Art Nouveau style in the interior: features and design ideas for different rooms

Modernism is often confused with modern style, contrasting it with classics. And there is some truth in this: the word itself is translated from many languages ​​as “modern”. But this was the style at the time of its appearance, but now it is a special direction with its own canons and rules that have little in common with the principles of contemporary art. In this article we tell you what the Art Nouveau style is in the interior and what its features are, and also share inspiring photos from real projects.

Features of Art Nouveau

Before considering the differences in Art Nouveau design, we note: at the peak of its popularity (the beginning of the 20th century), this trend spread throughout the world and formed new forms in different countries.
For example, Tiffany in the USA, Art Nouveau in France, Art Nouveau in Germany. Today they are separated from the Art Nouveau style, but in general can be considered an integral part of it. Apartments designed in Art Nouveau style are distinguished by:

  • Smooth lines. There are no corners or clear stripes, the Art Nouveau finish follows the curves of the plants.
  • Natural materials. Particular attention is paid to wood - usually valuable, expensive oak or beech furniture and decor are used.
  • Asymmetry. After the absolute symmetry of Gothic and Baroque, the violation of the canons of mirroring was a breath of fresh air.
  • Flora and fauna. The theme of nature in creating interior design for Art Nouveau is not uncommon; animal prints or symbolic images of plants are usually used.
  • Arches. The vaults of windows and doors are often made arched, while the window openings themselves are large and high, the doors are wide, usually double-hinged.
  • Stairs. If the house has them, you should pay special attention to the design: wide comfortable steps, wrought iron railings.

The main thing you need to know before starting renovations is that recreating modernity is not only expensive, but also difficult, especially without the appropriate skills. Therefore, if you doubt the success of the operation, but want an interior in this style, seek help from a professional designer, preferably with a portfolio of works in the modernist direction.

Ceiling decoration in Art Nouveau style

The ceiling in the Art Nouveau style should be given special attention. Unlike the walls, it is very richly decorated. This can be voluminous gypsum stucco or wooden elements. It is in the ceiling that the influence of the classics on the formation of this style is most felt. Its static elements fit very organically into the outlandish interweaving of wavy lines and look great in asymmetry, smoothly weaving through the rooms in a dynamic pattern.

Stained glass windows are often placed on the ceiling, which are an invariable and very important attribute of Art Nouveau. Illuminated with muted light that does not hurt the eyes, they create a special mood in the room. Moreover, a stained glass window made according to the owner’s own design is a great way to express yourself and make your personal contribution to the design of the room.

Style color scheme

Interior design in Art Nouveau gravitates towards natural themes; the color of Art Nouveau style should be natural, as natural as possible.

Main color range:

  • White. Use shades of pearl, ivory, cream.
  • Beige. From standard light cream to all shades of brown.
  • Grey. Both light silver shine and dark wet asphalt or graphite will do.

The accent colors are also selected from the natural palette: green, yellow, orange, peach, fuchsia.

From the description it is clear that the Art Nouveau style in the interior should look like a single whole. Therefore, shades are selected with special care: they should look like a continuation of each other, creating the perfect combination.

The photo shows a combination of light walls with dark wood

The background (walls, ceiling) is usually made light - both in small and large rooms. On such a “canvas” dark doors, mahogany furniture, bright stained glass windows or facades look harmonious.

The monochromatic color of the Art Nouveau style is necessarily complemented by floral designs. They are usually used on:

  • wallpaper;
  • upholstery and textiles, carpets;
  • ceiling and floor;
  • decorative details of furniture and interior (wooden, metal).

Art Nouveau walls

The walls create only a background, but in no case draw attention to themselves. Therefore, to paint them, light, non-flashy shades are used: pearl, cream, milky white, light gray. Texture is unacceptable. For some rooms where it is necessary to create a certain intimacy and intimacy, you can take darker tones of wine and brown.

They should be muted, without gloss. To avoid excessive gloom from a dark color, the walls can be decorated with discreet floral patterns. Its distinctive feature is its vertical arrangement, simulating the natural growth of plants.

Sometimes designers prefer to decorate the lower part of the walls with wood panels, which in some cases is more practical, for example in the hallway. The panels should be made of natural wood or, in extreme cases, a cheaper artificial material that imitates it. The upper part of the walls is covered with silk or paper wallpaper in pastel shades. In any case, the decorated walls should not attract attention, thereby drowning out the interior decoration of the room.

Finish options and materials

Art Nouveau style in the interior offers a very limited list of finishing materials:

  1. Tree. We have already mentioned that it is desirable to use valuable and dark wood species. In this case, wooden parts are not painted, but only emphasize their texture and protect them with oil, wax or clear varnish.
  2. Glass. Not the usual transparent one, but colored or painted. Stained glass decorates not only windows, but also furniture facades, interior doors, and replaces lamps on the ceiling.
  3. Metal. The Art Nouveau style does not end with forged railings; metal is skillfully combined with other materials and used as useful decorations (umbrella stand, newspaper rack).

Based on this rating of the most popular building materials, it is easy to guess about the design of various surfaces in the Art Nouveau style.

The first thing you need to come to terms with: the price. There are no cheap solutions to Art Nouveau design (this is the reason why it declined in the 1920s).

The photo shows a wrought iron staircase of an unusual shape

The floor in the Art Nouveau style excludes linoleum, laminate, and PVC tiles. For dry rooms (corridor, hall, bedroom) use parquet or floorboards. For wet areas (bathroom, kitchen) - flooring in the form of stone or expensive tiles. The latter, by the way, can be handmade with floral ornaments.

Although wall decoration involves minimalism and a complete absence of decorative elements, the budget will have to be spent on high-quality paint or wallpaper. The paint is light, matte, wear-resistant. Choose wallpaper with silk-screen printing, fabric, or, in extreme cases, first-class non-woven or vinyl. The colors of the canvases are monophonic, light relief or texture is allowed.

The ceiling is both neutral and eye-catching. That is, a light (preferably warm white) color is diluted with rich decor with floral patterns, stained glass windows, bulky lamps, and stucco molding. Modern modernism in the interior gravitates towards multi-level tension or suspended structures of smooth shape; you can also use a fabric stretch ceiling with ornaments.

Furniture and accessories

An apartment in Art Nouveau style is distinguished not only by its decoration, but also by its furniture. With its love for smooth lines, the direction gave rise to the production of interior items of bizarre irregular shapes. A lot of shelving, dressing table, and cabinets made of natural wood with signs of asymmetry appeared. Built-in furniture is also an invention of the Art Nouveau style.

Natural patterns are clearly visible in individual elements: shelves in the form of branches, carved flower legs, floral carved decorations on the facades, painted stained glass windows.

In the photo, the arch, wall and ceiling are decorated with wood

Upholstered furniture, such as armchairs, sofas, couches, are distinguished by light, inconspicuous upholstery, but at the same time they look very catchy due to curved outlines, crooked legs, carved decor with plant or animal motifs.

No matter how the interior items and decorative elements look in the Art Nouveau style, they are united by one important quality: convenience. Designers sought to create ergonomic chairs and sofas, and provided desks with compartments for storing all the necessary small items.

The photo shows wooden furniture and walls in the dining room

Modern: emergence and development

Translated from Latin, “modern” means “modern”. But this definition does not apply to today, but to the time when it originated and took shape. The heyday of Art Nouveau in relation to the interior occurred in the last years of the 19th century, and lasted until the outbreak of the First World War. But, despite his short lifespan, he managed to make an extraordinary contribution to the development of interior design.

The end of the 19th century saw the rapid flowering of the technical revolution. People needed change, a move away from classicism and patriarchy into a new technological society. The basis of the style is the denial of the classics, and with it the generally accepted standards.

The straight lines of classic interiors gave way to rounded and smooth ones, the furniture became plastic, and the transition from one piece of furniture to another became veiled. The varied and rich range of colors completely excluded bright colors; muted colors became the main ones: brown, gray-green, reddish, all variants of pastel shades. Floral motifs appeared everywhere in the design.

Traditional cultures of different countries made adjustments to the development of the style. Thus, in Austria, the decorative direction of Art Nouveau still dominates; constructive Art Nouveau developed in France. The Russian version was significantly influenced by decorative and applied folk crafts. But the division is arbitrary: modernism includes so many options and categories and is influenced by so many diverse cultures that it is quite difficult to draw the line between it and eclecticism or art deco.

Textiles and curtains

The Art Nouveau style in the interior cannot be called minimalistic; the terms “bright” and “chic” would be more appropriate. Therefore, there is a lot of textiles in it and all of it meets the stylistic requirements:

  • smooth lines, soft drapery;
  • natural colors;
  • expensive exclusive fabrics;
  • images of plants, flowers.

If you are afraid of going overboard in decorative elements, hang regular straight curtains on the floor, gathering them on hangers on opposite sides of the window. The resulting curves will ideally emphasize your sense of proportion and suit the Art Nouveau style.

A bright accent will be a curtain on one side: this is appropriate not only in the kitchen, but also in the living room and even in the bedroom. An asymmetrical composition does not exclude the decoration of the second side - a short curtain, a lambrequin or a hanging tie, a mold, a frill will cope with this task.

The rest of the textiles (cushions, rugs, bedspreads) are made from flowing fabrics - satin, silk, or dense fabrics with an embossed pattern - for example, tapestry.

In the photo there are dark velvet curtains to the floor

Preparing the room

Before arranging furniture in the living room, you need to prepare the room. To do this, we decide on the main color scheme.

It is recommended to choose two or three shades that complement each other. Beige with lilac, light brown and metallic, blue with blue and so on look beautiful.


Each style, including modern in the interior, has its own requirements for light. Art Nouveau style lamps are divided by location:

  • Ceiling chandelier. Definitely luxurious and spacious. The most suitable model is made from forged elements with crystal pendants. Stained glass variations in the American style are also popular. For a modern look, light panels built into the ceiling, decorated with stained glass, would be suitable.

The photo shows the use of stained glass in the interior

  • Tabletop. Used on desktops, bedside tables, and side tables. The base is mainly made of natural wood, glass, metal. The lampshade is also either stained glass or beautiful light fabric.
  • Floor-standing. Replace tabletop ones - for example, near a sofa or bed.
  • Wall-mounted. The style requirements are the same - aesthetics, complex curved shapes, floral decoration possible.

What decorative elements will suit this style?

The final touch in the design of a room is the arrangement of decorative accessories that have no practical functions. They are designed to fill the atmosphere with comfort:

  • Crystal, bronze or porcelain products;
  • Fine watches;
  • Candlesticks, sculptures;
  • Wooden pictures and frames;
  • Silk decorative pillows;
  • Stained glass windows, etc.

The main principle in the case of Art Nouveau is the color harmony of products made from natural materials. The theme remains the same: flora and fauna. Sometimes the advantages of Japanese painting are used, whose love for calligraphy and flowering gardens fits perfectly into the style. In Europe, the works of Klimt and Mucha are considered recognized masterpieces of Art Nouveau. In America - Birbank.

The use of a fireplace in Art Nouveau stands out. Its classic lines and forged elements will decorate any interior.

Photos in the interior of the rooms

A living room in the Art Nouveau style necessarily includes a soft area with a comfortable sofa (preferably on a wooden frame), a couple of armchairs or poufs and a low coffee table; if possible, the room is equipped with a fireplace. The table base is forged or made of carved wood, the tabletop is usually glass. Upholstered furniture is selected in one color, preferably from one collection. Used as decorations:

  • candles in expensive candlesticks;
  • vases made of crystal, porcelain;
  • figurines and statues of different shapes and sizes;
  • wall, table, floor clock mechanisms;
  • paintings in wide elegant baguettes;
  • sofa cushions made of satin, silk, velvet.

Separately, it should be said about technology: modern TV models, for example, are visually poorly combined with the Art Nouveau style in the interior. Therefore, when placing them, you should take care of the decor: for example, make a niche and decorate it with floral decor, or choose a bright accent TV stand. These techniques will distract from the TV itself and help maintain a unified style.

The photo shows unusual curved arches

A kitchen in the Art Nouveau style also gravitates towards natural materials, so the set, or at least its facades, is made of wood. The ideal shape of the set is radius, semicircular doors, softened corners create a feeling of comfort, best suited to the style direction. The rest of the furniture should also be smooth: an island in the shape of a semicircle, a round or oval table.

Advice! The table can be square or rectangular - the main thing is that the corners are rounded.

A bright contrast will be created by a massive sideboard or china cabinet, separate from the set: preferably a restored antique model.

The Art Nouveau style in the bedroom interior looks most appropriate: muted tones, smooth shapes, neutral decorations contribute to relaxation of body and soul. The headboard of the bed is usually chosen as an expressive detail: forged with decorative elements, carved wood, soft, intricately shaped in jacquard or velor upholstery. Nightstands, chests of drawers and other additional items should match the style of the bed; ideally, buy furniture as a set to achieve complete harmony in the design.

Pictured is a four-poster bed

A modern bathroom combines luxury and functionality. The bath bowl itself is preferably made free-standing, choosing an oval-shaped option with beautiful curved legs (in the modern variation, you can do without legs at all). If you prefer a shower, keep in mind that the shower cabin should also be of a smooth shape - in specialized stores you can find partially or completely round and even oval samples.

In the combined bathroom there is zoning. Try a visual way to divide the space: using an irregularly shaped podium, a curved joint in the flooring, or a radial design on the ceiling.

The photo shows a stained glass window in the dining room

Peace and serenity in a modern space

A modern living room doesn't have to be all about bold statements and accents. The monochrome white and gray color scheme creates an atmosphere of peace and serenity.

The key is to add textural accents and natural elements such as wood, greenery and metal to highlight the uniqueness of the space. Of course, there is a modern element in the clean and crisp lines, velvet-upholstered sofas and sleek decorative approaches.

You will notice that large coffee tables can be a great way to make the room feel more spacious in these types of living rooms.

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