Beautiful and budget-friendly: 12 ideas for creating an interior that won’t break the bank


Spacious and simple. It does not have an abundance of decor and furniture. The room remains spacious and light. The space is often divided into zones and illuminated with plenty of light. Simple materials are suitable for finishing - wood, plaster, brick. Furniture without bends and functional. Curtains have no place in such a room.

Beach Coastal

Finishes: $ Main Furniture: $$$ Accessories: $

Approximate budget for a one-room apartment: 900 thousand rubles for everything.

Coastal style is easy to implement - American furniture, white and blue colors with the addition of sand, a couple of bright, noticeable thematic accessories - and you get a fashionable style for the price of ordinary furniture. An American sofa and an Americano-style kitchen, usually white or beige, are the basis of everything here.

Concrete surfaces

The decision to leave concrete planes on both the ceiling and walls came to us from the loft style, which is still relevant today. If implemented correctly, such solutions can look very stylish and beautiful, they can complement your interior and become an original accent. This is exactly the option that does not require any difficulties in finishing work and is perfect for inexpensive repairs.

Let's choose a color!

There is a certain stereotype that expensive renovations are associated in our minds exclusively with calm pastel colors. Many people are afraid to take risks and do not dare to experiment with color, so as not to lose. We understand these fears very much. But this is not always the right decision. Risk is a noble thing. Our designers in Yekaterinburg advise not to be afraid to add bright color accents to the design of your apartment. This will give even the most budget renovation colossal charisma and individuality.

The main thing is to correctly determine the correct location of the accent. With the right combination of colors, your budget interior will immediately become bright, rich, stylish and voluminous.


Finishing: $, partially existing can be used, except for the bathroom Main furniture: $, existing can be used Accessories: $$

Approximate budget for a one-room apartment: 400 thousand rubles for everything.

The new-fangled airi style creates something special from freshly painted walls, expensive luxury textiles, the most varied (from antique to the cheapest, from flea market items to the top positions of the latest collections), giving rise to an incredibly interesting combination. Airi is always based on a personality, a character, or a Pinterest board lovingly collected over the years.

European urban

Finishing: $, used already existing in the new building Main furniture: $$$ Accessories: $

Approximate budget for a one-room apartment: 700 thousand rubles for everything.

Due to the fact that European urban is implemented mainly in stylish, modern new buildings in Berlin, Munich, London, Warsaw and other capitals, it looks very modern and expensive, but in reality it is very cheap. Furniture made in Turkey with its unique laconicism allows you to make such a room very modern.

How to save money when creating an interior

Here we should dwell on the points that relate to the choice of furniture and finishing materials.

Furniture in an economy class house

When buying furniture, you should pay attention to simple options that are not distinguished by abundant decor. They usually cost less. And if a closet or chest of drawers seems too boring, you can decorate it beautifully, showing your imagination. The item will immediately become familiar and unique, and money will be saved.

Simple furniture in the interior.

In some cases, you may not have to spend money on buying furniture at all. If there are objects that are strong, but unattractive in appearance, it would be good to repaint them to your liking or even complement the design with an original design.

Chest of drawers painted turquoise.

When planning to install this or that furniture in a room, you should think carefully about whether it is really necessary. There is no point in cluttering the room with objects that will play a secondary role.

Minimum furniture in the setting.

In order not to spend money on a large number of pieces of furniture, you can choose multifunctional models for yourself. For example, a sofa that can easily turn into a bed at the right time will be convenient to use. Or a chair with drawers under the seat for storing things.

An economical option is a chair-bed.

Decoration inside the rooms

In such a situation, you need to forget about expensive wallpaper and luxurious frescoes. There are simpler methods to give your home a decent look. In this case, you need to find material that is affordable. For example, to level walls and improve them, you can use relatively inexpensive decorative plaster.

Fig. 5 – Decorating walls with decorative plaster.

If you decide to decorate your walls with wallpaper, you should choose those with small or abstract designs. In this case, there will be no need to make adjustments that require more material consumption.

Small pattern on the wallpaper in the bedroom.

Stretch ceilings are also not the best option if you want to save money. It would be more suitable to use drywall or simply paint the surface. In a small room, it is recommended to make the ceiling lighter than the walls. It's great if it's white. At the same time, the space will “stretch out” a little.

Asian chic

Finishes: $ Main Furniture: $ Accessories: $$$

Approximate budget for a one-room apartment: 800 thousand rubles for everything.

Among ethnic styles, Asian chic is gaining momentum. Based on minimalist furniture and decoration, with the addition of decor, textiles and small details, as well as using a walnut or olive color scheme, you get an eclectic luxury style for little money.

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