New tulle items for 2022: fashionable combinations in the interior + 150 photos of unusual and stylish design options

Tulle is a translucent fabric that is loved by many. The reason was its versatility for all apartments, houses, offices. Only the design changed with the arrival of new ideas and colors. Tulle often sets the mood for the entire room, allows you to contribute to the adjustment of space, can visually expand the room, and “raise” a low ceiling.

Interior designers always use this when decorating an apartment, especially when it comes to tulle for the living room. Beautiful tulle on the windows is the best solution to transform the room and the apartment as a whole!

Some people think that curtains and tulle are the same thing. This is, of course, not true. Tulle is a translucent, lightweight fabric! But a heavy one, blocking the sun’s rays, for example, like a jacquard, is already a curtain.

Features of tulle design

This may seem like a very contradictory statement, but tulle is one of the most difficult home design accessories to design. There are many different variations, colors, styles. New tulle items in 2022 are appearing at incredible speed. It is not necessary to understand everything meticulously, but you should have a general idea so as not to make a mistake and choose exactly the model that will ideally complement your home.

The following classification of tulle is generally accepted, from which you can already build:

  • By lenght
  • By material
  • By color

In terms of length, the choice is more than obvious. The vast majority of buyers choose tulle that stretches all the way to the floor.

Indeed, this option can be called universal, as it fits almost every room. Regardless of the color and design of the rest of your room, a plain long tulle is the way to go.

Even if you purchased tulle that is a few centimeters higher and there is a small gap from the floor, this will not spoil the overall picture. On the contrary, some time ago it was a very popular solution among buyers.

If you want to add more coziness and romance to the interior of the room, then you can take tulle with a small excess of fabric to form a fold near the floor. It looks graceful and aesthetically pleasing.

As for the material, the choice here is also small. Modern manufacturers of such products most often use silk. For some, this may seem like too much of an unprofitable pleasure, but this judgment is erroneous. Yes, the price of silk tulle can reach very impressive figures, but the buyer receives an extremely high-quality product that is easy to care for.

  • Color is that component of tulle in which no advice is needed.
  • Everyone has the right to choose the color that will be pleasing to their eyes.
  • The main thing to remember is to combine the color of the tulle with the overall shade of the interior in your room.
  • A rash decision would be to purchase dark tulle for a flashy and bright room, and vice versa.

If the buyer has little experience in design and is not well versed in color combinations, then you can look at photographs of new tulle products in different rooms. There is always an example that will suit you and help you make the right choice.

Trendy shades

  1. Smooth transitions of colors on fabrics in ombre style.
  2. A combination of glossy and matte texture.
  3. All shades of tiffany green and beige for a classic design (brown, milky, chocolate).
  4. The color of wet asphalt will fit perfectly with any color scheme and will adjust the space in the living room or bedroom.
  5. Powdery (blue, peach tones).
  6. Chocolate, nut, mahogany.
  7. Match the color of the walls and furniture of your apartment.
  8. Chameleon color.

Tulle fashion trends

The design industry is developing very rapidly. Various examples of tulle in 2022, which can be seen in photographs of manufacturers, are strikingly different from what was fashionable just a couple of years ago.

And this is normal, the main thing in the pursuit of trends is not to get confused and not to choose the tulle that will not complement your room or will generally spoil the overall atmosphere.

  • No wonder they say that fashion is a cyclical thing. Recently, both among professionals and among ordinary buyers, the vintage tulle style has become popular.
  • Yes, it doesn't fit every room. If the overall interior is made in high-tech style with modern furniture and accessories, then vintage tulle will clearly look ridiculous.
  • But a conventional loft or just a standard room without bright colors may well be complemented by some avant-garde and non-standard solution like vintage tulle.

Tulle for the kitchen

There is nothing too complicated in the design of a fashionable kitchen interior; experts recommend sticking to the usual style and hanging bright tulles or even transparent ones in the kitchen rooms.

In 2022, finding such tulles will not be difficult. This should be done to ensure that the kitchen is always filled with light and is pleasant to be in on sunny days.

Different patterns are great for large rooms.

If you need to visually enlarge the room, take a closer look at luxurious snow-white tulle or cream fabric.

Do not think that the usual shades will make the window decoration monotonous. Curtain designs in traditional light colors will become no less exclusive.

Tulle for the bedroom

As for the bedroom, the situation is diametrically opposite; comfort should always reign in bedrooms. It is not for nothing that this room is considered the center of the family hearth. Here you should stick to muted colors. Plain burgundy, black, dark blue, bronze tulles are ideal for almost any bedroom and will create a fairly pleasant atmosphere.

Color spectrum

The shade of tulle directly depends on the design of the room; you can choose plain, bright, with transitions, or combined.

One thing worth considering is that they must match the color of the thick curtains.

The most popular options:

  • White;
  • Grey;
  • Light yellow;
  • Turquoise;
  • Light pink;
  • Light green;
  • Lilac;
  • Amethyst;
  • Fuchsia color;
  • Bronze;
  • Pearl;
  • Light green;
  • Light orange;
  • Gray;
  • Red-beige.

Tulle for the living room

The living room is traditionally considered the center of any home. This is where all the main action takes place.

  • Residents of the house spend the lion's share of their time in the living room, communicating and receiving guests.
  • That is why the furnishings in this room must be appropriate and tulle is ideal for creating and maintaining this very furnishings.
  • A smart solution would be to take modern tulle, made in a minimalist style. As for color, the choice is up to the buyer.

More often than others you can find lemon-colored and metallic-colored tulles.

The most beautiful ombre curtains in the interior

A bold solution for decorating large window openings, the combination of bright colors and the ombre effect makes the living room dynamic. In this case, it is necessary to “duplicate” colors in interior elements: upholstered furniture, carpets.

If you want to slightly refresh the interior of your home, then the curtains should be in harmony with the color of the upholstered furniture.

An interesting application of the ombre technique. There is no smooth transition on the canvas, but there are clearly defined lines. The bright color of the curtains is repeated on the decorative pillow.

Tulle should be neutral, light or completely abandoned.

The vertical “flow” of delicate shades of pink and blue visually enlarges the room and fills it with comfort and warmth.

The ombre effect can be used in any room.

If you are tired of everyday life and you really want to “color” your life, curtains with an ombre effect are the right choice.

Proper care of tulle

It is not enough to simply purchase the right tulle; care also plays an important role.

The main points, following which you will extend the “life” of your tulle:

  • Large tulle for the living room or hall should not be washed too often. The best option would be to wash 1-2 times per season. It is advisable to wash in a washing machine on a delicate cycle at a low temperature (no more than 40 degrees). Don't forget about pre-soaking.
  • Under no circumstances should you rinse tulle in hot water. This can lead to the fact that the tulle simply decreases in size and will no longer look as good as before. Gaps and irregularities will appear, which are extremely difficult to eliminate. It is best to rinse tulle in cool water. Spin is also not recommended for similar reasons.
  • If after drying the tulle there are any dents, humps or irregularities, then you can gently iron it, although usually tulle does not need this. This should be done with an iron at minimal heat, very carefully so as not to burn anything. After ironing, you need to steam it a little by weight.

Material selection

Modern tulle is made from a variety of fabrics, but most often these are synthetic materials. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each fabric.


  • soft, smooth and delicate to the touch;
  • denser than organza and softer;
  • offers many color options;
  • better protection from the sun.

However, the veil also has significant disadvantages - for example, it gets dirty much faster and is much worse to clean. It deteriorates in the sun and is quite subject to unwanted electrification. Easily wrinkles and tears. It is better to wash with liquid detergents and very carefully.

Organza is a fabric made of polyester and silk; it is much easier to wash compared to a veil and is much less afraid of dust, sun, and electricity. Although light and airy, it is also very durable.

Usually organza is a much better option compared to a veil, which has only one drawback - price. Producing quality material is expensive.

Important! Not long ago, a wonderful option appeared on the market called micro-veil or semi-organza. He took the key advantage of the veil over organza - softness, while maintaining the elasticity and other advantages of organza. It is worth recommending if you are not short on funds.

Finally, the largest type of tulle is mesh tulle. One of the significant advantages of the mesh is that it does not require ironing. You need to wash it by hand and quite carefully, but still, compared to a veil, there is less chance of damaging it.

Let's summarize: most often the best, but least budget choice is organza.

Photos of new tulle products for 2022

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