Bedroom in Country style - the best examples of design, review of beautiful new products, placement and selection of furniture (135 photo options)

Features of Country style for the bedroom

As you can see in the photo of a country style bedroom, the features of the bedchamber in this rural style are:

  • Use of natural materials (preference is given to wood);
  • Visual simplicity and modesty of decoration;
  • The weight and massiveness of the furniture;
  • Natural shades of colors;
  • Decorated with rustic decor.

Country itself is divided into several subspecies depending on the country of origin, but the main features remain unchanged. The unique beauty of each type is emphasized by decorative elements.

A country-style bedroom in a wooden house looks best, but it will also look good in a city apartment.

Color solution

Decorating a room in a rustic style allows for the use of a multi-color palette. In this case, the main emphasis is on pastel and natural colors

: calm green, noble blue, positive yellow.

A rustic-style bedroom opens up wide horizons in terms of combining textiles. The main elements of country style: stripes, checks, polka dots, floral motifs - combine perfectly with each other. Optimal combinations: miniature check and floral pattern, polka dots and stripes.

However, when composing such duets, it is important not to overdo it so that the interior does not remain overloaded. If you're wary of bold combinations, pair the pattern with a matching solid color background. This will help avoid mistakes and create win-win color combinations.

Choosing colors for a country style bedroom (ideas)

Country style bedroom interiors look best in soft and light wooden shades.

For lovers of more familiar colors, the following are suitable:

  • Light yellow and amber;
  • Beige and caramel;
  • Dairy and cream;
  • Terracotta and light brown;
  • Olive tones.

Bright accents will be sky blue, red, green, and turquoise colors. In this case, the use of flashy or acidic shades is not permissible. The entire bedroom should evoke a mood of calm and comfortable rest.

A combination of several colors will look good, for example, in bright blankets or embroidered curtains. But it is not recommended to use more than three colors: the room will look too colorful and heavy to perceive.

Floral wallpaper

Floral wallpaper is a wonderful addition to a country bedroom interior. This is the perfect decoration for your wall and will give you an elegant rustic look.

The advantage of floral decoration is that it is best for giving a traditional and pleasant style to the bedroom. This is sure to make your room feel warm and lively.

Country style bedroom flooring

For floors, the ideal solution would be a regular solid board. It can be coated with a colorless varnish that does not hide the texture of the wood, or repainted in light shades.

For a city apartment, the use of laminate is allowed, but it should imitate wood as closely as possible. The interior decoration will be a homespun rug or a dim rug.

Ceramic tiles with tiled patterns will look original and unusual, but under such decoration you will have to install a heated floor system.


A rustic style in a bedroom interior is impossible without some sweet trinkets, among which there must be textiles. Also, to create an atmosphere of comfort you will need:

  • Watch. It is best to look antique with a cuckoo;
  • Basketry. Baskets, caskets;
  • Porcelain figurines;
  • Beautiful vase with a bouquet of fresh flowers;
  • Beautiful dishes. The plates can be mounted on the wall;
  • Paintings with a rural landscape;
  • Family photos in wooden frames;
  • Handmade rug;
  • Plaid made using the patchwork technique;
  • Crocheted or lace napkins.
  • Light curtains;
  • Fireplace decorated with natural wood panels;
  • Mirror inserted into a carved wooden frame;
  • Pillows. On the bed you can lay out a large number of pillows with pillowcases decorated with handmade embroidery;
  • Things made by yourself. Rag dolls, herbarium.

Wall decoration for a bedroom in country style

Wooden panels are perfect for wall decoration. The walls of a country house will look great with rounded logs.

In addition to wood, the beauty of the rural style is emphasized by:

  • Paper wallpaper with a light floral pattern;
  • Dye;
  • Ordinary plaster.

In this case, slight negligence in the application of liquid materials is allowed: brush marks, abrasions, smudging, uneven application. But such decoration should give the impression of shabbyness from time, and not from the ineptitude of the owners.

An accent wall can be finished with brick or stone. It is important to decorate the entire wall in this way, and not just pieces, as was fashionable just recently.

Ceiling decoration for a bedroom in country style

The rustic bedroom features clean white ceilings. A small ceiling plinth will give the bedroom more harmony and comfort.

In a large room with high ceilings, the decoration of the upper partitions will be wooden boards, eurolining, and panels. Ceiling beams will add a special touch to the bedroom. In addition to decorating a room, beams can also perform a purely practical function, hiding wires and slab joints.

Principles of surface finishing

Simplicity is the basis of country bedroom design. For finishing, only environmentally friendly materials are used. It is better if processing is carried out on a minimal scale.

Priority is given to:

  • tree;
  • natural stone or ceramics;
  • tissues.

The walls and ceiling can be roughly plastered and whitewashed. We accept the option of fabric wallpaper and wood cladding. To decorate the floor, use classic parquet boards. The option can be replaced with porcelain stoneware or tiles.

Country style bedroom lighting

For a country-style bedroom, you need to choose vintage lamps that provide soft, diffused light. Lampshades made of fabric, glass, wood, and wicker will perfectly decorate a bedroom.

Massive forged frames will create the antique sophistication of the room. Sconces and floor lamps stylized as kerosene lamps, candlesticks, and street lamps from the beginning of the last century look nice and cozy.

Using Accessories

Country style is characterized by an abundance of little things. Figurines, cute vases, pictures, boxes, family photos: there’s enough space for everything.

It is important to distribute the decor evenly. Items are hung on the walls, placed on shelves, cabinets, and tables.

Each item makes up the integrity of a stylish image. External chaos and bad taste at first sight usually quickly develop into love for such an environment.

Even in the heart of a metropolis, you can create a leisurely atmosphere with a rustic feel. A quiet place to sleep will definitely become your favorite part of the apartment.

It’s easy and sincere here, you want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of modern life. This is exactly the kind of cozy corner that many city residents need.

Bedroom furniture in Country style

Bedroom furniture in country style is selected from natural solid wood. The board gives the room a feeling of inviolability and reliability, and the light color gives a feeling of some lightness.

  • Small repaired chips and scratches should suggest the age of the items used. But at the same time, they should not look simply old or very battered by fate.
  • To achieve this effect, new furniture is often artificially aged. It’s ideal if the furnishings make you remember your grandmother’s house and a distant, carefree childhood.
  • The visual center of the room is given to the bed. This could be a massive wooden bed, a modern bed with curved legs, or an iron frame with metal balls or knobs.

The head of the bed is usually decorated with a wooden canvas with carvings, carriage screed, patterned or smooth metal rods. In a spacious room, the bed can be placed in the middle of the room.

Next to the cozy bed there are bedside tables with drawers. A spacious wardrobe with hinged doors and a chest of drawers complete the furnishings of a standard country-style room.

Curtains and bedspreads

In the 17th century village in France, the windows overlooked the internal garden, so they were decorated only with thin tulle in light colors. This habit has continued into our time. The fabric should let the sun's rays into the room, so satin or chintz is best for curtains.

Curtain rods should be chosen from wood. You can hang curtains on the doorway; They should be secured using loops or eyelets. Curtains and curtains can be decorated with ribbons to evoke rustic spontaneity.

Bedspreads with small flowers

The bedspread is an important element on the bed; it usually attracts the eye first. A bedspread in a Provencal bedroom can be made using the patchwork technique, that is, from sewn scraps of fabric.

The bedspread can also have a French country print or it can have a small floral pattern and ruffles. It is clear that the fabrics used for the bedspreads were natural and simple.

Tip: in order to fall asleep better, place a dish with dry rose heads in the sleeping room, sprinkled with lavender oil or, in fact, rose oil. This oil promotes sleep and gives the room a fragrant aroma.

Textiles and decor for a country style bedroom

Comfort in such a bedroom is created thanks to the abundance of textile and decorative elements.

  • The windows are decorated with light curtains made of natural fabrics: linen or cotton. It is not typical for country style to use lush folds or complex ruffles. Simple canvases decorated with light lambrequins, tiebacks, and delicate tulle look much more attractive.
  • The length of the curtains is chosen to reach the floor or slightly shortened curtains are made. The most attractive designs remain polka dots, stripes, checks, stylized animals or landscapes.
  • The bed can simply drown in an abundance of decorative pillows. A variety of sizes, shapes, and colors of these elements will only benefit the style. The bedspread will also play its decorative role. It is often replaced with a plain blanket, on which an abundance of pillows looks especially attractive.
  • Mirrors in massive wooden frames are placed on the walls; a trellis or dressing table can be placed near the windows.

You can also spare no expense on the decor for a country bedroom. Here they will find their place:
  • Antique chests (they can be used as a place to store bedding);
  • Wicker baskets with handicrafts;
  • Antique candlesticks,
  • Naive porcelain figurines,
  • Caskets.

But you shouldn’t get too carried away with decor: it’s better to leave more free space in the bedroom.

Not every inhabitant of a city apartment will like the fabulous rustic coziness, but for those who are accustomed to ancient decoration, a country-style bedroom will give wonderful relaxation and unique comfort.

Textiles are an important interior component

Do not forget that the wall decoration in a rural bedroom should be discreet, as should the furniture.

The surfaces can be painted white, covered with clapboard or wallpaper with a small pattern.

Avoid colorful decoration: rustic style does not accept pretentiousness.

Textiles add a special touch to the rest room.

Checkered fabrics look very original. Most often, red and snow-white colors alternate, but other combinations are also allowed.

A bedspread and pillowcases made of checkered or striped fabric against the background of monochrome wall decoration focus attention on the furnishings.

Patchwork bedspreads help create a cozy atmosphere, demonstrate the talent of a homemaker and a passion for needlework. To sew blankets with your own hands, use large or small scraps.

Appliqués are made from scraps or placed randomly. The seams are made standard or figured.

If you like to do crafts, rustic style will give you the opportunity to put your talent to use. Homemade decorative elements fit organically into the rustic theme.

Curtains are often made from burlap. The same material is used for picture frames.

Embroidered bed linen and lace curtains give the lounge room a piquant look and help create a romantic atmosphere.

Muslin or cambric curtains are decorated with lace along the edges. Wicker curtains crocheted or on wooden spools look most impressive.

Colorful woven rugs and hand-knitted rugs made from colored threads and straw mats add individual notes to the bedroom decor.

Attention! Do not clutter the room with furnishings and a large number of decorative elements. Do not forget about a sense of proportion if you want comfort to reign in the bedroom.

Photo of a bedroom in Country style

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