Design of a children's room 3 by 4 meters. Children's room 4 by 3 meters

Layout features and zoning

The layout of a narrow nursery has one big advantage: a rectangular shape, as opposed to a square one, is literally created to divide it.
What kind of furniture arrangement will be largely depends on the number of children who will live here and their age category.

  • In a room for one preschool child, you definitely need to find a place for a bed and a play area.
  • In a teenager’s narrow children’s room, the playground is replaced with a desk for studying and a corner is organized where you can play a console.
  • For a girl, a cozy makeup area with a mirror and convenient, organized storage of things will not be superfluous.

Advice! The workplace is often organized under the window if it is on the short side: measure the distance from wall to wall and install a long tabletop-window sill on the brackets. Under it you can place cabinets for stationery and creative supplies.

In the photo there is a nursery for two brothers

Children's room for a boy

In a children's room for a boy of any shape, blue, light blue, green and white tones traditionally prevail. In narrow rooms, accent walls are decorated with wallpaper with small thematic patterns: robots, astronauts, cars. Marine and space motifs in the interior will look original. The first style solution uses ropes, ship models (or versions in bottles), decorative steering wheels, sails and other paraphernalia familiar to every lover of books by Jules Verne, Daniel Defoe and Robert Stevenson. In space interiors they use star charts, telescopes, and fluorescent paints that give off light at night. Accent walls are decorated with panoramas of Martian “cities”, borrowed from the descriptions of Ray Bradbury, images of constellations and unexplored galaxies of the Universe.

Finishing recommendations for visual expansion

Do not refuse to use techniques in the design of a narrow children's room that can visually expand the room. Let's look at the main ideas that can make a room more spacious.


Horizontal wide or narrow guides on short walls (in the form of wallpaper or painting) will visually push them apart. Laminate laid across (not lengthwise) during renovation, or transverse strips on flooring or carpet have the same effect.


Photo wallpaper on long walls depicting a promising expansion allows you to create a new reality in an ordinary room. Don't be afraid to use this technique: it really works.


Finishing two elongated surfaces with light tones and using bright or dark shades on the other two creates the right contrast and changes the geometry of the room.

In the photo, the predominance of white color in the design


Bright ceiling lighting using small spots instead of a chandelier, coupled with the soft light of floor or table lamps, adds volume, air and increases the size of the children's room.


Mirrors, glossy facades, suspended ceilings, glass, plastic - everything that reflects light makes the room more spacious.

Advice! Want to get the most out of your mirrors? Place the lights right next to them.

Basic tones

You will have to resist the temptation to make the nursery bright and colorful, this will not only reduce the space even more, but will also negatively affect the room owner’s performance, learning and behavior. Excessively catchy and “acidic” tones can reduce concentration, provoke aggression, have a stimulating effect on the nervous system and distract from important matters. To make the room seem more cozy and spacious, and for the child to feel as comfortable as possible, choose light colors for decoration, preferably pastels, such as blue, beige, peach, lilac, light green, yellow. One of the walls or the floor can be highlighted using a more saturated tone, for example, burgundy, blue, chocolate, emerald, purple.

In any case, it is advisable to use only two or three colors, no more. An abundance of shades will overload the space and make it overly colorful. If the owner of the room requires bright colors, then use them to create accents. You can choose accessories in tones such as orange, red, mint, indigo, turquoise, bright yellow and so on.

What is the best way to organize storage systems?

You can’t limit yourself to just one bed and a desk in a narrow children’s room: so that the child can easily maintain cleanliness and order here, consider functional storage systems for everything they need.

  • First of all - clothes. Usually a small wardrobe or chest of drawers is sufficient. The second one will still have to be supplemented with a hanger, because dresses or shirts cannot be stored constantly folded.
  • Next - toys. It is convenient to keep drawers for them under the bed, in a chest of drawers, in separate cabinets. If there is a podium in the room, then toys will be stored under it.
  • The third category is school subjects. You will need shelves for books and notebooks, drawers for pens, pencils, and erasers. To prevent your briefcase from lying all over the room, you should also come up with your own “house” for it.

Most often, a built-in wall is ordered in elongated rooms: cabinets do not have to go along the entire length of the wall, they can “go around” a table, bed, sofa and other objects.

In the photo there is a built-in wardrobe and two beds the entire length of the room

Pros and cons of a children's room 3 by 2 square meters. m

Many people think that the area is 3 by 2 sq.m. – this is one big minus. Really, what could be good in such a small space? But in fact it can. And so let's start with the pros:

  • In any case, a child’s own room is his personal space. And even if this is a small corner, it can also be cozy.
  • Such a small room must always be kept in order, otherwise it will seem cluttered and, accordingly, even more cramped. And the child will be accustomed to cleanliness from a very early age, and this is also an undeniable advantage.
  • The room, 3 by 2 square meters, is rectangular, but not too elongated and narrow, which makes decorating the interior much easier.
  • Small rooms always seem more cozy than spacious ones.


  • Receiving guests in a cramped room will not be entirely convenient.
  • A small room is not intended for active games that require sufficient free space. This can be very upsetting for a child.
  • In a space whose area is only 2 by 3 square meters. m., it will not be easy to place all the necessary pieces of furniture. And there may be a catastrophic lack of space for accessories.
  • If you overload a room with interior items, it will seem even cramped and more like a closet or pantry.

What is important to consider in lighting?

In the previous section we already mentioned that there should be a lot of light. To be more precise, you will need many sources of it. Veto single chandeliers. Instead, it is better to take several spotlights, evenly distributing them across the ceiling.

A table lamp is required on the desktop, a floor lamp in the relaxation area, and a night light or a directional sconce for reading near the bed.

Don’t forget about decorative light: garlands or lanterns create a special atmosphere at any time of the year.

Selecting the right curtains and decor

The choice of frame for a window should be made based on its location: on a long wall, curtains should be inconspicuous and blend in as much as possible with the decoration. On short ones, bright ones are acceptable, attracting attention and “bringing” the opening closer to the opposite wall.

Typically, children's rooms use floor-to-ceiling curtains. But roller or Roman blinds up to the window sill are also acceptable - this is especially convenient if there is a work desk or bed under the window.

Color spectrum

White color, as you know, expands space, but it is not the only color in the interior that creates openness and lightness in the room. The walls should not be made completely monochromatic. Play with contrast: paint the side wall where you plan to place the most massive furniture in a pale color, and paint the opposite wall a tone darker.

Also paint the ceiling a pale neutral shade. But if it is very tall, then cover it with darker paint.

Don't be afraid to use subtle shades of coffee, pink, lilac or orange. With the correct arrangement of furniture and decoration of the room, their intensity will be even more muted.

Design ideas for inspiration

If you want to decorate your baby’s room in an original way, take as a basis the presence of a second tier: usually there is a sleeping place on it, but you can also make a relaxation area or a play area. There will be a lot of space left on the “ground floor”, which will be enough for both active games and concentration on study.

Advice! The right choice for small rooms is minimalism in decoration and furniture. Refuse unnecessary decor in favor of functionality and saving free space.

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