installed cabinet will remain in its original place for life.

Disassembly and reassembly may be an option for moving, but not all furniture will withstand such a test. Chipboard may begin to crumble and crumble, especially if the product made from this material has not been protected from adverse natural phenomena. And the cost of stationary items is not the lowest.

How can you use space

In the photo of the loggia design you can see that the space is used as the owner wants.

Most often it is converted into:

  1. A relaxation area where you can put upholstered furniture or even set up a full-fledged lounge area;
  2. Breakfast area;
  3. A small bedroom for summer time;
  4. Garden in the cold season;
  5. Study;
  6. Play area for children;
  7. Can be combined with an adjoining room to increase the space;
  8. Storage system layout.

You can come up with other uses for this small area, the main thing is that you feel comfortable being in it.

Hanging furniture

Hanging furniture is becoming increasingly popular. You can attach it to the ceiling or a special stand. The second option will take up more space, but the structure can be moved; the first option is stationary.

Pieces of such furniture include not only armchairs and hammocks, but also hanging tables and folding book tables.

Loggia size

Depending on the size, the balcony can be divided into small, medium or large. Depending on the area, you can think about what is best to arrange in the space.

A small loggia is a space of 3 square meters. m area.

  • Since there is not much space, the design of a small loggia should be as functional as possible.
  • It’s better to even use walls by hanging shelves on them.
  • A small garden would look good here, including a winter one, if the room is insulated.
  • You can put a small couch to relax.
  • Small accessories will fit well here, as well as light colors that will visually expand the room;

The average loggia is already a space of 4 to 6 square meters. m.

  • The design of a 6-meter loggia can include any materials and installations.
  • You can play with light, even install a small artificial pond for decoration.
  • In general, a real flight of fancy;

Anything larger than 7 sq. m. is already considered a large balcony.

  • This space can even be zoned, dividing it into several parts, equipping each of them accordingly.
  • Some install a whole gym there or put a sofa to relax with a cup of coffee.
  • Often such loggias are in the shape of the letter L, so you can safely install a storage cabinet in the corner part.

Built-in furniture

It is lighter in weight, but it will not be possible to move it to a new place under any circumstances.

The advantages of this type of furniture are compactness, occupying small corners of the balcony that usually disappear without any use, and low cost of construction. Most often, such structures are placed at the ends and corners of the balcony or under the window sills.

Style selection

The style used on the loggia can be anything. There are several of the most popular ones that can be used on the balcony:

  1. Provence - implies light colors: white, sand, mint, light yellow, etc. It is best to use natural materials, such as a board. The walls are covered with tiles that imitate natural stone. The floor and ceiling are painted with light paint. For furniture, choose a small sofa or wicker chairs with a table. You can restore old items; they will fit well into such a space. Fresh flowers, small floral decor - all this is also placed on the loggia in a similar style;
  2. Modern - frameless furniture is often used in this design; the colors can be very different, even bright. The walls can be decorated with decorative panels and decorated with different paintings. You can refresh the interior with fresh flowers, and an unusual chandelier will serve as decoration;
  3. Fans of the country and culture can decorate the loggia in Japanese style. The walls are covered with panels with hieroglyphs, the furniture is lacquered, in black and red tones. Mats, bamboo blinds - these will also fit into the space. Sakura, origami, bamboo - these can easily serve as interior decoration;
  4. Mediterranean is similar in color scheme to Provence: the same light and pastel colors will look appropriate in this style. It is better to choose natural facing materials or their high-quality imitation. Furniture can be wicker, but it is better to avoid the abundance of accessories and decor. A palm tree in a pot would be a good decoration;
  5. High-tech - minimalism, gray and black colors, metal accessories - this is inherent in this style. The walls are covered with panels that imitate metal. There must be a sufficient number of light sources, for example, LED lamps, which are usually hung from the ceiling;
  6. Loft is one of the styles that is similar to high-tech. Fits well on loggias with panoramic glazing. Simple furniture, a minimum of decor, an abundance of natural materials during renovation - this is what is inherent in a loft.

The style can be absolutely any, you just need to decide on the purpose of the space and what you want to see in it.

Furniture transformer

Transformable furniture continues to lead the top furniture for the balcony. The greatest demand is for cabinets that can fold out into a neat bed.

The disadvantage of such transformers will be the high cost and possible breakdowns in case of excessive use.

Custom-made balcony furniture will be the most comfortable and functional.

Craftsmen can make all the furniture with their own hands, for example, from construction pallets. This option will help you save money, do exactly what you want and create an environmentally friendly environment.

And the cost of pallets is very low, and a wide variety of items made from them will help you decorate your balcony beautifully.

Finishing materials

Depending on the surface, the following materials can be used for finishing:

  1. Floor – if the balcony is open, then you should choose a coating that is resistant to temperature and precipitation. Tiles and porcelain stoneware are well suited for these purposes. In addition, it will be easier to care for them. If the loggia is closed, then you can lay and lay anything you like: from carpet to tiles;
  2. The walls are most often covered with plastic panels. This is a budget-friendly and easy-to-use material. Or you can replace it with a material that imitates natural, for example, decorative stone. Some people even cover the surface with plasterboard, which they then paint or cover with regular paper wallpaper;
  3. The ceiling is often whitewashed or painted, less often covered with plastic. Sometimes they make suspended ceilings;
  4. Windows - in modern apartments they are made of plastic double-glazed windows with sliding or hinged sashes; a wooden frame is rarely found;
  5. Doors are also often made of plastic. The upper part is usually glazed, and the lower part is blank.

Furniture requirements

When planning the purchase of furniture, it is necessary to take into account the total weight of the products you like. The ceilings of suspended structures are not designed to withstand heavy loads. This requirement must be especially observed for balconies that are fixed on only one side. Overloading a balcony slab can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. An excellent option would be wicker furniture for the balcony.

Installed objects should not block windows or balcony doors or interfere with normal movement around the room.

The ideal option would be to use folding models or transformable furniture, which will help save space and accommodate the maximum functional number of elements.

On the sunny side, care should be taken to protect against strong ultraviolet exposure to sunlight. You should not choose an expensive finish that is not able to withstand bright light and will quickly fade.

Rational use of the balcony

To maximize the use of space, you can use it as follows:

  1. Installation of clothes dryer and ironing area;
  2. Organizing a storage system;
  3. Installation of a refrigerator on a closed, insulated loggia;
  4. Expand the space by combining it with the next room;

Use the space for other purposes, arranging a full-fledged separate room there.

Folding furniture

It will be the best option. It is compact and mobile, perfectly filling large and small areas, glazed and open areas.

The only drawback will be its not very attractive appearance during storage.

Such pieces of furniture are given additional charm by cute pillows and mattresses that you can sew yourself. The filling of such pillows is usually furniture foam rubber, and a removable pillowcase allows you to quickly replace it if necessary.

Loggia design photo

What to put on the floor?

Photos of ideas for open balconies are not teeming with options with rugs, because conventional models are, at a minimum, impractical. At most, they are dangerous: at high humidity, fungus can form under them.

But at the same time, a carpet is an important element of coziness and comfort: there is a big difference between stepping on cold tiles or soft pile. For open loggias it is recommended:

  • Artificial lawns. They do not mold, are pleasant to the touch, and in appearance and feel resemble grass.
  • Bamboo or wooden mats. Provide excellent air circulation and look stylish.
  • Homespun rugs. The lack of protection from water is compensated by ease of care: they dry quickly and can be washed in a machine.

The photo shows artificial turf on the floor


Insulation will be the third preparatory stage. Typically, all internal surfaces of the room are finished with insulation: floor, walls, ceiling. But before using the selected materials, it is necessary to seal all the cracks and holes. This simple action will provide additional airtightness to the room and protect it from mold and mildew. This function will be taken over by polyurethane foam.

For the floor, foam plastic, penoplex, mineral wool, and expanded clay will be excellent materials.

Everything is used for the ceiling except expanded clay.

For walls, penoplex would be the best option, although it will cost a little more than its closest relatives.

Additional installation of “warm floor” will help warm the room even in the coldest time.


Balcony areas can be equipped with various types of furniture:

  • Special wicker furniture. These can be tables and chairs for relaxation. This option is suitable for open and glazed balconies with a small area.
  • Light metal chairs and tables with wooden inserts. A great idea would be to equip the area with a Murano glass tabletop.
  • A compact sofa and a low table made from pallets. This setting is suitable for remote spacious areas.
  • Lightweight home furniture. By carefully developing the project and design, you can end up with an additional functional room.

Color design

To visually increase space, pastel colors are usually used, among which white is the leader. If a recreation area is designed, then it is shaded with light yellow, pale green and shades of brown so that the eyes can rest in such a room. For the office use all shades of brown, gray or black. Warm colors are used for the dining area, promoting relaxation and increasing appetite. An entertainment or sports area is designed by combining bright, aggressive shades with soft colors for balance. You can create separate “blocks” of dark or flashy shades that will attract the attention of guests.

Important! It is worth considering which side the loggia windows face. If the side is sunny, then the use of cold and warm colors is allowed. If the side is north, then warm shades should prevail in the design.

Door system

The type of door is selected based on the size of the product and the free space in front of it.


Classic, time-tested type. Such doors have no restrictions on door sizes and can be easily installed independently, without the help of professionals. If you choose the material in accordance with the overall design of the balcony and decorate it with beautiful handles, you will get a stylish piece of furniture that will be useful not only for preserving household items, but will also be pleasing to the eye. It must be remembered that this type of door requires space in front of it to swing open.

Photo: Instagram @mebel_punktir

Photo: Instagram @superartmebli

Photo: Instagram @valshanturin


A modern type of door, in demand for premises of any size. The sliding system moves the door leaves to the side without requiring additional space in front. Thanks to this, the compartment is placed close to other furniture. It is recommended to choose this type of door for spacious loggias, since compartments have a minimum size limit. The width of one canvas must be at least 40 cm.

Photo: Instagram @umebel.uz

Photo: Instagram @mebelerbarnaull

Photo: Instagram @design_for_my_life_

Photo: Instagram @mebelkrd


The originality and convenience of this model makes it popular. The door folds and slides to the side. The accordion is universal - suitable for any style and trend. Easy to install and lasts for many years.

Roller shutters

Opening up, they completely open access to the contents. This type of door is made in any color or your favorite design is applied to it using airbrushing.

Photo: Instagram @svetlogory

Aluminum doors are easy to install and protect things from sunlight, dust and moisture.


Properly installed lighting can become the saving grace for a small balcony room. With the help of light you can visually expand the space. There are no restrictions on the choice of lighting fixtures. These can be light bulbs, chandeliers, lamps, sconces, LEDs, floor lamps and entire lighting systems. They can be placed on walls, ceilings and even on the floor. In order not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the room with electrical wires, you should take care of their installation at the finishing stage. Then the electrical wiring will be of a hidden type, which will avoid peeping wires. Exposed wiring is masked with decorative elements and special panels. The main advantage of open wiring is its accessibility during repair work, which cannot be said about hidden wiring.

When installing lighting fixtures, you need to pay attention to the direction of the light. Direct light from top to bottom greatly weighs down and reduces the space. Light from bottom to top, which is artificially scattered in the reflective surface of the stretch ceiling, photos and mirrors on the walls, expands the space. For dark rooms, it is better to use diffused light from powerful lamps with a large number of additional small bulbs. The play of shadows and light directly affects the human eye’s perception of the width, length and “depth” of space.

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