Sofa in the living room - types, materials and review of the best models. 175 photos of examples of choosing and using sofas

It often seems that choosing furniture is a fairly simple matter. But in a store, wandering among a huge number of samples, customers often get lost and, guided only by emotions and visual preferences, make a spontaneous choice, the error of which they realize later, already at home.

This also applies to the choice of a sofa for the living room, which should be approached especially responsibly, since it is in the living room that we spend most of our free time and it is this room that is the “face” of our home.

Nowadays manufacturers offer such a variety of models and designs that making an informed purchase is very difficult. To ensure that your sofa lasts a long time and fits into the interior of the living room as best as possible, it is better to adhere to some rules.

Steps before purchasing

The first step is to determine the purpose. Calculate capacity, whether a sleeping compartment is needed and how often the item will be used. Based on the answers, the shape and design of the furniture is selected.

The next step is how much space will be allocated to upholstered furniture in the living room. This moment will decide the size and select the final shape.

Next is the choice of style. If the interior has already been designed, then the sofa needs to be harmoniously integrated into it. It may be the other way around: design development depends on the furniture. The choice of style and color depends on the choice made.

A look from a different angle - how to create a new interior with old furniture

Is it possible to save large cabinet furniture from the Soviet heritage and create an exclusive interior to your liking? Let's show 4 examples in which this desire is realized.

Example 1. Scandinavian living room

Massive wood-colored furniture will be an excellent dominant feature in such an interior. The main thing is that the furniture comes with an abundance of light and space.

Therefore, even old objects, dark, bulky and primitive in appearance, can be left unchanged.

Move the patterned oriental rug from the wall to the floor and be sure to save it, and decorate the walls themselves in white, light blue or a special “Scandinavian white” tone (white mixed with yellow and gray). Plus, you can add bright pillows to the interior to match the style of the carpet, old sets in the shape of fish, and be sure to “let in” natural diffused light (get rid of old curtains and dark lampshades).

2. Bedroom in Provence style

The basis for creating a style is furniture with smooth, thin legs, natural or lightened, which does not clutter the interior and is a little reminiscent of cozy country life. Complete the decor with simple country-style textiles, and make the basic color scheme light and monochromatic.

Shades of Provence that soothe the eyes - blue, pistachio, beige.

3. Oasis in retro colors

To create such an environment, only beautiful, rare sets can be used. But the color scheme of the interior should be refreshed. In a retro interior, white-gray and brightly colored objects (in particular, red) look interesting.

4. Cottage in European country style

In the interior of a country dacha, favorite items from the Soviet past always look beautiful - linen tablecloths and century-old wooden furniture. However, old furniture can be visually made expensive and rare - with the help of professional painting, patination, and decoupage.

As you can see, in cases where massive furniture is used, it is better for the wall decoration to be simple, light, and non-marking.

Purchase stages

A soft corner in the living room serves as a relaxation area, and in addition provides a place to sleep. The most important factor is practicality and comfort.

The choice of design depends on the need. A folding sofa will be needed to organize a sleeping area, turning the object into a bed. If this is not necessary, then a stationary or seated model will do; it will cost less and still perform its main function.

After studying the beautiful sofas for the living room, photos and prices, you can decide on other characteristics. The reliability of a non-sliding sofa depends on a stable frame, high-quality upholstery and the contents of the soft area. A folding sofa plus everything requires checking the mechanism.

Features of modern sofas

The sofa can rightfully be called the most functional piece of furniture in the interior of a modern living room. It sets the tone for the overall design, is used to place accents and even to zone the interior space. Photos of sofas for the living room, which can be seen on the World Wide Web, are amazing in their diversity:

  • Design;
  • Color design;
  • Upholstery and filling used;
  • Transformable mechanisms;
  • Additional accessories.

The sofa is used to place accents in the interior

The sofa looks especially good in a modern living room interior, not overloaded with unnecessary furniture and unnecessary decor. It helps create a homely atmosphere of warmth and comfort, attracts attention and allows you to fully relax after a busy day at work.

Sometimes sofas installed in the hall are used as a sleeping place for guests or for the household members themselves. And this is completely acceptable. This piece of furniture is multifunctional, that is, suitable for receiving guests, for evening relaxation, and for night sleep.

The sofa can be used as a sleeping place

Some premium sofa models are considered status. Their use in the interior of a spacious living room of a private house or country cottage emphasizes the good taste and wealth of the owners. The design of the living room-dining room allows you to use a compact sofa in a neutral shade or, if space allows, a corner model.

Sofa in the interior of the living room dining room

Modular sofas, which are rapidly gaining popularity, allow you to create both linear and angular structures. Their photos in the design of the living room of a private house look most successful. Such sofas allow you to effortlessly rearrange the room. As popular wisdom says, rearranging furniture means rearranging life!

Modular sofas make it easy to change the decor of the room


  • Wooden frame is an ecological material. This base is quite strong and will last a long time. The tree has proven itself reliably in all types of structures.
  • The metal frame is number one in terms of strength. In production, empty pipes with a square or rectangular profile are used. The material is fire resistant and environmentally friendly. And due to the hollowness of the pipes, it has a small mass. It has a high price, so it is not used in inexpensive models.
  • Plywood frame is a reliable material. It is recommended to choose dense and thick plywood; the strength of the structure depends on this.
  • Wood-fiber frames. Often used to add decorative details.
  • Chipboard is the most budget-friendly frame. It won't withstand heavy loads. If you buy a sofa for the living room made of chipboard, you should be prepared for the fact that it will quickly fail. This is especially true for folding models; porous and fragile material cannot cope with daily transformation.

The frame should be selected based on the load on the sofa. For regular use, you should opt for durable options.

Fashionable colors of sofas 2022: TOP 10 options

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In the photo: Beautiful fashionable sofa in velvet upholstery and midnight blue color

If you want to find the perfect sofa for you, the first thing you need to think about is what exactly you are looking for. There are models aimed at constantly watching TV (with a large seat depth), and there are cocktail (seated) models that are more suitable for meeting guests with tea and coffee and conversations. Considering all this will help you understand what size and shape you should choose. All that remains is to decide on a fashionable color and find where to buy the fashionable sofa of your dreams.

Sofa in coffee-au-lait color: for an art deco style interior

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In the photo: Modular sofa in the shade of coffee with milk

Fashionable colors for sofas include light brown, gray, white, and pastel palettes. Blue and black sofas are just as popular. The most fashionable sofas usually have either a rich or grayish tone. Prices for fashionable sofas in different shades do not depend on the style or color, only on the brand and the quality of the upholstery and frame materials, so you can easily choose any color for any budget.

Sofa in a delicate sand shade: for neoclassical and classic

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In the photo: Fashionable sofa in light beige tone

Beautiful fashionable sofas in beige tones are ideal for neoclassical and traditional classicism styles. Here they are set off by beige, sand and cream shades in the design of textiles, finishing materials and lamps. Fashionable sofas for the living room in these styles usually have smooth lines and look very elegant.

Rich black sofa: for a fashionable apartment

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In the photo: Stylish corner black sofa in charcoal shade

Fashionable colors of sofas are not limited to soft and light tones. Modern fashionable sofas for apartment interiors in styles such as minimalism, modern and loft often have black shades. At the same time, a charcoal-colored sofa is more suitable for a room in ash tones, and a blue-black sofa is more suitable for a darker interior. Dark gray sofas are the most common in all modern styles.

Gray shade: for a modern interior

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In the photo: Beautiful mouse gray sofa

A fashionable mouse gray sofa is universal for most apartment decor styles. It is ideal for those who want a non-staining option, but are not ready to buy something black or dark blue for the living room.

Chocolate sofa: a traditional choice for a cozy interior

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In the photo: Designer taxido sofa in milk chocolate shade

The most fashionable sofas may not seem traditional enough to you. For example, most colors may not be very practical for families with children, and darker ones may not be suitable for cozy interiors. Beautiful fashionable sofas can also be more conservative, for example, brown shades (chocolate, coffee, cocoa).

Light sand sofa: ideal for neoclassical style

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In the photo: Sand beige straight format sofa

Light-colored sofas automatically seem less practical. But many modern artificial fabrics are so good that any stain, be it a melted chocolate bar or spilled wine, can really be washed off with special products. True, there are a couple of things that are usually impossible to remove from fabric: children's markers and stains of real paint.

White sofa: luxury and elegance of the luxury level

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In the photo: Beautiful cocktail sofa in white ivory

A white sofa will be a representative symbol of the elegant and luxurious interior of your apartment. This shade is good for the most luxurious interiors, where the combination of elegance and chic transforms the entire space into a piece of art.

Wine shade: for a glamorous interior

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In the photo: Designer sofa taxido marsala shade

Beautiful, fashionable sofas in red shades usually have wine notes: Sicilian Marsala or Burgundy are excellent proof of this. By the way, it is better not to use such saturated colors in the design of curtains or carpet (only in pillows or one vase) in order to leave the interior as laconic as possible. Nevertheless, such a sofa will look very glamorous in any interior.

Sea-colored sofa: for those who love summer

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In the photo: Sofa in teal shade in neoclassical style

Marine shades are very popular in grayish living room interiors, where a certain mood and theme are lacking. If you're not satisfied with the versatility of gray shades, add turquoise, teal, sky blue, aqua or ocean blue. You will get a very positive interior!

Blue shades: traditional for a classic style

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In the photo: Pale blue sofa in the shade of a cloudy sky in a classic style

Pale blue shades are traditionally used in classic interior design. They perfectly dilute the rich walnut, red-wood and brown-orange tones of parquet and wooden furniture.


How comfortable it will be on upholstered living room furniture depends on the contents:

  • Spring blocks are comfortable and durable. Independent spring blocks are perfect for a sofa bed.
  • Polyurethane-based materials are considered rigid fillers. Options made from balls are used to fill frameless furniture. PPU confidently copes with loads, it is comfortable to sit and sleep on, and can last more than ten years.
  • Soft fillers - holofiber and latex. The list of materials is extensive, but these compositions are practical and convenient.

How to use Soviet furniture in a modern interior

Architect and designer Marina Lapteva very accurately noted: “the older the thing, the more attractive it is.” But that is why old furniture should be used sparingly and appropriately, like a precious find.

Just one high-quality and beautiful Soviet set (or a small set) can be made the dominant feature in the interior, highlighted with the help of lighting. Let the rest of the furnishings be modern, laconic, and support the chosen style.

Let's give examples.

Draped Viennese chairs or armchairs (an ideal find) together with a coffee table will create a cozy oasis in an interior with a tropical, colonial or marine style. The covering can be changed. The best thing about these chairs is the authentic shape.

A spacious buffet - the pride of Soviet families - can be made the accent of the kitchen-living room if you are decorating the interior in a classic or Provence style. To do this, a bulky dark set needs to be painted in a single, delicate color (characteristic of the French provincial landscape), with a lace pattern, or in a classic bronze shade.

Cabinet structures on thin black legs can complement the decor in the Art Nouveau style. Plus, with the help of such shelving you can beautifully zone a fashionable spacious room.

But an old chest of drawers or pencil case will become a useful thing in the most modern children's room. The facade can be made bright, painted with lace or a stencil. And in numerous shelves you can compactly place your child’s favorite treasures.


No one needs stylish sofas for the living room with upholstery that will tear in a month. Therefore, in addition to the attractive appearance, the properties should also be studied. The furniture material must be durable and not create problems during cleaning.

For regular use and high loads, you should choose dense materials. If you have pets, the upholstery can withstand claws. And delicate soft fabrics are best left for furniture with rare and careful use.

Where to buy restored and high-quality Soviet furniture?

Kvartblog found those who can make a new stunning piece of furniture out of an old “tired” chair. Interesting upholstered furniture, draped in a modern way, is offered by Stoolstory.

For those who love collectible vintage sets, made with talent and love and skillfully updated, the choice is provided by designer Maria Volodatskaya.

Decent Soviet furniture is worth storing and restoring. The main thing is to focus on the latest convenient interior design solutions!

Large living room

Spacious rooms have great potential, where you can play with your imagination and not limit your ideas. Large living room sofas with interesting shapes will easily fit.

You can place several sofas of different sizes from one collection. The classic option is to place a couple of armchairs and a sofa next to the fireplace. Modular sofas created specifically for spacious rooms look modern. The modular design will accommodate a large number of people. The blocks move easily, creating a more convenient arrangement for guests.

In the spacious living room, sofas can be placed along the walls or moved away from them. To make an accent on the sofa, you can place it as an island. Round, in the shape of the letter C and P, they place a hearth or table inside.

A large area is easily zoned with a soft corner. Dividing the seating area with the dining area. Ideally, use the corner option. Thus, the item will fulfill its main function and act as a construction part.

How to update Soviet furniture

Sometimes it’s enough just to monotonously repaint Soviet furniture so that it looks beautiful in a new stylish interior.

However, there are other interesting ways to decorate old sets that will help if you want fresh, extraordinary solutions. Let's give a mini-list of ideas.

1) You can paint furniture through lace or tulle.

2) Use a multi-layer gold or bronze coating - a marker of an expensive classic.

3) Slate paint on facades will look even more interesting and modern.

4) Cover the furniture body with self-adhesive film. Suitable, for example, is a self-adhesive with a wood or small floral print, like a country one.

5) Another similar technique is decoupage. Its essence: individual pieces of furniture are decorated using a stylized pattern or textured fabric. For this purpose, special decoupage napkins, pieces of wallpaper, notes, and embossed leather are used.

6) Aging the furniture. Soviet furniture can be given an antique charm, but in this case professional techniques are needed - patina, craquelure.

By combining different techniques, in particular, aging and decoupage, professionals create gorgeous effects.

7) You can update only the fittings - select details in accordance with the new style of the room.

8) When updating upholstered furniture, you can reupholster the fabric and decorate the body with noticeable decorative seams and buttons.

9) Or make covers individually.

There are radically different examples of converted Soviet chairs and armchairs in the Stoolstory assortment. Inspiration and new ideas can be found on their Instagram.

Small living room

A small room needs practical furniture. It is advisable to choose straight sofas in the living room with a small sleeping area. Moreover, the dimensions are calculated both folded and unfolded.

Stylish round and oval shapes eat up a lot of free space. Therefore, giving preference to unusual shapes, you should abandon other bulky items.

To make efficient use of a small area, sofas are placed in a corner or along the wall. Moving an object away from the walls can create problems in the resulting narrow passage.

Often, the layout of studio apartments allows furniture to be moved away from the walls to separate the kitchen and living room. The main thing is to choose the minimum sizes; a large sofa will create inconvenience when moving around the apartment.

Living room design 2022: main trends

In the era of the development of technology and Internet resources, a modern person simply needs a comfortable and atmospheric space. And the living room of 2022 should be the embodiment of exactly the kind of calm and comfort that tired minds so need from a constant overabundance of information and stress. And the most difficult, but very important task is to maintain a balance between the latest super-fashion trends and a sense of style, taste, and individuality. Let's try to figure out how not to miss this fine line.


The combination of a sofa with a design is determined by two main criteria. In the first case, interior design begins with the purchased item.

In the next version, the room is decorated, and all that remains is to choose a sofa that is in harmony with the whole picture. The correct arrangement of colors is important here.

Regardless of what stage the purchase will be made. The main thing is that the final result can combine the interior into one style, carefully placing color accents.

Luxurious art deco living room in golden tones in the Kutuzovskaya Riviera residential complex

All photos In the photo: Sofa area of ​​the living room in the art deco style - residential complex "Kutuzovskaya Riviera"
The interior in golden tones always looks luxurious and expensive, so to decorate a spacious living room in the art deco style in the residential complex "Kutuzovskaya Riviera" the designers of the Studio of Angelika Prudnikova chose exactly this color scheme.

Magic mirrors

All photos In the photo: Exclusive mirror panel in the relaxation area of ​​the art deco living room.
A spectacular panel of mirrors with golden tinting framed by elegant half-columns is a wonderful backdrop for the relaxation area with designer armchairs upholstered in mint-colored velvet.

Banquet for twelve persons

All photos In the photo: Dining room for formal banquets
Dining furniture in the Art Deco style is a work of art. And the larger the table, the more impressive it looks. And this table with a rectangular marble top can comfortably accommodate twelve people.

A place for conversation

All photos In the photo: Corner for private conversations with designer furniture
A pair of low armchairs with golden openwork backs, a tea table and pleasant diffused light coming from elegant floor lamps - that’s all you need for a private conversation.

Sofa starring

The main piece of furniture in this solution is the sofa. To achieve this effect, you can choose original upholstery. Use colorful colors, or order a case with the desired prints. A bright choice in contrast to the rest of the design. Small accessories in the color of the furniture will help enhance the result.

A sofa in a modern style living room can be of a non-standard shape. Whatever the experiments, the main thing is not to forget about the main style direction. Do not allow an abundance of flowers to avoid bad taste.

Corner sofas for the hall

When going to a furniture store, take with you a photo of the living room design after renovation. It will come in very handy when you select a corner model. These sofas are placed along two walls, which allows you to create a cozy corner for relaxation.

Corner models are widely used by professional interior designers for zoning interior space. You can choose a corner sofa that matches the style direction:

  • Modern;
  • High tech;
  • Retro;
  • Classicism;
  • Provence, etc.

A corner sofa is used to zone space

Corner models remarkably save internal space, as they are installed in the little-used space of a blind corner. In terms of capacity, they even exceed classic-type sofas. Add to this the aesthetic appearance, practicality and wear resistance of the design.

Additional role

The soft corner here merges with the overall picture. It acts as a necessary detail, matched to the living room. It is recommended to choose not bright shades, calm, even colors that are not conspicuous. The standard shape of the sofa is selected, straight or angular.

Color spectrum

It will be easy to choose primary colors for the interior if the living room is located on the sunny side. There are no restrictions on the choice of color of furniture and surfaces.

Furniture in warm colors combined with walls and floors in cool colors will look good. Nowadays it is fashionable to paint walls and floors white, and for furniture they choose unusual colors.

  • It’s another matter when the room is on the north side and practically no light gets there.
  • In this case, the ideal solution would be to decorate in warm colors. This way you can visually make the living room cozier and brighter.
  • A north facing living room requires a lot of lighting.
  • For this, the best solution would be spotlights, which, if positioned correctly, will illuminate all dark areas of the room.

The colors in the interior are selected depending on what emotional impact the owner wants to see and on the effect this interior will bring on him and his guests.

For example, when creating a party room, you should turn to bright colors. To create a place of relaxation, the color scheme must be soft. In such places, you need to avoid provocative bright colors: they will distract attention, add tension and can be annoying. It has been proven that the colors in a room affect your mood.

Seating in the living room

It is recommended to start decorating a room with bulky items, as a rule, this item is a sofa. And starting from the main model, the rest of the furniture and accessories are selected.

To determine the placement, you can determine the contours by placing sheets of paper on the floor according to the required parameters. Or use an online apartment planning program. You should remember the dimensions when unfolded so that the furniture clutters the entire room.

In a small area you can place a functional corner sofa. Before purchasing, it is important to take measurements of the door to be sure that the furniture will fit into the opening.

Kitchen combined with living room - the ideal solution

The kitchen - living room usually requires zoning, for which a sofa is ideal. If you install it approximately in the middle of the room and turn it facing away from the kitchen half, it forms a separate and independent recreation area around itself.

Corner sofas are also great for dividing the kitchen-living room space. When installing a corner sofa in the center of the room, one part of it serves as a natural “separator”, and the other goes into the relaxation area.

Important! To prevent upholstered furniture from absorbing odors and deteriorating from soot, it should be placed away from the stove.

Photo of sofas in the living room


There is an opinion that for a small living room you need to have light walls. This opinion is true, but you can make a more unusual wall design. For example, in the living room there are ordinary white walls, unremarkable. To significantly transform them and improve the interior, you just need to add a color accent.

The interior will be perfectly decorated with plasterboard niches. Not only are they decorations, but they will also create the effect of depth if you create a light source inside it.

  • Most people use wallpaper. This is a universal finishing material. There are a great variety of them.
  • If you want to make an original design of the room, you should give preference to wallpaper for painting.
  • Their main feature is the ability to repaint them in any color. You can do this quite often. However, the number of repaints is limited.
  • Nowadays, to achieve a good living room design, it is enough to have smooth plastered walls.
  • However, you can easily stand out from the rest with textured plaster.

Fashion trend: combining different finishing options. Wallpaper and paint go well together. You can even use several different types of wallpaper with different patterns and textures. This will also provide additional assistance in demarcating the living room.

You should not think that the entire stage of marking the boundaries of the various functional areas of the room consists only of installing different types of furniture. For proper zoning, each zone must have its own design solution.

Traditional linear sofas

As a rule, furniture of this type comes in combination with two armchairs. If the chairs are not provided by the selected model, you should think about purchasing additional furniture units.

Linear sofas are the most famous in the design and user environment. They can be presented in the form of furniture with a transformation function (euro book, folding bed, accordion and many other options for folding structures).

What could be better than one sofa? Two sofas.

In a large living room, which often receives many guests, you can implement such a design technique as using two identical sofas. How is this option beneficial?

It can allow you to eliminate the chairs, but still give you enough seating for guests. In a large room, sofas can be placed symmetrically on both sides of the coffee table. Another option is at right angles to each other.

What could be better than two sofas?

It is important to note that the models themselves do not have to be rectangular. Even a simple interior will look distinctly elegant with two semicircular sofas.

The selection rule is very simple: the more unusual the shape of the frame, the calmer the color should be. The exception is club options and those styles that require a riot of colors.

We dilute the color with bright pillows

If you think that calm colors are boring, then liven them up with bright pillows in contrasting colors (this could be, for example, shades of burgundy, lavender, marsala, etc.). This will ensure the necessary balance between elegance and dynamism.

Sofa in calm colors with mixed pillows

An equally interesting option for adding liveliness to paired sofas in calm shades is quilting the backrest. For upholstery, you can choose one of the pleasant-to-touch fabrics:

  • velours;
  • plush;
  • velvet, etc.

Materials for making sofas

Leather sofas

Leather will never go out of fashion; it will always look rich and elegant. Leather furniture is always of high quality, it does not tear, does not wear out, and is very durable. This model is not capable of spoiling the interior. When choosing, pay attention to the manufacturer and quality. The main thing is that all materials are natural and firmly bonded, otherwise the leather sofa will have to be replaced within six months.

Wear-resistant, but has poor breathability. Not comfortable for exposed parts of the body.

A natural wood frame is more durable and skin-friendly than chipboard. There are also non-standard models that use a metal frame, but such products are easier to repair than products with a wooden frame.

Traditional models are a winning option for any room.

Natural wood

Living room sofas made of natural wood are, first of all, environmentally friendly, the pleasant aroma of wood purifies the air and the quality of the material can truly give its owner a rest.

They consist of separate sections, with which you can easily change the arrangement of furniture.

Wooden armrests and patterns cut into wood look very presentable and speak of good taste. Prices for natural things are always high, but the appearance and quality will not make you think about repairs or doubt your choice.

As a rule, the interior of a living room is built around a sofa, and what it will be like depends only on the character of its owner.

You need to approach the choice of a sofa responsibly, only then will it last a long time and be pleasing to the eye. It is better to choose budget and multifunctional models; if you are willing to spend more, then choose high-quality and natural materials.

What goes with it in the interior?

The chosen sofa should be a highlight in the design of the room. A classic or modern model is most harmonious. And before you decide on its color, you should make sure that it matches the interior of the room as a whole.

Interesting! Upholstered furniture can harmoniously blend into the design of the room if the living room design is combined with a corner sofa.

Experts advise sticking to the following color schemes:

  • creating a unified palette in the room;
  • decorating the room with a contrast between its color and upholstered furniture. For example, blue walls and an orange sofa.

Expert opinion

Olga Kovalenko

Since 2010 I have been engaged in interior design and architectural design.

The selected model should look harmonious in the layout of the room, be as functional as possible and not overload the room.

Modular: you may not have heard of it yet

A living room with a modular sofa is a modern design technique that allows you to combine several functions. The modular option is multifaceted in its capabilities. Such furniture can easily turn into a comfortable sleeping place.

Modular sofa - a successful and beautiful technique

The modular model for the living room makes it possible to combine even several dozen blocks into one whole. Currently, two module options are actively used: mobile and stationary.


This type involves choosing a configuration at the time of ordering. All blocks are mounted rigidly, after which they are motionless.

Stationary, but at the same time modular


This design is suitable for active people who are constantly on the move. The blocks here can be rearranged, swapped or completely removed. By varying and rearranging, you can get either a sleeping place or a work area.

Mobile option for people who like to change their surroundings

Such a sofa may look like an ordinary one in appearance; it can easily accommodate, for example, a group of friends. Later, by rearranging the blocks, you can get a comfortable sleeping place. The space savings are obvious.

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