Wall panels (MDF) for interior decoration. top 7 options for use in the interior + 165 photos

How to choose quality MDF panels

Even though MDF wall panels are relatively inexpensive, purchasing low-quality material can subsequently lead to disastrous results and repeated costs. To choose high-quality panels, follow these tips:

  1. Check the certificate of product compliance with quality standards. When purchasing, be sure to request this document from the seller. Its presence indicates the absence of harmful elements that may be used to produce these panels, such as toxic resins or formaldehyde.
  2. Visually inspect the entire batch of goods you plan to purchase. A large number of defective specimens should alert you. Any unevenness, cracks and other deviations from the norm are a sign of a low-quality product. It is highly not recommended to buy it, even if the price is too attractive.
  3. Look carefully at the colors. In addition to the uniformity of the color scheme, you need to check such a parameter as the evenness of the layer application. If there are irregularities, this indicates low quality of the product.

Popular manufacturers

Today, many companies around the world produce these products, however, not many can boast of good quality. Let's consider the rating of the best companies producing MDF panels:

  1. Swiss krono group. A large wood processing enterprise that has representative offices and factories in many countries around the world. The products are of European quality at domestic prices.
  2. P&M Kaindl. An Austrian company, one of the leaders in the production of MDF products. The plant has the most advanced equipment, which allows it to produce only high-quality products that are sold all over the world, including in our country.
  3. Sonae Industry. The company from Portugal is also one of the largest in the world. It has been producing MDF boards for almost 30 years. During this time, she has proven herself to be the best.
  4. LLC "Master and K" A domestic company that has existed for more than 20 years. The high-quality products of this plant are used and sold not only in Russia, but also in many countries around the world. The company's product range is constantly expanding.

Common Mistakes

Installation without taking into account the characteristics of the material often leads to negative results.

Most often, inexperienced craftsmen make the following mistakes when joining panels:

  1. Incorrect installation method chosen. This leads to difficulties in fastening and loss of decorative finish:
  2. Fastening panels without gaps. Leads to deformation of the material due to changes in temperature and humidity.
  3. Wrong choice of material for height. The result is inaccurate joining and spoils the appearance of the finish.

Options in the interior

  • You can add variety by using different colors. In this option, a unifying direction is chosen - all panels have a natural wood pattern, but the shades differ. This effect is similar to a mosaic, but it does not seem too intrusive, since a restrained range of brown tones is maintained, including the molding, which is used to highlight the decor. The material here goes well with the stone that is used to decorate the small wall on the side.
  • Panels can only occupy part of the space; it is not necessary to decorate the entire room with them. The combination of such products in the lower part with wallpaper located above is a classic solution. If you like Victorian style and English classics, then you can choose this option and create a discreet but elegant interior using MDF.

In the next video you will see the installation of MDF panels on the walls.

PHOTO GALLERY: The best interiors with MDF panels

You have become acquainted with various options for designer wall cladding with MDF panels, which have all kinds of surface appearance and high-quality execution, taking into account the purpose and characteristics of residential premises. In conclusion, watch the videos, which will once again help you scroll through the scenes with types of examples of design of different rooms. I hope they will help you finally decide to choose this material for decorating your home and select the desired design style. If you do not agree with the rating of the article, then simply give your ratings and justify them in the comments. Your opinion is very important to our readers. Thank you!


  • Large selection of styles and designs
  • Photo printing for a kitchen apron
  • Possibility of finishing various rooms, as well as furniture


  • May not last long

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Beautiful examples

MDF wall products can be installed in a wide variety of rooms, from active rooms and cafes to rooms in apartments or houses. Many builders may associate such finishing material with “official” and boring decor, but in fact this is not the case - thanks to the chic choice of colors and textures, beautiful and stylish compositions can be created from such panels. At the same time, in the interior decoration of rooms, products not only with imitation wood, but also other natural materials look good

In addition, wall sheets can be perfectly combined with various inserts, so you can get a stunning design effect. When choosing panels for decorating a living room, it is important to consider what functions the room will perform and how many spatial zones it consists of. Most often, the walls of the living room are decorated with products in a classic style.

They do this in such a way that they are a kind of continuation in the decor of the fireplace, doorways, stairs and other interior items. It is recommended to alternate panels of light and dark wood or combine two shades at the same time. For example, the living room looks original, in which one wall is lined with light oak panels, and the other with dark wenge panels.

  • In addition, in rooms that combine a recreation area and a dining room, you can make combined horizontal paneling. Dark-colored material will be placed below half the wall, and light-colored material will be placed on top. To hide the places between color transitions, it is recommended to install additional decor from a wooden plank. Walls that are paneled vertically from floor to ceiling also look interesting in living rooms. Due to the fact that the material attached to the base acquires a plank structure, the surface becomes striped, as a result of which the space visually expands.
  • Laminated MDF products will become a real decoration for the kitchen. As a rule, for this type of room, materials with imitation wood and natural stone are chosen. With the right design, such panels will help make the room modern and stylish, filling it with homeliness and comfort. Most often, veneered or laminated MDF boards are used for the kitchen - they are close to wood in their beauty and structure, so it is recommended to place them in the dining area.
  • In addition, MDF wall panels can completely replace ceramic tiles in the kitchen, as they have great superiority over them. A dining area decorated with such panels will take on an interesting look. The choice of material color depends on the size of the room. For small kitchens it is recommended to use light panels, and for spacious rooms you can use maximum imagination and combine wood-look MDF sheets with panels of a different texture. Thus, you will get an unusual interior that allows you to visually divide the kitchen into several zones.
  • Partitions covered with wall panels also look good in the kitchen. In this case, it is best to give preference to sheets of expensive veneer or varnished tiles. Products with photo printing also look unusual on such partitions.
  • A common problem in kitchen design is the difficulty of choosing a finishing material for covering the work area, which is located between the lower and upper rows of furniture. Thanks to moisture-resistant MDF panels, these places can be turned into a real work of art. To do this, tiles with a pattern are selected and additionally covered with glass. Thus, you get a beautiful apron that will harmoniously fit into any style.
  • MDF panels are also widely used in the design of hallways. Since this room is always furnished and is small in size, to cover its walls you need to choose the right shape, texture and color scheme of the finishing material. It is advisable to give preference to light shades - they will hide the lack of space in the room and visually expand the boundaries of its space.

The soft texture and unusual shades of the panels will not only radically change the look of the room, but will also give it a harmonious image. Due to the fact that the material is characterized by high moisture resistance, it can be used to cover walls anywhere: near the shower stall, between wall-mounted furniture and near the washbasin. In addition, the products perform zoning of the room and add chic to the interior.

To learn how to install MDF panels on a wall, watch this video.

Finishing with MDF panels

Now, having such a variety of MDF products, you should not limit yourself to decorating only the corridor, balcony or loggia, although they can be decorated in a completely new way by choosing the appropriate design option. You can successfully decorate the walls of the living room, hallway, kitchen, as well as ceilings, entrance doors, and the sides of staircases with such sheets.

You can successfully decorate the living room walls with such sheets.


Decorating a hallway is not as easy as it first seems. This is a problematic room because there is little light in it. It usually contains several doors, which create difficulties when installing panels. Here the walls are most exposed to contamination because the hallway is a common area and is not as large as the living room.

In the hallway the walls are more dirty

Taking these features into account, it is better to decorate the hallway with slatted panels. They are convenient for cladding a hallway, because they are small in size and can fit into any problem area.

The appearance of the surface of such products should correspond to the style of the hallway and its characteristics. For cladding a small hallway, light, monochromatic products are better suited; they will visually enlarge the room.

Slatted panels for a small hallway

It is successful to use vertically arranged panels of yellow and white colors, which alternate with each other. The doors are upholstered with brown slats to match the furniture elements located in the corridor.

Vertical MDF panels in two colors in the hallway

The walls in the hallway cannot be completely finished with panels. The corridor looks interesting, in which the walls are covered with MDF only on the bottom, and on top are covered with wallpaper that matches the tone.

This design can be used for a medium-sized hallway or in a large space.

Living room

All walls in the living room are rarely lined with MDF panel elements. An interior in which this material is used only in fragments will be attractive.

Wall cladding with light panels

For example, you can focus on one wall by covering it with 3D panels with a pattern that suits the style. The photo shows a design option for a living room, in which one wall is lined with 3D elements in the form of waves. This panel fits well into the overall interior of the living room.

3D waves in your living room

Designers often use panels to cover one wall to complement some piece of furniture, for example, finishing a wall on which a TV hangs.

The accent for the wall is a picture or TV

If you nevertheless decide to cover the walls in the living room completely with panels, carefully consider their location. The longitudinal arrangement is suitable for rooms with low ceilings. This visually increases the height of the room.

Longitudinal arrangement of panels for low ceilings

The transverse arrangement is suitable for large spaces.

The transverse arrangement of the panels is suitable for a large room


The walls of the bedroom, like those in the living room, are rarely lined with MDF. If you plan to use this material for wall cladding in this room, you should approach it with caution. Despite the safety of its modern manufacture, it is wiser to use soft, breathable wallpaper for a bedroom in an apartment. But for a private house or cottage, where the room is not heated in winter, it is quite suitable.

The best solution for MDF panels for a private home

MDF is not afraid of large temperature fluctuations and is not subject to deformation due to this. It is also better to cover the walls in the living room in fragments. The wall at the head of the bed is often decorated with this material.

Finishing material at the head of the bed

The cladding of the wall behind the berth with 3D panels with an imitation of carriage reupholstery looks interesting. This design looks especially modern.

Bathroom and toilet

Modern MDF wall panels can be successfully used for finishing bathrooms and toilets. Nowadays many types of such products with moisture-resistant qualities are produced.

A beautiful and unusual solution for the bathroom

With their help, you can successfully imitate ceramic tiles without fear of destruction of the material from moisture. At the same time, it will cost much less than tiles. At the same time, the variety of design designs is much wider than ceramics. You can use panels with fragments of a painting applied to them to create a whole panel in the bathroom.

Panel made of MDF panels in the bathroom

By choosing the products in the form necessary to implement your intended style, you can decorate your bathroom in a completely original way.

Moisture-resistant panels for bathroom decoration

The bathroom is finished with panels coated with protective varnish in dark colors. With a white bathtub and sink, the walls look magical.

Dark room with white fixtures

By using a design in light colors, you can get a completely different look for your bathroom.

Light bathroom with black accents

Such walls will last quite a long time. They also wash well from dirt without losing color brightness. The only negative is that you cannot use aggressive cleaning agents to avoid scratching the protective surface.

Eco-friendly material for comfort

The protective and decorative layer of MDF must be protected from damage so as not to reduce the material’s resistance to moisture.


For covering the walls of balconies and loggias, MDF products are the most popular. Given the varied designs of modern panels, these places can be turned into a wonderful relaxation space by completely finishing all the walls with such materials.

The most popular material for finishing balconies

They are easy to install, wipe clean from dust and are not afraid of discoloration from sunlight.

Looks calm and natural

Tips and tricks

In order for MDF products to originally decorate the surface of the walls and serve for many years, before purchasing and installing them, you need to take into account not only the characteristics of the material, but also the design features of the room.

To speed up the installation process and avoid various errors, you must follow the following recommendations.

  • Wall finishing panels can only be attached to well-prepared surfaces. To do this, the walls are thoroughly cleaned of old finishes, leveled, defects eliminated and primed. Since plastering or using drywall requires special tools and knowledge, the panels can simply be installed on a metal or wooden frame. At the same time, we must not forget that a plastic film should be placed between the frame and the panels, which will help to avoid dampness of the walls. If there are large cracks and other defects on the surface of the walls, they will have to be covered with alabaster or cement mortar.
  • To avoid deformation of the products, they must be installed only on dry surfaces, so if the walls have been treated with plaster, they need to be given time to dry and only then installed.

Decorative finishing will be ideal only if the wall panels are joined correctly. The material is characterized by the presence of special side edges, so during installation they must be connected in such a way that the grooves fit into the ridges. Cleanliness must be maintained during installation work. Otherwise, dust and dirt may damage the integrity of the fastenings and the seams will be visible. Before installing the finishing material, it is necessary to carefully consider the interior of the room and draw up a preliminary sketch. Thus, installation will be completed much faster

In addition, it is important to take into account the features of the room where the panels will be placed.

Plastic-based MDF products are easily subject to mechanical stress and do not provide the opportunity to beautifully implement design ideas, so they are best chosen for non-residential premises. When purchasing finishing materials, you must pay attention to the markings indicated on the labels. It can be used to determine the indicator of toxicity, flammability and smoke formation

As a rule, according to these characteristics, 4 classes of products are distinguished. Therefore, the higher the indicator number, the worse the material is considered. For rooms with high humidity, it is recommended to buy panels that have undergone special treatment. Otherwise, such a finish will lose its attractiveness over time and become deformed.

Before purchasing wall panels, you should carefully check each package for defects.

It is also important to ensure that the products match the same shade, since material from different batches may differ slightly in pattern and color. The locking connections on the panels must be solid. If flaws are noticed, the product cannot be purchased, as problems with its installation may arise in the future. For large rooms, it is best to choose tile or sheet panels

As for small rooms, slatted options are suitable for them, which will help visually expand the space. In addition, it is necessary to clarify when purchasing whether the material can be painted.

Is it worth buying MDF panels and options for using this material

Photos of MDF wall panels offered on the Internet perfectly demonstrate how great the possibilities of using this material are. So, in addition to traditional wall cladding, you can often find a kitchen wall panel made of MDF.

Wall panels with imitation of natural wood in the hallway decoration

This solution has many advantages, not the least of which is price. You can buy a wall panel for a kitchen from MDF much cheaper than if you purchase high-quality plastic. At the same time, photos of MDF panels indicate that the range of color options is very large and you will not be limited in your choice by anything.

Helpful advice! You can order a kitchen apron made of MDF with photo printing. It will be quite expensive, but in this way you can bring any of your ideas and preferences to life.

Another remarkable ability of this material is to hide the imperfections of the base. An excellent example of this is MDF door trims. Their price is simply incomparable to what it would be if the door had to be completely replaced. At the same time, the effect that you achieve using MDF panels for doors can be considered more than worthy.

Graphite-colored MDF boards in the interior of a home office

How to choose high-quality MDF panels for walls yourself

To buy MDF wall panels, you will need a small amount, but when purchasing, you should pay attention to the quality of the purchased material, so that in the future you will not have to spend money again on purchasing an already high-quality product. Let's look at what you should pay attention to before buying MDF boards:

  1. Availability of a product certificate, which must indicate that only environmentally friendly raw materials were used in the production process. It must also be stated that the product does not contain formaldehyde or other toxic or hazardous impurities.
  2. Make sure that the product offered to you corresponds to the characteristics that the seller initially stated. Inspect the batch, assess how large the number of defective products is. If you see that the number of low-quality units is large and there are cracked, chipped or uneven panels, it is better to refuse to purchase a product from this manufacturer.
  3. It is worth paying attention not only to the sizes and prices of MDF panels for walls, but also to their colors. In addition to the fact that you just have to like the color of the MDF panel, make sure that it is evenly applied by meticulously examining several slabs from the batch.

When purchasing wall panels, you must read the quality certificate for the product

Colors of MDF panels: catalog of the most popular solutions for creating an interior

Technical characteristics and price of MDF wall panels do not always play a decisive role in the matter of choice. Often we focus on color, wanting to choose the most suitable option that will fit perfectly into the interior. In order to appreciate the diversity of the offered assortment, just look at the photo of the decoration of the hallway or any other room with MDF panels, which are offered on specialized resources.

On sale you can find both solid-color options and imitations of a wide variety of surfaces: MDF panels for brick, stone, exotic woods, white gloss MDF, and much more.

MDF panels can be painted in various colors

You can often see furniture made from this material. Most often on the Internet you can find photos of kitchens made of MDF. Both the prices and characteristics of such products are much nicer than those made from many other materials, and the design possibilities are almost limitless. This was the reason for their popularity.


MDF panels for walls are a unique construction product, which is produced in the form of small narrow strips covered with a special decor. The panels are produced using a special technology, so they are in many ways superior to conventional finishing materials.

The main advantages of MDF panels include some items.

  • Aesthetics. Unlike natural wood, which may have cracks and knots, this coating is characterized by a uniform structure and smooth surface.
  • Huge selection of assortment. Products are constantly updated with new design options. In addition, the panels can be made to order, choosing the decor at your personal discretion. Most often, MDF with a textured, smooth, glossy or matte surface is used for interiors.
  • Affordable price. Finishing with such material will not cost much, since MDF panels are much cheaper than natural wood.
  • Easy to install. To attach strips of the product to the wall, you do not need to have any special construction skills.
  • Reliability and durability in operation.

The main feature of installing MDF sheets is that they need to be fastened from the corner of the room, maintaining a distance of 50 cm between the planks. This is necessary in order to avoid deformation of the planks, which can be caused by mechanical stress or temperature changes.

During installation work, staples must be used, regardless of whether the material imitates wood or stone. This is done for the reason of further strengthening the structure. Panels that imitate natural stone are much heavier than regular ones, so during their installation you need to prepare the base of the walls well. It is also necessary to provide the material with internal ventilation, which will extend the life of the finish and increase thermal insulation.

What is decorative coating made from?

The following materials are used as decorations. These include:

Film. It creates the effect of a laminated surface. The top layer can be made in the form of a decorative coating.

Veneer. It is a thin layer of wood fiber that allows you to create an imitation of natural solid wood.

We recommend reading:
  • Panels for wall decoration: stylish and modern wall design options. 130 photos and videos of the use of decorative panels
  • Walls in the nursery - bright design ideas and nuances of decorating walls and ceilings for the nursery (120 photos and videos)
  • Decorating the walls in the kitchen - interior design and DIY wall decoration options (125 photos and videos)

Enamel. To create a decorative surface, paint and varnish compositions are used, which, when hardened, form a dense film. It prevents wood chips from falling off during operation.

Color spectrum

MDF panels come in a variety of colors, so choosing the right shade when decorating your walls will not be difficult. Before choosing the color and texture of this material, you need to take into account the overall palette of the room. Therefore, first the main background of the interior is determined, after which it can be supplemented with colored panels. As a rule, white, gray, olive and beige colors are recommended for decorating rooms. Slabs that imitate wood such as oak or wenge would also be an interesting design option.

Walls decorated with material in orange, red and yellow shades will visually expand the room and fill it not only with bright colors, but also with an unusual atmosphere. To decorate kitchens, it is recommended to choose green MDF, which helps relieve stress and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Products in pink and purple colors look special: a designed design in such a palette will acquire a certain mystery, but since such shades are bright, they cannot be used in large quantities. It is best to combine them with light colors. The most natural color is brown - it is most often used when decorating walls in the kitchen and hallway.

As for white, gray and black shades, they harmonize perfectly in any interior. To brighten up the solidity of a room whose walls are decorated with panels of this color, it is recommended to use bright inserts and original decorative items. In addition, many designers prefer to use beige MDF in the interior, since this shade simultaneously combines chic and restraint.

MDF for wall decoration

With the invention of MDF panels, the interior design of residential and office premises has expanded significantly. You can look up finishing options on the Internet, develop your own individual project, or contact a professional designer. The panels are suitable for any style of room decoration. For example, the geometric art deco style, which personifies freedom and a sense of celebration.

The Art Nouveau style, European Art Nouveau with wavy asymmetrical lines, where every detail resembles the scenery of a fairy tale, has a unique design.


Modern production technologies make it possible to produce MDF wall panels with different textures and designs. The most popular types are veneered and laminated products that imitate natural wood. Indoor decor can be adequately decorated with MDF sheets made to resemble sakura, pine, mahogany, alder or maple. Their surface can have either a glossy or matte surface, or be complemented by a pattern with a 3D effect or photo printing.

Designers try to create different interpretations of the material

Wall slabs, the surface of which is finished with glass or metal, deserve special attention. Carved and openwork panels that can be combined with any finishing material also look unusual in the interior of rooms.

Panel designs

What designs are there?

Under the brick

Walls with brick decor created with sheet, tile or slatted panels imitate masonry. There are wooden MDF boards and plastic PVC. They are attached with glue to the wall or to the sheathing.

Under the stone

Stone-look walls look beautiful in the interior and do not take up much space. Lightweight panels made of plastic and gypsum imitate natural limestone, any masonry method and color.

Under the tree

Wood-look walls made of PVC or veneer are suitable for creating comfort and a classic interior. Additionally, they can be varnished for shine.

With relief

Embossed ones made of polyurethane or gypsum create a volume effect on the wall; they are suitable for finishing the central wall of a living room or the wall at the head of the bed.

With an image

Panels with a pattern are additionally protected by an acrylic layer. Highly durable and stable panels are suitable for decorating a nursery with a fairy tale theme, a bathroom with a marine interior, or a kitchen.

The photo shows a teenager's bedroom with wall coverings and a photo print that emphasizes the child's individuality and preferences.


Due to their advantages, the panels have become widespread. Wall cladding is the most common use. With these slabs you can create almost any design in a classic or modern style, or come up with an original decor. The materials are easy to clean, and moisture-resistant ones can be washed, so the slabs are suitable for finishing in the corridor or hallway.

They can also be used in the kitchen, and not only for wall cladding. A tabletop for a dining table can be made from a slab. If kitchen furniture is intended for cooking, then it is better to choose a stronger material. MDF is used for the manufacture of furniture facades. During production, the slabs can be given any shape, even curved. An MDF apron is an economical solution; it is quickly installed, looks beautiful, and if necessary, some part can be quickly replaced. But MDF is inferior to traditional materials, for example, ceramic tiles in terms of durability, resistance to temperature and moisture, and strength.

Some types of material are also suitable for use in the bathroom, at least as the manufacturers assure. However, this issue has its own nuances. Under prolonged exposure to high humidity, the slab can change shape, fungi and mold often multiply behind the panels, and the products themselves can be damaged due to mechanical stress. Therefore, although they are conditionally suitable for the bathroom, it is better to use it in a room where the owners do not carry out long water treatments for several hours with steaming in hot water.

In the bedroom, you can use panels to decorate the area at the head of the bed. It is not necessary to cover all the walls with them, but highlighting one part is an interesting solution, especially if the bedroom combines several functions, for example, it has space for a workspace. Using accents in the form of panels will help delimit the room.

MDF is also suitable for balconies. With the help of slabs, you can not only beautifully cover the walls, but also provide additional insulation, since the material has good thermal insulation. Sheathing can be used for walls and ceilings. In any other room, the ceiling can also be finished using MDF to create a flat surface or a designer multi-level structure.

To cut the panels you will need certain tools.

You can use one of the following options:

  1. a hacksaw for wood – preferably with the largest teeth; small ones cause the material to actively crumble;
  2. jigsaw – with its help you can make precise and even cuts without spending a lot of time;
  3. an angle grinder is a noisy tool, the use of which leaves waste in the form of sawdust, but if there are no other options, you can use this one;
  4. A hacksaw is suitable when you need to cut with maximum precision, as it can create very neat cuts.

To make the MDF coating last longer, it is recommended to pre-prepare the surface. If there is a layer of plaster on the wall, it should be removed - it can accumulate moisture over time and worsen the condition of the slabs, as well as contribute to the appearance of mold. After cleaning, a flat surface should be left, which is treated with an antiseptic and primed.

Sheet format panels are mounted on a sheathing, which can be metal or wood. In the latter case, it is necessary to take care of additional processing of the structure to protect it from moisture, fungi and mold.

During installation, one of the methods of joining the panels is used to ensure their tight fit to each other:

  • the most common option is a tongue-and-groove connection;
  • there may be a groove-to-groove fastening;
  • for connection, profiles are used that fasten the slabs together;
  • Glue fastening is only possible on a flat surface and for lightweight panels.

During installation, an additional layer of thermal insulation material can be installed on the sheathing, if necessary. In the case where wiring will pass under the panels, it is worth using fire-resistant corrugation to avoid fire and fire in the event of a short circuit or other problems.

Panel installation process

It is not difficult to master the technique of installing MDF panels with your own hands; the main thing is to strictly follow the sequence of actions and correctly position the frame. Next we will talk about all this in detail and with illustrations.

Work tool

Let's start with preparation. The first thing we need to provide is a tool. The set is simple, but quite large:

The frame will be attached to the walls mechanically. If the base is made of brick or concrete, then it will have to be drilled to install the fasteners. A hammer drill will do the best job for this task.
If your walls are made of wood, or, as in the case under consideration, adobe, the rail to them can be screwed on with self-tapping screws. For this you need a screwdriver. It can also be useful when fixing panels - more on that later.
The frame can be assembled from wooden slats and timber or a metal profile. To cut the material in the first case, you need a hacksaw for wood, and in the second, metal scissors.

The MDF itself is cut with a jigsaw. There are no special requirements for the quality of the cut, since all the edges obtained during the process are covered with decorative strips.

The plane of the frame must correspond to the vertical. It can be adjusted using any level: bubble, laser or plumb line. To align the ceiling frame, you can also use a water level.

Important! If you plan to install a metal frame, it is better to use more precise tools. The bubble level gives errors, so we use it only when working with wood, since it is almost impossible to set it level anyway.

In your work you will always have to measure and cut something, so we have a good five-meter tape measure (preferably two pieces), a construction pencil, and a carpenter's square.

We also note the following devices:

  • A stationery knife - helps to print out bundles of panels, trim fringe on the edges, and make marks on a laminated surface.
  • A hacksaw for metal is needed for cutting fragile, bendable decorative corners.
  • Hammer – the edges of the panels, which will be hidden under the corners, are conveniently attached to nails.
  • Stool – used as a stand when cutting materials.
  • A construction stapler - you can also attach panels to it if you are confident that the frame is even.
  • Miter box - allows you to cut corners precisely at 45 degrees.
  • Assembly glue gun - the corners are glued to “liquid nails”. This glue is sold in plastic tubes, from which it is squeezed out with a gun, as in the photo below.

Assembly gun for applying glue
Other tools can also be adapted for the job. We will mention some of them in the section on installation.


Let's move on to preparing materials. Apart from the MDF panels themselves, we buy the following:

Decorative corner

The universal decorative corner consists of two long strips connected only by a laminated film. This structure allows you to bend the part in different directions and use it as an outer and inner corner.

Advice! Handle the corners very carefully, as the film can easily be damaged, which will instantly ruin the entire appearance.

Example of a wooden slatsThe frame will be wooden. Depending on the configuration of the walls, you can buy a lath with a thickness of 20 mm and a width of 40 mm, and timber with a cross-section of 35*35 mm or more.
Take planed lumber with good geometry - this will make it easier to level the frame.

More powerful elements are taken when the walls are heavily littered. This is necessary for the strength of the future frame.

Direct suspension

In the process you will also need direct hangers. They are mainly used for ceilings, but they will also be convenient and reliable for small wall indentations.
KleimersMDF panels are mounted on clamps - galvanized metal brackets inserted into grooves. This fastener is hidden. It provides a secure and quick fixation.
Dowel screwsThe rail is attached to the walls with plastic dowel screws. If the base is made of wood, self-tapping screws are used.
“Liquid nails” need to be chosen correctly. You need acrylic white or transparent composition. Glues based on synthetic resins are not suitable, as they get very dirty and can only be removed with a solvent, which can whiten the lamination.

The main materials are all listed. If something comes up, we will additionally mention it during the description of the work.

Installation of wall frame

We start with the sheathing. The frame belts are installed perpendicular to the direction of the MDF sheathing. Usually this direction is vertical, which means we rotate the slats horizontally.

Assembled sheathing on the wall with a window opening - the room looks sad

  • Here is the first photo from the facility. As shown, the wall is very crooked, and its repairs were made in the distant Soviet past. There is no need to talk about any levelness of the base. Here's what was done.
  • The sheathing belts were installed (the batten was screwed onto 60th and 70th wood screws), two main horizontal lines of the window opening, which will help form slopes (these parts are placed with long belts in the same plane).
  • The display goes like this. First, the level determines the most protruding part - usually the top or bottom of the wall. Then the first rail, previously cut to length, is attached in this place.
  • A nylon thread is stretched along the outer corner of the belt - we use it to trim the strip, placing small blocks cut from the strip in the right places. You can take any other linings. If the difference exceeds 3 cm, then it would be wiser to install straight hangers.

Inner corner of sheathing

  • Next, the opposite rail is placed in the same manner. When setting it, first of all, we focus on the vertical level.

Advice! If your level is short, use it in conjunction with a rule or a level rod of the required length.

  • The base of the frame of the first wall is ready. Next we attach the intermediate belts, breaking the wall into segments of 50-60 cm, but no more.
  • When going through curved places, like the inner corner shown in the photo above, you can knock down the plaster a little, if possible. The parts in the corners are placed in one line and tightly adjacent to each other.

Checking the evenness of the sheathing

  • It is much easier to set the middle belts. An even strip applied to the already aligned elements will help with this. Again, we add the blocks as needed.

Attention! The linings are always made on both sides of the fastening element, since when tightened, the belt will definitely warp. The supports should not just be slipped in, but attached to the belt using small nails or “liquid nails” glue. The fact is that the tree will dry out over time, and there is a possibility that the block will fall out, weakening the strength of the frame.

Frame for radiator

  • If heating radiators are installed on the wall, they also need to be played correctly. For beauty and convenience, a box is built around it, on the front part of which a convection grill is installed.
  • Since the structure is partially independent of the base, a more powerful beam was used. Please note that all the parts are fastened together with steel furniture corners - this is a quick, convenient, and most importantly, reliable solution.
  • The frame is built according to the following principle. First, the side posts and the crossbar connecting them are installed. They are attached to the bottom rail, which is screwed to the floor. Short pieces of timber connect the racks to the base. It is also possible to additionally provide reinforcing parts.
  • Then the position of the radiator grille is determined. Based on the data received, internal racks are installed.
  • At the end, horizontal jumpers are attached.

Attention! There is no need to center the grille in height; you will still have baseboards installed. It is best to retreat 10 cm from the top edge, then set aside the height of the grate plus 3 mm, and leave the rest as is.

  • A slightly larger niche is needed for the grille to fit successfully into the opening. The same rule applies to width. At the object in question, this principle was not useful, since the purchased grille was needed for adhesive installation.

Frame for interior wall decoration with MDF panels

  • This photo shows how to go about openings and outside corners. Look at the door on the left. The main vertical is installed there, which forms the angle of repose. The sheathing belts fit closely to it and are tied to corners and screws.

A large rectangular opening in the middle of the room does not need such details. The slats from adjacent walls simply converge into a corner and are pulled together with hardware. In this place, when setting, a level check is strictly required.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the installation locations of switches and sockets - it is also necessary to install a sheathing around the boxes.

We recommend watching the video: assembling a frame for MDF panels.

Ceiling frame

We proceed to installing the sheathing on the ceiling. If MDF will be mounted on it too.

Ready-made frame for covering the ceiling with MDF panels

  1. When the wall frame is assembled, its upper chord must be installed at such a height that it is below the ceiling level. It’s better to make it act as a guide for setting up the horizontal sheathing.
  2. To do this, the belt is attached horizontally along the entire perimeter of the room. For alignment, a water level or a laser alignment maker is used. You can go another way - use a wider strip, on which you then mark the line of the ceiling frame with a dyeing thread. In this case, the master used the first method.
  3. You can also use a metal profile for plasterboard PPN 27*28 as a guide.
  4. The ceiling sheathing belts are installed - the slats are wound in and placed on the upper wall belts. Next, they are placed in increments of 50-60 cm.
  5. We attach the parts along the edges to the main ceiling using hangers. Also, the pendants rotate in the middle every 70-80 cm. We bend their ears temporarily to the sides.
  6. Then we press the belts to the ceiling and attach them to any of the suspensions. We stretch the nylon thread across it as a guide and one by one release the slats, aligning ourselves along it, immediately firmly fixing it with self-tapping screws.
  7. After complete alignment, the belts are attached to all direct suspensions fixed above them.

This concludes the work with the sheathing, let's move on to the sheathing.

Installation of MDF panels

We unpack the first pack and check the integrity of all panels. If a fight is discovered, there is no need to be upset - there will be many places where the trimmings will go.

MDF panel marking

  • We measure the height of the wall. If the ceiling belts do not fit tightly to the wall ones, then you can take a larger size, then slip the panel between the specified parts.
  • We lay the MDF horizontally - for this it is convenient to use two stools. We put the resulting length on a tape measure and put a mark with a pencil. To obtain an even cut, use a square for marking. It is better to mark the reverse side - this way there is less risk of damaging the lamination.

Cutting MDF panel

  • We cut the panel straight along the resulting line. If you want to speed up, you can cut 2-3 pieces at a time - in this case there will be some difference in lengths, but this is not scary. Make sure that the power of the jigsaw is sufficient for such a load and that the file does not burn out.

Leveling the first lamella

  • Sheathing always starts from the corner - preferably the inner one. We apply the first panel and rest it against the belts of the adjacent wall. If you set the frame correctly, the part will immediately be level. Just in case, we double-check and make adjustments if necessary.
  • For alignment, you have the following options - slightly extend the desired angle, or partially cut off the edges at the junction with the slats to the desired level.

Fixing the panel with a clamp

  • The panel is positioned with the ridge toward the corner and the groove outward. A clamp is inserted into the groove, as shown in the photo above. This staple has three holes - the central one is for screws or nails, and the side ones are for a stapler.
  • In our case, the master chose self-tapping screws as the most reliable solution. We attach MDF in this manner to all possible belts.

Fastening panels in a row

  • The second lamella (like each subsequent one) is inserted with a comb into the groove of the previous panel. Thus, the clamp is hidden and this side is fixed. You need to drive the parts all the way, but do not use a hammer for this purpose, unless only through the spacer.

Thus, the sheathing is carried out along the entire perimeter of the room.

How to deal with obstacles

It is not difficult to sheathe a flat wall, especially if two people work - one cuts the panels, and the second fastens them. Only there are few such walls, but there are many with door and window openings, radiators and other obstacles. Here's what to do when passing them.

Passed the door and pipes

  • The photo shows that the master had to go around the doorway, gas pipe and heating pipes. In the first case, L-shaped cuts are made in the outer panels, and the upper panels are cut in height (it is better to fasten their lower edge with nails). You need to mark such cutouts in place, after inserting the panel into the groove.

Gas pipe outlet

  • With pipes everything is more complicated. It is difficult to mark them and cut them evenly. Very often, when creating rounded cuts in MDF, the files cannot withstand the heat and burn out. Be sure to stock up on them for future use.

Air conditioner, distribution box and switch

  • There was also an air conditioner on the way. We didn’t re-hang it, because we don’t know how to do it, and the owners spared the money to call a specialist. As a result, we had to bypass him too. A little “hack”, but in the end everything turned out very nicely.
  • Holes for electrical outlet boxes are also visible. They are made immediately along the sheathing using a screwdriver and wood bits.

Radiator structures are sheathed in the same way. There are many different scraps that can be used here.


We won’t write much about the ceiling, since the work follows the same principle. Let us only note the following.

Joint for ceiling panels

The length of the MDF panel is 275 cm. Ceilings are often much larger, so the lamellas have to be joined at the ends (this can also happen on walls). To do this reliably, the position of the belts must be calculated so that the edges fall exactly on the center of the slats, as shown in the photo.

Separate panels can be joined using end grooves, but such seams are still noticeable and are also covered with decorative strips.

Masking corners and joints

Having installed all the panels, you will not see the beauty yet, since untidy seams will spoil the whole picture. Let's do the finishing touches.

Cutting a decorative corner

  • Precision is important in this work. The corners of the room need to be decorated only after installing the floor skirting boards. We measure the height of the corner and carefully cut it off with a hacksaw.

Applying glue to the corner

  • Place the part on a flat surface with the back side up and apply glue to it. This can be done dotted or with a wavy line.

Pasted corners decorate the room

  • Carefully place the element into the seat and press down. Immediately wipe off the squeezed out excess glue with a dry cloth. The corner can be additionally secured with masking tape.
  • If the corners are installed as ceiling plinths, they will have to be joined at 45 degrees - for this you need a miter box.

The battery is covered with MDF panels.
The radiator box is also passed through in the same way, and a decorative grille is installed. This is where the work ends.

Pay attention to the video: installation of MDF without a frame.

Wooden panels

Wall panels made of natural wood are distinguished by exquisite aesthetics; their use allows you to add nobility, solidity and prestige to the interior. Most often, an array of valuable species is used to make wooden wall panels, and mahogany, rosewood, linden, walnut, and cherry veneers are used for finishing. To achieve a greater decorative effect, when creating them, a wide palette of natural wood shades, mirror inserts, colored varnish, gilded carvings and inlays are actively used, so wooden panels are a mandatory attribute of interiors in a classic style.

Wooden wall panels look very impressive

Wood wall panels will give your interior a rich look

Wooden panels have a fairly limited scope of application - they cannot be installed in rooms with high humidity, even the use of special varnishes and impregnations cannot protect them from the negative effects of moisture. And in ordinary rooms, in order to protect the panels from cracking (occurs due to the alternating processes of wood absorbing moisture and evaporating it), it is necessary to maintain a constant humidity level of about 60%. Another significant disadvantage of wooden panels is their high cost.

Wall decoration with wooden slatted panels

A room decorated with wood panels not only looks attractive and respectable, it is full of natural warmth and cordiality

Panel installation

The installation of MDF panels is very specific and depends on the rooms in which they will be used.

Before installing the panels, the walls must be leveled, and the material of the wall does not matter. The panels can be attached to a perfectly flat surface without any remnants of the old finish using glue. This significantly saves time on their installation.

Wooden sheathing or a metal profile is installed on uneven walls. This allows you to do without finishing the walls.

Decorating walls with panels allows you not only to bring any design project to life, but also to hide pipes, wires, and other communications under the panels.

What types are there?

Installing MDF wall panels will help create a unique image of any room. All possible ways of finishing the front surface, the sizes and shapes of this material will allow you to choose from a variety of options the one that is right for you.

MDF will help you create a unique design for your room

According to physical characteristics, MDF panels are divided into the following types:

Rack frames are the most common type of material. The ease of installation lies in the presence of a ridge on each slatted panel on one side and a groove on the other. This makes it easy to do the installation yourself, without the need for outside help.

Rack type of MDF panels

Sheet panels are sheets of various sizes, decorated in various ways.

MDF sheet panels will help you quickly finish walls

MDF tile panels are similar to tiles, only they are larger in size. Installation in the tile format is carried out according to the rack and pinion principle - “ridge in groove”.

Wall decoration with white lacquered MDF panels to create sound insulation

Tile look MDF

Types of decoration of the front surface of panels:

Veneering. Such panels closely resemble natural wood in both texture and color. A thin layer (less than 3 mm) of natural wood veneer is used for their cladding.

Veneered MDF panels perfectly imitate natural wood

Veneered MDF panels

Panels on the front surface of which a polyvinyl chloride film is applied are called laminated. This type of wall decoration looks very stylish. The variety of patterns, shades and textures distinguishes the material from other types. Finishing with glossy PVC film gives the room a respectable look.

Laminated MDF panels look very attractive

  • MDF wall panels with photo printing are a new fashion trend. Photo printing with all kinds of images is applied to the front surface. To protect the design, a layer of water-repellent acrylic varnish is applied on top.
  • Decorative MDF panels with 3D effect - know-how in the construction market. This method consists of applying imitation waves, geometric three-dimensional figures, carvings, and relief to the finishing material by painting in various colors. Decorating a room with such material helps solve the most complex design ideas.

Decorative MDF panels with 3D effect

MDF panels with a 3D effect will help turn interesting design ideas into reality

Panels painted with special paints are a traditional processing method. Spreading evenly over the canvas, the paint smoothes out minor irregularities. There are no restrictions on paint shades. Finishes with a silver or mother-of-pearl effect correspond to modern styles in interior design.

MDF panels painted with paints have a huge range of shades

When choosing MDF panels, consider the location of their application. For example, laminated material is more resistant to abrasion or scratches. Painted products have higher moisture resistance than veneered ones. But you will have to pay more for veneered products, because it is a natural material.

In terms of its properties, MDF is in many ways superior to wood.

Panel care

In addition to all its positive qualities, coated MDF panels do not lose their shape, appearance, do not fade, and are easy to use. It is enough to occasionally wipe walls covered with MDF with a soft damp cloth to avoid scratches and impacts with heavy objects. The surface, protected by lamination, does not attract dust and moisture, leaving it clean and not losing its original appearance for many years.

Following these simple recommendations will allow you to maintain an attractive, fresh look to your walls and avoid further repairs for a long time.

Types of wall panels

Types of finishing

Depending on the shape, the following types of panels are distinguished:

• slatted typesetting – are oblong planks made of wood, chipboard, PVC, fiberboard or MDF. These panels for interior wall decoration have a length from 240 to 370 centimeters, a width from 12.5 to 30 centimeters and a thickness from 0.8 to 1.2 centimeters. To connect to each other, the panels have grooves and tenons. Installation of cladding in horizontal and vertical orientation is allowed;

• tiled typesetting – are squares with side lengths from 30 to 98 centimeters. Such wall panels are great for creating mosaics, because each of them has its own color and texture. Covering materials are MDF, fiberboard, PVC and chipboard. To connect the plates, grooves and inserts are used;

• sheet – they have proven themselves better than others when finishing large walls. The dimensions of their sides can vary from 122 to 244 centimeters with a thickness of 0.3 to 0.6 centimeters. Unlike other materials, sheet wall panels are made only from wood or resin-impregnated fiberboard.

Slatted panels of various widths

Methods of fastening the plates vary. Thus, slatted panels for wall finishing are fixed on the sheathing, while tile panels are fixed with clamps or an adhesive. Glue is also used to fasten sheet panels, and the seams between the covering elements are masked with moldings. How to install PVC on the ceiling yourself? watch the video and read here.

Classic paneling solutions

When finishing with plastic panels with your own hands, you need to take into account not only the type of coating elements, but also the material of their manufacture.

Wooden products are considered reliable; they are made from wood species such as alder, maple, oak or cedar.

Sometimes the finish has a wax coating, thanks to which it can be used in rooms with high humidity levels. Since wooden wall panels are environmentally friendly, they are recommended for use in residential areas.

Products made from fiberboard, a material consisting of woody plant fibers, are popular. They are also safe for human health, resistant to high humidity, but become unusable when in direct contact with water. In turn, cladding panels made from chipboard for interior wall decoration are similar in appearance and quality to wood. This is explained by the fact that chipboard is pressed waste from wood production. The disadvantage of this material is its poor tolerance to sudden changes in temperature and humidity conditions.

Panels made from MDF are highly resistant to almost any environmental factors. Fiberboards are obtained by using the dry pressing method, so they are not afraid of moisture and mechanical stress. It is recommended to decorate walls with MDF panels, such as those in rooms where conventional materials are short-lived or ineffective.

All types of panels mentioned are recommended for use in residential premises. With proper care, their service life will be more than 10 years. Wooden wall panels for wall decoration have a particularly long service life: if they are made of high-quality wood, they will retain their original appearance for several decades.

Panels made from new materials

Panels made from gypsum vinyl are known for their reliability and durability. The material they are made of is a modification of drywall, and is similar in properties. Plastic wall panels for interior decoration, which are not demanding in terms of operating conditions and are easy to maintain, have also demonstrated their best performance.

New products on the building materials market are glass panels and 3D panels. The former are intended for applying photographic drawings to the surface of walls, the latter have an unusual texture with an exaggerated relief. 3D panels are made from all of the materials listed above, as well as from aluminum.

Plastic panels are allowed to decorate walls in residential, commercial and public buildings. This coating is often used in schools and kindergartens because it is considered environmentally friendly. In turn, glass panels are as safe as plastic and can withstand significant mechanical loads, but they are less common because they are more expensive. The same applies to the increasingly popular 3D panels.

3D panels create an unusual effect

Advantages and disadvantages of MDF panels

Kitchen furniture covered with glossy film is very durable and designed for many years of service. In addition, panels covered with film create the appearance of a seamless coating.

The palette of colors and shades of panels opens up scope for the designer's imagination in the decoration of walls, shelving, and furniture facades.

With MDF you can create a frame with the insertion of decorative glass, mirrors, translucent plastic, eco-leather. Furniture facades finished with natural veneer look beautiful.

MDF's ability to bend radius allows you to create beautiful furniture with a smooth completion of the composition, leaving a lot of usable space in the rooms.

Furniture made from MDF does not require special care. The damaged surface of the parts can be replaced with a new one.

The disadvantages of panels include:

  • ease of ignition, inadmissibility of contact with open fire;
  • deformation under the influence of high temperatures, which is created by heating devices;
  • instability to mechanical damage.

The hardness of the material does not allow driving nails or screws into MDF panels. All mounting holes are pre-drilled.


Is it possible to cover MDF walls on a balcony with cold glazing?

It is possible if the humidity level does not exceed 80%. It is better to choose moisture-resistant material.

I want to cover a country house with MDF panels that is not used in winter. Will there be any problems with the material?

If the area is not very damp, high-quality air exchange is organized in the rooms and MDF is mounted on clamps, there will be no problems.

I decorated the walls in the apartment with MDF panels, but after 3 months they came in waves. What is the reason and how to fix it?

Incorrect installation. The panels cannot be mounted close to each other (tenon/groove connection). Each successive panel should not be inserted into the groove of the previous one all the way. The gap should be about 1 cm. Then it is closed with a folding strip. Only in this case the panels will not move even in the presence of significant humidity. Try reducing the distance between the base joists by first removing the panels and stacking them to straighten them.

We bought MDF, but after removing the packaging a strong smell was discovered. Is it possible to use such material, how long will it take for the smell to dissipate?

This can happen for years. But the smell isn't the worst thing. It may indicate the presence of formaldehyde and phenol in the panels. MDF if the varnish or resin with which it was glued may contain harmful substances such as phenols or formaldehyde. These substances belong to the second hazard class according to GOST 12.2.007-84. Therefore, it is easier to go to the store and return the low-quality goods. If the seller refuses to accept, contact your city's consumer protection service.

Characteristics and scope of application by type of material

We won’t talk about PVC panels. There is a separate article about them with a detailed description of the technology for mounting on walls and ceilings. In this paragraph, we will consider wall panels for interior decoration made from other materials. There are more than enough of them. There are the usual MDF and chipboard, there are exotic bamboo, glass, and metal.

Wall decoration with decorative panels is becoming increasingly popular

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