Examples of interior design in the parents' room

The layout and size of apartments do not always allow for a separate room for the baby. In this case, an affordable option is to combine an adult bedroom and a children's room.

For the first few months or even years of the baby’s life, the children’s room is combined with the parents’ bedroom.

Design features of the parents' room

It is difficult to achieve correct zoning in a bedroom with two beds for children and spouses so that everything fits harmoniously. Before dividing the area, you need to think through several options for the future interior.

Of the different options for combining rooms on the same territory, this is the most common. Especially for families with small children.

Parents' room with a child

It is advisable to divide the space in such a way that it can be easily transformed at the right time into relaxation and reception areas. There should not be a TV or computer in the room where the child sleeps. Move them, for example, to the kitchen to eliminate the negative impact on the child’s health.

Important. There is no need to make zoning if the apartment has more than one room, and the child is expected to spend only a few months in the parents' bedroom. In this case, you should not install structures and radically change the interior.

What design to choose for a bedroom with a crib

When choosing an interior design, you need to make sure that it is cozy, comfortable, safe and as functional as possible. Zoning a children's room is a responsible task.

When choosing a style, it is best to give preference to Provence, country, Scandinavian or classic. They are most suitable for decorating a children's bedroom, as they are distinguished by a calm color scheme, the presence of natural textiles, etc.

The bedroom and children's room should be made in the same style. You can create an accent using a color scheme, highlighting areas with different colors.

Ways to zone space in the parents' room

A variety of materials helps to divide any space into zones for children and adults. By showing practicality and a little imagination, each residential square can be used to its maximum benefit. The main purpose of zoning is to create boundaries for more comfortable living.

To ensure a comfortable existence for both adults and children in the same room, it is necessary to carefully consider the design of the room.


One of the most inexpensive ways to zone a room is a screen. You can either purchase it in a store or make it yourself. The screen is a frame on wheels, which is covered with fabric or other suitable elements. Due to its light weight, the design is ideal for rented apartments, as well as for families who often change their place of residence. Compact partitions can be folded and moved to another location at any time.

A small child does not yet require a large space or numerous furniture for a comfortable existence.


If the apartment is small, then at the same time this method of zoning solves the problem of storing things. The room will become much more spacious if you put little-used wardrobe or decorative items in your closet for the day. On the back side of such a cabinet you can build functional shelves. In this way, the room for parents and children will be more multifunctional.

Due to frequent feeding, the young mother often has to get up to her baby at night. It will be easier and more convenient to do this when the baby’s crib is nearby.

other methods

To ensure zoning of the room between parents and baby, you can use thick curtains, which, when closed after dark, make it possible to clearly separate the room.

Small apartments do not always allow for a separate room for a child, especially if there are several children in the house.


Lighting that is dimmable is preferred. There are several light sources - a central ceiling lamp, local lighting for each zone, decorative lighting. The brightest light is placed above the work area - this will be a table lamp, a lamp on a special rail. The sleeping area is illuminated by a diffused light flux, but if you are supposed to read here, you need bright lighting - a sconce or a floor lamp, there can be two of them, one on each side of the bed. A makeup mirror is often illuminated with LEDs around the perimeter or with a special lamp. The wardrobe also has an individual light source - built into the closet or located nearby. Light can highlight individual decorative items - paintings, figurines, stucco moldings. An LED strip along the baseboard will prevent you from bumping into corners if you need to get up at night.

Room finishing options

If there are several windows and doors in the room, the task of zoning becomes a little more difficult. In such a situation, you can divide the space using designer ceiling designs.

More original and interesting options include installing a podium or multi-level ceiling to highlight a specific area.

Ceiling finishing

Most often, plasterboard structures, paints of different colors and the original location of light sources are used. For example, one of the areas can be highlighted with spotlights, and in another part of the room you can simply hang a chandelier.

The choice of a suitable design and redevelopment option directly depends on the square footage of the room.

Allows you to create an interesting design and multi-level ceiling: if you make its shape unusual - semicircular, winding, the bedroom will visually change its boundaries, become more interesting and elegant, and the curves of the ceiling will serve as a means of dividing into zones.

In a one-room apartment, in addition to the bedroom and children's room, you can also leave a small space for the living room.

Attention! All materials purchased for repairs must be as natural as possible and do not contain toxic substances. An ecological children's bedroom is the key to a child's health!

Wall decoration

If the bedroom is combined for two adults and children, it is recommended to cover the walls with paper or non-woven wallpaper. They are environmentally friendly, made from natural raw materials.

A small bedroom requires the most careful design development.

The bedroom walls should be unobtrusive or in neutral colors - shades of beige, pink, light gray, cream. The color of the walls in the interior of a room for a young couple and in a baby’s corner room may differ. Alternatively, you can organize two parts of the room in light colors, but in different shades. Or highlight the wall next to the bed with a different color.

Particular attention should be paid to the color scheme and the presence of decorative ornaments.

The walls don't have to be plain. They can be decorated with illustrations of fairy-tale or cartoon characters.

Floor finishing

Since kids spend quite a lot of time playing on the floor, it is advisable that it be warm. You can place a small rug on the floor, using it as an additional place for children to play.

Light colors in decoration and decoration will help to visually expand a small room.

Constructive separation

This can be either a wall that creates a niche, or a special structure that divides the room into two parts. From a convenience point of view, constructive separation is the most ideal option, since you can get almost a separate room within a room. If the layout allows, then the simplest solution would be to add sliding doors. The main thing is to think about ventilation and lighting in the bedroom area, otherwise the room will turn out stuffy and dark.

While the child is small, glass doors are quite suitable. They do not visually reduce the space, retain light, but at the same time perform their dividing function well. But it is likely that traces of children's palms will always remain on them.

Alternatively, you can combine glass doors with curtains. Then during the day you will have a large common space, and if necessary, it can be easily zoned. Many are afraid to place their children in such a separate area, they say, they will feel almost isolated. In fact, children are simply delighted when they have a completely private space. Therefore, who will sit behind the glass doors - parents or a child - should be decided only for reasons of practicality.

The technique of constructing a special podium under the bed, which can be separated from the rest of the space with curtains, also works great. During the day, such a bed can turn into a play corner. Therefore, it is ideal to provide in one design not only a sleeping place, but also places to store toys and books.

Having made such a design for a child, the parents themselves can sit on a large wide sofa. This way you get the effect of a maximum functional one-room apartment. By the way, to add additional space, you can use a balcony where you can organize a play area (observing all safety measures, of course) or a work area.

Choosing furniture for the parents' room

A combined bedroom for parents and children is a good solution if zoning is done correctly. Try to get rid of unnecessary furniture and make the room as spacious as possible.

The selection and arrangement of furniture should be carried out in such a way that there is enough space in the room for a comfortable pastime.

It is best to select furniture for such a room in the same colors. Since during zoning the room is significantly reduced, the furniture should be as functional as possible.

It is recommended to install the parents' bed in accordance with the following rules:

  • dividing the room into several zones should not completely block access to the parents’ bed;
  • Each sleeping place must have one meter of free space for free movement.

When choosing furniture for both the bedroom and the nursery, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  • It is better to replace rather bulky wardrobes with doors that open outwards with an elegant and spacious wardrobe up to the ceiling;
  • if your budget allows, it is better to purchase transformable furniture, which not only performs several functions at the same time, but also significantly saves precious meters.

If possible, pieces of furniture should be designed in light colors.

Stylistic design

The photo shows rooms decorated in different styles, and it is better to think over a single design and keep the interior in one direction so as not to create a feeling of overload and imbalance.

It is not easy to choose a style that parents and young residents will like, so consider neutral directions or those that combine different features:

  • Minimalism is only the necessary interior elements and a minimum of details. Free space and the absence of unnecessary components are a good solution for a shared bedroom.
  • Eco-style involves the use of natural or imitating materials and natural shades. This is a good option for a young family with a baby.
  • Classic – discreet design, symmetry, clear lines and simple shapes.
  • Eclecticism is a mixture of different styles and combining them according to common features. A creative family will appreciate this direction.
  • Pop art is a modern, youthful and bright style that is suitable for a teenager and “advanced” father and mother.
  • Provence is a romantic direction that involves the use of white and lilac colors, one-layer painting, light textiles, and flowers for decoration.

Choosing furniture for children

If the baby is a newborn, at first he only needs a crib and a locker for storing things. But in a year the baby will be actively developing, which means he will need a small children's table for drawing and other activities, free space on the floor with a warm and comfortable rug for a variety of games. Later, you can install a small wall bars to introduce your baby to sports.

The largest item in the room is the bed, so first allocate a place for it

Correct placement

A parent's bed with a headboard on the wall and a crib by the window is the best combination for arranging bedroom furniture.

The baby's sleeping place can be placed in the corner near the adult's bed. It is best if this is the farthest corner from the door so that extraneous noise does not interfere with the child’s sleep. If you choose a corner near the door, watch out for drafts.

Typically, the head of the bed is located against the wall, and the sleeping place protrudes towards the middle of the room.

When looking for the ideal furniture layout plan for zoning, it is important to take into account the age and gender of the children and their hobbies. Furniture and its components should be as functional and practical as possible. If the room is intended for parents and two children, it is advisable to purchase compact and functional bunk beds.

There should be no heating devices or radiators nearby. Dry hot air is harmful to the baby.

Style decision

For a zoned room, you can use any interior style if it is possible to harmoniously implement it with the help of decoration, furniture and accessories.

You should experiment with combining styles carefully, otherwise there is a risk that the room will be too overloaded. You need to clearly decide on the direction: classic, modern style, country style. Next, fill the room with appropriate elements.

Selecting a children's area using a stretch ceiling

Decorative and textile elements

A combined room for adults and children should be beautiful and cozy. Light organza curtains and Roman blinds will help create comfort - they will visually expand the room.

Family photographs on the walls will unite two zones - the parents’ bedroom and the children’s corner. The baby’s space can be diversified with his favorite baby characters, letters, large inscriptions or an unusual night light.

The crib should not be located near a TV or computer. Noise, bright light, radiation will not benefit the child.

There should not be a lot of decorative elements so as not to overload the limited space of the bedroom.

On a note. When thinking about the design of a room for adults and children, do not use small parts and elements; corners should be rounded or protected.

Do not clutter the space with a large number of cabinets, shelves, chests of drawers and cabinets. Each piece of furniture should be used to the maximum.

Photos of room interior ideas for parents:

The photo gallery presents original photos of the bedroom for the design of the spouses' room. These projects will help you visualize your renovation wishes and inspire you - you can turn your seemingly cramped apartment into a cozy family nest.

Thoughtful design and zoning of a bedroom for a young couple will help parents and children create separate rooms for a fulfilling family life.

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