Brown wallpaper in a timely interior: 80 photos of wall designs for different rooms

A special feature of the brown shade is the ability to perform several functions in the interior at once: with the right choice of tone, such wallpaper can serve as an accent wallpaper, lighten or, conversely, darken the room, create contrast and transform the space .
Photos of brown wallpaper in interiors, as well as information about some of the features of this room design will allow you to create an equally stylish design in your own home.

However, despite such significant advantages of this shade, brown wallpaper in the interior has always been used with caution. A dark shade in your room can cause a bad mood and well-being, but with the right design of the walls, such wallpaper, on the contrary, will serve as a source of comfort and harmony. We invite you to figure out with us how to advantageously emphasize such effects.

Room with brown canvases

Most people believe that chocolate color is dull and a room decorated this way will certainly be gloomy. However, if you combine brown wallpaper with light furniture, you can get a harmonious atmosphere.

For deep color, it is enough to choose the “ideal friend” and the interior will turn out incomparably beautiful.

Photo gallery

Few rooms are complete without the use of chocolate color. Thanks to its versatility, it easily replaces the gray, black or dark blue that many are accustomed to. It is not necessary to take it as a basis, but it would be good to choose at least small details (be it pieces of furniture, curtains, a chandelier or flooring) in this color. Using the recommendations of experts and looking at photos of interesting design ideas, you can find the right combination and arrange a cozy space.

Combination with white

This combination can be considered the most ideal. With such a union, snow-white will expand the room and visually increase its space. When decorating in such colors, you need to add a little variety, in the form of colorful details, to avoid the dullness of the interior.

For small rooms, feel free to choose white and brown wallpaper, they will visually increase the size of the space, and the room will look much more spacious.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we systematize all the advantages of an interior in cocoa color, we get the following list:

  • this shade has a calming effect;
  • there is no addiction to it;
  • cocoa-tone paint creates the impression of living nature;
  • chocolate tone is suitable for the rooms of any family member, both grandfather and grandson;
  • it promotes the production of endorphins, improves mood;
  • harmonizes with many other colors, but takes on a dominant role;
  • gives the environment a finished look.

Comfort and warmth are the main advantages of color

Color also has certain disadvantages. These include:

  • the color is not suitable for people on a diet that excludes sweets;
  • if the owner does not have a love for chocolate, it is better not to use this shade;
  • color visually reduces space, so it should not be used in small rooms.

Union with pastel shades

To create a warm and relaxed interior, choose this combination. This union is perfect for a living room or bedroom. In the hall, designers successfully practice the technique of accentuation. This is when coffee wallpaper is glued to only one wall, and the other three walls are decorated in pastel shades. Bright decorative items will fit perfectly into such an interior.

A rich bedroom decoration can be created using chocolate colors or with gold motifs. Beige and brown wallpaper will make your apartment warm and welcoming.


According to generally accepted rules, there should be a contrast between the wall and the door. But modern trends today allow any variations.

Therefore, the decision remains with the owner of the premises. If desired, the doors and walls in the house can be made in a single palette.

Blue notes

The combination of these colors will make the room cold and dark. This design solution is suitable for rooms located on the south side.

For a children's bedroom you should not use a lot of brown; here you can and should add blue. For example, the playing area can be highlighted in blue.

Milk chocolate

Regardless of the chosen stylistic direction, the “chocolate” living room will be filled with warmth and comfort.

Duet golden and brown

Designers consider this union to be the most sophisticated and chic. These colors complement each other. In the sunlight, the walls shimmer with gold. Using this combination, you can emphasize the wealth and status of the homeowners.

Yellow wallpaper goes well with brown. Using this combination you can create a beautiful room with a cozy atmosphere.

Combination with green

Such a combination can be considered natural, close to natural materials. Indeed, in nature you can often see such a tandem. Coffee cloths with green inserts will help create an atmosphere of naturalness.

Features of using these shades

Shades of brown have different intensities. Therefore, there are quite a few alternatives for its use. When using brown wallpaper in the interior, you need to pay attention to some features:

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  • Rich chocolate, without sufficient lighting, it seems dull and gloomy.
  • When choosing dark wallpaper, you need to choose higher quality models. They retain their appearance longer and are more resistant to mechanical damage.
  • To create such an interior, it is imperative to use bright accents.
  • In a large room, use dark brown wallpaper. In tiny rooms, give preference to light brown wallpaper.
  • Massive patterns should be used only on one wall. A large drawing can greatly “saturate” and overload the room.
  • Beige or white-cream furniture is perfect for chocolate canvases.

Advice from psychologists

Many professional psychologists claim that coffee-colored wallpaper stabilizes the nervous system. Such a welcoming space allows people to talk and discuss pressing issues.

Considering that the milk line assumes the absence of cold shades, the winter period is characterized by a warmer environment. In addition, the absence of pressure on the psychological state allows you to completely relax. Inside, the coffee palette is often called chocolate. And, as you know, this particular product is the best antidepressant.

Main aspects of using the coffee line:

  • A room decorated in coffee tones allows you to forget about your worries for a while. Such an interior does not have a painful effect on the guests - the owners, in turn, are committed to intellectual and creative work. Therefore, such a popular color scheme is often found in workshops.
  • Brown wallpaper will be useful for people leading an active lifestyle, because they need a corner of the house where they can truly retire and relax.
  • Previously, coffee shades were used in palaces where aristocratic nobility lived. Therefore, they were recognized as elite and privileged. Decorating the room with chocolate shades significantly adds solidity to the room. This effect can be enhanced with the help of expensive furniture made of quality wood and genuine leather.

Wall color with brown furniture

Chocolate-colored furniture goes well with brown fabrics if you add a few other colors to the room. Green, yellow or cream decorative elements will do this perfectly.

Chestnut-colored furniture harmoniously combines:

  • A pale gray color will bring austerity to the interior and can slightly expand the space.
  • Milky shades also visually increase the space and add softness to the room.
  • The color of coffee with milk will help add a romantic mood and create a cozy interior.
  • A unique and stylish home can be achieved with golden shades.

A large number of photos of brown wallpaper in the interior can be seen in the portfolio of any designer. The noble color can be used to decorate a room in any style. Don't be afraid to make bold decisions when creating the style of your home.

Photos in various styles

Brown wallpaper will be an excellent solution for rooms designed in certain styles.


For decoration, expensive wallpaper with ornaments and designer patterns is used, which emphasize the luxury and richness of the room.


Natural shades such as light beige or pale brown would be appropriate here. Delicate colors create the homeliness and warmth inherent in Provence.


You can decorate with wallpaper with a glossy or embossed surface, or combine several materials. In this style, chocolate wallpaper will look especially impressive.

The photo shows a modern-style living room with chocolate wallpaper.


This style is characterized by a monochromatic design using a cool color scheme. The basis for wall decoration is a concrete surface or bare brickwork. Therefore, brick-like wallpaper is more appropriate here than ever.

The photo shows a loft-style bedroom with wood-look wallpaper on the wall.


Involves the use of a limited number of ornaments and patterns. The most commonly used are plain wallpapers in white, gray or black. But the most traditional would be a combination of white or beige and brown.

Eco style

Eco-style uses natural surfaces. The colors that are closest to natural textures emphasize naturalness the most. Beige or brown work best to resemble wood textures when creating a background space.

The photo shows a living room with dark brown wallpaper.

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