The combination of colors in the interior with a green tint: 20 stylish ideas

For the bedroom, you can choose a less colorful combination so that the room maintains an atmosphere favorable for relaxation. A good option is to combine the color of apple green with beige tones and wooden furniture in the interior. It is better to organize the light so that it hits from below and is soft.


Wooden elements and green shades combine well with white. It dilutes bright colors, so it is better to use it in different parts of the room, in the form of furniture or decoration, in order to evenly fit the white parts into the interior.


You can abandon wood and decorate your bedroom exclusively in a combination of green and white. The result is a bright and very light interior, where it is pleasant to relax and spend time. With this design, it is better to place the green elements in one place, as in the photo below, so that they do not dissolve against the background of the white room.

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Another interesting option is a combination of green and black colors in 3D apartment design. In this case, it is better to take a light or light green shade: they will stand out in an original way in contrast with the black walls of the room. This interior can be partially diluted with white for an effect of lightness and calm.


Green color in the living room interior: popular variations

No matter how pleasant the green color is, this does not mean that its presence in the interior should be sole and uncompromising. You always have the opportunity to combine it with other shades.

Lime in the living room

This magnificent shade is suitable for those who are not afraid of bright and quite bold design solutions. Paint all the walls with it and you will see how amazing the room will look. Dark furniture will look great against this lush background. As an additional aesthetic addition, you can take paintings with simple drawings, but made in light, rich colors.

in order to make the interior of a white living room more dynamic, it is enough to decorate one of the walls with a shade of lime

Green and white mix

White is often chosen as a partner for green in the living room interior .
And for good reason! Just look at the intertwining of these colorful flowers! Hang the curtains, arrange the pillows to match this duet - and the room will be filled with the charm of spring. In general, decorative elements and unusual accessories dramatically change the perception of the situation. If you want to make the exuberant decor a little more restrained, add a little gray to the green and white palette. It may well become the color of the flooring.

Green-gray decor

To achieve a calm interior, white can generally be replaced with gray, but there is a risk that the decor will evoke melancholy. Interspersed with sunny and warm accents in the form of orange or, say, yellow accessories will save the situation.

combination of green and gray in the living room interior

Green-blue motifs

If you want to have an elegant yet relaxing environment in your living room, combine the color of the sky with a touch of greenery in your decor. To add organicity and completeness, fill the interior with wood flowers. Parquet floors and wooden accessories will be good. Neutral beige, gray and white shades would also be appropriate in this combination.

Advantages and disadvantages

The design of a living room in green tones requires a certain courage, but in the interior it most often looks quite harmonious and non-irritating. It is worth evaluating all the advantages and disadvantages of the palette.

Let's start with the positives.

  • It has a positive effect on the nervous system and is able to level out anxiety and tension, especially if the shades include a blue tonality.
  • For those who use the living room as a dining room, you should remember those shades that reduce appetite. This is the color of olive, malachite, lettuce.
  • Gamma has a good effect on relationships between household members. Reduces the need to conflict, pacifies.
  • Helps relieve tired eyes and relax after a busy day at work.
  • If you are prone to mood swings, these shades will help get rid of it. Green contributes to the formation of an even emotional background.
  • To add dynamism to your living room, which will influence the mood, motivate and motivate, add a few red elements to the composition.
  • Ideally combined with yellow, brown, white. Suitable for many styles.
  • Looks good in any size room. The main thing is to choose the appropriate tonality and correctly combine colors.

Green color in a modern living room interior from the point of view of practical people

Do you consider yourself a practical person? You don’t have time to care for light-colored furniture and constantly put things in order, but at the same time you don’t mind having a bright living room? You are not alone in your desires! The designers have found the ideal solution for you - a combination of green with a non-staining and rich chocolate shade. The duet is incredibly effective and can be said to be universal, because it is suitable for many stylistic trends.

green color of furniture in modern living room interior style

Wall decoration

When painting the walls, there is no need to paint them completely green, since this is not appropriate in apartments with small windows. In this case, it is better to use light or pastel shades. They reflect sunlight well, creating the effect of volume and depth in the room.

Only on one wall can you use green or photo wallpaper with a similar pattern.

But if the living room is painted green, then white, burgundy, gray or dark yellow should be used in furniture and accessories.

It is necessary to abandon furniture made in green shades.

Furniture in a green living room

“The green color of the furniture in the interior of a modern living room will go perfectly with glass furnishings, such as a coffee table, shelves for books or decorative elements, cabinet doors.” A
white sofa standing on a sand-colored one will look very stylish and fresh against the background of pale lime walls floor tiles. Complete the picture with wicker chairs and get an interior in a truly fashionable eco-style. Choose textiles that match the background. There are never too many shades of green in this direction.

To update the perception of the situation, it is not at all necessary to introduce green color into the interior of a room such as a living room on the walls and other global surfaces . Try simply changing the upholstery of the sofa and armchairs, and frame the window space with green curtains. The finishing touch to the new decor will be wall lamps with the same green lampshades. Change your flooring to purple or blue. It will perfectly match with updated accessories and furniture.

soft green armchairs “refresh” the gray-white interior of the room

The combination of emerald furniture with golden mosaics or lemon-yellow floor tiles looks very original in the decor. Accents in this interpretation are placed with blue, turquoise and dark blue accessories.

If some officiality should be visible in the living room, then use objects with chrome surfaces and smooth, but clear and even lines. Minimalist interiors will require furniture in muted green colors. You can decorate the interior with vases of flowers, lamps in pearl tones, and paintings with landscapes.

The green color of the furniture is in perfect harmony with the color of the curtains

The green color of the furniture in the interior of a modern living room will go perfectly with glass furnishings, such as a coffee table, shelves for books or decorative elements, and cabinet doors. By experimenting with interior solutions, you are sure to achieve an impressive aesthetic atmosphere in the room. Your living room will always be cozy and comfortable.

The most popular combinations

Brown color, with its noble character, perfectly sets off many colors. Blue, yellow and green go well with it. The most successful combinations come from classical unions.

Brown - white or beige

This interior has an elegant look, the contrast gives it solemnity and harmony. Classic design involves walls of two colors: brown and white or beige. This technique is also popular when not the entire wall is painted in a contrasting color, but part of it, for example, a niche behind the TV.

Large objects look good in contrast, for example, a beige carpet on a brown floor or vice versa. In modern furniture designs, this can be a sofa of a simple, laconic shape, made in one color, and many pillows of the second leading shade. For such a living room interior, wooden coffee tables are selected in a regular rectangular shape without unnecessary elements.

Accessories for a green living room

The living room is one room that should not have an endless amount of accessories. Their excess will not only not create a pleasant environment, but, on the contrary, will give rise to complete discomfort. Use vases or unobtrusive paintings. The main thing is that their color palette contrasts with the green color of the walls in the living room interior, then they will be noticeable and become a real decoration of the room.

green accessories create a spring mood in the living room interior

Shades of brown

You can like or dislike this color, but among its shades everyone will find one that they personally like. Because brown options include chocolate, cocoa or coffee, shades of wood and cinnamon. All of them are well suited for decorating a living room in various styles.

  • Chocolate or coffee color goes well with ivory. It can be paired with both white and milky, thanks to which the interior can turn out solemn and stylish;
  • Cocoa, coffee with milk and all bleached colors fit well into the interior together with light shades. Even a pink or peach stripe of wallpaper will add romance and sensuality to a brown living room;
  • Cinnamon is combined with milky color, creating an atmosphere of comfort and coziness. And when combined with yellow or red, it adds passion and energy to the interior;
  • The color of the wood, combined with other natural shades, charges the environment with positive energy. Such an interior becomes calm and organic.

Curtains in the green living room

When choosing curtains for a green living room, focus on its size and, above all, height.
It is also important to remember the degree of illumination and the style of interior design. If the room is not spacious, then buy curtains in light green shades, without any special frills, but for large spaces you can take lush, dense curtains in richer tones. However, all of the above is not an axiom. These are just design tips. After all, the creation of each decor requires a strictly individual approach. To create the integrity of perception and give harmony to the atmosphere, complement the green curtains with similar chair covers, matching pillows and other textiles.

green curtains in the classic style of the living room interior

Designers on the features of green in the overall living room interior

When decorating a green living room, you should adhere to some rules:

  1. Use green tones in proportion. Oversaturation of the living room with this color will lead to inhibition of physical activity, moreover, it will provoke lethargy and passivity.
  2. Don't try to make green the leader. There is no need to paint everything that surrounds you: walls, floor, ceiling. Sometimes its presence in just a few elements is enough.
  3. Green is an easy color to combine, so don’t shy away from expressive color schemes. Feel free to dilute it with harmonizing palettes.
  4. Give way to green in decorating modest spaces. For small living rooms, shades of green are just a godsend. The atmosphere of the room instantly becomes lively and fresh.

green carpet looks harmonious in interiors decorated in eco-style

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