How to design a corner - 20 ideas for its rational use

Rational organization of space implies thoughtful functionality and decor of corners in the apartment. But in any house there are not only internal and external corners that must be properly protected from mechanical stress and destruction. In a small apartment with a standard layout, it is important to think through the arrangement of all corners so that every square meter is endowed with useful functionality.

Great idea for saving space

This is a collage of paintings you can make in your apartment

It is best to decorate corners in an apartment with flexible stone

Indoor flowers

Buy a stylish vertical flower stand and place it in an empty corner of the room. This way you can make your home more comfortable and at the same time solve the problem of plant placement. This option is suitable for the kitchen, living room or bedroom. Place the stand on the sunny side or use additional lighting sources.

Impeccable scenery

An architectural feature that seems inconvenient at first glance can be used for decoration.

Just look how many cute and tempting details can be installed in this corner, at the sight of which your guests will look at the fascinating composition with emotion.

Attract attention with objects of varying heights

Do you like to read and at the same time escape from all your worries? Relax with your favorite activity in a private space equipped with a plush chair, coffee table and adjustable light.


Corner shelving

If you place souvenirs and photographs on the shelves of the corner rack, it will become a decorative element of the interior. If you decide to store books, kitchen utensils, shoes, accessories or other useful items in the rack, then the furniture will be a practical part of the decor. For this reason, a corner shelving unit is suitable for any room.

Design options for an empty corner

If you don’t want to clutter the space with furniture, but want to leave it empty, then you need to know how to decorate a corner in the room? For this purpose, decorative objects are used that are mounted on the wall. So, you can hang on the walls:

  • reproductions of paintings by great artists or original paintings by urban artists;
  • your portrait;
  • beautiful pictures;
  • objects of art, decorative plates;
  • decorative animal heads or horns.


You can place a small pouf in the corner of the living room, bedroom or hallway. Such furniture will look best in a small room. You can hang a lamp, painting or other decorative element nearby.

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In the bedroom

Double head bed

If your bed is in a corner, then make a double headboard. This is also practical, because while sleeping, the soft back will prevent you from accidentally hitting your knee on the wall, and it looks more symmetrical and beautiful.

Table or nightstand

A small table or bedside table placed in the corner near the bed is a convenient place to put the watch or earrings you took off before going to bed, as well as your phone with the alarm on, a glass of water and a book you read before bed.

Floor lamp

An additional light source will never be superfluous, especially if we are talking about a large space. In addition, the soft light of a floor lamp will add more coziness to your home. It is best to place an additional lighting fixture in the living room, but if desired, you can choose a suitable model for the bedroom.

Creative atmosphere

Some hallways are so spacious that you will have to select many more items to create a proportional interior design.

For this project, an interesting style was chosen that demonstrates the preferences of the homeowners.

A piano can also decorate a room

Play with shapes and sizes

We have already mentioned a similar option above; although there is less space here, the design is arranged in a harmonious manner.

Stunning decor

Pets' corner

A fish tank or bird cage can also be a good option to fill an empty corner. The size of the “living corner” is best selected taking into account the area of ​​the room: the smaller the room, the smaller the aquarium or cage should be. In addition, it is better to place birds in a corner with good lighting.

Stylish console

The optimal option with a curved table will allow you to comfortably and attractively arrange an awkward corner.

Such an attractive piece of furniture will serve you as a stand for keys or mail.

Wonderful design of free space

In a small hallway it is strictly forbidden to place large furniture, or furniture that is too rough and massive.

The ideal installation would be one that has a thin or transparent frame.

Accessory shelves with a sleek design

Functional items

For any room in the house, you can choose furniture that will not just occupy empty space, but perform some useful function. For example, in the bathroom you should use a corner laundry basket; for the bedroom, a floor hanger is suitable. Use an umbrella stand in the hallway, and stacked stools for guests in the kitchen. Of course, these are not all the practical ways to use corners in an apartment.

You can come up with many different ideas to tastefully fill empty corners. Take the options described in this article as a basis and create your own bright interior.


What to do with a protruding corner

Pistol-shaped rooms and L-shaped corridors are defective architecture, and they occur quite often. I understand that an apartment can have many other advantages, but then the question arises, what to do with the protruding corner? How to make it indestructible? Often this problem arises precisely in the corridor, when a person touches a corner while passing by. Or you have an unframed opening in your apartment. After a few years, such a protruding corner (in architecture it is called a “crest”) becomes dirty and frayed.

What can be done to protect the protruding corner? I have grouped several solutions.


The very first thing you will find on the Internet as an example are decorative bricks.

Source: Yandex Pictures

Yes, they are very wear-resistant. But I would rather see a shabby corner than such a nightmare.

You can also install various types of overhead pilasters at the corners. This can be done if you have a classic interior.


The result of such protection depends on the material of the pilasters. It’s good if they are made in a carpentry workshop or made of natural stone. If you take polyurethane, then in five years it will look no better than wallpaper. But repainting two pilasters is easier than re-pasting wallpaper.

The next obvious solution is a plastic or metal corner. They are used in economy class interiors. They look cheap and cost the same. I won’t give an example, I think everyone has seen such corners.

Chamfer and radius

Corner wear increases when it is 90 degrees or less. You can replace the corner with a radius or chamfer it to make two shallower corners.

Rounded corners are used less frequently.


This angle is actually more wear-resistant and is less likely to be touched during passage. But not all builders can accurately create a rounded corner during repairs. Here the “most dangerous” area, subject to severe wear and tear, is made of hard material, most likely painted MDF. A very practical solution.


A room with a usenk can be rolled up in liquid wallpaper. They can be easily restored on a separate section of the wall. But liquid wallpaper has the same drawback as decorative bricks - they are terrible. This option is more suitable for offices and public spaces.

An option on the theme of reusable wallpaper is paintable wallpaper. But touching up the corner separately will be problematic. Fresh paint will look different from paint that has been on the wall for five years. The entire wall will have to be repainted.

If we are already talking about wear-resistant materials, then in such a walk-through area I would personally use Wall&Deco wallpaper. They have a special series for bathrooms. These are dense glass wallpapers, which are additionally coated with two layers of varnish. They are so durable that they can be used in the shower instead of tiles.


Yes, this thing is not cheap, but if you compare them with MDF panels, I think the price will be comparable.

Warning signs

You can also keep the wall clean using the psychology of perception. If a person does not touch the wall, then he will not be able to stain it. Here is an example of using acrylic tiles.


If you accidentally hit this tile, it will not break. Yes, it’s not on the very corner, but psychology is at work here. When a person walks, thinking about his own affairs, he can bump into a pure white wall with his shoulder. But when there is a mirror on the wall, he will subconsciously stay away from it.

Another psychological technique for keeping a person at a distance from the wall is the use of surfaces of different textures. The famous architect Uborevich-Borovsky placed large crushed stone under the stairs in his project.


Thus, a person looking at his phone will never hit the stairs. He will feel that the surface has changed under his feet and will stop. In the same way, road services apply protruding markings on the road from the edge of the road. And if the driver accidentally starts to move off the road to the side of the road, his steering wheel will start to shake, and he will feel it. Of course, this technique is only suitable for large spaces.

Obstacle course

Another solution to keep a person away from the corner is an object standing in their way.


Overhead or mortise shelves serve the same purpose.



A variant on the theme “Didn’t touch, didn’t dirty” is an art object located on the corner.


The disadvantage of this example is its seasonality. If it is possible to come up with something more universal and all-season, it will be better.

It’s better to completely avoid protruding corners

In the vast majority of cases, it is easier to get rid of a corner than to design it. To do this, in the place where there is a protruding corner, you need to make an opening, conditionally dividing the L-shaped space into 2 rectangles.

I always try to use this principle in my projects.

This is aesthetically pleasing, and it’s easier to install suspended ceilings when each room is a regular rectangle. You can make a frame like in this example:


And if we refuse such a transition, then in the place indicated by the arrow, we will get the very corner that people will wipe and dirty as they pass.

There are plenty of options for how to protect a protruding corner, and you can come up with more. But I would recommend coming to terms with the fact that every 5-7 years you need to make repairs. No matter how damage-resistant the interior you make, it will still need to be updated.

If you decide to change something, then one-time consultations will help you.

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April 6, 2020

Designer things, Interior design examples, Interior design tips

designer stuff, Design Ideas, Lifehack, My articles, finishing materials, Interior designer projects, Interior design tips, Modern interior design, Modern apartment design, Construction and renovation, subtleties of design, Feng Shui

Recommendations and tips

The corner hallway furniture is striking in its diversity, so before you run to the store and choose a wall or cabinet, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following tips.

  • Pre-measure the available space, put on a plan or drawing all the nuances and features of the apartment layout, the location of the doors;
  • Decide on the final configuration, down to the required number of shelves and hangers, so that in the future you will have enough space and eliminate inconvenient or unused compartments in advance;
  • Do not skimp on material, as the strength and service life of the structure depend on it. It is better to give preference to natural wood, laminated or covered with wood veneer MDF and chipboard;
  • Select furniture in accordance with the color scheme and texture of the overall interior;
  • Balance the massiveness of the furniture with the dimensions of the available space, since if there are no windows in the corridor it will be difficult to create the illusion of expanded space;
  • The presence of rounded shelves on the side walls will make it possible to store small items: gloves, keys, sunglasses, etc.

It’s worth taking one look at the photographs of the corner hallway used in the interior to understand all the strengths of this model.

Of course, compactness, convenience, and lightness of design come to the fore, which makes the “L”-shaped options the most successful and versatile.

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The decor of the hallway should in every possible way support the style of the interior. Decorative elements often help hide imperfections and mask finishing errors.

How to hide the shield?

The presence of an electrical panel in the hallway reduces the effect of the most elegant design solutions, so disguising this prosaic object becomes a matter of principle.

To solve this problem, you can:

Equip the swing door with a mirror in a beautiful frame.

  • Decorate the door with the material from which the hallway is made (laminate, veneer).
  • Install a closet or dressing room nearby. Sliding doors of storage systems will hide the shield from view without restricting access to the device.
  • Decorate the door with a mosaic or tile pattern.
  • Equip the door with a key holder.

Which picture should I hang?

Decorating a hallway with paintings is always a trendy decor option. Designers give preference to abstractions, natural landscapes and avant-garde images. In modern hallways you can often find printed images - posters. Their design in the form of panels looks especially original.

Modular paintings are another opportunity to diversify the interior of the entrance area. The popularity of images formed by several sectors with separate parts of the overall picture is due to their neutrality. You need to try very hard to ensure that the modular painting causes an imbalance in the interior.

Living room-hallway

The decor used in the living room, combined with the hallway, performs two functions: it decorates the living space and serves as a zoning element. To unobtrusively mark the visual boundary between the entrance area and the relaxation segment, it is enough to use a half-meter vase, floor sculpture, photo collage or composition of paintings.

Organic motives

For small and narrow hallways, massive furniture is not recommended; it is better to opt for simple but original ideas, decorative and interior items that will be practical and attractive.

Sculptural Accents

Whatever the layout of your hallway, even the most inconvenient corners can be presented as individual features.

Often it is non-standard solutions that can radically change the image, give you the opportunity to dream up and make bold decisions.

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