Bedroom in a one-room apartment: ideas and advice from professional designers

A studio is an apartment where all the necessary equipment must fit in a small space. Often you will find only one large room that serves as a living room, work space and bedroom at the same time. How to arrange a bedroom in a one-room apartment? In small apartments it is often impossible to allocate a separate room for the bedroom. What to do in a situation where the apartment area is small, but you want to make the bedroom as cozy and functional as possible? Check out how easy it is to separate the rest room from the rest of the apartment. Get ideas from the tips and photo gallery.

Zoning of a one-room apartment with a bedroom

While apartments place a lot of emphasis on outdoor space, it's worth having a separate sleeping area—one that serves as a night's rest and is free of clutter. This solution is not only practical, but also aesthetically pleasing, as you don't have to worry about an unmade bed when you have friends over at home. Even in small apartments of 30-40 m², you can separate a small space where you can arrange a bedroom. The relaxation area does not have to be large, as it is enough to place a comfortable bed and a bedside table.

The bedroom in a one-room apartment is often located in an old apartment building, so renovation is necessary. For personal convenience, you can destroy all the walls and completely redo the interior of the studio, paying great attention to the layout: it had to be comfortable, but at the same time spacious. Finally, combine the living area with the kitchen and semi-open bedroom. You will be able to zone your resting place, that is, create a modern small bedroom in a one-room apartment. Arranging a recreation room in a one-room apartment should not be a huge problem. Consider several effective ways to separate the sleeping area from the rest of the room.

Suitable furniture models

In the design of a studio apartment with a bed and a sofa, it is very important to choose the right furniture. First of all, you need to competently approach the arrangement of a sleeping area and a recreation area.

The best types of beds for such an interior will be the following models:

1. Two-tier. The optimal solution for saving space. Depending on the specific situation, both tiers can be allocated for sleeping places, or on the first one you can arrange any other necessary area - play, study, work or for relaxation. In the latter version, there is a sofa in it - such a combination will occupy a minimum of usable space.

2. Folding. These structures are attached to the wall with one end or one side and folded, hiding in a closet or acting as its facade. Storage sections can be arranged below.

3. Retractable. They are mounted under a podium, on which a training, work, play or other necessary area can be organized. Pull-out models are the simplest of all transforming beds, since they do not require cleaning of bedding, but are rolled out ready-made.

If the space in the studio apartment allows, then you can install a standard bed. Most often, designers recommend this model if there is a suitable niche in the room.


The main parameter for choosing a sofa is the layout method (type of transformation). The following options are suitable for this:

1. Folding (book, click-clack). They fold with the backrest raised, due to which, when assembled, they occupy less space and can be used as seats. The disadvantages include the impossibility of positioning close to the wall. For a small-sized apartment, it is recommended to choose models with equal-sized halves (if the back is smaller, the lower part is wider, and a folded sofa will take up more space).

2. Roll-out (conrad, euro-book). One of the sections of the sofa slides under the other and, if necessary, rolls out. The back does not move. It turns out to be a real bed, but the sofa itself when folded is usually more bulky than folding models.

3. Sliding – (folding beds). The berth folds like an accordion into the base box. When unfolded, the backrest lowers, closing the recess formed in the drawer.

The type of sofa should be chosen based on the location where it is installed and the available space around it. Designers recommend giving preference to folding beds and books.

In any case, it is necessary to select models that will save usable space and also combine with each other and with the overall style of the interior. At the same time, it is important to take into account the features of the studio apartment itself and create a design with a bed and sofa in accordance with the available capabilities.

Our specialists will develop the optimal design project for a studio of any size. We come out for free to take measurements and draw up an estimate, and if you are not satisfied with our option, you can always refuse it without any obligations. If you like the proposed option, our craftsmen are ready to complete all the work quickly, efficiently, and at reasonable prices.

One-room apartment with a bedroom: choosing a relaxation and sleeping area

Which corner of the living room should be dedicated to the bedroom? The darkest and as far as possible from the kitchen and bathroom. You don't need a lot of space here. Enough as much as the bed takes up plus free space for it on at least one side of the furniture. It all depends on the size and shape of the studio, but for example, in a long and narrow room, the space at the entrance should be used as a place to relax, and the bedroom should be located in the outermost area.

Sliding doors

When open, sliding doors will only mark the boundaries of zones, but when closed they will completely create the feeling of two different rooms: sounds and smells will be muffled, as will light, if the doors are not transparent.

How to separate the bedroom from the rest of the apartment?

It is best to separate the sleeping area from the rest of the apartment using some kind of barrier. If you are not afraid of permanent solutions, protect the sleeping area from the wall with plasterboard, which will either reach the ceiling or be half the height of the apartment, so you will not optically strengthen the interior.

A sliding door is also a great option. If you have a large recess, you can build a platform with bed drawers, place a soft mattress on the platform and partially or completely cover the entire sliding door. A quiet, cozy corner will be created, and doors decorated with an interesting pattern or painted in a rich color will also enliven the apartment.

How to separate the bed from the rest of the room? Place the screen

The solution best suited for people who don't like drastic changes is cheap and lightweight barriers in the form of blinds or curtains. They separate the bedroom without blocking light or narrowing the space. You can also place the screen in the room, which can be easily hidden or moved if necessary, adapting to any layout style. The curtain cavities can be filled with fabric, braid, plexiglass, glass or wood. An excellent alternative is also a curtain made of fabric, which will additionally perform a decorative function.

Curtains and screen

Using fabric to zone a room does not “steal” extra meters, but allows you to create a secluded corner for sleeping. Both the piece of furniture itself and the bedside area turn into a “room within a room” - here you can change clothes and get comfortable without distracting those who live nearby.

For the same purposes, spectacular screens are used, giving additional zest to the interior.

Bedroom design in a one-room apartment: ready-made ideas

Having thought about how to decorate the bedroom and separate it in a one-room apartment, the designers decide to put up a visible barrier that separates the bedroom from the entrance area and partially from the living room. And since the studio has only one window that provides light, the wall cannot be full, because then the bedroom in a one-room apartment will be dark. Even in small apartments, a 140 cm wide bed, a bedside table and a small chest of drawers are acceptable. The combination of patterns and colors used for the bedroom in a studio apartment should create the impression of a carefree holiday.


By making it tall, you can construct a convenient ladder and “hide” books, shoes and other things under the bed that usually have nowhere to put in a small apartment.

Such a bed usually attracts little ones, becoming a place for games during the daytime. The bed looks impressive, towering above other elements of the room.

Small bedroom in a studio apartment

The bedroom is separated from the rest of the apartment by a partition. This creates an atmosphere of intimacy, but does not cut off air and daylight. Taking into account that a small apartment needs a lot of storage space, you can install a double-sided wardrobe between the bedroom and the hallway, and hide shelves in the wall to the side of the bed. Thanks to this arrangement of the bedroom, it will be possible to limit the amount of free-standing furniture, which will help create the impression of spaciousness.

Energy colors of the bedroom

A small bedroom in a one-room apartment can be colorful. Yellow, green, purple colors on the bedroom wall, that is, a deviation from gray and white, emphasize the originality of this interior. Behind the partition between the small bedroom and the living room you can place a large bed. Well-chosen colors give the room a warm character. You can install graphite tiles on the floor.

Rack or partition made of plasterboard

Even a small room can be divided into a couple of zones - a living room and a bedroom. A rack or cabinet will help, where you can also arrange cute little things, combining decor with storage areas.

  • This way the bed will be practically invisible to those who come to visit.
  • The use of drywall will also help solve the problem - the partition is created quickly and helps to conditionally turn the room into two small rooms.
  • Such a “wall” can have different shapes and sizes - it can be “under the ceiling” or present simply for the conditional delimitation of zones.

Bed under the ceiling in one-room apartment

For apartments with high ceilings, it is worth considering a mezzanine. This is an ideal solution to use ceiling access and thus preserve usable studio space. For this purpose, you can choose a bunk bed, the upper part of which will be your bedroom, and the space under it can be arranged in any way. Another option is to build a mezzanine and place a separate bed on a temporary floor, or just a mattress if the room is not high enough. In this case, however, you must remember to have the right balustrade to protect you from falling from a height.

As you can see, even in a small one-room apartment you can create space for a cozy bedroom. All you have to do is maintain the symbolic division into zones and the effect will be satisfactory. Get a quiet place to relax, and on the other hand, your apartment will not be divided into several small rooms. Moreover, the advantage of this arrangement is that you can easily change the interior at any time.

Glass walls

This is a good way if you want a separate bedroom, but there is not enough window for it. If you surround the bed with glass walls, it will reliably block sounds and smells. Complete the cube with curtains that can be drawn at night or in front of guests, and the room is ready!


Don't be afraid to combine the techniques above to achieve the best result for your case. For example, a bed in a niche, on a podium and covered with a curtain - why not?

Or a podium plus a plasterboard partition plus low cabinets, as the heroes of our article “Stylish one-room apartment 40 m2 in Moscow” did.

If you live in a one-room apartment with children, this material will be useful for you: “Children’s area in the parents’ bedroom.”


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