How to place a bed according to Feng Shui, what it should be like: recommendations. Feng Shui bed and surrounding objects, location of a bunk bed

Since a person spends a huge part of his life sleeping, it is very important to position the bedroom set correctly. The first thing you need to think about is where the bed should be placed according to Feng Shui.

The favorable meaning of the teachings of Feng Shui is most often used for the harmonious organization of space. The placement of furniture in an apartment is important for attracting luck, prosperity and well-being. The location of the bed according to Feng Shui is supported by design decisions with a certain set of rules.

How to place a bed according to Feng Shui?

Proper placement of the bed will be the key to quality rest. A few simple rules will help you make a decision.


For favorable family relationships and a healthy lifestyle, when arranging the bed according to Feng Shui, you need to consider the following points:

  • a wall behind the head of a sleeping person . It is completely inappropriate to sleep with the head of the head facing a window or doorway.
  • According to Feng Shui, a bed cannot have its feet facing the exit. This arrangement has a negative impact on health.
  • According to Feng Shui, the wall above the head of the bed should be cleared of all interior accessories. Various objects disrupt the positive flow of energy.
  • Sleeping between a doorway and a window can make you feel unwell. Constant air circulation will add discomfort. The straight line between the window and the door should not cross the bed. Vital forces will flow through it.
  • The center of the bedroom excludes support behind the headboard, so it is not considered as a place for a bed.
  • A solid sleeping bed should consist of one mattress, not two halves.
  • The matrimonial bed must have access from both sides. According to Feng Shui, it is not advisable to place a bed in a corner.
  • Try to place the bed as far as possible from the door. It is advisable to leave the exit from the room in sight.

According to Feng Shui, the placement of the bed in the bedroom in relation to the cardinal points has a beneficial effect on certain emotions and feelings. According to Feng Shui, a bed in the east will bring harmony to your life, the south will add passion to your relationships, the west will fill you with joyful moments, and the north will improve your health.

  • Sources of electricity should be located at a distance of a meter from the bed. In recreational areas it is better to minimize the amount of equipment.

How to create a love corner in a room

To normalize and improve your personal life, try creating a separate zone that will help accumulate flows and direct them towards romantic relationships. To do this, arrange a shelf with symbols of love in the southwest. In the classic version, these are angels or mandarin ducks, but the family also has its own attributes. The main rule is pairing. In this case, it is better if the place is hidden from prying eyes, for example, located behind the front door.

It is equally important to organize personal space in the bedroom for both spouses in order to get proper rest. Scented candles and oils located on the same shelf will help to facilitate this.

Choosing a bed according to Feng Shui

To enhance the influence of positive energy, you need to take into account not only the location of the bed, but also choose the right design.

Bed according to Feng Shui rules:

  • According to Feng Shui recommendations, the following details are of great importance. a headboard adds a big plus to the sleeping place . The form must be solid.


  • According to Feng Shui, air should be ventilated under the bed. The legs help with this task.
  • The side walls act as an obstacle to positive energy flows.
  • The size of the bed should correspond to the social status of the owner. A married couple should sleep on a double bed, but for a single person this is too big a bed.
  • Choose a bed made from natural materials. The tree will provide its owners with comfort and tranquility.
  • Consider the absence of built-in elements in the sleeping bed. Additional drawers, lamps and other elements will become an accumulator of negative energy.
  • When choosing a color for your sleeping bed, exclude blue and light blue shades.

Bedroom to activate wisdom

The Northeast is a zone of wisdom and knowledge. The patronizing element is earth. In such a room there is high activity of Qi energy. Its amount interferes with proper rest and recuperation, which is unfavorable for those suffering from insomnia. For healthy people, space can give spiritual activity, and sometimes send a prophetic dream.

Suitable colors for decorating a room: terracotta, orange, yellow, red and its shades. Unsuccessful - white, blue, silver, brown. Optimal shapes - triangular, square; undesirable - round, oval, rectangular.

For the north-eastern part of this bedroom, paintings depicting mountains and earthly landscapes are suitable. A square-shaped table, porcelain containers for plants, fruits, and candles will be harmoniously located in the center.

In the southern part, it is good to enliven the fire zone by placing a photo of a married couple or objects that symbolize it: hearts, couple talismans. For a mature union in the east, it is good to install a plant - living bamboo. This area will be decorated with family photographs; Jade stones will come in handy.

A fireplace will complement the interior. Acceptable patterns are triangular, square; images of turtles, cranes, bamboo.

Interaction of a bed according to Feng Shui with surrounding objects

Objects surrounding a sleeping area have a direct impact on a person’s quality of life. Before decorating a room, you should familiarize yourself with important recommendations. Feng Shui zones should interact harmoniously with each other.


  • According to Feng Shui, a mirror should never be hung above the bed. Mirrors reflect bad energy, returning it to their owners. The constant reflection of a married couple in the mirror leads to discord in the relationship and the appearance of a third party.
  • When choosing between blinds and curtains for windows, give preference to soft fabrics. The refraction of daylight should be soft.
  • the free space under the bed with things. Cluttering will become an obstacle to energy flows.
  • In the relaxation room you need to hang pictures depicting positive emotions and natural elements of the surrounding world. The main rule is not to hang pictures above the head of the bed.
  • Items related to the water element have no place in the bedroom. Aquariums, fountains, images of ponds, blue shades of bedding have a bad effect on the health of the owner.
  • Be careful when choosing indoor plants. A flower can act as an energy vampire, especially if it is placed close to the bed. Recreation areas cannot be supported by a flower greenhouse.


  • You cannot place a bed under ceiling beams. There should be a whole ceiling above the body of the sleeper, without holes or exits.

Bedroom in the south

The direction corresponds to the zone of glory, the element of fire. Such a room is more favorable for active intimate relationships, rather than for proper sleep. Suitable colors: lilac, violet, green, red; undesirable - black, blue. Successful shapes: triangular, rectangular; inappropriate - wavy.

In this bedroom it is good to place a large red object and hang curtains in warm shades. A built-in fireplace would be a good idea. But an excess of red, including wallpaper, floor upholstery, and furniture will not give you the opportunity to fully relax, and in addition, irritability will increase or quarrels will begin.

All styles are suitable, from classic to high-tech. The balance should be shifted towards yin energies, choosing deeper shades of your favorite colors. Light-loving plants can be placed here. Pictures should depict fruits, spring weather, nature.

Feng Shui placement of bunk beds

According to Feng Shui, a bed should consist of one tier. A bunk bed has a negative impact for several reasons:

  • A person in the lower plane is influenced energetically and psychologically from above. The child falls under the oppression of the upper tier.
  • In most cases, a more energetic and strong child is placed on the second floor. The strong energy of one child can clog the vitality of the one sleeping below.
  • Natural energy forces flow differently on each tier. To evenly distribute positive energy, the beds of several children should be placed in the same plane.

Bunk beds are frowned upon by Feng Shui.

Children love beds in the form of various play items. Parents should take into account that a round bed shape is extremely undesirable.


Furniture should be arranged in such a way as to maintain a free passage between interior items along the bedroom. If the space along one wall is occupied by a fireplace or a long bookcase, then the furniture should be placed against the opposite wall, leaving the center unoccupied.

You can visually increase the space by using furniture with transparent backs and legs. A sofa placed perpendicular to the wall will make the bedroom feel less cramped. Separate seating areas, as opposed to continuous seating areas, make the room feel more spacious.

Recommended Bed Features:

  • the back of the furniture should rise relative to the foot as a symbol of protection; it can be wavy or with a depression in the middle;
  • the preferred mattress is a whole one, since two halves symbolize separation; even two moved beds will not provide the effect of integrity, which will also affect the intimate life of the couple;
  • the bed should rise above the floor, and not lie on it, so that the space under it remains free, the floor can be washed unhindered, and the Qi energy can rotate freely under it;
  • a bunk bed is unfavorable from the point of view that the upper and lower spaces do not provide full volume;
  • water, inflatable, round beds do not contribute to energy filling;
  • The bed should be the largest item in the bedroom.

Placement of the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui: general recommendations

Before purchasing furniture for your bedroom, use these tips for choosing a bed according to Feng Shui:

  • If you order a bed according to individual preferences, then it is worth considering its parameters. According to Feng Shui, the following dimensions contribute to the favorable energy of the bed: 2.2x1.5 m, 2.2x2.2 m, 2.2x2.4 m, 2.2x1.9 m.
  • You should not skimp on the quality of the material for the bed. A person should sleep on a stable and strong structure. A wobbly bed cannot hold a marriage together.
  • The rectangular headboard fills the relationship with passion and emotion.
  • The dimensions of the bed must have the correct ratio to the size of the room. In a small room there should be a compact bed.
  • When placing a bed and a work desk in the same area, protect the sleeping area with a special screen.
  • The corners of the bed should not be sharp; give preference to streamlined shapes.
  • The headboard made of twigs at the head of the bed carries unfavorable energy.
  • It is not advisable to purchase a used bed. Objects accumulate the energy of their owners and can become a source of trouble.

For sleep and health
Properly placed objects can accumulate positive energy. Following simple recommendations will improve the quality of your life.


According to Feng Shui, it is better not to choose living plants for the bedroom, but to improve the design of the room, you can choose a flower that has certain properties:

  • peonies can increase sexual energy;
  • roses are a symbol of amulet, but you should not place them alone;
  • geranium, chlorophytum, begonia are plants that produce large amounts of oxygen.

The number of plants in a room should not be more than three. You should avoid climbing flowers with sharp leaves and thorns; they are often the cause of quarrels.

Bright light

Large bright bedroom with a bed located near an unusually shaped window

Even if the room has blinds or blackout curtains, light from the window may shine through cracks or along the edges of the curtains.

You can get up at dawn, which is not bad, for example, on weekdays. On weekends, it will be difficult to fall back to sleep.

Spacious, large and bright bedroom with glass doors and narrow windows with roller blinds for a restful night's sleep

Light can influence the internal clock through the retina of the eyes. Light exposure can delay the body clock, which affects the sleep-wake cycle. Although getting up early is a good habit, bright lights at night will make it difficult to fall asleep. Closing your eyes is not enough; light can penetrate through your eyelids. If there are bright lights on the street. Bright light in the morning will help create a good habit of waking up early, but at the same time you may find it difficult to fall asleep at night. The consequence is fatigue and insomnia. It is advisable to wear a blindfold that is thick enough and comfortable to wear.

Beautiful blindfold for a restful and sound sleep

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