Living room with wardrobe - the perfect combination of modern furniture in the living room interior

For the most part, our living rooms are designed for several needs at the same time: living room-kitchen, living room-office. As a rule, the hall is the largest room in the apartment.

Since the vast majority of apartments do not have space for a full-fledged dressing room or spacious storage room, a closet becomes the most necessary piece of furniture in the living room. Modern living rooms with a wardrobe can be not only comfortable and roomy, but also beautiful and stylish.

Brief overview of the article

What kind of cabinets can there be in the hall?

Cabinets are usually divided into cabinet and built-in. The cabinet cabinet is an independent piece of furniture and is a free-standing structure. For a built-in wardrobe, the walls of the room are used as side walls. Both cabinets have their advantages and disadvantages. Cabinet cabinets are more bulky and take up significant space, but if desired, they can be easily moved and rearranged.

A built-in wardrobe makes the most efficient use of space, right up to the ceiling, but, as you know, you won’t be able to move it, and even if you move, it’s very problematic to take it with you and use it in a new apartment. The interior of the living room with any of these cabinets can be beautiful, functional and original.

Wall compartment for the living room - we make an inconspicuous installation

To make the cabinet seem less conspicuous, it can be hidden in a niche in the hall. There are times when it is necessary to install a cabinet in such a way that it appears hidden. It’s good if there is a niche next to the living room, this way you can make a built-in model of the closet without significantly changing the layout of the room. You can build a wall in the same way if you choose the right dimensions. Photos of options can be viewed in store catalogs.

The next detail to pay attention to is the facades. They should fit perfectly with the wall decoration. To be more precise, in this situation you will have to abandon the overlays or cornices, which are often used to decorate the front of the cabinet. Any decoration will automatically draw attention to the closet. If you want to decorate the walls, it is best to use the same material that was used for the doors on the cabinet.


Sliding wardrobes have recently become very popular and in demand. Such a cabinet can be either cabinet or built-in. Often an entire wall in an apartment is allocated for a wardrobe, making such a wardrobe as spacious as possible. Today's market offers very diverse and multifunctional storage systems. The living room with a full-wall closet remains a fairly spacious room.

The disadvantage of such a significant furniture structure, in addition to the fact that it is not mobile, is that it becomes necessary to carefully monitor the fittings. It is necessary to promptly clean the guides from dirt and dust and lubricate them.

Functional features of a wall with a wardrobe

The cabinet included in the wall can accommodate absolutely anything. A home theater, home furnishings, and shelves with books will fit perfectly next to such a set.

The functionality of such a wall is explained by the fact that all its sections and modules are combined.

In addition, its functionality includes the following positive aspects:

  • This closet is dominated by a storage section. Not only does it occupy the center compartment, but it is also as large as possible for greater capacity;
  • It does not have an additional number of unnecessary elements;
  • A sufficient number of drawers and shelves for linen;
  • A large percentage of the product is made exclusively from natural raw materials.

Along with the internal equipment of the cabinet, the appearance is always important. It is this point that plays an important role in the interior of the living room. Such furniture is always decorated. In this case, mirrors, colored or matte, graphics, gloss and other materials are used. The range of choice is quite large.

To make the closet look elegant, you can use original patterns that are depicted on the mirrors.

When decorating the facade, laser engraving, decoration with leather, bamboo, and frescoes are often used, but the most important thing is to make the right choice of decoration so that the cabinet fits perfectly into the overall interior. It all depends on whether you need to hide the closet or make it the main focus. You should not make all wall elements bright. When choosing this piece of furniture, you should highlight only one piece with a special shade.

Cabinet fillings

The “insides” of a cabinet depend on its functional use. A living room with a linen closet is the most common use of the room. This type of cabinet provides a larger number of shelves and convenient organizers.

If the apartment does not have a dressing room, then there is a need for appropriate places to store clothes. A living room with a wardrobe, with rational use of furniture, can also be neat and uncluttered. It is convenient to make the doors of such a cabinet mirrored. It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness and freshness of clothing to prevent foreign odors and the appearance of moths.

Often the living room is combined with the dining room. A living room with a cupboard for dishes looks very impressive, especially since housewives strive to fill the cupboard with beautiful, expensive, and not everyday dishes.

Of course, such a functional division is rather conditional. Most often, the closet in the living room is universal. Having replaced the Soviet walls, the spacious closet in the living room holds a huge number of a wide variety of household items.

Choosing a wall for the living room

Books and crystal, as the main advantages of the house, are gone forever. They have been replaced by minimalism and multifunctionality.

Many people choose a built-in wardrobe with sections in a single design solution. It is very practical and takes up little wardrobe space in the living room. Often the cabinet parameters are dictated by the angle itself or the non-standard layout. The only drawback is that there is no way to move the structure.

For the living room, you need to decide what to buy: traditional cabinet furniture or modular. The cabinets are stationary, and different options can be created from modules, which will easily add variety to any interior.

The walls consist of wardrobes, beautiful dishes are placed on shelves under glass, the upper sections are for various small things. Open spaces are designed for home theaters and music centers.

The size of the wall or cabinets depends on the area of ​​the room, so you need to think in advance about the location of the main pieces of furniture. A living room with a closet is a familiar, traditional option.

Read here: Modern living room - 100 photos of new designs

Spacious living rooms require corner structures or furniture placed asymmetrically. This will create a homely atmosphere and will encourage guests to freely communicate.

Cabinets with a secret

The small space of our apartments constantly forces designers to look for new functional solutions for placing furniture in the room. A bed hidden in a spacious closet... Why not!

It is enough to equip the structure with reliable folding mechanisms, and the sleeping place will take its place in the room as needed.

Office in the apartment? Well, these are just some lordly manners! It’s convenient to hide a small computer desk behind a cabinet door and use it when needed. Or hope that you won’t have to work at home at all, but only relax in the beautiful, comfortable, spacious interior of your own apartment.

Modular wall with wardrobe in the living room (video)

To summarize, it should be noted that purchasing a wall with a wardrobe is a winning option not only for small apartments, but also for studios and lofts. The living room is the calling card of any owner, because most of the time is spent there. This piece of furniture will help you cope with many tasks. Having problems with unevenness and architectural errors, this purchase will help correct them, as well as significantly save the family budget on arranging storage space. But most importantly, such furniture brings coziness and comfort to the living room.

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