Bedroom on the balcony - design and redevelopment from designers. Ready-made solutions for bedroom design on the balcony in 100 exclusive photos

A balcony is a unique room that allows you not only to organize useful additional space, but also to realize the most daring design ideas. And this applies to both new buildings with their panoramic loggias and old houses - the only difference is that different amounts of effort will have to be put into repairs. In any case, the result will be worth it!

Placing the bed on a spacious loggia

One of the original and bold ideas is a bedroom on the balcony. This solution will help not only create a beautiful and functional room in this space, but also free up space for other areas in the living rooms. You will learn how to bring this idea to life from our article!

"Pros and cons"

Converting a balcony into a bedroom is a good idea. It will be possible to solve several problems at once:

  • get an extra bed;
  • expand the functionality of the existing space;
  • bring design ideas to life.

It is easier to work in confined spaces. The balcony does not have to be a living space.

The sleeping place can only be used in summer. The renovated room can really be used as an additional relaxation area.

Difficulties may arise with the technical and legal side of the issue. You will have to draw up documents, do insulation, sound insulation, and communications.

Disadvantages of a combined interior

But this design solution has its drawbacks. There are few of them and they are less significant compared to the advantages. But this in no way means that they should not be taken into account when decorating the interior. Ignoring these flaws can lead to big problems.

Price. This problem affects all modern design solutions.

  • Until recently, combining a balcony and a bedroom was simply impossible from a technological and production point of view.
  • But now, when modern building materials are being produced and design development has moved far forward, it has become possible to bring such an idea to life.
  • The downside, as already mentioned, was the cost of such luxury. There are few construction companies in Russia that quickly and efficiently carry out such work and charge considerable money for their work.
  • Therefore, if you decide to complement the interior of your apartment or private house with such an unusual design solution, you will have to prepare an impressive budget.

The need for additional insulation. When combining loggias and bedrooms, a large amount of air inevitably enters the room.

  • This is not particularly noticeable if the apartment is located in warm places where the air temperature is always pleasant.
  • But in winter, during the period of frost, it can be extremely unpleasant, because the room will always be terribly cold.
  • These problems can only be prevented by installing a special insulating layer, which also costs a lot of money.
  • This adds costs to the already impressive list of expenses for implementing such a design solution.

Space layout

Initially, you need to decide on the functionality and level of isolation of the room. The design of a bedroom with access to a balcony and a separate room of limited area is significantly different.

It is necessary to take into account that it is not always possible to make a full-fledged sleeping place. A folding sofa or a small bed is often placed on the balcony. You can complement the room with shelves, a folding table, and mobile poufs.

Where does redevelopment begin?

Before you begin redevelopment, you need to decide on the following nuances:

  • walls that will be demolished;
  • filling passages and openings that will not be used in the future;
  • the need to dismantle the balcony;
  • presence of insulation and insulation.

You should study the photo of the bedroom design on the loggia. It is also recommended to determine in advance how many windows there will be and whether an arch is required in the front aisle. It is recommended to select furniture and other design elements in advance to get an idea of ​​how it will look in the end.

In a city apartment, any redevelopment requires approval from the relevant authorities

Style selection

A bedroom on a balcony is always characterized by limited space. This must be taken into account when choosing a style. A modern room in the spirit of minimalism is the best solution.

It is recommended to pay attention to the following areas:

  • high tech;
  • eco;
  • loft.

In a small isolated area, it is permissible to experiment by creating a bright, unusual environment on the balcony.

A compact bedroom can beckon with the brilliance of a disco style, the colorful colors of the East, and the marshmallow mood of romanticism.

Selection of lighting

When several rooms are combined, more lamps are required. It is advisable to install a separate lighting source on the balcony. A chandelier installed in the central part is perfect. You can install spotlights in the ceiling and hang a chandelier in the bedroom. It is important to provide separate switch buttons for the loggia and the room. This will allow you to adjust the light level at your discretion.

For evening relaxation, it is worth considering the presence of sconces on the walls. On the balcony, wall lamps made in the shape of street lamps look impressive. It is better to have brighter lighting in the bedroom.

"Advice!" The combination of cold and warm light is one of the zoning techniques.

Separate or adjacent room

The design principles depend on whether the room is completely enclosed or connected to the main room.

It is easier to remove the sleeping place without separating the territory. This option will be a good solution for owners of small one-room apartments.

In the adjacent territory they adhere to a common style. You can simply remove the window unit and insulate the loggia.

The remains of the wall will become a good divider of the total area into zones. A large balcony will allow you to allocate space into a separate room.

Design of a limited area

Remember that the area of ​​the room will have to be limited at any stage of the work. The imagination is tamed by the compactness of the territory. The new room should contain the most important things. Excesses in furnishings and decor must be eliminated.

Don't forget about functionality. The presence of the possibility of dimming is mandatory. It is better to refuse curtains in the classical sense. It is recommended to choose blinds or Roman blinds.

Decor and lighting in a bedroom with a balcony

After all the basics have been considered, we can talk about additional accessories in the form of minor decorative elements and lighting items.

The most aesthetic and practical thing would be to install central lighting in the area where the loggias are located or the transition between two rooms.

You can add depth of lighting using LED strips around the perimeter of the room. As for various interior items, you can complement the overall composition with various lamps, candelabra, and so on. The main thing is that the overall style of the room is maintained.

Repair and finishing

Converting a balcony into a permanent bedroom is a difficult task. There are many nuances that are rarely thought about at the planning stage. It is recommended to carefully study how to make a bedroom on the balcony.

When choosing materials and finishing technologies, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the room. The non-residential balcony will have to be completely reconstructed to ensure that the room meets all the requirements.

Podium bed on a loggia or balcony

A standard bed or folding sofa may be too heavy for a loggia. It is better to replace it with a light frame podium. It is made like this:

  1. They make a drawing of a podium bed. Calculate the required amount of materials to create such a structure.
  2. The frame is assembled from aluminum profiles. It is fixed with bolts.
  3. A flooring made of chipboard or gypsum fiber is made on top of the frame using self-tapping screws. In order for it to withstand the weight of an adult, it is made in two layers.
  4. Finishing is laid on top of the flooring. Usually thin wooden panels are used as it.
  5. The finished podium is installed on the balcony, fixed to this area, and, if necessary, wooden or plywood boxes are installed underneath for linen and personal items. A mattress is placed on the podium. The bed on the balcony is ready.

If you plan to install heavier structures, such as a pull-out sofa, please consult with an engineer. If he doesn’t object, feel free to purchase a sample that will suit you in size.

Filling with furniture

Trying to fully equip a small bedroom on the balcony is stupid. It is recommended to take special care of the sleeping area. The bed should not take up much space, but the comfort of the bed cannot be ignored.

It is better to refuse standard cabinets and cabinets. Limited space prevents typical filling without losing the convenience of the area. An excellent way out of the situation would be shelves above the bed.

What kind of sleeping place can there be?

You can organize a sleeping place on the balcony in various ways. It could be:

  • A folding bed, store-bought, custom-made, or homemade.
  • A traditional piece of furniture of appropriate dimensions.
  • Roll-out sofa or chair-bed.
  • A monoblock mattress that is laid directly on the floor or a low lattice base.
  • A folding bed or, as it is called in everyday life, a folding bed.
  • Various models of sun loungers and couches.

You have plenty to choose from. But first you should familiarize yourself with the features, advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Is a regular bed suitable on the balcony?

A traditional piece of furniture for sleeping means familiar comfort, familiar sensations, and the opportunity to choose the product for yourself. There are budget models made of chipboard and expensive ones made of solid wood with an orthopedic base. Accordingly, the design of a bed for a balcony can be different - from strict minimalism to luxurious classics.

Please note that such products have significant dimensions. It will not be possible to place them on the balcony of a Khrushchev building. Its length must be at least 2.5 m and its width 80 cm.

Note! It is difficult to bring an ordinary bed onto a standard loggia. In most cases, its frame is non-removable.

Pull-out sofas and armchairs - practical and compact

For short loggias and balconies, pull-out chairs/sofas are ideal. Their undeniable advantage is that they turn into a sleeping place at the moment when it is really necessary. The rest of the time, they perfectly serve as a resting place, freeing up the balcony space for movement. In addition, the price of such pieces of furniture is lower than that of a bed.

The chair-bed is ideal for small spaces

If you add a chair-bed on the balcony or a sofa with a folding tabletop or a folding mobile table, then in a few square meters you will get 3 in 1: sleeping, working and relaxing space.

Monoblock mattress - a modern minimalist sleeping place


Externally, such a sleeping place looks like an ordinary mattress, which does not always correspond to reality. Yes, it can be a filler enclosed in a case or a spring block with filler. But if you are looking for an option for regular sleep, you will definitely find models in which there is a rigid base under the cover.

Such a product cannot be rolled up, but visually it does not weigh down the room, is comfortable for sleeping, and is very loved by children and teenagers. It can be placed on the floor, on a rigid bed with legs, or on a podium. The latter, by the way, is not difficult to do yourself.

A mattress with pillows on the floor looks cozy and comfortable

Mattress on a low podium

To make your bed even more comfortable and attractive, you can purchase a soft headboard and sides to match it. They are easily attached to walls.

Mattress with headboard and sides

Folding beds - saving space and budget

Popularly called folding beds, such beds are especially convenient for use on small balconies. They consist of three parts, which, when unfolded, turn into a sleeping place. The base of the stock can be durable synthetic fabric, metal mesh or wooden slats. The latter option can withstand a maximum load of up to 250 kg of distributed weight, and is best suited for the human spine.

A modern take on the traditional folding bed

Many folding beds are equipped with soft mattresses 4-6 cm thick. Such models cost a little more than standard ones.

An interesting solution is a folding bed for the balcony, which when assembled looks like a cabinet. You can put flowers, lamps, decorations, etc. on it.

The folding cabinet can even serve as a table

Sun loungers - an option for seasonal use

Sun loungers, like pieces of furniture, are widely familiar to everyone who has ever vacationed on a well-maintained beach. It is not necessary to use standard plastic products for the interior of a living space. These can be folding, mobile, made of natural wood, chaise lounges with an adjustable headboard, complemented by a soft mattress.

You can leave them for guests, and, if necessary, take them with you into nature. They are suitable for both open and glazed balconies, but only for occasional use. For daily sleep you will have to choose something else.

Chaise lounge for sleeping on a loggia or balcony

If the loggia area allows it, and the idea of ​​a chaise longue is close to you, you can install a soft version. It lacks all the above advantages, except for adjusting the height of the headboard, but it creates the necessary comfort while sleeping. Such pieces of furniture often come complete with a sofa, but can also be sold separately.

Oversized soft chaise lounge

Types of folding beds and options for their placement

For those who want to beautifully save the available space, there is another solution - installing a folding bed on the balcony. It can have a vertical or horizontal rise.

  • The first option is good for placement at the end of a long narrow balcony. When assembled, the structure looks like a cabinet with mirrored or otherwise decorated doors.
  • The second is more suitable for wide spaces. This product is a bed that tilts to the side and, when assembled, is fixed to the wall using a hook or locking mechanism.

Folding bed-wardrobe with vertical lift

If you buy a finished product at a furniture store, carefully inspect the fittings and lifting mechanisms. The fittings take on the main load. Feel free to ask the seller for product certificates, and fold and assemble the bed yourself.

Folding bed with horizontal lift

Creating comfort

The standard mood-setting trinkets are dispensed with in the compressed space. Textiles will help create comfort. It is recommended to lay a fluffy carpet on the floor.

It is advisable to cover the sleeping area with a soft blanket. The presence of decorative pillows in bright colors will shape the character of the room.

If the idea of ​​converting the loggia is only simmering, then a photo of the bedroom on the balcony will be an excellent incentive to take a closer look at this issue. Other people's realized dreams will definitely increase the desire to achieve results faster.

Nuances of insulation and heating

Before joining, the loggia needs proper insulation and glazing. In this case, certain nuances are taken into account. For example, it is not advisable to move heating radiators and radiators to the balcony, as well as to connect them to the general house system. This problem can be solved using electric heaters or warm water floors. An economical infrared heating system allows for convenient temperature control using a thermostat.

For high-quality insulation in the finishing of walls and ceilings, mineral wool, penoplex and fiberglass are used. The glazing uses double-glazed windows that will correspond to the existing weather conditions. The most optimal solution is to install double-glazed windows only on the front side of the loggia, and make the side walls blank.

The photo shows heating and insulation of the balcony combined with the bedroom.

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