Bedroom dimensions: optimal height and width, examples of design, layout and zoning (120 photos of new products)

The bedroom should be equipped taking into account the personal preferences of its owner, since it should not only be beautiful, but also cozy

The bedroom refers to a fairly personal living space that absolutely every person should have. This room is used primarily for sleeping and resting, which means it should be isolated from all other rooms. When planning a house during the construction phase, you need to plan so that one bedroom should be for one person, regardless of whether it is an adult or a child.

Bedroom design

If a large family lives in an apartment, then, of course, everyone should have a bedroom. It is very important to ensure that loud sounds do not interfere with rest in the bedroom; to do this, you need to equip it, if possible, away from other rooms in the apartment.

The bedroom should be equipped based on how many residents live in the apartment; if they are a couple of young people who just got married and moved into a new apartment, the bedroom should be large enough to fit a double bed.

If the owners have a large house, then every person living in this house has a bedroom, where they have the opportunity to spend time as they want.

Optimal ratios of room sizes in a SNiP house

A corridor in an apartment or house is needed at a minimum in order to move between residential and utility rooms. If it is spacious enough, you can also place some furniture here. What should be the minimum corridor width according to building codes and practical considerations?

According to clause 4.3.4 of SP 1.13130.2009: “The clear height of horizontal sections of evacuation routes must be at least 2 m, the width of horizontal sections of evacuation routes and ramps must be no less than:

0.7 m - for passages to single workstations;

1.0 m - in all other cases. In any case, the evacuation routes must be of such a width that, taking into account their geometry, a stretcher with a person lying on it can be carried along them without hindrance.

Factors influencing the width of the corridor

The width of the corridor in the apartment is specified in the recommendations of SNiPi SP. For IZHSet these requirements are not strict, but it is still better to comply with them for reasons of convenience and safety:

  • if the house has swing doors, opening them should not lead to difficulties when moving along the corridor;
  • It is impossible to move assembled furniture and other large items along a corridor that is too narrow;
  • According to fire safety standards, the layout of the house must be optimal in case of emergency evacuation;
  • space is necessary for complete ventilation of the premises.

A corridor in a private house can be truly luxurious

Let's consider what the size of the corridor and other rooms should be in accordance with SNiP.

Building regulations

The basic standards of housing construction are presented in 01/31/2003 SNiP and their updated version 54.13330.2011 SP (Multi-apartment residential buildings). The minimum dimensions of all premises are indicated there:

  • the minimum living room area is 14 m2 for a one-room apartment, 16 square meters if there are more rooms;
  • the minimum kitchen area in a large apartment is 10 m2, in a one-room apartment 5 are allowed;
  • single bedroom size – 8 m2, double – 10;
  • on the attic floor, the kitchen and bedroom can be 7 m2 each, if the common room is 16 meters (minimum).

Ideal sizes for a bedroom (instructions)

This room must be well lit and its location allows no extraneous noise from other rooms to penetrate into it. A good position of the bed allows you to block out bright sunlight. The workplace is equipped only next to the window; it is preferable to install the closet in a dark corner.

The room for arranging a bedroom is usually chosen by its location next to rooms such as the living room and bathroom. It is not recommended to choose a bedroom that is located next to the dining area.


There are two options - a separate kitchen or a kitchen-dining room. In the latter case, if you intend to receive about 10 guests, the total area of ​​the room should be at least 18 square meters: 8 m2 for the kitchen work area itself and 10 m2 for the dining room. Accordingly, if you just have a kitchen, without a dining room, its optimal size is 8 m2. This is enough to cook for two and have breakfast for a family of four. For a kitchen with an island, according to experts, an area of ​​at least 10 square meters is required.

Bathroom and bathroom

For a separate bathroom with a toilet and a small sink, 1.3 m2 of area will be enough. For the bathroom where the washing machine and washbasin will be located - no less than 4.25 m2. To accommodate the bidet you will need approximately 0.75 more square meters. It is advisable to make a combined bathroom with two sinks, a bathtub and a washing machine with an area of ​​7 m2.

As for the rest of the house, 6 to 10 m2 should be allocated for the hallway or hall. If you have a staircase here, do not forget that its width is at least 0.9 m, and in total it will take about 6 “squares”. For a small pantry, 2 m2 will be enough; at least the same amount should be allocated for a dressing room. The minimum vestibule area in a private house is 1.3 square meters.


The bedroom should be equipped taking into account the personal preferences of its owner, since it should not only be beautiful, but also cozy. A bedroom is a fairly personal living space that absolutely every person should have. This room is used primarily for sleeping and resting, which means it should be isolated from all other rooms. When planning a house during the construction phase, you need to plan so that one bedroom should be for one person, regardless of whether it is an adult or a child.

How to calculate the area for a bedroom

The area for the bedroom, chosen correctly, meets the following parameters:

  1. The size of the area for 1 adult is at least 8 sq.m;
  2. If there will be two adults there, then the area should be at least 12 sq.m.
  3. In a large house, the bedroom area is from 13 sq.m. up to 15 sq.m.

You should not choose a large bedroom - you will feel uncomfortable in such a bedroom. But small bedrooms, on the contrary, help to find comfort and promote relaxation.

When the bedroom is not just for sleeping

If the room is intended to be used not only for sleeping, the area of ​​the necessary functional areas is added to the area of ​​the bedroom itself.

  • Cabinet. At first glance, you can put a computer next to the dressing table, but this is wrong. Devices should not be located in close proximity to the bed. It is required to remove the computer desk at least a meter from the headboard. And add an area of ​​about 2 square meters. m (table 1.2 + 0.8 m + space required to move the chair).
  • Reading area. Sit in a chair, stretch out your legs on the pouf, put a book on the dressing table next to you. All this requires space - at least 1.5 square meters. m. If in the bedroom project the chair is supposed to be installed in a corner, an additional 2-3 square meters should be allocated diagonally for the recreation area. m.
  • Wardrobe. This functional area can also be equipped with 2 square meters. m, fencing off a corner or part of the room.

It turns out that a multifunctional bedroom for one person cannot be less than 15 square meters. m. A similar rule applies to the arrangement of a children's bedroom (the play and work areas occupy approximately the same area).

  • 1 of 3

On the picture:

In a multifunctional bedroom you are supposed to work, get dressed, and relax while reading an interesting book. Therefore, you should calculate the additional area in advance, based on your priorities.

Also in this section

Sleeping area: how to organize it correctly

Let's find out how to turn a sleeping area into an oasis of relaxation, even if it is impossible to allocate a separate room for a bedroom.

United front: how to combine the bedroom with the living room and not go wrong

What challenges might you encounter and what should you consider when planning your outdoor space? Experts from the Pobeda Design architectural bureau will talk about the intricacies of combining a bedroom with a living room.

Modern style bedroom

What to choose – pop art or minimalism, hi-tech or fusion? Or maybe buy a bedroom from a catalogue?

Attic bedroom

Planning to sleep in the attic? What should you take care of before raising the bed under the roof?

Bachelor's bedroom

How to arrange a men's bedroom? Designers advise not to overload the room with furniture and accessories.

Bedroom ergonomics

The convenience of a bedroom lies not in its large area, but in the proper arrangement of furniture. Using ergonomics, we will find the ideal place for the bed, wardrobe and dressing table.

Feng Shui bedroom

Bedroom interior design according to the laws of ancient philosophers. We arrange your bedroom according to your health, character and... marital status.

Bedroom in an irregularly shaped room

Where to put the bed in the bedroom, how to arrange the rest of the furniture?

When choosing a private house project, it is very important to think about - what will be the area of ​​each room? How many square meters do you need for a bedroom for two people, a nursery, a living room for the whole family, a comfortable kitchen? Let's deal with this issue together, study existing requirements and expert advice.

Let's start with SNiP 31–01–2003 “Residential multi-apartment buildings.” This document, in its Article 5 and Subsection 5.7, specifies the minimum area sizes for each room in the building. According to this SNiP, the minimum parameters of rooms in an apartment building should be as follows:

  • the ceiling height in living rooms and the kitchen is regulated at 2.7 m, in the corridor at least 2.1 m, in the attic 2.3 m. The possible minimum height for other rooms is 2.5 m;
  • for a bedroom the minimum area is set at 8 m2 and 10 m2 if two people live in it;
  • for the living room - 16 “squares”;
  • kitchens - 5 m2 (for one-room apartments);
  • rooms in the attic - 7 m2.

We emphasize that these are all requirements related to apartments. Owners of private houses, choosing a standard project or creating their own, can take these indicators as a minimum and “dance” from them, adding their wishes.

Important! Particularly strict standards apply to boiler rooms in private homes. For example, boilers with a power of up to 30 kW require a room with a volume of at least 7.5 m3, up to 60 kW - at least 13.5 m3, up to 200 kW - at least 15 m3. Only boilers with a power of up to 30 kW can be placed in the kitchen by arranging a separate place. A solid fuel boiler requires a separate room with an area of ​​8 m2 or more.

Living room

Usually this is the largest room in the house, gathering guests and all household members. When choosing the parameters of your living room, you should take into account the size of the furniture, of which there is a lot. For example, an ordinary sofa has a depth of 74 cm and a length of 200 cm. If you want a sofa corner, you need to take into account its increased size and location. And for a semicircular sofa-island you need even more space.

We must not forget about TV. The distance to the screen should be 6–8 times its diagonal. If the computer and workplace will be located in the living room, then a separate corner is required. According to experts, for a family of five, the living room should have an area of ​​at least 25 m2.


Let's take a bedroom for two people, the owners of the house. The most important place in it will be occupied by the bed, and here it is important to take into account its size. A standard bed for two has a width of 1.6x2 m. And if the owners need a King Size bed, they should take into account that its width is already 1.8 m. Bedside tables, a dressing table, and a wardrobe are also included in the calculations. It turns out that a spacious bedroom for two with a king-size bed should be at least 14–15 m2.


In this case, it all depends on the number of children and the availability of an additional play area. If in the nursery one child just sleeps and does homework, 12 m2 is quite enough. If the room has a play area or a sports corner, it is advisable to add at least a couple more “squares”. If there are two or three children, you need to consider whether there will be a bunk bed or separate sleeping places in the room.

Guest bedroom

In general, you can completely abandon such a room in the house. And if it does exist, it is usually small - 10–12 m2.

Bedroom shape (examples)

If you have your own house and the bedroom is located on the attic floor, an area of ​​up to 7 square meters is acceptable, but this is only good in one case, when the owners also have a room for relaxation and for receiving guests.

The size of most bedrooms is at least 8 sq.m., such dimensions are determined by the placement of all the necessary furniture.

The ideal shape of a bedroom, if one person sleeps in it, is considered rectangular. If spouses relax and spend time in it, then the shape should only be square; this shape is chosen based on the fact that it is necessary to place other pieces of furniture on the sides of the bed.

The bedroom should not only accommodate a bed, but also have enough space for other pastimes. The bedroom can accommodate a dressing table or, at the request of the owners, a dressing room.

Bed placement taking into account ergonomics

The ideal place for a bed in the bedroom is near the window and away from the door. At the same time, you cannot place the bed close to the window and heating radiator. It is recommended to maintain a distance from the window to the end of the bed of at least 30 cm.

You should consider the location of the bed in the bedroom and depending on how many people it is designed for:

  • The double bed must have passages on both sides. The recommended width of passages for free movement around the bed is 90-100 cm. If the bed has a pull-out storage system, then this width should be increased depending on the depth of the drawers to 120-160 cm. If the small size of the room does not allow you to follow the ergonomic rules described above, then A way out of the situation may be to place the double bed on one of the sidewalls against the wall, allowing for free passage at the foot.
  • If the bed is single, then the approach can be provided only from one side (relevant for narrow bedrooms).
  • In a narrow, oblong layout, it is recommended to place a double bed across the bedroom. If the free space between the footboard and the wall is less than seventy centimeters, then in this case it is better to install the bed along a long wall or consider a diagonal arrangement.

To create comfortable conditions in the bedroom, it is very important to arrange for the bed to be placed so that it is not visible from the door. Also, it is advisable that the bed is not reflected in the mirror - this can be annoying, and in the semi-darkness it can also be frightening.

Determining the length and width of the bedroom

All necessary furniture must fit the entire length of the bedroom, so when choosing a bedroom, it is important to have enough length so that everything fits well. The width of the bedroom is also chosen in such a way that there are passages between pieces of furniture.

Owners should ensure that there is one meter between the wall and the bed. If there is no such distance, it is not surprising that it is difficult to move around the bedroom.

Nuances of planning a children's room

Children grow up quickly, this point must be taken into account when planning. The interior of the room should be multifunctional, so that it is possible to make changes to it as the child grows. To create maximum comfort in a children's room, simple room zoning techniques are used. For kids, this is usually a division into an area for games and comfortable sleep. The play area has a cozy rug and small shelves for storing numerous children's toys.

They need to be placed in such a way that the child can independently put them in place. The design of the play area for children is carried out taking into account the age and gender of the child.

Setting up a play area in a children's room

A schoolchild must have a separate work area, where a compact study desk, a computer desk, and durable shelves for textbooks will be located.

It is important to have good daylight for the working desk; it is advisable to place the desk to the right of the window. The principles for creating a comfortable relaxation area are as follows: it is important that the bed matches the child’s age or is a little larger in size

For a baby, a closed crib with reliable sides is suitable, for an older child a compact sofa is suitable, for a schoolchild the best option would be a standard teenage bed. A child's bed should not serve as an obstacle to access to the room and should not be placed near a working radiator. The recreation area can be easily defined with a place for communication; the child will be happy to invite his classmates into his room.

Girls, what do you think is the optimal size for a child’s room, what is it? Now, if a small child does not need a lot of space, then an adult child already needs more.

It turns out that while the kids are small, I can put them in one room and make the second one a nursery. When the little ones grow up to the point where they need separate rooms, I will house them. This is logical... the question is... what size should I make the room?

I had a room of 10m. It was always a mess and... well, it was a little cramped to play. But when I grew up, I only came home to eat and sleep. And actually, my 10m was enough for me. There was a closet, a wall, a sofa always unfolded, a table with a computer...

... if we take into account the fact that the children will have a built-in closet (separate from the room). They will need (from the age of 11) a separate bed and table. And a rack for all their things (not clothes). Will a room of 12 meters be enough for them? If you install a full bed (90x200)? all sorts of sports corners will be on the street. What if a friend comes? Well, ok, let there also be a chair-bed, just in case... a shelving unit one book deep (30cm). I think that's enough?? or not. what do you think?

I plan, although the children may not agree with my plans, that the computer will only be in the office, and the TV only in the living room. And it is not discussed. That is, a bedroom is for sleeping, relaxing, maybe reading a book or listening to music. And then, for books, I’m planning a hall-library with sofas.

Do you think it's enough?? Our bedroom will be slightly larger - 16m, but there are two of us sleeping there =)

What kind of rooms do your kids have? Which ones did you grow up in?

The bedroom is an important part of the apartment. Here a person finds personal space, so necessary for relaxation.

To ensure good sleep, it is important to determine what the optimal size of the bedroom should be.

Bedroom for different ages

For a young couple

When choosing a bedroom for young people, first of all, measure the width as follows: add up the width of the bed, the depth of the chest of drawers, the closet and the passage. The recommended width should be 250 cm. The length is calculated as follows: add the length of the bed and the passage, it should be equal to at least 3 meters.

For an elderly couple

For older couples, larger bedrooms should be preferred. Choose wide beds, the width of which should be 160 cm, and the aisles should also be 110 cm each. For older couples, the ideal area would be 12 square meters. m.

For a child

For every child, a parent should consider that over time, as their baby grows, he will need more space. The bedroom area for him will be from 15 square meters. m. To measure the width and length, you need to measure the crib, changing table, chest of drawers, table.

For children

When it becomes necessary to equip a bedroom for children, it is worth providing them with places to play and sleep. The best solution is to buy a bunk bed; it will save space and, in addition, is very convenient for children.

What else you need to know before buying

In addition to the dimensions, pay attention to the design features of the product. Frame support, stability of the legs, side panels, availability of storage places, shape and base of the bed, presence of a lifting mechanism, quality of the mattress are the main criteria when choosing a convenient, comfortable bed.

Tips for choosing bed linen and bedspreads

When choosing bed textiles, be guided by the size of the mattress. The sheet and bedspread should be 0.2-0.3 m larger than the size of the bedding. For a bed with a headboard, add additional centimeters on the sides that will hang from it. The textiles should be 0.10-0.15 m larger than the mattress so that the free ends can be tucked under it.

Bed linen sizes

Bed textile sets are produced for a certain type of bedroom furniture. For a double bed, the standard width of sheets is 180-200 cm, pillowcases 50x50, 70x70.

What are the sizes of mattresses?

Mattresses have different parameters, depending on the type and dimensions of the bed. For a single mattress the width of the mattress is 0.80-0.90 m, for a double – 1.40-1.80-2 m. The most popular mattress width is 1.60 m, it can comfortably accommodate two people.

Universal bedroom sizes

Typically, most families prefer to make the bedroom not only a room for rest and sleep, but also equip it for various purposes. For people working at a computer, a suitable solution is to place it on a table that will stand separately.

  1. It must be remembered that for sound sleep it is not recommended to install a computer next to the bed; it can reduce the quality of sleep.
  2. The ideal distance of the table from the bed should be 1 m.
  3. In addition to this, care must be taken to maintain a distance of up to 2 square meters. m around the table.
  4. For people who read, you can set up an area for reading books; for this, put an armchair and a small table.
  5. For convenient placement of a table and chair, leave up to 3 square meters. m. area.

In the bedroom, at the request of the owners, you can equip a dressing room; it can be a small room in which all clothes and shoes will be stored; in order to organize it, you need to measure the dressing room.

To separate the dressing room from the bedroom, use sliding or accordion doors. Those people who prefer large bedrooms have the opportunity to purchase a corner wardrobe; before running for such a purchase, it is worth considering its size in order to avoid the mistake of not fitting it into the bedroom.

Additional furniture

In the large bedroom you can organize a relaxation area. It is better to equip it in a free corner. To equip it, you will need a comfortable chair - perhaps with an ottoman or footstool, as well as a small table and a floor lamp. This is a convenient solution for those who like to read or, for example, knit in the bedroom.

If you're dressing in the bedroom, you might find a design like a psyche mirror useful. Its advantage is ease of use (you can see yourself at full height) and portability (this item can be carried both within the bedroom and throughout the house).

Small bedroom design

Small bedrooms, despite their small area, can also be made stylish and cozy. You should give preference to light colors; they can significantly enlarge your bedroom. Add accents of dark and bright colors to your palette.

Light colors are also used for the floor; the material can be either parquet or laminate. When choosing furniture, look for built-in models that won't take up much space.

Calculate the dimensions of the future closet and the dimensions of the chest of drawers for the bedroom so that everything fits harmoniously.

Calculation of glazing area


Windows are very specific designs. On the one hand, they provide sufficient illumination of the room, on the other hand, they are the largest “black hole” through which heat escapes to the street.

The size of windows also plays an important role in the subjective perception of comfort: too small or poorly located ones make the room uncomfortable and dark, too large ones can make a person feel insecure.

Both extremes are usually the result of errors in construction calculations or lack thereof.

According to construction rules, the minimum amount of light penetrates into a room in which the total area of ​​all windows is 10–12.5% ​​of the total area of ​​the room.

If we take into account physiological indicators, then optimal lighting is achieved with a window width that is equal to 55% of the width of the room.

In this case, not only the width and height of the window is important, but their ratio. The closer the proportion is to a harmonious rectangle, the better it is perceived visually and the more convenient it is to use.

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A window that is close to ideal is a rectangle with the correct proportions (for example: 80 cm wide and 130 cm high).

In order to make it convenient to look outside, the upper edge of the wall under the window should be no higher than 90–100 cm. In turn, the upper edge of a convenient window is at a height of about 200–220 cm from the floor and leaves enough space for attaching curtains, blinds or roller box.

What furniture to choose for the bedroom

The bedroom contains furniture such as a bed, chest of drawers, wardrobe, bedside tables and, if desired, a dressing table.

When choosing furniture, follow the following rules:

  • The bedside table is the same height as the bed
  • The depth of the chest of drawers is at least 60 cm
  • The width of the dressing table should be from 40 to 45 cm
  • When the size of the bedroom does not allow you to place an additional dressing table, it should be installed on the windowsill
  • Table height is up to 80 cm

In place of a regular wardrobe, it is important to buy a sliding wardrobe that will not take up much space and, moreover, will not need to open the door every time you take something.

Transformable furniture can be placed in the children's bedroom, for example, it can be both beds and storage space.

More and more furniture stores offer more than simple furniture that is functional: beds with 2 floors, the second level of such beds allows you to equip a desk or bookcase, this is possible by raising the first level.

The bed may have a headboard that serves as storage for books or photo frames. In small bedrooms, it is preferable to place beds with drawers for bed linen under them.

This article discusses in detail the basic recommendations for arranging a small and large bedroom. Properly selected furniture, based on the area of ​​your bedroom, will fit perfectly into the interior and serve as a good stylish addition.

Rules for rational use of space

In a large, spacious bedroom, refrain from placing furniture strictly along the perimeter along the walls. This technique is visually inharmonious. For small rooms, there are other ergonomic recommendations that will help significantly save space in the bedroom:

  • So, you can replace bedside tables with shelves built into the wall at the level of the bed.
  • You can eliminate the need for a closet for bed linen by installing drawers under the bed.
  • Another place to store things can be a pouf with a folding seat.
  • When installing a cabinet, try to ensure that the space under the ceiling is not empty. Therefore, choose models that cover the entire height of the room.

Photos of ideal bedroom projects

Disadvantages of large cottages

Oddly enough, the fashion for large houses has not yet passed and one can often see sad pictures of concrete expressionism outside the city.

History is silent about why the little boy is called “Uncle Fedor,” and why he was forced to form a gang without documents and hide from his relatives for a long time. Thanks to a vigilant employee of the rural post office, the fugitive was discovered and defeated by the facts.

Let's consider the most popular reasons not to build a large cottage:

Unfinished. As a rule, large cottages take a long time to build, if not frankly, years. You may end up in construction bondage that will last forever. For this money, you can build a small, comfortable house and live now.

Difficulty selling. The real estate market is overflowing with offers of large and expensive cottages, which are very difficult to sell. And if you talk to an experienced realtor, he will tell you that the cost of such buildings often reaches cost, and in fact, the owners, at best, recoup the costs of building materials.

Inconvenience of movement. Moving around a huge house can quickly become tiring, especially for older people.


By and large, the convenience of living in a house is influenced not by the number of squares, but by the proper distribution and planning of this space. You can make a house of 200 square meters with a well-thought-out and flexible heating system, you can intelligently and super-conveniently distribute a space of 20 square meters (of which there are many examples). There are no universal solutions, so the choice is yours. Just in case, let me remind you that my wife and I settled on a house of 40 square meters, and we do not regret our decision at all.

But how can you wisely manage your twenty, forty or two hundred squares? Are there any rules, patterns, tricks? Let's talk about this.

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