Beautiful white interior of a children's room 2022: the best design projects

02/19/2021 Read in 5 minutes.
In our new article you will learn how to stylishly and beautifully decorate the white interior of a children's room. We bring to your attention the best design projects for children's rooms for 2022 from the Fundament Group of Companies, where there are light wallpapers and walls, furniture, decor or textiles. In our selection you will see harmonious combinations of white with different shades: pink, blue, black, brown, yellow, green and many others.

The cost of an interior designer per square meter from the Fundament Group of Companies in 2022

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GC "Fundament" guarantees the return of the prepaid amount if you are not satisfied with the quality of our services. Repair warranty 5 years.

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In case of concluding a contract for a comprehensive renovation with payment upon delivery, the full cost of the interior project will be returned at the final stage of the renovation. In case of full prepayment, you will immediately receive a 10% discount on repair work and a full deduction of the design cost.

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A full 5-year warranty on all work performed, materials and equipment supplied, all depending on the “shrinkage” of the house.

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Standard project

3200 2500 RUR/m2

  • Dimensional and installation plans
  • Working drawings for electrical, plumbing, etc.
  • Three-dimensional visualization of the interior in 3DSMAX
  • Selection of finishing materials
  • Drawing up an estimate for repairs

Total: 15,000 rub.


Optimal project

4200 3500 RUR/m2

  • Everything that is in the Standard Project
  • Full interior furnishings, including ordering, delivery and acceptance of materials in terms of quality and quantity
  • Design and creation of individual furniture and custom doors

Total: 15,000 rub.


Full project

5200 4500 RUR/m2

  • Everything that is in the Optimal Project
  • Architectural supervision, including site visits, correction of drawings and control of compliance with the interior design project
  • Development and approval of an engineering project for power supply

Total: 15,000 rub.


Don't do it

You should not divide the room horizontally into several parts. This combination does not always look as intended, since often this combination of wallpaper visually reduces the height of the walls. It is undesirable to combine wallpaper for different age groups and an abundance of borders in a room. Combined wallpaper for boys can, for example, indicate a space theme.

It’s worth forgetting about clowns - these ideas are often doomed to failure, just like huge drawings. What seems bright and cheerful to an adult may not appeal to a child, much less a small one. The best ideas would be combined canvases with a plain base and floral patterns: for girls - with butterflies, flowers, and for boys - from cars and airplanes to superheroes. A bright stripe is undesirable, like polka dots, as it creates ripples in the eyes.

TOP interiors of white children's rooms in different shades

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In the photo: Beautiful white interior of a children's room for a girl

At the beginning of our article, we will present you the best projects of our interior designers for children's rooms in different shades and themes. For example, the idea with the atmosphere of a magical forest or a princess’s bedroom is most often chosen by girls, but boys still prefer a seaside setting. The same is true with color schemes: pink, peach and yellow are reserved for daughters, while blue, blue, green and gray-beige are more popular among sons.

Azure children's bedroom with unisex interior in neoclassical style

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In the photo: Children's interior in white tones with azure accents

When decorating the interior of a children's room, you can choose any style for a child of any gender. This neoclassical style interior can suit both girls and boys. It is easy to imagine both pink pillows and blue boats, cars and boats. At the same time, the interior was made for a schoolgirl, but by changing a couple of details, neoclassics can be easily adapted for a teenage boy.

Sandy white modern bedroom with nautical accents

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In the photo: Children's room in a marine theme and modern style

It is also important to distinguish between theme and style. For example, a princess’s bedroom can be decorated in Provence, neoclassicism, classicism and art deco. And the marine theme can be in a modern, country or English style. Therefore, it is always recommended to decorate the nursery in the style that is used throughout the apartment, and the child himself or you can choose the theme. Color schemes now popular are muted, pastel, and modern. Some even opt for monochrome interiors (like the visualization above), knowing that clothes, toys and books will eventually add color to the interior.

Romantic bedroom for two girls: in neoclassical style with mirrored furniture and 3D panels with openwork elements

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In the photo: Luxurious children's room in neoclassical style in powdery tones for two children

The next question is decorating a room for two children. It's good if they are of the same gender and have similar tastes. Then you can choose a single color scheme and style and even duplicate furniture (for example, beds). But if the children are completely different, you should think about diversifying the interior with color accents. Or you can buy two beds of the same model, different in color, so that each child can choose their favorite color.

Scandinavian-style nursery with interesting white wallpaper and treehouse bed

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In the photo: Fashionable house-type bed in a Scandinavian style for a room for three children

In the interior design of a white nursery, the Scandinavian style is very popular among preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. Agree, it really has many advantages: it is universal and in the future can easily be adapted to a specific age; it is suitable for rooms of children of any gender, it is also good for mixed bedrooms where children of both sexes sleep. It also looks great in a small interior, as the white furniture makes it look very light. In the visualization above you can see a bedroom for three children, decorated in Scandinavian style.

Modern interior of a children's room with an office on the loggia and white wallpaper

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In the photo: Modern white interior 2022

The following interior is perfect for a high school student or student. As you can see, the neoclassical style is also universal here, and modern details, such as a chest of drawers or sliding partitions, make it even more practical. This nursery is suitable for a child of any gender, and the child can choose the color accents himself. Imagine that the pink curtains are replaced with blue ones, and instead of flowers there are devices for a game console - and you immediately find yourself in the bedroom of a schoolboy, not a schoolgirl.

Inspiring, atmospheric art deco nursery interior for twins

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In the photo: Pastel interior of a children's room in art deco style

This interior looks especially luxurious, as it is decorated in a unique style - French art deco. In decoration it is mixed here with neoclassical and classic. In such an eclectic version, it is perfect even for the design of the white interior of a children's room.

Scandinavian chic in pink and peach tones with interesting backlit wall decoration

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In the photo: Fashionable nursery interior with white walls and wallpaper for a girl

We present to you another option for finishing an apartment and designing a white interior for a children's room in peach and pink tones, with white wallpaper and Scandinavian-style furniture. On the floor there is an engineered board made of natural wood, and underneath there is a warm floor.

Luxury and comfort of a nursery in art deco style for a little princess

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In the photo: Chic interior of a children's room with designer white furniture. Turnkey apartment renovation

In the nursery renovation photo above, you can see the luxurious chinoiserie wallpaper (with a floral pattern similar to traditional Chinese painting). A distinctive feature was the custom-made white built-in furniture and designer ceilings with an amazing chandelier!

Romantic nursery interior in lilac tones for a dreamy teenage girl

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In the photo: Photo of an apartment renovation with a white children's room with an attractive interior

This spacious children's room is made for a teenage girl. By the window there is a comfortable workspace with shelves for books, on the left there is a full-fledged rack for all textbooks and office supplies. There is a wardrobe in the opposite corner of the bedroom.

How to adjust wallpaper to the next stages of a girl’s development?

  • Wallpaper for a little girl. It often happens that future parents arrange their child’s room even before he is born. However, it should be remembered that in the first months of life the baby does not see an adult. At first he learns to recognize the faces of his parents; only after a few months do children begin to notice the shapes of their surroundings. At first their attention is attracted by simple shapes and primary colors such as red, blue, yellow. Properly selected children's wallpaper can support the development of a baby: a wall covered with a pattern depicting, for example, animals or fairy-tale characters in pleasant colors will certainly attract the baby's eyesight and support his development, gradually encouraging him to discover new decorative details.

  • Wallpaper for girls who are not yet in kindergarten. After the first year of life, the child's development accelerates. Babies begin to walk, talk and perceive the world around them with all their senses. Behavior becomes more complex and role play appears in which shapes and objects are created, for example, from blocks. Children at this age are already beginning to communicate with us and... convince us of their opinion. An indispensable background for themed games can be wallpaper with a child’s favorite “world” - for example, an Indian village, an enchanted forest or a tropical jungle. The child will already have his favorite characters, who, when they appear on the wallpaper in his room, will become ideal playmates.

  • Preschool girl's room. At the age of 3-6 years, children attend kindergarten, where their knowledge and skills are constantly improved. Contact with peers teaches social behavior. Children begin to have their own opinions on many issues, including the color and design of the wallpaper on the wall in their room. There is also a clear division between colors and themes that are unacceptable for girls and unacceptable for boys. Many girls will definitely not agree to motorcycles, cars, pirates or spaceships. This is the moment when you need to decorate the children's room not for yourself, but for the little person.

  • Which wallpaper to choose for a teenage girl? Finally the moment comes when your “princess” goes to school. This is a new chapter in life, in which study gradually begins to prevail over play and laziness. How should you arrange your bedroom? First of all, a compromise should be sought - the child’s ideas and the common sense of the parents may differ radically. This is a great opportunity to teach children to take responsibility for their decisions.

Combination of white with other shades in the interior: trendy color schemes

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In the photo: Color in the interior design of a children's room. Fashion 2022

Next, we will look at the most popular combinations of white with other shades: blue, pink, yellow, beige, brown and lilac. Let us remind you that it is better to select the color scheme together with the child, while both the designer himself and you together with him can think through storage areas and furniture.

Sky and azure blue: ocean breeze atmosphere

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In the photo: Blue interior of a children's room with white walls

An excellent solution for both a little boy and a teenager or even a student!

Pink, powdery, flamingo: a cozy bedroom for a young lady

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In the photo: Pink interior of a children's bedroom for a teenager

The most popular choice for a girl's or girl's nursery.

Yellow, apricot, orange: cute and cheerful interior

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In the photo: Yellow accents in a bright children's room

One of the fashionable options for decorating a room for children of any gender or a nursery where both a boy and a girl live. Universal shade!

Beige, brown, gray beige, black: cozy classic atmosphere

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In the photo: Bedroom interior design in beige and white tones

Another universal option: a combination of white with beige, brown, gray-beige and black shades in the children's interior. This range is also suitable for children of both sexes.

Lilac and lavender: delicate dessert interior

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In the photo: Interior of a children's room with white furniture and purple accents

Traditionally, purple and lilac colors are now considered to be color schemes for girls, but for a nursery where both a boy and a girl sleep, it is also suitable!

Wallpaper for a girl's bedroom

Choosing wallpaper for a girl's bedroom requires a little effort on the part of responsible parents. The world of children's wallpaper is rich and beautiful, but the criterion for their purchase can be not only a fairy-tale pattern and a cheerful color - happy parents must remember that they are not arranging a room for themselves, but for their child. The most important thing is that the wallpaper design for a girl’s children’s bedroom should be adapted to the child’s age and contribute to his development. Some wallpapers should decorate the walls of a small child, some wallpapers are suitable for a preschooler, and still others should decorate the walls of a teenage girl's room.

White furniture in children's design: advice on choosing from professionals

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In the photo: White furniture with a unique art deco design for a children's room

Do you want to buy white furniture for the interior of a children's bedroom to make the room look lighter, neater and more modern? We present you some of the most interesting options from our portfolio.

Built-in storage and writing area along the window

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In the photo: Built-in wardrobes and a custom-made table for the children's room of two schoolgirls

A chic solution for furnishing a room, which allows both schoolgirls to have an individual place to study near the window.

Luxurious bed with a carved textile headboard and canopy for a young lady

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In the photo: Luxurious bright interior of a children's room with classic furniture

An extremely beautiful solution for furnishing a children's room in classical and neoclassical styles. Note that the children's furniture in the corner on the right is made in a practical Scandinavian style and also fits perfectly here.

Modern chic with invisible built-in storage

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In the photo: Stylish finishing with decorative panels in suede and custom shelving

A great example of invisible shelving and cabinets that do not make the interior appear darker or visually narrower.

Built-in wardrobe measuring 220 x 280 cm with white sliding doors

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In the photo: Built-in wardrobe in the children's room

An ideal storage solution for a boy's nursery. All things are simply hidden in the closet, and the room looks very tidy again.

Modern style cribs with drawers under the mattress

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In the photo: Cribs with fences in a modern style

An excellent solution for a modern children's room in white tones!

Custom-made furniture for a children's room: wardrobes for the attic and a chest of drawers that turns into a writing area

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In the photo: Custom-made furniture for a children's room with a workplace

A chic option for comfortable custom-made furniture, which implies an exclusive approach to the design of cabinets in the attic room.

How to choose lighting for a girl's bedroom

When thinking about how to decorate a bedroom , you should also choose the right lighting. There must be several light sources. Central lighting is best created with a pendant lamp. The main light should be bright, but diffused. Ideal models would be those equipped with adjustable cable length, which allows you to adjust the degree of light concentration.

Don't forget to pay attention to children's bedside lamps, the yellowish light of which will make it easier to fall asleep and increase the child's sense of security. Decorative sconces for children can become additional light sources. To ensure that all lighting points are consistent in style, it is worth choosing lamps from the same collection.

Children's room interior design styles: current fashion 2022–2023.

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In the photo: Interior design styles for a children's room in 2022

And at the end of our article, we will look at several of the most popular styles for decorating the interior of a white children's room. We will tell you which character and gender they are most suitable for in each specific case.

Modern style: practicality and convenience

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In the photo: Modern style in the interior design of a bright children's room

Modern style is universal, and with the help of decor you can add one or another mood to it. For example, a garland or glamorous curtains, mirror or textile trim, lighting or decorative pillows. It is suitable for children of any age and gender.

Neoclassical style: grace and romanticism

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In the photo: Neoclassicism in the interior design of a children's room

Neoclassicism is most popular among girls, but for boys you can also create a suitable interior in this style. But the similar English style, on the contrary, is more suitable for boys rather than girls. In any case, both styles imply an abundance of small details and decor, so they are suitable for neat and calm children.

Marine style: wanderlust and adventure

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In the photo: Marine style in the interior design of a bright children's room

The best solution for a creative boy who loves to read books and dream of traveling to other countries. The marine theme can be done in both blue and light blue palettes.

Modern girl's bedroom

It's always easier to decorate a bedroom if you have a theme in mind. Here are some bedroom themes to get you thinking about what you can include in your girl's room.

Black and white design

For a trendy bedroom look that is sure to grow with your child, black and white is perfect. To add an accent, choose bedding and wall decor with unique patterns or bright colors. They can be easily changed if the girl's interests change. Pink and purple add a pop of color to a black and white room.

Room layout and zoning issues

Zoning in the nursery

In order for the space to be harmonious and comfortable, it is optimal to divide it into several functional areas. This process in “smart” language is called zoning and involves the allocation in the room of: • a sleeping place; • study and work corner; • places for rest and games; • storage areas.

There's a place for everything

Practicality of materials

You need to make sure that light-colored materials are practical. This means that when painting walls white, the paint may peel off, crack, and may have little pigment.

The final result directly depends on quality materials. Good paint will not be erased by wet cleaning of the walls, and it is also necessary to choose a composition so that dirt can be easily washed off.

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