Design of a children's room for a girl, 100+ photo examples

Here you will find many original ideas and useful design tips for a children's room for a teenage girl aged 10-12 years.

  • Decorating the room and choosing materials
      Wallpaper selection
  • Ceiling finishing
  • Lighting
  • Floor finishing
  • Zoning and layout of a nursery for a teenage girl
      Sleeping area
  • Work zone
  • Storage area
  • Decorating a small bedroom and options for visual expansion
  • Handmade decor elements for a girl's nursery
  • A nursery is very important for a girl as a future housewife, and not only because here she will learn order and neatness. Decorating a nursery for a teenage girl is like creating coziness and comfort in her own family nest for a woman. This will teach her responsibility and give her the opportunity to express herself.

    The main requirement for a nursery, in fact, is one thing - since we are talking about independence, allow your child to participate in its creation and make decisions himself. You can guide, use the advice of our article, but let your child’s opinion here be more significant than yours, then the room will turn out to be ideal.


    1. Choice of colors Pink color
    2. Purple colour
    3. Green and yellow colors
    4. Light shades
  • Decorating the room and choosing materials
      Wallpaper selection
  • Ceiling finishing
  • Lighting
  • Floor finishing
  • Zoning and layout of a nursery for a teenage girl
      Sleeping area
  • Work zone
  • Storage area
  • Decorating a small bedroom and options for visual expansion
  • DIY decor for a girl's nursery
  • In this article we will look at the nuances of decorating a children's room for a 10-12 year old girl. For a girl, a children's room is very important, because here, as a future mother and housewife, she will learn to be neat and tidy. At the age of 10-12, girls are already quite independent, so she should be directly involved in the design of the nursery.

    Choosing wallpaper for a 10 year old girl

    General recommendations for choosing wallpaper are quite simple. The finishing material must be of high quality. When purchasing, check the certificates! A quality product will be expensive. But it can last for many years and will not cause harm to health. Do not try to buy wallpaper with cartoon characters or themed designs. Your daughter's tastes can change quickly. It is better to choose a finish that “grows.” This is a significant cost savings.

    The only rule for choosing wallpaper is quality

    Expensive can last a very long time and not harm the child’s health

    Choice of colors

    Preparation for renovation begins with choosing the dominant color scheme in the interior of the room. Child psychologists recommend decorating the room with colorful and at the same time calm tones, which girls also really like. These colors include pink, lilac, green, yellow, as well as light shades of other colors. In addition, this color scheme can visually increase the space of the room.

    So that the room does not cause rejection with its too calm tone of the interior, it is necessary to make bright and rich accents. For example, bright furniture or decorative accessories. This way the room will gain individuality and become more comfortable. Let's look at everything in more detail.

    Pink color

    Surely the first association that you have when you mention the choice of colors for a girl’s room is pink. This color is so often used for the interiors of girly children's rooms that many parents will say: “Not pink.” Yes, of course, the color may seem annoying and for a girl of that age a little childish, but pink has so many shades that will give a completely different effect than pure pink. Let's list the main ones: peach, faded scarlet, pastel, coral, light pink, salmon.

    Purple colour

    This color will fill the room with lightness, calmness and comfort. In addition, it is not as hackneyed as pink, and the likelihood that your daughter’s friends will have the same room design is reduced significantly. If the girl’s room is located on the sunny side, then darker and cooler shades of lilac can be used for decoration, but if the room receives little natural light and is also small in size, then preference should be given to light shades. In our opinion, the most suitable shades of lilac for use in the interior of a children's room are: violet, lavender, lilac, light purple, amethyst.

    Lilac color goes well with almost any other colors. Accessories and decorative elements in plum, hot pink, and crimson colors will look very impressive.

    Green and yellow colors

    Decorating a girl's children's room in these colors is a fresh, uncluttered and bright design option. It’s not without reason that we singled out green and yellow colors into one sub-item, because they naturally and organically combine with each other.

    To ensure that the combination of yellow and green in the interior is not too colorful and annoying, take not “pure” colors, but their shades and derivatives. For example, herbal and mint tones are green, and yellow - straw and golden shades. If the room does not receive enough natural light, use more yellow or add vanilla or champagne colors.

    A room decorated in yellow and green colors will be strongly associated with spring and cheerfulness

    Light shades

    If you think the use of calm and creamy colors in the interior of a children's room for a 10-12 year old girl is premature, you are somewhat mistaken. After all, a girl at this age is already practically a teenager, and besides, girls grow up faster than boys. Therefore, consult with your daughter, perhaps she will be very comfortable in a room decorated in this way. In addition, one more advantage can be seen in this design: most likely you will not have to redo the interior of the room as quickly as would be the case with other, more “childish” colors and shades.

    Light shades are also very practical; it is easy to clean a room decorated in this way. Also, a room in light colors visually seems larger.

    General rules

    The choice of style and color for a nursery depends on a variety of factors. Of course, it is worth taking into account the child’s tastes and preferences. By giving the student the right to choose, showing that his opinion is important to adults, the parent will make the child feel his worth and teach him to make decisions.

    Another important aspect that should be taken into account when choosing the interior of a room is the character of the student. Thus, the emotionality of active children will be balanced by calm, cool shades, while quiet, thoughtful children will be encouraged to be active by warm, bright colors.

    Decorating the room and choosing materials

    So, when you have decided on the choice of colors, it’s time to move on to the selection of materials for decorating the children’s room.

    Wallpaper selection

    Wallpaper for a girl’s room doesn’t have to contain cartoon characters. Wallpaper with a small floral pattern or plain, light shades can be a win-win option, and bright furniture and accessories can be purchased as contrasting elements. In addition, such wallpaper will not have to be re-pasted in just a couple of years, just because the girl has already “grown out” of it.

    In any case, consult with your daughter before purchasing, and we will give you some universal ideas:

    • A small wallpaper pattern or vertical stripes can help raise a low ceiling and slightly expand the free space.
    • Wallpaper with different colors or patterns is perfect for zoning a child's room.
    • If the wallpaper contains some kind of plot, then try to adhere to it in other details and accessories.
    • Dark wallpaper and too “cluttery” drawings or patterns have a negative effect on the child’s psyche; in addition, they also “shrink” the size of the room, so they are completely unsuitable as an option for decorating a nursery.

    Ceiling finishing

    The best colors for the ceiling are warm, calm and natural colors, which also contribute to the visual expansion of the space.

    If the ceiling is smooth, you can simply paint it or order a now fashionable artistic painting. If the height of the room allows, a suspended ceiling would be an excellent solution for a child’s room. Our advice is not to design a stretch ceiling in the style of a starry sky, the fashion for them has long passed, but some companies that install suspended ceilings continue to actively offer them, but in any case, the choice is yours.


    Proper lighting is important for anyone, but even more important for a child. At this age, vision continues to develop; in addition, studying requires a lot of visual activity. A lot of natural light will have the best effect on a child's health.

    In case of insufficient natural light, as well as in the evening, high-quality artificial lighting should be considered. Its role can be played by spotlights placed around the perimeter of the ceiling and a chandelier in the center. In the sleeping area, the lighting should be less bright than in the work area.

    Floor finishing

    The floor in the room of a 10-12 year old girl is best made of parquet boards or laminate. Make sure that the materials for its repair are of high quality and environmentally friendly. Ceramic tiles are not the best option for a nursery, but if you still want to make them from ceramics, consider also heating the floor, because they have a very cold tactile sensation. As a budget option, you can use linoleum. Carpets should be used in minimal quantities.

    Interior style

    It is best to choose the design of a children's room together with the girl. If she participates in the creation of the interior, she will be pleased to be in such a room and maintain order in it. In addition, joint decision-making about design is an indicator of trust in the girl. Photos with different interior styles of girls' rooms can be seen below.


    Fashionable modern style that girls 11 years old will surely love. The design of such a nursery does not have complex elements or flashy colors; the furniture is simple and the colors are natural. The picture will be complemented by images of New York itself on the walls, for example, in the form of photo wallpaper.


    This style is more romantic in contrast to the rough New York. The walls are most often completely white, the design of the room uses forged or carved pieces of furniture, elegant elements and many cute trinkets. You can also hang photos or posters of Paris on the wall, they will become the finishing touches.

    High tech

    Minimalist style with cool colors, simple lines and practical furniture. Any high-quality materials are suitable for a high-tech children's interior, but it is better to avoid glass, which is so beloved in this style - it is too dangerous. The design of the nursery can be complemented with chrome details, modern appliances, and futuristic motifs in decoration.


    High-tech for a 9-11 year old girl may seem too cold or boring, in this case you can choose minimalism for a child’s room. There is nothing superfluous here, only the most necessary furniture, multifunctional and not taking up much space.

    Minimalism uses a very restrained palette, but for a child’s room you can make an exception and add brighter colors. This will balance the simplicity of the forms and the minimal amount of decoration.

    Important! Minimalism is easy to adjust, so if a girl gets tired of this design as she gets older, it can be easily changed.


    Classic interiors are often chosen by calm, balanced children. A light background, natural materials, and natural design colors always look trendy and stylish. The classics have many varieties, from elaborate and luxurious to more austere, so it will not be difficult to furnish a children's room where the girl will feel comfortable.


    Youth interior style, which is suitable for a child’s girl 11 years old and older. It is here that you can find numerous posters with rock bands, incredible color combinations, as well as graffiti and a lot of homemade decorative items. There is no need to worry about the condition of the children's room; over time, the girl will outgrow her rebellious period and the design will become more restrained.

    Zoning and layout of a nursery for a teenage girl

    The children's room should be divided into several important zones. This is a sleeping area, a storage area and a work area. In the sleeping area you need to install a comfortable bed, in the work area you need to place a table for the computer and studying, as well as hobbies, in the storage area there must be a large closet in which the young fashionista can store all her outfits. If space allows, it would be very nice to install a dressing table with a large mirror. It is also very important to leave at least a little space for games.

    It is more logical and better to divide a children's room into zones using various decorations and lighting, rather than using furniture partitions, especially if the room is quite modest in size.

    Let's look at each functional area in more detail.

    Sleeping area

    The primary need for any child is healthy sleep. Choose either a bed with a good orthopedic mattress or a good orthopedic sofa. The quality of the mattress is critical for the spine of a young, fast-growing organism, so an orthopedic mattress is needed. This will have the most positive effect on the formation of a healthy skeleton and quality, healthy sleep. Place the bed or sofa in such a way that the sun does not shine in your eyes during daytime or morning sleep.

    Work zone

    Here, the central place should be occupied by a good-quality and comfortable table, at which a teenager can sit down to study or pursue his hobby. The lighting should be rich, but not overly bright and harsh; optimally multi-point lighting that will fall on the table on the left side of the child.

    Storage area

    From a very young age, it is important for girls to have a large closet in which to put all her dresses and outfits. If the children's room does not have the necessary dimensions to accommodate a spacious closet, then you can install a small closet and choose a modular bed to place some of the rarely used and seasonal clothes in it.

    Basic Design Principles

    Your child grows and develops every day, and his interests and needs change as he gets older. The starting point when designing a children's room, of course, will be age. But that's not all there is to consider.

    The interior design of your daughter’s room is also influenced by the following factors:

    • Geometry and dimensions of space.
    • The number of openings in a given room (door and window openings).
    • The interests of the child at a certain period of life.
    • Number of children for whom a children's room should be equipped: one or two daughters.
    • Characteristics of a little housewife.
    • Planned budget for repairs (remember that experts recommend updating repairs at intervals of 3-4 years).
    • General style of the house.

    Decorating a small bedroom and options for visual expansion

    A small room is quite a serious problem for designers, especially when it comes to a girl’s room. But it is completely solvable; it is only necessary to use the entire available area with maximum efficiency.

    The first step is to take care of the furniture, which may include several functions. For example, you can purchase a bunk bed, where a workplace will be located on the first floor, and the bed itself will be on the second floor. In the bed, as mentioned above, you can provide niches for clothes

    Here are a few tips to help visually increase the space of a small room:

    • dark and cold colors of the ceiling and walls conceal free space;
    • multi-point lamps along the perimeter of the ceiling add volume to the room;
    • a wardrobe or a regular wardrobe with mirrored doors expands the space;
    • a volumetric pattern on the ceiling gives the room height;
    • Wallpaper with small patterns helps make the room appear larger than it actually is.

    The correct arrangement of furniture in the room also plays an important role. Tall furniture should be placed along the walls. Under no circumstances should the window be cluttered.


    It is important to make the light in several levels in order to illuminate each zone separately and create peace before a night's rest. In addition to the lamp on the ceiling, you will need table lamps and wall sconces. Spot lighting devices can be built into ceiling structures. Colored lighting is suitable for highlighting areas.

    Photos from 2022 demonstrate the ideal interior and furniture designs for children's rooms for schoolchildren. The space can be decorated in different ways. The main thing is that the environment motivates personal development. It is necessary to create an atmosphere for this.

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    DIY decor for a girl's nursery

    You can add personality to the room, spend time with your daughter and instill in her a sense of taste with the help of decor made by yourself. We offer you several ideas:

    • Wallpaper can be decorated with special vinyl stickers in the form of flowers, animals, butterflies. Using stickers made from photographs, you can create an original collage.
    • You can add mischief and originality to the interior with the help of various garlands of lanterns or hearts.
    • Flowers can be grown in pots decorated with your own hands using stones and rhinestones.
    • To place various girly little things, you can sew a fabric organizer.

    A bed for any age

    It is better to take a one-and-a-half size bed. It is suitable for both a little girl and a teenager. Usually, a limiter in the form of a removable bar is attached to the side of the bed for the safety of the baby. It can be easily unscrewed when not needed.

    • Also, a bed for children of this age is complemented by a sliding ladder or other details.
    • Bed linen with your favorite cartoon characters, a bedspread of the desired color, stickers or appliques - all this will help in your design decision.

    Features of arranging the bedroom of a baby 3-6 years old

    The process of arranging a children's room for a child of three to six years old has its own characteristics. Let's take a closer look at them.

    1. There is no point in making a design that is too thematic. In a year it will become irrelevant, repairs will have to be organized again. This is an extra expense.
    2. At this age, a child still believes in miracles and fairy tales. With the help of accessories, the room can be turned into a gingerbread house, a fairy forest, or a castle. The introduction of such ideas will allow the baby to feel like a real princess.
    3. You should not use bright colors in decoration. They quickly tire you out and interfere with a peaceful sleep. The bedroom can be decorated in delicate, light shades. Pink, purple, white will do.
    4. From three to four years old, the baby will begin to learn letters and numbers. In the room, you should choose a place for your desk. You will need a desk, a chair, and a small blackboard. On the board, in a playful way, you can slowly prepare the baby for school.
    5. You need to buy a bed with sides. At this tender age, children often fall out of bed while sleeping. The soft side will ensure safety. You can purchase a model with a removable side. Then the bed can be used for several years in a row.
    6. Provide a separate corner for playing on the floor. There you can put a soft rug, install an organizer, or a chest of drawers for toys. Every game should have its place. Teach your baby to order, starting from a very young age.
    7. Three-year-old children love to draw on the walls. In order not to constantly re-paste the wallpaper, buy washable ones. Some parents get out of the situation creatively - hang a roll of drawing paper on the wall.

    When choosing a room design for a girl, consider her age

    You can decorate your bedroom in gentle, soft colors

    Deciding on furniture in the children's room

    Furniture is one of the main components of any room. Children's furniture is a separate direction in furniture production, since different ages require their own approach to functionality. However, there are a few simple rules. Based on which you can always choose the right furniture for your child:

    • Bed . For a girl under 3 years old, safety while sleeping is a prerequisite, so you should buy furniture with sides that are at least 25 cm high. This rule no longer applies to children over 7 years old, but the width of the bed is important for them; it should be at least 80 cm.;
    • A student’s desk , firstly, must correspond to his height, and secondly, it is better to buy a table with a tabletop that is adjustable. This table option will allow you to customize the desk to suit an older schoolgirl;
    • Chair . Despite the increased cost of chairs with an orthopedic back, try to purchase just such a chair. Make sure that the back and seat height of the chair are adjustable, so you can make the chair comfortable for the child;
    • Closet . The height of the cabinets must be chosen based on the girl’s height. Low structures are suitable for kids; this will allow them to learn independence by putting toys back in their places. At the same time, all moving and retractable parts of the cabinet must have high-quality fittings.
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