Window in the bedroom: the best design solutions, review of photos of new products and examples of bedroom window design

Choosing colors for interior decoration

Selecting a color scheme for curtains on a bedroom window is an extremely important indicator. It is capable of both “disguising” the opening and, conversely, highlighting it with a bright palette of colors against the general background.

It is interesting that different types of fasteners look different with the same color. Some are more advantageous, others are less noticeable.

The most common solutions for any home are the following:

  • Snow-white translucent. Can be used in any classic interpretation, and is perfect for neutral or light finishes;
  • Modern design is often incomplete without black curtains. They combine extravagantly with any shade on the walls. One “but”. They should be used exclusively in spacious rooms;
  • Neutrality “beige” is beneficial for any type of design, especially with hand-forged cornice. Window design in the bedroom always benefits when it contains pastel shades. They allow you to fill rooms with light and air.
  • Their wide variety, from all sorts of peach tones to olive or pistachio colors, will allow the owner to make a choice based on personal preference and taking into account the colors dominant in the bedroom;
  • Playing on contrasts and brightness is an option for a more catchy and “defiant” design.

Heating for French windows: how to choose?

The peculiarity of such window designs imposes certain restrictions on the choice of heating devices: classic models, which are usually installed under the window sill, are inappropriate here. What options should be considered in this case?

Vertical radiators are suitable for heating an apartment with French windows.

1. Wall radiators on the side of the window. This model is not suitable for every room: firstly, there must be a heating pipe next to the wall and a place on it (which is not always possible in apartment buildings), and secondly, the wall must be thick enough to support the weight of the device. And yet this is the simplest and most accessible way out of the situation, which does not require drastic costs.

To heat this room with a French window, a side radiator on the wall is used

2. Trench convectors. The most modern and most suitable solution is a radiator built under the floor. This model does not obstruct the view at all: only a minimalistic grille remains outside, the design of which can be pre-selected to suit your interior. Another advantage is that underfloor heating is located directly under the opening, directly heating cold air from the street, which ensures rapid heating of the room and prevents fogging. However, this solution takes away the height of the room since it requires raising the floor level.

The best solution for heating French windows are in-floor convectors

Trench convectors have a relatively low power, which may not be enough in cold climates: in this case, it is worthwhile to provide additional electric wall radiators or a heated floor system.

This apartment with French windows combines underfloor and wall heating

Choosing the type of curtains for the bedroom

Whether a particular curtain is suitable or not can only be determined taking into account the size of the room and the window niche itself:

  • For a rectangular bedroom with a window - the usual solution in the classic direction. Given the sufficient space, they can always be made from any fabric. They look beautiful and traditional. Only if the size of the room is not large, then it is better to use curtains that are short in length, ending somewhere at a level above the window sill. Then the remaining open space can be used additionally;
  • A luxurious design for a bedroom with two windows is achieved when they are framed by curtains called “Roman”. By using a lambrequin as an addition, you can achieve a visual increase in the window opening. In addition, it gives a certain style and looks rich.
  • In a bedroom with panoramic windows, curtains made of heavy fabrics with comfortable adjustment are ideal, as are double curtains with elegant transparent tulle;
  • It is practical to decorate a window niche using roller blinds. The fabric used to make them is always light, and despite their simple design, they look stylish and relevant. This option is especially convenient when using the surface of the window sill as a shelf or table.

Doors with stained glass

This is the most popular way to use stained glass in the interior. Interior doors become a means of stylization, a unique decorative element. In addition, they are a way to hide from prying eyes what is happening behind the door, for example, in a bedroom or children's room, saving the owners from the need to install a solid door.

In a nursery, a stained glass pattern on the door can become a continuation of the fairy-tale theme chosen for the decoration of the walls: the windows of a princess’s palace in a girl’s nursery, or the porthole of an underwater bathyscaphe or spaceship in a boy’s bedroom. The avant-garde style in a teenager's room allows pieces of multi-colored glass inserted into the doors, arranged in a certain order or chaotically.

Doors with stained glass painting will decorate the interior in a classic style. Properly selected scenes will complement the Mediterranean and Oriental living room designs.

Design of a room with stained glass

Colored stained glass in the interior

See also: We use lighting design wisely. Photos and recommendations.

If the window faces the balcony

Curtains can also be used to decorate those windows that “look” not onto the street, but onto the balcony. You just need it to be convenient to open and close the door leading there. For example, hang a curtain on one side only.

An original and non-standard solution would be to combine three types of curtains. They will look great and not create interference if you need to travel back and forth frequently.

The following options are available:

  • Use separately adjustable, completely identical stripes made of lightweight fabric in Japanese design. The option is considered very convenient and simple. Suitable for any decor style. Easily varied and combined in new ways if necessary;
  • When a small window in the bedroom is decorated with stylish curtains called “Cafe”, it immediately becomes much more comfortable to be in it, not to mention the aura of romance spreading in the air. Comfort is created, which can be compared to the charm of a small house in nature. It will always be appropriate in a simple style;
  • Roman decor on the window is a win-win option - functional and not expensive. It always washes well, can be easily adjusted using clamps, which is very convenient - you don’t have to touch the material every time.

What types of stained glass are there?

Initially, stained glass consisted of carefully selected pieces of glass connected to each other by metal partitions that created the outline of the pattern and served as a frame for the glass. This is how stained glass was made in medieval times, and this technology is still used today.

This is a classic stained glass window. In addition to this technology, other types of stained glass are distinguished in modern design art.

  • Painted. A pseudo-stained glass window, not made up of individual fragments, but painted with special paints inside a three-dimensional contour. Then the drawing is covered with a fixing compound. Its advantage is that it can be produced quickly, is affordable and provides great opportunities - you can create any pattern to suit the style of the room, which is why it is one of the most popular types of stained glass.
  • Sandblasting. It is created by sandblasting glass and is more often used for the facades of sliding wardrobes, interior doors, and partitions.
  • Mosaic. This type of stained glass is similar to the classic one, the difference is that the pattern is laid out from pieces of glass of the same size.
  • Fusing. To create it, colored glass fragments are baked; in addition, small foreign particles can be included in them - for example, pieces of wire.

Design of a room with stained glass

Colored stained glass in the interior

In addition to these, it is necessary to highlight etched stained glass, which is based on the ability of hydrofluoric acid to burn through glass. Thanks to this, you can create deep contours, and the drawing turns out voluminous. Stained glass is painted in the same way as painted glass.

Important! A variant of classic stained glass is called Tiffany style. For such mosaic designs, copper foil is used, due to which the outline becomes thinner and the design becomes more elegant. Tiffany stained glass windows allow the use of even small glass, so they are more openwork and light.

Stained glass also includes the film type - the simplest and cheapest way to create an imitation of stained glass painting on a transparent surface. The glass is simply pasted over with multi-colored elements cut from an adhesive-based film. The outline is applied with special paint.

Various types of stained glass differ in the complexity and cost of work and the materials used, but all of them allow you to create a unique interior.

Apartment interior with stained glass

Interior design of a room with multi-colored stained glass

Unusual stained glass window in apartment design

See also Art Deco style in the interior, examples and photos.

Types of window decoration in the bedroom

A window opening does not always benefit when curtains are hung on it. Therefore, you can always find something more suitable and unusual for decoration.

Special options are offered to create a cozy environment:

  • Using the properties of frosted glass when the bedroom is illuminated with even, soft, pleasant lighting. The atmosphere is created in the most romantic and tender way. You can use frosted fragments along with transparent glass;
  • Refinement and sophistication can be achieved by decorating the glass with decorative stickers, which will make the window opening unique and unusual;
  • Special adhesive-based films are often used. They come in pure white or multi-colored, creating a custom design. Sometimes owners prefer to draw or write something;
  • Beads are an unusual decoration; hanging them on the window you can admire the play of reflection of bright glare from the sun's rays. Those who love a more relaxed and cozy environment will prefer similar decor made from shells or wooden trinkets.
  • A variety of plants in beautiful pots will serve as excellent additions. It could even be small trees with tangerine or lemon fruits.

Design and color scheme

Traditionally, window frames are white. This shade is given to the plastic from which standard double-glazed windows are made, and it is also welcomed in the “native” style for the design - Provence. Black color will emphasize the rigor and laconicism of the interior. Frames can be made to order for the buyer in any shade that harmonizes with the decor of the room. Brown wood tones are invariably associated with classic and eco style. Glass can also be given special shades of aquamarine, ripe cherry, sage or mustard. It is worth considering that the interior of the room during the day will acquire a similar tone in the light of the sun’s rays, while the windows are closed. If the structure is of impressive size, then it is better to fit the colored pieces using the mosaic method into the blind corner spaces between the panels of the frame.

Photo of window decoration in the bedroom

Stained glass ceiling

If several centuries ago glass mosaics often decorated the high ceilings of rich houses and theaters, now this design is becoming popular again, and not only for styling public institutions - restaurants, theaters, hotel lobbies, but also in residential buildings. Modern technologies make it possible to securely fasten sheets of glass at any height. If you properly install lighting between the main and suspended stained glass ceiling, the effect will be simply amazing.

Important! You can make transparent stained glass not the entire ceiling in a room, for example, a living room or bedroom, but only part of a multi-level ceiling - this will make no less an impression.

Apartment interior with stained glass

Interior design of a room with multi-colored stained glass

Unusual stained glass window in apartment design

See alsoTerracotta color in the interior: combination with other colors, photo

Features of small rooms

In rooms that cannot boast of their size, it is important to expand the space. In order not to combine two rooms with different functionality, it is worth using a visual extension - a mirror. There are several options for this:

Mirror wall behind the bed

  1. Mirror behind the bed.
    In this case, the mirror surface is installed directly behind the head of the bed. This will increase the space in the room during the day, and at night it will add special spice to family responsibilities. Considering that the bedroom is small, a shelf can hang above the bed. This can be used to your advantage. To do this, you only need to replace the back wall of the shelf with a mirror, and add spotlights or lighting to the bottom and roof (from the outside). On such a shelf you can place small candles and your favorite books. Increasing space with mirrors
  2. Mirror cabinet. The location of such mirrors directly depends on the location of the cabinet itself. The door can be either partially or completely decorated with a mirror surface. But it’s worth remembering that seeing yourself in the mirror before going to bed can be scary, so take this into account before planning your apartment bedroom design.

You can also use mirror plates and panels and install them symmetrically in the room. Ideally, such surfaces are placed in those places that the room lacks, for example, where there is a ledge. If the room has incorrect proportions, then a mirror will help supplement the missing volume. For this purpose, its surface should be simple, without patterns, designs or rhinestones.

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