Crafts for the kitchen - tips, drawings, diagrams, patterns and options for using various crafts in kitchen interior design (95 photos)

The kitchen is the heart of any apartment or private house, so they try to decorate it with the brightest and most elegant things that create a mood of home comfort.

And DIY crafts will make the room truly unique and homely warm. Moreover, such creations will not require large financial costs. But they will unite all family members with a single cause.

Female intervention

When the kitchen needs to be embellished somehow, to be given a more colorful look, crafts for kitchen decor are created. They are designed to make the room more noble, more sublime in appearance.

Women's hands are famous in this design of crafts. They are better than men at managing curtains and other external attributes of the kitchen.

Once you pin the ribbon on the curtain in a special way along the edge or make ruffles with ruffles in the required quantity and color, the curtain is transformed. It becomes richer, with colorful surroundings.

We recommend reading:
  • Curtains for the kitchen - photos of the best new designs and successful combinations
  • Unusual crafts - 145 photos of beautiful and unique crafts with a description of their production
  • Creative crafts - 105 photos and videos describing simple and original DIY crafts

Starts to play with new colors. The same goes for any other item in the kitchen. Added by a woman's hands, some subtle detail in the form of napkins or a lace tablecloth changes the ambiance of the kitchen for the better.

Choosing furniture

What else will make your kitchen interesting? Furniture, of course. The manufacturers have done their best here, and every buyer will find a model that he likes. You can also make any pattern you like in an individual catalog. An interesting solution would be to have your furniture project invented by a craftsman. Here's an overview of areas you can experiment with.

Luxurious handmade natural wood kitchen set

Kitchen island

Not all apartments can boast large sizes, but many projects have already introduced new technologies designed for large spaces. One of these innovations is the kitchen island.

An interesting addition to the kitchen island: an oval black table on an original base

Tempered black glass table top

In itself, such an idea is already considered unusual in our usual design techniques. But if you want to diversify it, choose an island with an unexpected shape. In the form of a flower or other configuration.

Interesting kitchen island model in a modern style

The elegant induction hob sits in the center of the countertop and is used for both cooking and dining

Kitchen set

This is the most important element. If you make it different from the usual one, you can diversify the interior of the room. What can you play with? Here are some examples and options:

Not all kitchens have such a countertop.

Experimenting with these settings will add interesting flavors. Find a modern set made from quality materials and you can experiment with shapes and sizes. Replace conventional wall cabinets with shelves.

It should be noted that this replacement is less spacious. But this is all the more reason not to create a waste storage facility here and get used to modern design methods.


Unusually shaped chairs and a sofa will definitely make the resulting interior a subject of discussion. Find a pattern that matches the rest of your furniture. Here the table is of great importance; the height and other dimensions of the chairs depend on its parameters.

An interesting combination of white and red colors for a small kitchen

It should be noted that sofas and corners are a thing of the past. But for lovers of such options, there are modern analogues. Round and square corner sofas, covered with expensive fabric, certainly do not age the overall appearance of the room.

Unassuming chairs can look unusual if they are painted in different colors

In modern interiors, the previous option is replaced by armchairs. You will find many variations: with a high back or vice versa, with a low back, original shapes and materials. As bar counter fashion continues to spread, matching stools are gaining popularity. Bar stools are also great for a kitchen island.

Bionic style furniture looks very unusual

Unlimited path to excellence

There is a special type of art - kitchen crafts made from newspaper tubes. This type of DIY creation is notable for the fact that it combines the possibility of weaving and modeling at the same time.

Unlike wooden rods, newspaper tubes can be made of any shape and thickness. When necessary, make them identical; when necessary, create compositions for modeling flowers and other objects.

This type of art involves an unlimited path to perfection. That is, a person can improve endlessly. There are all possibilities for this. As for the color scheme of crafts.
Here we need to think about this issue in advance. Make the required number of tubes. And paint it in the colors that are planned in advance. When you have the necessary reserve for creativity in advance, mistakes are minimal when creating crafts.
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Such an exquisite item is always appropriate in the kitchen; its crown can be decorated with any details, these could be:

  1. Flowers.
  2. Candies.
  3. Cones.
  4. Peas, beans.
  5. Coffee.

Elements are glued to the painted foam ball, filling the voids with small fractions, beads, sparkles, and buttons. Having inserted a stick-trunk into the hole, the sample is placed in a pot with floral foam or alabaster, decorating it with greenery.

Panels made of cereals and coffee beans - landscapes, still lifes, abstractions and figures - also look great.

Purely male concern

Men can express themselves most when making wooden crafts for the kitchen. To perform such work, you need to be able to work with a hacksaw. Know the rules for handling tools.

Know how to drill into walls. Most often, a shelf is installed in the kitchen as a craft. Sometimes not one, but several shelves. In this case, you need to work out in advance which shelf will be used for what. So that all the necessary items fit on them.

No one will deny that the bread shelf is much smaller than the shelf for a food processor, juicer and juicer. A shelf for medicines in the kitchen should be at least visible, but the medicines themselves should be hidden.

That is, to have a door. A shelf for boxes of pharmaceutical herbs such as St. John's wort is larger in size than a pharmacy shelf by definition. This is how it is first determined. Place, size, purpose of shelves.

From wooden cuts

Useful things like cutting boards, glass holders and candlesticks are made from logs. Various compositions are also assembled - volumetric ones from stumps, long fragments and flat ones from thin cuts. A large round panel will decorate an empty wall. Volumetric products with a fairy tale theme are assembled from a variety of different fragments. Larger arrays are converted into decorative tabletops and seats. Craftsmen transform wide-diameter material into stands for large dishes and wall clocks. Just one more or less strong branch is enough to make a whatnot with 3-4 saw cuts. Log houses up to 4 cm wide can be folded into something similar in size to a pot. Just a few hours of work with a glue gun, and you can put a row of flowerpots on your kitchen windowsill. Cup holders are most often made from saw cuts.

Cutting board

Select cuts with a minimum number of defects. Treated versions with synthetic adhesives are avoided. Any type of wood is suitable, but remember that birch, spruce and pine deteriorate relatively quickly. For wood, dryness throughout the material and structural integrity are important. Select cuts without knots, loose areas, cracks, and without large chips. The smell determines whether the raw material contains technical oil or gasoline. If the cutting board will be used for processing meat, then choose a thicker cut. During the work along the contour, the desired figure is cut out from the drawing. The diagram itself is printed or drawn by hand. A cutting board is produced using a jigsaw, circular saw, router, planer and jointer. The edges are processed with a grinding machine, sandpaper and file.

Cup holders

They are made from thin sections: separate for glasses, and joined in several for pots and teapots. To make a high-quality cup holder, you need to acquire waterproof sealant, sandpaper, saw, tape, ballpoint pen, pencil, carbon paper, brushes, white and colored paints. We prepare the product according to the template. Using carbon paper, we transfer the picture onto the tree. We paint the craft with paints, and when the top layer dries, we cover it with sealant. We select either an abstract design or somehow emphasize the natural structure of the tree, for example, adding asymmetrical rings with curvature. The cup holder can be made the size of a plate to accommodate several mugs, dishes, pans and other accessories. In this case, we use several small cuts or process one large one. If we use small ones, then in this case we give them any shape: from simply adding all the fragments to a regular square with cut edges.


The cut itself is already ready to become the basis of a candlestick. We are talking about cuts over 10 cm in height. Holes are made in them into which candles are inserted according to size. At the same time, they maintain a margin of about 2 cm from the top or, on the contrary, make an elevation above the cut - the decorative effect depends on this. Serving elements are also made from store-bought versions. Shops with original handmade goods sell high-quality log houses without cracks or chips. They are already dried and sanded. All that remains is to choose the height, diameter and type of wood; it is possible to select more logs to create a large composition. A cell for a candle is made in the acquired cut using a drill with a Forstner drill or any other drill capable of cutting a blind or through hole of large diameter. These tips may include:

  • feather drill;
  • spiral;
  • wood crown;
  • "ballerina"

The material for candlesticks must be treated with a fire-resistant compound!

The beginning of the path to mastery

The choice has been made. Places for shelves have been marked. Construction begins. First, each shelf is worked on separately. The back wall is being made. A board or thick plywood is secured to it at right angles with screws.

Then the sidewalls are cut out from plywood or boards. For beauty, the sidewalls must be beveled. So that the shelf has a complex geometric contour.

Having made several of these shelves, the apartment owner has the opportunity to create crafts for the kitchen with his own hands, a master class. Since a person has become so skilled in this matter that he can already make not only shelves, but also cabinets from scratch.

Because he began to feel wood and understood the aesthetics of working with this material. The path to mastery of working with wood has begun.

DIY kitchen decor - where to start decorating the space

Making the kitchen a worthy center of the house is not at all difficult if you know how to put into practice bold and original ideas for modern room decoration. Using them with your own hands you can not only radically transform the interior, but also give it a unique style and character.

Chalkboard paint

An interesting option is obtained if you place a special board on one of the kitchen walls on which you can write with chalk. If desired, the leveled wall surface is covered with special slate paint or wallpaper with similar characteristics is purchased.

The paint, which allows you to obtain a surface with the effect of a chalkboard, is called slate paint. You can apply it to a board and hang it in the kitchen, or, if space allows, cover one entire wall with it.

After drying, you can write down culinary recipes on the resulting surface, make notes about necessary purchases, and draw various images for the holidays. Such beautiful kitchen decor is not only original, but also useful.

On such a plane you can make a variety of thematic drawings, take notes, leave messages, create a menu, and write congratulations. In a small kitchen, slate paint is used to cover the wall of a kitchen cabinet or a small fragment of a wall free from furniture.

Modular pictures

A painting is an excellent interior accessory, often used in various rooms. A modular option is perfect for decorating a kitchen. Its main feature is the division of a single image into several parts. Depending on the composition, these parts on the wall can be located as follows:

  • Vertical;
  • Horizontally;
  • Diagonally.

Modular paintings, in which the image is divided into several sectors, will help transform the interior of the kitchen and bring into it a certain color-sounding atmosphere. Thanks to this feature, individual fragments can be hung at a distance from each other or combined into a single composition. The pattern and main background are selected in accordance with the overall interior design of the space.

Advice! In order for a modular painting to look beautiful as a kitchen decor on the wall, it is important to correctly determine its theme, which is in harmony with the style of a particular space.

The following options are considered appropriate:

  • For Provencal style - landscape, botanical print;
  • For a classic interior - landscapes, portraits, painted in oil;
  • For the Scandinavian style - black and white photos, abstract paintings, pop art.

On a note! It’s good if the picture contains colors and shades that are in harmony with the color of the kitchen furniture, apron or curtains.


Expanding space with the help of mirrors is a well-known kitchen decor technique that is quite appropriate in the kitchen. You can place a mirror sheet in the kitchen apron area. It is better to give preference not to an ordinary mirror, but to one with impact-resistant and heat-resistant properties. It will not burst under the influence of high temperature, nor will it break due to mechanical stress.

Another option is to hang a mirror on an empty wall. It will fit into any interior, making the space lighter and visually more voluminous. You can use figured canvases or create a composition from mirror fragments.

Mirror planes will help expand a small space and bring into it a feeling of spaciousness and abundance of light. This can be not only a local mirror on the wall, but also a panel made up of several fragments of various geometric shapes.

The mirrored apron framed with LED strip looks interesting. A shiny border located along the upper perimeter of the walls will help to raise the low ceiling. The option with mirror inserts in the facades of kitchen cabinets remains relevant.


Kitchen decor ideas are endless. For example, such a simple interior accessory as a vase can transform. There are many options for its placement:

  • On the dining table;
  • On the windowsill;
  • On the shelf.

The main thing is to place this accessory so that it does not interfere with cooking, eating and is not accidentally knocked over or broken. A vase in the kitchen can be placed with or without flowers. In the first case, you should give preference to a simple product that will not distract attention from the bouquet.

Advice! If you plan to use the vase as an independent decoration for the kitchen interior, you can choose an original shape with an interesting pattern.

Dispensers and containers

Every kitchen has dishwashing supplies. To further decorate the kitchen, you should pour them into beautiful original bottles with dispensers and place them in a prominent place in the sink area. Such dispensers can be purchased in a store or made by yourself, choosing a color and pattern that harmonizes with your own kitchen.

Another integral part of the kitchen are food storage containers made of glass or food-grade plastic. They can also be used as interior decoration. It is enough to fill them with cereals, pasta, tea, coffee, spices and arrange them beautifully on the kitchen table and shelves. Additionally, such containers can be decorated with stickers with inscriptions.


Once upon a time, trays were actively used in the kitchen and were a real work of art. An example of this is products with Zhostovo and Gzhel painting. They are rare in modern kitchens because they do not always fit into the interior.

You can decorate your kitchen with more modern trays made, for example, from plastic. Practical, inexpensive, beautiful, they will be useful for having a snack in the kitchen or serving treats to guests.

Cutting boards

A few decades ago, every kitchen had beautifully painted cutting boards hanging on the walls. Gradually, such decor began to be abandoned. But in vain. Today you can find boards of different colors and shapes that will decorate any kitchen.

For a classic or Provencal style, the usual heavy wood products would be appropriate. But they will require proper care.

Advice! In a modern kitchen interior, both strict black, white and bright boards are good. If you don’t want to hang them on the walls, you can arrange them beautifully in the cooking area.


Textiles have always been used to create a cozy home environment. In the kitchen, the role of such products is played by various potholders, coasters, and mittens. It is important not only to match them to the interior of the kitchen, but also to maintain them in proper condition and regularly update them. Faded, burnt accessories have no place in the kitchen.

In addition to potholders and coasters, curtains, a tablecloth, and kitchen towels add mood. The main thing is that they are clean, ironed, and consistent in style.

Beautiful dishes

Plates, cups, glasses, cutlery - it’s impossible to imagine more than one kitchen without all this. If you choose these items thoughtfully, they will become an elegant decoration. It is better to purchase dishes not individually, but as a set. Then it will look harmonious.

There are different options for beautiful kitchen decor using dishes. Silver cutlery can be hung on hanging rails. Place the tea service on an open shelf. Place the decanter, teapot, sugar bowl on the dining or kitchen table.

In addition to regular plates, you can purchase decorative plates and hang them on the kitchen walls. To prevent them from looking tacky, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Select for the overall interior of the kitchen;
  • Use floral designs, prints, identical shapes to combine products into a composition;
  • Hang at the same distance from each other.

Sometimes it is impossible to arrange decorative plates symmetrically (for example, due to limited space). In such a situation, it is worth choosing a central object (watch, mirror) and hanging them around it, maintaining a well-thought-out disorder.

If plates, glasses, dishes, trays painted with original elegant patterns are stored in kitchen cabinets or in the pantry, then it is worth considering decorating part of the interior with their help.

For example, they take out a tea set and place it on narrow open sticks, which will become weightless and enhance the decorative effect of the space if the back wall is made mirrored.

You can create an interesting composition from kitchen utensils if you hang them on the roof rails. A special color is created by silverware, which is placed in small cabinets with transparent doors.

Decorative plates are traditionally fixed on a plain wall, creating interesting compositions from them. It is important to select dishes that are in harmony with each other, which should stand out favorably against the general background. For this purpose, the walls are decorated in neutral colors. Light gray, beige, cream and white shades are considered optimal.

The irresistibility of the new

With all the possible creations of crafts for the kitchen, we must not forget the main thing - why they are made.
To make it convenient. Beautiful. Cosy. When it is really necessary, masterpieces of creativity are created with a minimum of funds used. This once again shows the importance of nurturing creativity in children. When they grow up, just like their parents, they will look for better options for creating crafts.

The continuity of generations will be preserved. So that children, in turn, pass on their skills and knowledge to their grandchildren. Who will one day move into their new apartment.

And, while arranging it, they will use the crafts of past generations and create their own. And that's okay. Life shouldn't stand still. Something new should always appear. And it's great.

Design styles

They say that the kitchen is the “mirror of the home.” And all the best should be reflected in the mirror. Classic style is fashion forever. It is always in demand and versatile. The decor uses calm tones, furniture made of solid dark shades. Unusual chandeliers and still lifes in beautiful frames are in demand.

Provencal style is distinguished by grace and simplicity at the same time. Roughly plastered and painted walls in light colors, light antique furniture, airy fabrics, floral images, an abundance of vases and baskets - this is what distinguishes it from other styles.

Art Nouveau style is characterized by a minimal amount of furniture, glossy surfaces of the work area, and smooth curved lines. Asymmetry of design is encouraged.

Colonial style is a combination of classic and exotic. Luxurious wooden furniture with carved fronts, a chic chandelier with many lamps, a large dining table with beautiful chairs make it a style for spacious kitchens.

Kitchen design styles are individual, chosen by the owners taking into account the taste, age, and functional needs of family members.

Photos of crafts for the kitchen



Selection of materials

The choice of materials for creating furniture depends on the skills of the craftsman and financial capabilities.

For the manufacture of kitchen furniture the following is used:

  • solid wood;
  • MDF;
  • glued board;
  • Chipboard.

When selecting materials, their characteristics and purpose should be taken into account.

Furniture elements consist of:

  • housings;
  • countertops;
  • facade.


Wall structures can be not only practical, acting as an additional storage system, but also beautiful. Wooden boards are easy to process, but at the same time they are strong and beautiful. To create a stylish shelf you will need several small slats and screws, as well as paint.

If you have a thick cut of wood at your disposal, divide it into two halves and turn it into cute shelves.


If you have curtains in your kitchen, don't ignore them. The simplest plain curtains will be transformed if you complement them with homemade tiebacks. When creating them, do not limit your imagination - in addition to fabric, a variety of materials are suitable:

  • jute rope;
  • wooden or plastic beads;
  • ribbons woven using the macrame technique;
  • beautiful bent spoons or forks;
  • belts


It is recommended to follow a certain order when assembling finished parts.

First of all, you will need to drill holes for attaching shelf holders, drawer guides, as well as holes for connecting the parts themselves.

If necessary, the edges of the parts are smoothed using sandpaper.

Assembling furniture elements begins by connecting the side walls and base, then attaching the lid or tabletop. When assembling, it is necessary to control the process with a corner.

First of all, they work with the lower tier. After its assembly, connection and placement, they are taken for the cabinets of the top row.

How to decorate windows

You can write treatises on options for decorating a kitchen window, but the lion's share of such proposals are developed by curtain and accessories stores.
If you don't like trivial finishing methods, and you're ready to start making accessories yourself, then the following tips can help you a lot. The most common way to decorate a window is by landscaping it. Houseplants are placed on the windowsill in beautiful pots, which can be painted in an unusual way to decorate the kitchen, or generally made with your own hands from materials at hand . Old, unsightly pots can be tied up with twine, decorated with buttons, shells, unusual pebbles, or covered with leaves.

window decor

In addition to plants, candlesticks, figurines, photographs in original frames and other eye-catching objects can settle on the windowsill. These items can be any accessories. It all depends on your design plans. In country or Provence decor, old clay jugs, a great-grandmother’s coal-burning iron, a copper samovar shining with polished sides, and beautiful but somewhat worn plates will look great. With such decorative elements, your kitchen will turn out to be unusually colorful.

Particularly advanced decorators don’t spend much time thinking about how to decorate the kitchen, and with their own hands they turn the window sill into a real ART object. They paint old wood, use decoupage and do many other unimaginable things that turn the kitchen window into a bright interior accent spot.

Roman blinds as a beautiful decorative element in the kitchen

If you are more conservative in your views and your window already has sterile white blinds, then you can also paint them, but only with gentle and calm compositions. The materials you will need are a simple pencil, brushes, a stencil or drawing and acrylic paints.

We apply our favorite ornament with a simple pencil on the closed blinds, then we paint the resulting picture with paints and let the creation dry well. After this, the blinds can be used as usual.

Hot coasters

Necessary materials:

  • quite thick rope;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • floss threads;
  • candle.

Let's start processing one edge of the rope. To do this, dip it in melted wax.

We wait for the rope to cool, after which we roll it into a curl and stitch it with threads.

Gradually wind the thread and stitch the workpiece to fix it in the desired position.

We repeat the same thing until the stand is the desired size.

We process the second edge of the rope and sew it using several stitches.

To make the stands a little more original, we sew some parts with floss threads of a contrasting color.

These coasters are great for small cups or plates.

If desired, you can make rugs for each family member.

Such stands made from other materials look quite original.


The main load during operation is borne by the furniture body. Therefore, it should be made of durable materials that are resistant to steam and moisture.

Solid wood will require additional costs. Its use for the manufacture of a body is rational only if high-quality wood is used.

MDF is an inexpensive, durable and safe material.

Experts recommend using chipboard in laminated form. Sections formed during the manufacture of furniture should be treated with sealant or covered with a special film. Otherwise, the material will quickly deform under the influence of steam and water.

Glued laminated wood is cheaper than solid wood and has excellent performance qualities.

Painting and decorating dishes

It’s easy to decorate saucers and cups to your own taste. You can decorate any dish yourself. In stores for artists you need to buy pens and markers for ceramics. Acrylic paint is suitable, which after drying is covered with a glossy or matte sealant.

There are special kits for painting dishes at home. This kit always comes with instructions for use.

We sell very convenient stencils for painting dishes. You can make a stencil yourself from very thick cellophane or cardboard. Before you start painting, you need to degrease the dishes. It is enough to wipe it with alcohol.

It’s easy to make a simple design with a brush: apply peas, stripes, stars, and various strokes to the surface of the vessel. You can make inscriptions on plates and cups. Errors can be easily corrected with a cloth soaked in water. Some people stain dishes with a sponge. It turns out original.

You can paint old plates, creating a collection of dishes of different sizes.

Subsequently, it is recommended to decorate the walls with them. First you need to apply acrylic white or colored paint to the saucer. Then it must be primed with PVA glue and varnished. Place the drawing on the dry surface.

The effect of white graphics is achieved if you scratch a design or inscription on a painted surface with a toothpick or a needle.

Sequence of work

Sequence of work:

  • Clear the room of everything that is there;
  • Carry out work to dismantle the old ceiling, walls and floor coverings;
  • Remove construction waste;
  • Prepare the walls, floor and ceiling for finishing;
  • Ditch walls for electrical wiring;
  • Carry out finishing work;
  • Decorate the walls;
  • Install lighting fixtures and sockets;
  • Arrange furniture and household appliances.

Experts recommend carrying out repair work in the following sequence: first finishing the walls, then screeding the floor, and then finishing the ceiling.

Decor and design of the apron

The kitchen apron is the area between the work surface - the kitchen countertop - and the hanging cabinets. Traditionally, this area is finished with ceramic tiles. If the latter has a discreet monochromatic shade, it can be decorated in various ways:

  • paint or decorate using various painting techniques (or simply according to your fantasy and imagination) using special paints intended for ceramics with a matte or glossy surface;
  • apply decor from colored beads or special decorative stones, which are glued to the surface of the tile using special glue;
  • use decoupage technology - applying ready-made ornaments and patterns, which are then covered with a protective varnish layer;
  • use the carquelure technique, which allows you to give the effect of antiquity or decorate the kitchen apron with cobweb patterns.

The first three methods of decoration are quite universal; they are suitable for both a city apartment and a country house.

Only the patterns and designs should be selected accordingly, for example, in a city kitchen abstract decor or carquelure would be more appropriate, but in a country house “living” patterns - flowers, sunflowers, fruits and vegetables, cockerels and others - would look better.

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