The ideal room for a child - a nursery in a minimalist style

Minimalism is an interior style with the slogan “less is more.” It would seem that this idea is incompatible with the design of the nursery. However, practice shows that an ascetic room can be very comfortable, cozy and not at all boring!
  • Minimalism is good for its versatility. Do you want to equip your nursery for growth? Do you share a shared bedroom with a preschooler and a teenager? Or maybe a boy and a girl live in it? Rest assured, everyone will feel comfortable in a minimalist nursery.

This style also allows you to:

  • Change the interior according to your mood, because its basis is neutral and easily adapts to almost any changes.
  • Visually enlarge a small room with a light color scheme and a minimum of furniture and decor.

  • Increase lighting (again using a light color scheme) in a nursery with insufficient light, for example, if its windows face north.
  • Arrange the interior in a short time and with a small budget. Although minimalism welcomes the use of expensive natural materials, you must agree that an interior, say, in a classic style will require much more effort, time and financial investment.
  • It is easier to keep the nursery in order and teach its owner not to store rubbish. Believe me, even scattered toys will not create a feeling of chaos in a minimalist space. And if the baby suffers from asthma, then in a room with only the necessary minimum of things he will breathe most easily and freely.

Further in the material, we will look at how to arrange a nursery in a minimalist style, avoiding the feeling of a hospital or non-residential office, what materials to use, what principles should be strictly adhered to, and where you can deviate from the canons.

Color spectrum

The most typical are monochrome or contrasting color combinations (for example, white background + black accents).

  • The most versatile background color for a minimalist nursery is definitely white. If you are afraid of making a mistake, feel free to choose it. It enhances space well, enhances natural light, and goes well with all colors and wooden surfaces.
  • Girls will look good as a main or additional shade in the room: beige, cream, lilac, powder pink, coral, blue, silver, gold. Here are some photo examples of the design of a girl’s children’s bedroom.
  • The interior of a boy's room can be decorated in gray, gray-green, dove-blue, and brown tones.

Teen boys room in minimalist style

  • As contrasting accents, you can use any bright colors, as well as shades of metals from chrome to bronze. But accents of black and red will probably look most impressive in a minimalist nursery.

Main features of style

To get an idea of ​​the minimalist style, you can recall traditional Japanese rooms with their white or pale beige palette, simple furniture, mats, plenty of free space, light curtains, and inconspicuous niches.

From this follow the main features by which minimalism is easily recognized among other styles:

  • naturalness in everything;
  • functionality;
  • simplicity;
  • free space;

  • abundance of light;
  • soft neutral color palette;

  • minimum accessories.

Why is minimalism preferable in a children's room?

Because it is its light beige, almost white palette that will have a calming effect on the child’s psyche, protecting the baby from overexcitation, and a lot of free space will at the same time protect from injuries during games and allow fidgets to develop to the maximum.

In addition, minimalism is a godsend for those children and teenagers who are used to keeping the room in perfect order - free, uncluttered space is the easiest to clean.

On a note! Minimalism is extremely democratic.

The emphasis on naturalness dictates the need to use natural materials: furniture, windows, doors made of wood, glass and metal, wallpaper made of paper, flooring made of porcelain stoneware or parquet. However, artificial options are also quite acceptable. For example, a workplace, window frames and doors made of plastic.

Despite the fact that minimalism requires an almost monochromatic color palette, bright spots are quite acceptable, thanks to which orange furniture or laminate flooring with non-standard, unexpected colors can appear within the general two- or three-color palette.

Adding modernity to the interior

What to do if, for objective or subjective reasons, it is not possible to completely change the style of a teenager’s room? What ways will help make the room where the young man lives more modern and stylish?

Take advantage of useful tips on this matter.

Adding Thematic Elements

You can bring novelty and a breath of modernity into a growing boy’s room by creating accents on his favorite themes. They should reflect the interests and preferences of the child:

  1. Computer geniuses or computer game characters. You can order posters, bed linen and other decorative elements with the desired image.
  2. Heroes of your favorite films. Photo wallpapers, posters, pillows with modern idols will help your son feel their real presence and will significantly change the “boring” interior.
  3. Favorite athletes, musicians, actors, etc. Sports and musical paraphernalia will be a wonderful inspiring moment for a teenage boy. and if you manage to get a ball, scarf or other item with the “idol’s” autograph, the teenager’s happiness will never end.
  4. Scientific topics or other passions (space, physics, chemistry, natural environment). Installing a suspended ceiling with cosmic bodies, the periodic chemical table on the wall or on a favorite bedspread, adding a modern landscape indoor fountain are simple but working details for transforming a teenager’s room.
  5. Automotive vehicles. Styling a room like a car interior or using biker-themed decor will help make the room modern and add a touch of creativity to the usual design.

Design project “5 stars”

Design project “Gift”

Order a complete set in the studio of Angelika Prudnikova, and we will refund you 50% of the cost of the design project of the completed premises! Thus, a design project from the “Prestige” package will cost you 2 times less. As a result of the work, you will receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Completion time 7-8 weeks. Composition of the design project:

Design project “Comfortable”

The main advantages of the “Comfortable” design project. You receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Completion time 7-8 weeks. A comfortable design project consists of:

Design project "Prestigious"

The main advantages of the “Prestigious” design project. You receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Completion time 7-8 weeks. The prestigious design project consists of:

Light is the head of everything

Light is the main weapon in the design of a room for a teenager. A lot of. Miscellaneous. The more opportunities you have to illuminate some part of the room, a wall, or anything without turning on the main overhead light, the better. In general, this also applies to adults - many people like to be in background lighting, especially in the bedroom.

This is probably the only thing your child won’t argue with. Sources of dim evening lighting, either regular white or yellow, or neon, will appeal to everyone, regardless of gender.

Stationary additional lighting - hidden LED strips. They need to be laid before the renovation begins. Because you need to come up with a place for them, make a 220 volt supply, choose where to place the power supply with access for maintenance.

There are also simpler but also cool mobile sources - floor lamps and garlands . They can be added at any time. The main thing is to have a lot of outlets. Considering the number of gadgets, there are never too many sockets.

Organization of space: from floor to ceiling

A well-organized space is the unity of all its components, including lighting. When developing the design of a small children's room for a teenager, as in the photo below, it is important to take into account some nuances.

Small room design

The floor is designed in accordance with the chosen style. The ship theme is successfully complemented by a universal laminate or dark wood parquet board. Tiles, porcelain tiles and parquet with a pearlescent sheen - for high-tech. Modern allows you to choose any finish and add a cozy shag rug as an accent.

Wooden floors are always in style

Multi-level lighting will help to zone the space, visually expand it, add volume and create its own atmosphere in each zone. An interesting floor lamp or a small conceptual chandelier in the sitting area, spotlights above the bed and a high-quality lamp in the study area are the best options. Soft, diffused lighting is also necessary to distract from everyday affairs - let it be adjustable.

Versatile lighting

The ceiling should be discreet. Clouds and bright prints are a thing of the past; teenagers choose calmer options, closer to an “adult” theme: a suspended ceiling with spotlights or a glossy stretch ceiling, wood trim or simply painted in pastel colors.

Stylish ceiling in a small room

Ideas for a teenager's room

You can perceive these ideas either as something that you yourself can advise children, or as something that you need to be prepared for, because... they will add it themselves.

  1. Vinyl records as wall decor.
  2. Wall with photographs and posters.
  3. Single-color white or yellow garlands on the wall. You can also attach photos to them with clothespins.
  4. Replace the window sill with a wider one with the ability to sit or lie on it.
  5. Teenager's corner: for girls a mirror with lamps (dressing room mirror), for a guy a punching bag (bag).

Often, any piece of garbage with a story that has significance for a teenager can become a design element - this is normal.


This style is laconic, filled with functional furniture, distinguished by cool color shades and metallic shine of details.

The interior is suitable for teenagers who prefer virtual life on the computer to reality, technology connoisseurs and sports connoisseurs.

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