Bedroom interior design from A to Z: from design project to decor

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Popular bedroom interior design styles, photos of which inspire the creation of coziness, are distinguished by the variety and originality of ideas.

What is a design project and where to get one?

Bedroom renovation, first of all, is recommended to start with the development of a design project. You can either order it from professionals or do it yourself.

Design projects are of two types:

  • standard;
  • full.

The standard one necessarily includes a sketch and a project. When developing them, the designer takes into account the shape and size of the room, its illumination, ceiling height, non-standard elements of the room, for example, a niche, bay window, access to a loggia or balcony, etc. The sketch also includes types of finishing materials, colors for decoration, and furnishings.

The project includes detailed drawings, a visual display of the final result in 3D format, developed in special programs.

A complete design project implies a thorough description of all interior elements. This includes:

  • a list of specific finishing materials indicating the name, brand and article number;
  • furniture manufacturer and name of the set, model number and other data on specific pieces of furniture for purchase;
  • name of models of household appliances;
  • list of accessories, textiles.

Thus, the picture on the designer’s computer is completely translated into reality in all details, sometimes even down to the types of indoor plants.

Of course, you won’t be able to develop this type of design project yourself. But it is quite possible to draw a schematic drawing of the room, provide for the arrangement of furniture, and decide on the color scheme and types of finishes. Special tools will come to the rescue:

  • calculators;
  • free interior design programs;
  • free services for creating room design online.

You can get inspired by examples of bedroom interiors on specialized resources such as Pinterest and Instagram, as well as on our website.

Features of Country style

In contrast to Provence, the American country style is furnished with bulky, squat furniture made of stained wood.

You can see clear patterns, knots, cracks or abrasions on the wood. This fills the bedroom atmosphere with warmth and a light woody aroma.

Note: The surfaces of objects are also finished with wax. This preserves its appearance for a long time and makes it environmentally friendly.

Massive and slightly rough-looking models look squat and heavy. Therefore, to ensure that the interior is not overloaded, only the necessary items are installed in the room (bed, closet, chest of drawers, cabinets, etc.). If the dimensions allow, then you can install a dressing table or comfortable soft chairs there.

Bulky furniture for this style

Several wall finishing options

They can be:

  • covered with light paper wallpaper with a thick pattern;
  • covered with plaster;
  • covered with wooden panels or boards.

Wall paneling with wood panels

Warm colors

Textiles should be selected in warm shades (yellow, red). Rich shades of blue and green are also used. Bedspreads, curtains, pillowcases are sewn or purchased from:

  • striped fabrics;
  • in a cage;
  • or with a floral pattern.

Textiles with floral patterns

Tip A country-style bedroom will be made comfortable by soft natural rugs. They can be knitted from wool, woven from coarse natural fibers or woven from textile tapes. Natural skins, such as sheepskin, also look appropriate.


  • You won't need a lot of money for the arrangement.
  • The interior turns out to be environmentally friendly and comfortable.
  • Solid wood furniture has a long service life.


  • The interior is not particularly refined.
  • Doesn't fit well with modern technology.

Eco-friendly and comfortable style for your bedroom


Often a room serves several functions. For example, the bedroom may have a work corner, a reading area, or a crib. Sometimes the place to relax is in the living room and it is necessary to fence it off.

In order to zoning a room, designers offer the following options:

different colors;

separation of furniture items;

use of curtains;

creating a podium;

lighting and lighting play;

partitions, for example, made of plasterboard.

Tips for moms and dads

Parents know that children require increased attention from adults. This fully applies to furniture for a children's room. Having considered its various types, the choice must be made in favor of an option that is safe in all respects. However, you should not make a common mistake. Some parents become so focused on safety that they forget about a number of other important components.

First of all, we are talking about functional characteristics. A middle-class family needs furniture that allows them to store children's things, toys and other daily needed items. At the same time, it is important to remember that a sample of high-quality and safe in all respects children's furniture should have several compartments for long-term storage of things.

Useful tips given in the article will help you decorate your children's bedroom:

Other essential characteristics that must be present when decorating a children's room include:

  • no sharp corners - this design will reduce the likelihood of injury to the baby;
  • refusal of small decorative materials that the baby can swallow;
  • the presence of a spacious changing table;
  • bet on pastel colors.

Style and colors

The next step is to think about the style direction in which the room will be renovated. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the canons of a particular style. You can simply adopt some elements.

Combining ideas from different styles is also allowed, but this should be done with the participation of a professional designer to avoid mistakes.

The color of the room is selected depending on the direction of the world where the room is located. So, for a bedroom on the north side, warm shades and pastel colors are recommended: beige, brown, peach, yellow, etc.

For bedrooms on the south side, on the contrary, all sea and sky shades are perfect: blue, blue, green, emerald, gray and other cool colors. You can even use black, only in moderation and in harmonious combination with other tones.

Expert opinion

Irina Klimova

I am 29 years old. I'm an interior designer. I love my profession and have been doing this activity for more than 8 years. About 100 projects have been implemented. I provide professional advice.

By the way, if you want a white bedroom, be sure to combine it with bright colors, otherwise you risk getting a dull and faceless interior.

Historical style. Expensive Victorian bedroom for connoisseurs of luxury

The Victorian bedroom impresses with its spaciousness and rich decoration. This design is chosen by wealthy people who value sophistication in everything, as well as lush decor and soft shapes in the interior.

The splendor of historical style

Interior design in this style includes modeling, decorative patterns on furniture, textiles and walls, and is also distinguished by pretentiousness and pomp.

Four Poster Bed

Even if you are not attracted by voluminous stucco with patina and other exquisite decor in the bedroom interior, then a four-poster bed will definitely delight you. This detail makes the furniture cozy and the interior comfortable.

Comfortable bed in historical style

If you don’t want to put a canopy bed in your bedroom, then the style can be emphasized with beautiful curtains made of heavy fabric. This solution is good for arranging a medium-sized bedroom.

Expensive textiles

A bedspread and top pillows, as well as other textiles made from expensive fabric in a rich shade (burgundy, dark green, pink, etc.) would also look appropriate in a Victorian bedroom. They are decorated with embroidery with complex patterns of gold threads.

Rich green in the historical Empire style

Tip When choosing paint for walls, it is better to choose a light option. Bright colors do not allow you to relax.

Wall decoration and other features

If you want to create a relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom, then choose wallpaper with a light background for the walls. Options with complex plant patterns and thick curls look great.

Wall decoration with complex patterns

A massive low chest of drawers is suitable for such a bedroom. It is also used as a dressing table. To do this, hang a mirror in a carved wooden frame above the chest of drawers. relaxinfo

The interior is particularly luxurious due to its multi-level chandelier with crystal pendants and sconces.

Selection of furniture and its arrangement in the bedroom

Furniture is an important element of a harmonious interior. When choosing it, you should take into account texture, color, material, production features, functionality and dimensions.

The main element of furniture in the bedroom is the bed. Consumers are offered a huge variety of options for organizing a sleeping area.

So, in addition to traditional double beds, stores sell king-size and queen-size models with a wider sleeping bed.

Those who have the means can purchase a wrought-iron bed. It will become an elegant “highlight” of the bedroom interior.

A round or oval bed looks unusual.

If the room is small, a practical option would be a corner bed, a transforming model or a chair-bed.

A folding sofa instead of a bed is also quite appropriate.

In case guests arrive, you can keep an inflatable mattress, which quickly turns into a full-fledged place to sleep.

Other necessary pieces of furniture for the bedroom are a wardrobe for storing clothes and belongings, a chest of drawers, and bedside tables.

A dressing table is often installed in a woman's bedroom, where it is convenient to store cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, etc.

If space allows, the bedroom can accommodate an armchair, a desk, ottomans and banquettes, and a sofa.

Furniture arrangement techniques

When planning your bedroom, follow the basic rules that guide designers when creating the design of a room.
A symmetrical method - the bed is located in the middle of the room with the headboard facing the wall.
Identical bedside tables and lamps are placed on the sides end to end or at the same distance. If wall sconces are used, they should also be the same and hang at the same distance relative to the bed. You can hang a picture above the head of the sleeping bed strictly in the center. A closet should be placed opposite the bed.

The circular method is relevant for large rooms. In this case, the bed is placed in the center, and the rest of the furniture is placed around it.

The asymmetrical method is used in rooms with irregular layouts. The room is divided into conventional zones, according to the purpose of which the furniture is arranged. For example, a niche in the bedroom can be used for a built-in wardrobe or sofa.

Remember! A harmonious design does not tolerate overload with small details.

Design features in Provence style

French country style is done in cold, desaturated shades. This choice is justified by the location of the area where it originated. The south of France “delights” its residents with warmth and hot sun most of the year, so they built their houses from natural materials (wood, stone, clay, ceramics) and used light, cool shades for their decoration. This creates a comfortable, cool environment inside the room that relieves the heat.

Cool purple in Provence style

Light solid wood furniture is used for furnishing. Bedroom furniture in such spaces is often painted white or a muted light color. It is made of solid birch, ash, and other wood. Has carved legs. The wooden headboard and foot of the bed are decorated with plank milling or paneling.

There are also metal models with forged elements. The wardrobe, chest of drawers, preening table, rocking chair with a simple design and squatness combine harmoniously with each other.

The combination of all furniture in one style

Textiles are only natural

Notable for the Provence style is textiles made from natural fibers. Pillows of different sizes (from 2-5 pieces) with pillowcases made of thin woven lace and chintz with small floral patterns are laid out on the bed. The bedspread is made from scraps or natural fabric with a thick floral pattern.

Curtains for the bedroom are chosen from light textiles with dense floral patterns . They are decorated along the edge with a contrasting plain or lantern ruffle. For convenience, wide tiebacks are used on the sides, sewn from the same fabric as the ruffles.

A lot of pillows are inherent in this style

Light plastered walls and floors

The walls are covered with white plaster or light paint. Wallpaper is rarely used for decoration. If the dimensions allow, then the walls can be decorated with glazed brick masonry or plaster, and also create abrasions and decorative cracks there.

The floor can be tiled. In apartments of multi-storey buildings, it is worth using a heating system for this solution, so that the bedroom is more cozy and comfortable in the off-season. The style is characterized by white wooden doors and window frames.

Plaster on the walls, tiles on the floor

Window decoration is an important element of bedroom design

Depending on how the window is designed, the room may appear visually either larger or smaller. A universal solution is white frames.

The color and design of the curtains should be combined with the overall styling concept.

If it so happens that there is no window in the bedroom, you need to think more carefully about the lighting. Perhaps stick photo wallpaper with a pseudo-window on one of the walls.

Expert opinion

Elizaveta Savchenko

He knows everything about fashion trends in the color choice of curtains, and also skillfully selects the appropriate fabric for such an important piece of furniture. She successfully graduated from the design department, and then found her calling in consulting in a curtain salon, and now helps people make their apartments more comfortable.

If the bedroom faces the sunny side, it is better to hang curtains made of thick fabric. You can also use blackout curtains that completely absorb sunlight, or blinds or roller shutters.

Strict English style - for conservatives

If you want the interior to be elegant and slightly restrained, then you will like the English style. This design is chosen by people who do not like to change anything in life.

Features of the English style

  • Details in the interior are selected carefully.
  • Expensive natural materials are used for finishing.
  • The furniture installed is good quality and bulky.


The bedroom space should be distinguished by severity and grace at the same time. The walls of the room can be finished with wooden panels, as well as paper wallpaper of a single, discreet shade or with a small, dense pattern.

Strictness and grace in the English style

A large high bed made of dark wood can have a high headboard with carvings or be equipped with a canopy. A lot of pillows are laid out on top of a bedspread made of soft, pleasant-to-touch fabric. It is also appropriate to place woolen checkered blankets on it.

High large bed in the interior of the room

In addition to the bed, the bedroom can have bulky wooden chests of drawers, a wardrobe and bedside tables. It is important that they are made in the same color and match each other.


A fireplace will look harmonious in the interior; if there is no opportunity (or desire) to install a real one, then you can use bio- or electric fireplaces or make a fake fireplace.

Electric fireplace in English style

To summarize everything written above, it is worth recalling that comfort in the bedroom is often created from cute details. They are the ones who emphasize the style and fill the atmosphere with warmth. But in the process of finishing and selecting these details, the main thing to remember is that they must please you and bring you pleasure.

Women's and men's bedroom

When creating a bedroom design, the gender of the residents is taken into account. If the room is not intended for a married couple, but only for a girl or a man, the furnishings must be appropriate.

For a women's bedroom, Provence, shabby chic, country, oriental, London, and vintage styles are perfect. Finishing is preferable in light colors.

It is important to pay attention to the decor here. Paintings, photographs, various figurines and trinkets, indoor flowers, an openwork bedspread and hand-made pillows will add variety and show the character and tastes of the owner of the room.

The men's bedroom is usually decorated in dark colors. For its design, styles such as loft, hi-tech, techno, minimalism, baroque, Japanese, and chalet are used. The decor is not used at all or to a minimum.

Furniture most often purchased is modern, practical, functional, and at the same time only the most necessary - a bed, a wardrobe, a table.

Minimalism. A universal solution for small apartments

Minimalism is a fairly popular style. It is chosen by people who do not like excesses and do not accumulate things.

Comfortable and versatile minimalism

Minimalist interiors are laconic and modern in appearance. No unnecessary parts are used for their arrangement. All elements are distinguished by the absence of complex decor and functionality. They are not decorated with rich decoration, carvings, paintings or complex multi-color designs. In the interior there are monochromatic colors and colors that are in harmony with each other.

Cozy bedroom without decor

There is no one style. For a bedroom with a laconic, minimalist design, the base is chosen, and this can be:

  • eastern (Japanese, Chinese);
  • modern (high-tech, loft);
  • traditional (classical, English, French) style.

The basis of the minimalist style is hi-tech

Bedroom minimalistic style

Thus, in the bedroom, low beds are often installed on a podium, and it is important that, like other pieces of functional furniture, it blends in color with the walls. The choice is not bulky, but light-looking furniture without carvings or patterns.

Furniture without carvings or patterns

Advice If you choose a bed with a headboard, then order models with smooth leather or substitute upholstery. The color of the material should match the color of the curtains or carpeting.

Instead of bulky wardrobes, closed modular sets are installed in the bedroom. In addition to the bed and wardrobe, the interior can be complemented with nightstands and cute decor. If the design is based on classics, then the lighting fixtures and accessories used are the same as in a classic interior. Multi-arm chandeliers with lampshades or shades, candlesticks, antique figurines and paintings.

If the bedroom is made in Japanese or Chinese style, then this interior is complemented with ethnic decor.

Custom bedroom layouts

Considering that most apartments have a small area or architectural features, such as niches, a bay window, an attic, increasingly these nuances have begun to be used when developing a bedroom design project. Let's look at some popular techniques.

Bedroom-living room

The optimal layout option for one-room apartments or studios. One room contains both an area for receiving guests and watching TV, and an area for sleeping and relaxing. For zoning, glass or plasterboard partitions, curtains, a closet or rack, and screens are used.

Bedroom with dressing room

Having a separate dressing room, even a small one, is the dream of many women. Modern interiors make it possible to make it a reality. To create a wardrobe in the bedroom, either special wardrobe systems are ordered, or niches, plasterboard partitions, or sliding doors are used.

Bedroom combined with a loggia (balcony)

If the technical plan of the house provides for the presence of a loggia in the apartment, that is, an outdoor room built into the building, enclosed on three sides by walls, then with permission and its insulation, it is possible to expand the area of ​​the bedroom.

You should understand the main difference between a loggia and a balcony. The loggia does not protrude beyond the façade of the house. For this reason, under no circumstances can a balcony be combined with an apartment and made residential.

The loggia combined with the room can be used as a greenhouse, a sports area or office, a corner for handicrafts or a workshop, or a place for games (for a children's bedroom).

Secrets of choosing colors

If the total area is small, the best solution would be to choose light colors. It is the bright bedroom in a modern style that remains a favorite at all times. And textiles will suffice as an additional color. If the result turns out to be too simple, it is better to add texture rather than additional shades.

If you choose one wall as an accent wall, it will be better if it is less busy (behind the TV or behind the bed).

Attic bedroom

A good option for placing sleeping places in a country house or in private houses and cottages is to use an attic. Just in case, let me clarify - this is an attic space under the roof. In a residential setting, it is often used to accommodate guests.

Well suited for such design trends as loft, Provence, chalet, eco-style.

Indoor light

Lighting in the bedroom should not be bright and should be installed in the form of large lamps. For a soft and comfortable stay in the bedroom, it is better to place spotlights, floor lamps and wall sconces.

If you think that there is still not enough light in the room, then use reflective patterns on the walls.

Minimalism in the bedroom is the trend of the year.

Shape and area of ​​the bedroom

When developing a bedroom design project, you must take into account its shape and size. The design of a narrow or square bedroom will be different, as there are many nuances in the design of such rooms.

The interior of small bedrooms with an area of ​​8-12 square meters will be different. m, large (14-20 m2) and huge with a square area of ​​over 25 square meters.

For example, for small bedrooms it is important to use light shades in the decoration, the presence of mirrors, and large spacious windows that let in a lot of light. All this visually expands the space.

Choosing curtains for a small room

Fabric decor in small rooms should not overload the room. Therefore, it is better to choose curtains or curtains in light colors and light textures. The style in which the room is decorated is of considerable importance. For high-tech, it is more appropriate to choose blinds; for minimalism, translucent tulle without a pattern is quite suitable, and short curtains made of light chintz will go well with Provence.

Tulle would be a great option for a small bedroom

The color of the curtains should be combined with all interior elements

See alsoBedroom design project: all stages from idea to independent implementation

Bedroom decor - important nuances

Depending on the chosen bedroom interior style, decorative elements are purchased.

Thus, Provence and country style are characterized by the presence of paintings on the walls, openwork napkins on the bedside tables and knitted bedspreads on the bed, vases with fresh flowers, figurines and souvenirs on the shelves.

For an antique or classic interior, you can use moldings. These are ready-made wall decorations, which are usually made in white. In the future, they can be painted and decorated.

Indoor plants, textile accessories, handmade crafts and souvenirs would be appropriate for each bedroom interior.

Choosing minimalism

In general terms, this is a fairly bright and necessarily spacious area, where each corner has its own functions. Basic rules of trend:

  • using the simplest possible furniture;
  • the use of laconic, and most importantly, restrained decorative elements;
  • in terms of textiles, the exclusion of heavy curtains and massive carpets;
  • performing the main finishing in one tone.

In the center of the room, of course, is a modern, high-quality bed.

Bedroom lighting

Proper, thoughtful lighting of a room for sleeping and relaxing plays a huge role in its interior, placing the necessary accents and creating the necessary mood.

Some design styles, for example, Provence, Scandinavian, minimalism, provide maximum natural light.

Such rooms should have large windows, often more than one. They are either left completely open without curtains, or thin tulles and light curtains made of loose materials are used.

Artificial lighting sources must be ergonomic, fit into the overall interior, and be placed in accordance with functional areas.

Thus, lighting fixtures are needed above the bed, at the dressing table, in the dressing room, and sometimes above the mirror.

Modern. Comfort for confident and creative people

The design of a bedroom made in the moderne style (from French “modern”) is the embodiment of the most practical, stylish and modern ideas in architecture, design, applied art and technology. It is very diverse and multifaceted, so it appeals to people with a subtle artistic taste who value beauty, practicality and discreet luxury.

Luxurious interior in Art Nouveau style

Characteristics of Art Nouveau style

  • To decorate the walls, ceiling and floor of the bedroom they use: wood, plastic, metal, composite materials, paper, etc.
  • Textiles and wall covering materials are distinguished by bright colors and original and asymmetrical patterns.
  • Colored stained glass windows are installed on the windows and door panels.
  • Furniture and other objects are distinguished by bizarre shapes and smooth lines. This deprives the furniture of everyday life and simplicity.
  • The interior also uses forged metal furniture or decorative elements (mirror frames, candlesticks, chandeliers).

Art Nouveau style in the bedroom interior

When arranging a modern bedroom, you need to carefully select every detail.


The style combines materials and forms that may seem completely opposite and incompatible, and allows you to create a cozy and comfortable interior.

Modern for a cozy bedroom


It is difficult to define the fine line between grace and bad taste. If you go too far with the decor, the bedroom will look untidy and cluttered.

Examples of successful and unsuccessful bedroom interiors

Armed with recommendations from designers and inspired by ideas, photographs from glossy magazines and the Internet, you can begin the renovation. But before that, it wouldn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with some successful and not so good examples of bedroom design in order to avoid common mistakes.

Large chandelier You should not hang a large chandelier in your bedroom. It is better to place several lamps in different areas for spot lighting.

Mirror opposite the bed

You should not place a mirror opposite the bed. Either place it so that sleepers are not reflected in it, or use a mobile mirror on wheels.

Empty walls

Empty walls evoke melancholy and sadness. It’s right to make one of the walls an accent, for example, by hanging photographs on it or painting it a different color.

Poor storage system

Cabinets hanging over your head will cause anxiety and discomfort. Consider a storage system so that the area above the head of the bed remains free.

Incorrect bed position

The entire interior can be ruined by the incorrect placement of the bed. You should think about its location in advance so that the sleeping bed is as far as possible from the doors.

Floor and ceiling decoration

With them everything is very simple: the floor is almost invisible from behind the bed, and a too sophisticated ceiling will attract attention. Therefore, matte stretch ceilings remain among the favorites (gloss will excessively reflect light, and everything else).

Choosing your favorite parquet or laminate should also not present any difficulties, because dark floors also look good in the bedroom.

Photo gallery - TOP of the most beautiful and stylish bedroom interiors in 2021

I offer you a selection of photos for inspiration with ideas for different bedroom designs that are popular now.

High-tech in the bedroom

This style is considered not very suitable for the bedroom: it involves the presence of bright colors, shiny surfaces, and metallic details. Agree, this is really not the most suitable environment for relaxation. But when did young people stop before such arguments: the interior turns out to be very dynamic, which appeals to the active part of society.

High-tech style in bedroom design

Roman or roller curtains are often used as curtains in such interiors. They are most in tune with the basic ideas of the style. The colors are mostly white, gray and brown. The abundance of light is very important. There just has to be a lot of it.

Youth bedroom in high-tech style

But shiny surfaces in the design of bedrooms are almost unbecoming even in this style. If there is, it is mainly on the ceiling, maybe in some finishing elements. If you allow some mixing of styles, you may get an interesting symbiosis, as in the photo below.

A bedroom with high-tech style elements does not look so cold. An even “softer” option

You can read how to place a bed correctly here.

Briefly about the main thing

And now the surprise promised at the beginning of the article. So that you don’t miss anything important when creating a design project for your bedroom, I have prepared a checklist for you. Download (right click and select "Save As...") and print it.

Friends, if you liked the material, do not skimp on the “likes”! This will give me an incentive to continue working and share useful information with you. When choosing furniture for your bedroom, always pay attention to the priority criteria - convenience, quality, aesthetics and price. Now you know that it is possible to purchase a good bedroom that meets all these criteria. The main thing is to approach the issue with interest and intelligence.

Share photos of your bedroom furniture in the comments below, and also ask any questions you have.

What materials to choose for finishing

There is complete freedom in choosing materials for finishing the bedroom. This is due to the fact that the humidity in the room is within normal limits, the influence of various factors, such as ultraviolet radiation, is minimized.

Decoration of a spacious bedroom.

The main thing you need to pay attention to is the composition of the materials. They must be safe and not contain toxic impurities.


In any bedroom, the floor should be the warmest. Therefore, carpet, parquet or laminate are most often used. In order not to hide the size of the room, you need to choose plain coverings, which then need to be laid out perpendicular to the window. It is advisable to choose a carpet in such a way that it covers the entire floor and does not cut up the space.


Unusual bedroom interior.
If you have a small bedroom, then pay attention to plain light walls. You can use painting, plaster or even the most common whitewash. Wallpaper, wood panels or cork would also be an excellent option. When choosing a loft style, decorate the brickwork in white tones.


The volume of the room depends entirely on the ceiling. Therefore, to visually increase the height of the room, use gloss. The ideal option would be if there is lighting under the ceiling along the perimeter of the bedroom. However, if it is not possible to make the ceiling completely glossy, you can frame a small section of reflective film in drywall.

Color combination in the bedroom.

Also today, various 3D drawings are gaining popularity. On the ceiling you can depict the starry sky, space. But it is better to exclude large elements, as this reduces the space.


The textiles used in the interior depend on the overall style of the bedroom. Despite this, avoid dark and large designs. For curtains, choose airy, light fabrics.

When choosing bed linen, choose plain and light-colored sets. And to make your sleep as comfortable as possible, take natural materials such as linen, cotton or silk.

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