Ceiling in the bedroom - an overview of simple ideas for decorating the ceiling in the bedroom. Instructions from A to Z + photo


Before considering all possible options in detail, it is necessary to identify the basic recommendations that should be followed.

  1. When planning the design and the amount that will be set aside for the renovation of the bedroom, do not forget about the ceiling;
  2. Please note that the style and color should fit harmoniously into the interior as a whole. Experts recommend using neutral colors to decorate ceilings that will not overly strain the eye. These include beige, white, light blue.

Exclusive ideas for ceiling decoration

It is worth being able to understand modern design ideas for various rooms:

  • In the living room, for example, these are pastel tones, along with the naturalness of the material without any pretentiousness with a hint of originality. The main idea is to create a harmonious atmosphere;
  • For the kitchen, wall-mounted and polystyrene foam structures are more acceptable, along with water-based paint;
  • But for the living room there are no restrictions, except perhaps compliance with a single stylistic direction;
  • Concise and simple options are suitable for the corridor;
  • In the bathroom, it is better to make the ceiling with a tension or slatted structure.


Obviously, you can use all sorts of options for finishing the ceiling. Let's consider each of them separately.

Choosing a ceiling for the house

For Khrushchev

The low height of ceilings in Khrushchev, unfortunately, is not a myth, but a harsh reality. Their maximum height is 2.40 m or even less if the apartment has had the floor replaced and screeded. Naturally, in such conditions it is quite difficult to install a suspended or suspended ceiling, which will steal from the already small height of 5-10 cm. But it is still possible if the actual surface of the ceiling does not have too large transitions, and the ceiling can be installed with minimal loss of space .

It is recommended to install ceilings with a mirror or glossy surface in Khrushchev-era apartments to visually expand and deepen the space. Correct placement of lamps will also give a similar effect.

For a modern new building

Unlike Khrushchev, choosing a ceiling for a new building is much simpler. Here the ceiling heights are higher and the quality is newer, so you can choose almost any type of finish. It should only be taken into account that within 2-3 years, the new building will shrink a little, which may affect the geometry of the premises. Therefore, finishing materials, especially for the ceiling, should be installed with some reserve. All types of suspension and tension systems are ideal for new buildings.

For a private home

In a private house, the issue of thermal insulation is acute, so the ceiling material must retain heat well in the house. Since the external covering of the ceiling must also take into account a layer of insulation (made of expanded clay, mineral wool or polystyrene foam), it is best to use frame structures - suspended and suspended ceilings.

For suspended ceilings, first a frame is assembled to attach the external ceiling (cassettes, plasterboard, etc.), and then a layer of insulation is laid in the space between the profiles. For suspended ceilings, on the contrary, they first create a frame from bars for insulation, lay it, and only then stretch the outer fabric.


This is an option for those who prefer to pay tribute to traditions. Our grandparents also used this method to decorate the ceiling. This was largely due to the inability to purchase any other material.

However, the market now offers such a variety of wallpapers that it’s dizzying. What kind of wallpaper does the market offer:

  • bamboo;
  • non-woven;
  • paper;

This is not a complete list, but, in any case, it becomes obvious that the choice is indeed very large.

Pros of wallpaper

If you are in doubt and cannot decide whether to purchase wallpaper for the ceiling in the bedroom, check out the advantages of this material:

  1. If it is thick wallpaper, then it will be able to disguise irregularities and depressions in the walls;
  2. A significant advantage is the relatively low price of wallpaper;
  3. You can hang wallpaper yourself, without the help of specialists.

Cons of wallpaper

Despite the fact that wallpaper can be called a truly universal option, there are some disadvantages. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. After some time, the wallpaper may begin to peel off from the ceiling;
  2. If the apartment is flooded, there is a high risk that the wallpaper will simply fall off the ceiling.

No. 8. MDF panels

Today, MDF panels are not very widely used as ceiling finishing, so with this technique you can make your bedroom original , and if you choose the right option, then the appearance of MDF panels will resemble a wooden clapboard finish. This material is more environmentally friendly than, for example, fiberboard or chipboard, since phenols and resins are not used in the production of MDF. Due to the veneered, laminated or painted surface, the panels can take on any appearance and imitate natural materials. The modern construction market offers MDF panels in the form of tiles, sheets and slats.

Among the main advantages of this finish:

  • ease of installation, absence of dirty processes and high maintainability;
  • heat and sound insulation properties, which is important for the bedroom;
  • durability and reliability;
  • pleasant appearance and a huge range of panels of different colors and textures: wood, stone, etc.

The disadvantages include low strength, but the bedroom ceiling rarely receives serious impacts. This material is afraid of moisture, but there are no sources of it in the rest room, and the only danger is flooding. There is only one drawback - MDF panels are easy to burn, just like wood. Another disadvantage is typical for all suspended structures - a decrease in height.

It’s worth noting right away that you can also use plastic panels : they are cheap, hygienic, but they are afraid of direct sunlight, and their appearance will not fit into every bedroom. Many people note that they bring an office-like, business-like tone to the room, but few people would want to tolerate this in the bedroom, and such panels cannot be called an environmentally friendly material.


This is the traditional and budget method that many families still use. It also has disadvantages and advantages.

Pros of whitewashing

  1. This is an affordable and budget method that does not require large financial costs.
  2. The method is quite easy to implement without recourse to the help of specialists.
  3. You can whitewash the ceiling in a relatively short period of time.

Cons of whitewashing

Like other options, this method has some significant disadvantages, among them we highlight the following:

This method cannot be called modern; it does not give a feeling of luxury to the room. Of course, for some styles this option will be suitable and will look quite presentable, but still, for a modern style this approach cannot be called relevant;

If you want to update the ceiling, you will have to wash off the whitewash from the ceiling, and this is a very difficult and painful task that requires a lot of time and patience.

Ceiling design 2022 in the kitchen (photo)

The specifics of the kitchen interior require a thoughtful approach to the choice of ceiling design. Materials must be moisture resistant, not subject to deformation due to temperature fluctuations, and easy to wash. There are several popular trends in terms of the design of fashionable ceilings 2022.

  • Monochrome surfaces remain relevant, emphasizing the overall color scheme of the room. Allows you to create a dynamic atmosphere - combining a variety of textures. More often, such variations are used to visually divide space into functional zones.
  • If the height is sufficient, a rational solution is to install two-level structures made of moisture-resistant plasterboard or modern stretch ceilings with innovative carved notes, original lighting, thematic ornaments, and 3D effects.

Mirrors on the ceiling add a special charm to any room

Ceiling wallpapers are becoming increasingly popular this year.

Pendant lamps made of clear glass will add lightness to a strictly decorated room.

With the right approach, the ceiling can become the focal point of the entire interior.

A moderate combination of glossy details can radically transform the kitchen interior


Plasterboard ceilings for bedrooms have recently become popular among people. This material can reproduce a ceiling of absolutely any shape; with the help of plasterboard you can realize quite bold ideas and ceiling ideas in the bedroom.

Pros of drywall

Consider the positive aspects that a plasterboard structure can realize.

  1. Drywall will help get rid of unevenness and depressions on the ceiling. Even obvious defects can be hidden from prying eyes.
  2. Drywall will also make it possible to remove wires and other communication elements;
  3. This method will provide opportunities for embedding lamps and other lighting items.


Obviously, in order to install drywall on the ceiling, you will have to use additional space. Accordingly, the area of ​​the room will become significantly smaller. This is the drawback that causes many to abandon this option altogether.

Fashionable ceiling in the kitchen: trendy design ideas

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In the photo: Designer kitchen decoration in neoclassical style

Next, we will look at design options for the kitchen ceiling. Approximately the same design solutions are used here as in living rooms, but their scale is more modest, because the area of ​​the room is usually small.

Stylish kitchen with an art deco mood in a gray palette

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In the photo: Art Deco kitchen with luxury finishes

Chic interior in art deco style with beautiful luxury floor and ceiling finishes.

Exclusive renovation of a small kitchen with a corner set made of natural wood

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In the photo: Kitchen interior design in art deco style

An original version of the ceiling design with a wide cornice with openwork elements.

Luxurious open plan kitchen interior in chocolate shades

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In the photo: Elegant interior of the kitchen-dining room with fashionable finishes

An excellent combination of overhead lamps and neoclassical cornices in the ceiling design for an art deco kitchen.

Elegant kitchen interior in neoclassical style

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In the photo: Ceiling design in the neoclassical style kitchen

A very elegant and even chic option for a bright kitchen.

Designer living room with trendy finishes and coffered ceiling

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In the photo: Design of a coffered ceiling in a house

An excellent solution suitable for a spacious room in a country house.

Beautiful dining room with art deco ceiling design

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In the photo: Art Deco dining room with illuminated ceiling

Very beautiful design in a trendy art deco style, complemented by three pendant lamps.

Small kitchen with a French mood and openwork cornices under the ceiling

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In the photo: Interior design of a bright kitchen in the art deco style

The design of a white stretch ceiling may seem simpler. But if you complement it with openwork cornices, the interior will immediately become more skillful.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings in the bedroom are an almost universal phenomenon. Most people prefer this option. This is a modern bedroom ceiling that offers a huge number of options. You can depict an autumn landscape or clouds on the ceiling, or you can make a strict plain ceiling without any frills.

Advantages of a stretch ceiling

  1. Variety of execution options. This was mentioned above.
  2. A suspended ceiling is a material that can protect property from flooding. If your upstairs neighbors haven't turned off the faucet, the ceiling will hold water. In order to get rid of it, you just need to make a small hole in it so that excess water flows out into a special, pre-prepared container.

Disadvantages of a stretch ceiling

Probably, many have already guessed that this method requires a large financial investment. In addition, only professionals who have many years of experience can make a suspended ceiling in an apartment.

Another significant disadvantage is that suspended ceilings are very sensitive to the effects of sharp objects. Even an unsuccessful champagne cork can tear such a ceiling, and the stretch ceiling section cannot be repaired.

Ceiling "starry sky"

It’s hard to imagine who wouldn’t be impressed by the ceiling design with an imitation of the starry sky. Living in the city rarely gives us the opportunity to admire the night sky. Why not create your own personal starry sky within your own apartment?

A luminous ceiling with a “starry sky” effect in the bedroom creates a magical atmosphere

Options for creating a “starry sky” ceiling:

  • Stretch ceiling with LEDs
  • Fluorescent stickers
  • Glowing photo wallpaper
  • Luminescent paints
  • Any of these methods has the right to life and, with the proper level of execution, will give joy and a bit of magic.


For creative bedroom owners, you can make graffiti on the ceiling. It is best to purchase aerosol paint for these purposes.

Artistic painting. To make the bedroom look unusual and original, you can invite an artist to draw a picture. These can be delightful orchids or delicate peonies. The main thing is that they fit into the overall atmosphere of the room and do not discord with the design.

If you yourself are a good drawer, then why don’t you carry out this procedure yourself? You can use a stencil if you are afraid of making a mistake.

Recently, many people who have started renovations in the bedroom decide to install a two-level ceiling in the bedroom. This design looks very original and elegant. Despite the apparent difficulty of execution, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

Ceiling design 2022 from plasterboard (ideas, photos)

A variety of expressive structural embodiments of ceiling design using plasterboard allows you to create the interior of your dreams. Among the modifications proposed in 2022, several innovations stand out.

3D designs

Such ceilings, which remain on trend in 2022, are installed in spacious rooms. An accurate design must be developed, and all installation operations are performed by specialists.

Unusual 3D ceilings visually create a feeling of depth and change in space, thanks to the combination and flow of multi-level elements and figures.

Light beige and warm wenge - the perfect color combination

Ceiling design 2022 - interesting and unique designs

Multi-level structures

They perform different segments of a multi-tiered plasterboard ceiling that carry a certain functional load.

They can move onto wall planes, zoning the space, or are complemented by mirror elements. Look elegant with artistic LED lighting.

An interesting option for a multi-level ceiling with a beautiful and unusual design

High ceilings in a home should be a source of pride and dignity.

Fashionable ceilings 2022 with complex design and lighting

Ceilings with changing projection

Amazing effects are created by installing various configurations of special screens in segments equipped with plasterboard.

Such luminous ceilings work according to a predetermined program or change the image depending on the mood.

The interior design is made in Japanese style, a spacious hall without sharp corners with a high ceiling

Ceiling design options 2021

Combined options

Fashionable trends in ceiling design that remain relevant in 2022 include the creation of a combination of plasterboard structures and PVC sheets.

Combined ceiling design options 2021

  • In the first case, an island of plasterboard is created in the center, and the perimeter is decorated with a canvas with a varied color palette.
  • The second interesting solution is the design of PVC in the middle of the ceiling, surrounded by a carved figured or stepped plasterboard frame, behind which the lighting is hidden. In this way, various illusions are created, for example, starry infinity visible through the window of a spaceship.

Original and impressive ideas for ceiling design 2021

When creating plasterboard ceiling variations, several principles are adhered to that reflect modern trends:

  • The lines of steps and niches created around the perimeter or in a certain part of the ceiling are clear. This allows you to organize the space.
  • Too bulky structures are avoided by making the vertical sides of the elements up to 60 mm high.
  • The backlight is mounted on both sides, achieving the appearance of intersecting light streams. With this solution, possible defects and unevenness of the ceiling surfaces are masked as much as possible.
  • A finishing finish, such as textured plaster, is used to decorate the plasterboard frame.


Light has a great influence on people's mood. Let's consider the question of what the ceiling lighting in the bedroom should be like.

Glass ceilings in the bedroom have recently become increasingly popular. The main recommendations for installing such lamps are to be located at a distance of 20 cm when positioned along the walls. If you intend to arrange the lamps in a chaotic manner, then the distance should not be less than 30 cm.

Ceiling lighting in the bedroom can be achieved using fluorescent lamps. But it is worth noting that they have quite impressive sizes, which not everyone can afford. As a rule, they should be located around the perimeter of the bedroom and diffuse light towards the center.

You can also use long LED lamps. They have a number of significant advantages. Firstly, they can be used for a long time, and they also do not heat up. Of course, this option also has a high cost, which not everyone can afford. They are quite expensive, however, the quality will exceed all expectations.

A chandelier is a traditional lighting option that has been around for many years. In principle, if the chandelier corresponds to the overall design and fits harmoniously into the design of the room, then why not. This is a completely acceptable option. If you are planning to make a room in a retro style, then some exquisite large chandelier will fit into the interior very organically.

As mentioned earlier, the interior of the ceiling in the bedroom should largely correspond to the main design of the room. If this is minimalism, then the ceiling can be made in white with a spot ceiling.

If the room is decorated in Provence style, then why not paint images with flowers on the ceiling. If you are making a bedroom in a high-tech style, it is recommended to make the ceiling in a neutral color with an original tint.

In the article we looked at the answer to the question, which bedroom ceilings are better. Obviously, there is no one-size-fits-all approach that will suit everyone.

It is necessary to take into account the taste, age, financial well-being of the owner of the bedroom, and his creative abilities. There are too many factors. In any case, we have looked at the most common finishing and design options; your task is to choose the most preferable option and begin implementing it in your bedroom. The main thing is the desire and enthusiasm that you show when creating the room of your dreams.

Ceiling decoration in the hallway and corridor: 6 different styles

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In the photo: Ceiling decoration and design with metal moldings in gold

Now let’s look at the most popular styles for decorating the ceiling in the hallway and hallway. In the design of the ceiling in the living room or bedroom, the most trendy options are the same options, so they can be easily scaled for any room in your apartment.

Modern style with a touch of art deco

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In the photo: Futuristic ceiling design in the hall

The ceiling design in this hallway is made in a modern style. Profile lighting systems, decorative moldings and panels with geometric patterns for walls are used here. The interior itself is designed in art deco style, which makes this combination especially futuristic.

Neoclassical finish with designer accent chandelier

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In the photo: Stylish suspended ceiling in the hallway

Low ceilings are usually decorated in a restrained neoclassical style. As does the ceiling in compact spaces such as a hallway or bathroom.

Art Deco with gold moldings

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In the photo: Brass moldings in the ceiling design in the hallway

The Art Deco style is incredibly suitable for high ceiling designs. It looks gorgeous in the living room and kitchen, as well as in the hallway, bathroom and bedroom. Usually it combines elements such as brass (gold, metal) moldings, built-in lighting, and geometric patterns.

Art Nouveau with stained glass ceiling with floral pattern

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In the photo: Stained glass ceiling in the hallway

The ceiling design in a hallway or corridor in a classic or art nouveau style may contain stained glass elements. Art Nouveau boasts other examples of floral patterns in the form of panels or glass mosaics.

Classic ceiling design in a luxury apartment

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In the photo: Ceiling design in a classic style in interior design

Ceiling design in a house or cottage usually uses a complex combination of elements, especially if we are talking about the classic, art deco or neoclassical style. For example, modern spotlights and neon stripes here organically coexist with rosettes and medallions, wide French cornices and openwork elements.

Photo of ceilings in the bedroom

Ceiling panels

Often, when choosing materials for bedroom design, home owners do not consider plastic panels for the ceiling. They are usually used for balconies, kitchens and bathrooms, but PVC panels can also be suitable for living rooms. Modern options can imitate natural materials and will look great in a bedroom design with an attic ceiling. In addition, they do not allow moisture to pass through and are easy to clean.

Panel ceiling design options

It is better not to use plain ceiling panels for the bedroom. Horizontal joints and associations with the bathroom are not appropriate. Therefore, if you still decide to use this material, it is better to choose a design with imitation wood.

Bedroom design with sloping ceiling

Any attic or attic can successfully become full-fledged, comfortable living spaces, and not dusty compartments for storing unnecessary things.

These square meters of desolation can be successfully added to a living area. Read our article about how to arrange a cozy bedroom in the attic:.

Often, such a space has a sloping ceiling, and, in addition, can be asymmetrical.

Since, as a rule, the room turns out to be small, the interior of such bedrooms looks like this:

  • The beds should be placed closer to the slopes, opposite each other;
  • It is important to buy or order beds with large drawers, since it is not always possible to install cabinets;
  • Very often, walls and ceilings are covered with wood. Many people try to make the walls and ceilings light to make the room seem more spacious. Both options are justified.

Every square meter must be used to its maximum benefit!

Optimal colors for the ceiling

For bedrooms, monochromatic, unobtrusive colors are recommended, but are not limited to standard solutions. So, to decorate the ceiling you can consider:

  1. Black, which will add brightness and expressiveness to interior lines. Black stretch ceilings in the bedroom, when skillfully played with by the designer, combine mystery and aristocratic elegance.
  2. White, which only seems simple on the surface. Visually expanding the space, it fills the room with air, volume and lightness.
  3. Shades of gray, which with their asceticism can set off any design solution.
  4. Green, has a tonic effect in the morning and calming in the evening.
  5. Pink, adding freshness and positivity to the interior. This option would look especially good in a girl’s bedroom.
  6. Brown chocolate shades will give the room respectability, coziness and comfort.
  7. Turquoise will fill the space with sea freshness, which will enliven the atmosphere.
  8. The blue color of the sea or sky also refers to natural tones that have a calming effect. Their use in the interior will add sophistication to the bedroom with a slight touch of magical charm. And delicate blue will become a source of airiness and tenderness.
  9. Lilac and purple are used less frequently in decoration. However, a light shade can fill the room with a sophisticated aura, while a darker and richer shade will give the interior intimacy, romance and sensuality.

A controversial option when choosing a ceiling color for a bedroom remains red and orange. On the one hand, they are stimulating. On the other hand, using muted tones can create an enchanting, passionate environment.

Wooden structures

Wooden ceilings look incredibly good in country houses and cottages, emphasizing the ecological style and the tendency to connect with nature. Wooden structures are also versatile, and such ceilings are full of variety. They are also durable and practical, as they retain their appearance for many years after installation and appear to be a fairly durable structure. This coating is easy to keep clean, and its installation costs will be less than many other types of ceiling coverings.

Ceiling tiles

Modern ceiling tiles are not just white foam squares. Manufacturers produce various options for any interior design ideas. The surface can be matte or glossy and imitate various coatings, for example, wood, metal, mirror. The tiles can be used on single-level and multi-level ceilings and in combination with other structures.

Tile ceiling design options

For the bedroom, it is advisable to choose ceiling tiles in light colors. It is not advisable to arrange the slabs by color in a checkerboard pattern; this design is more suitable for other rooms. Interesting compositions can be created from tiles in the form of coffers.

The role of natural light

When choosing a ceiling color, it is important to evaluate how a particular shade will look in natural and artificial light. To eliminate mistakes, professionals recommend applying the shade you like onto the cardboard. And observe how the tone looks under different types of lighting.

The location of the bedroom windows on the north or south side of the building determines the color choice. In the first case, less natural light will penetrate into the room. Therefore, this has to be compensated with light and warm shades of the interior.

When windows are located on the side that receives plenty of sunlight, a cooling effect is expected from the color scheme. Therefore, it is permissible to experiment with cool and dark tones here.

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