Short curtains: 125 photos of short curtain models. Application overview

Short curtains are called curtains whose length and width do not exceed the dimensions of the window opening. This solution is associated with a number of advantages: material savings, less hassle with washing and ironing, more free space in the room, interesting possibilities from a design point of view.

Short models, when selected correctly, can decorate windows in the reception room - living room.

Choosing short curtains

Each housewife must decide which curtains are suitable for her home and will make it more comfortable. Undoubtedly, each type of curtain deserves attention. They all have both advantages and disadvantages. More and more often, after comparison, shortened curtains are chosen.

The choice is explained by the fact that this may be the only option that suits the housewife’s requirements. For example, in the kitchen, most often the table is located by the window; long curtains will get in the way and lie on the table, and this is impractical. Because of this, short curtains are chosen. They are very stylish, so they look incomparable and add some zest to the kitchen design.

However, using such curtains in the kitchen is not the only suitable option. They can also decorate a bedroom or children's room.

Why short curtains:

  • do not block access to the window sill;
  • do not interfere with the movement of warm air from radiators;
  • easy to care for;
  • are less polluted;
  • do not require a large amount of fabric for production.

Unusual options for decorating windows with short curtains

In addition to the usual sliding curtains, straight or folded, retractable roller or Roman curtains, there are also more original options. For example, different types of lambrequins.

A lambrequin is a horizontal textile element located at the top of a window opening, the width of which is equal to the length of the cornice. They vary in density, shape and height.

There are a lot of interesting ideas using lambrequins.

  • There are curtains that resemble a wide, intricately twisted ribbon. They are usually made of light translucent fabric.
  • An alternative way is lambrequins 30-40 centimeters long. They are decorated with folds, tassels, and bows. Usually in such cases they use dense material - calico, jacquard, satin. This type of curtains is well suited for the kitchen, nursery, office, living room, hall, bathroom and so on.
  • Finally, an interesting option is a tulle lambrequin to the window sill. It represents soft transparent waves. This type of window curtains can be asymmetrical, multi-layered, two- or even three-colored.

You can sew double curtains yourself, and this is a definite plus that allows you not only to save money, but also to make it exactly as you want.


There are a large number of types of short curtains that appeared a long time ago, but are still in demand today. You can choose the desired design of short curtains for any room.

This article will not provide you with a detailed analysis of each variety. At the end of the article you can see photos of short curtains that may interest you.

Briefly about shortened curtains

Short curtains are often installed in small rooms.

Modern designers have thought out a huge number of different curtain options.

The appropriate model is selected based on the personal preferences of the homeowners.

Among short curtains, there are leading curtains - American, Roman, and Japanese. With them, any room will be transformed, turning into stylish and original.


Short curtains for the kitchen will always be appropriate. You select the color of the fabric taking into account various factors. For example, the shade of curtains should differ from the color of wallpaper or tiles by 1 or 2 tones; If possible, it should match the shade of the kitchen furniture.

Short curtains for the bedroom should be chosen with a pattern. The pattern can be made in the form of flowers or geometric shapes; as for the color, it should be provocative. Fabric with a dot pattern (aka polka dots) became widespread in villages.

Modern short curtains should stand out. Designers recommend that the color of the fabric and walls be different. If your task is to make the room brighter, then the curtains should be appropriate. If you use curtains in dark colors, they will muffle the space. Universal curtains will be those made in soft colors.

Modern design solutions

Choosing the right design for your bedroom window depends not only on your own taste, but also on the fashion trends of this season.

Nowadays, short curtains made of textured materials with an unusual weave of threads are especially popular. Rich decor is welcome (sequins, glass beads, gold threads, lace, embroidery).

Products made from iridescent fabrics that change color depending on the intensity of solar radiation look interesting. Everything that can attract attention is in fashion - bright colors, unusual prints, original shapes, rich decor.

The color range that is popular today includes all the natural shades that are found in the natural environment. These are white, black, brown, green, blue.

No less popular today is the deep purple color, which looks ideal in a light-colored interior.

As for the length, ideally the curtains should not touch the window sill by about 1 cm. This length is optimal.

Connoisseurs of more discreet and laconic options should consider practical fabric roller blinds or short Roman blinds. They are perfect for a bedroom without a balcony or a small room.

Making the right choice

The main factor to consider when choosing short curtains is the design of the room.

For example, if the room is presented in a minimalist style, then roller blinds are suitable for it. Curtains with lush folds perfectly complement the style of the room, especially if it is Baroque.

Roman blinds with their peculiarity (they gather into folds when lifted) go well with almost any interior. Add more style by simply hanging your curtains with eyelets.

When making your choice, you should consider:

  • how long should the curtain be;
  • its color;
  • how it will be attached;
  • window frame size (to select the optimal cornice and determine the size of the fabric).

Designer recommendations

No matter how unusual the interior decoration of the room may be, there will always be a feeling of incompleteness without a corresponding, worthy design of the opening in the window. A room in which there are no curtains is uncomfortable; a person does not feel comfortable staying in it.

Window openings, especially large ones, look aesthetically unattractive. And if you choose the curtains correctly, you get a feeling of comfort and warmth. The task here is to choose the fabric well.

Long curtains are not appropriate in every room. If the room area is small, then not very long tulle curtains, light and airy, are the best of all options. This is confirmed by any photo showing short curtains.

The design of tulle can be very diverse: with photo printing, intricate patterns, embroidery.

Designers note the following modern elements:

  • Add a tulle pelmet that contrasts in color with the curtains.
  • Photo printing on tulle helps make the design individual. The window looks expressive and original.

The color palette of curtains tends to natural shades: soft purple, closer to lilac; slightly muted yellow, similar to dandelion. The soft pink, rich green shade of spring leaves, and sky blue will create real coziness in the kitchen.

Indeed, a short tulle curtain was and remains an original way to decorate any room, and above all, a small one. In it, long curtains will significantly weigh down the window and reduce the space.

However, we must not forget about an important feature of a short curtain: the height of the ceilings is visually reduced. Therefore, when choosing a product option, it is necessary to take into account the proportions of the room, its design features and the degree of illumination.

Short curtains for a specific room

Short curtains will help reveal the design of any room, be it a kitchen, hallway, bedroom, nursery or living room. For every room you can find the necessary curtains.

What else can you think of for the bedroom?

Short, lightweight curtains or tulle will perfectly complement roller blinds that are attached directly to the frame on the glass. The canvas is quite dense, so if necessary, it can be used to reliably drape the window from the penetration of excess light. An excellent solution for a night's rest.

The design of short curtains can also be reminiscent of Austrian curtains. They combine French and Roman variants, presented in one form. For spacious rooms, the idea of ​​arranging a long curtain with shortened drapes is perfect.

To the kitchen

Most often, these curtains cover the kitchen window. This is due to convenience and practicality. For example, if the sink is located near the window, then these curtains will be dry due to their length; They will also ensure safety if a gas stove is located near the window.

Short curtains are very compact, so the kitchen space will not be affected and due to this they are more convenient to use. Due to the fact that curtains in the kitchen get dirty faster, they need to be washed more often than in other rooms. Therefore, it is important that they are easy to remove, wash and iron.

Cropped Curtain Styles

The curtain to the window sill is not just a rectangular canvas with frills.

Having decided to purchase shortened curtains for the hall, you need to think about their wise choice:

Roman ones are a straight fabric, which, in the process of lifting, turns into horizontal folds.

Similar curtains are created from a variety of materials, suitable for any style, and hung on a separate sash or opening.

French - sections of vertical type curtains are gathered, in the process of rising upward, luxurious folds are formed.

Light, airy, silk or satin curtains for the hall in this design are suitable for a wide variety of styles and are installed in large rooms.

Austrian - equipped with vertical sections without initial assembly.

The shortened model is suitable for different styles, it looks feminine, so it is not used with strict interior spaces.

American - a canvas thrown over the cornice, and tails hanging from the sides. Such curtains look quite original and are suitable for creative, classic and romantic rooms.

Cafe curtains are overly short and barely cover the window opening. For the living room they are used in rare cases.

However, they can be used to decorate a room where uninvited guests do not look into the window openings.

Color block - curtains are created from horizontal stripes of various materials. The living room becomes as colorful and lively as possible.

It is possible to combine curtains with different furnishings.

To the bedroom

Shortened curtains will be an excellent decoration for windows of non-standard shape (narrow or wide, in the form of arches, etc.). You should opt for dense fabrics if the windows face south.

Japanese curtains are suitable for a minimalist style bedroom. If the room area is large enough, then you can use a combination of short and long curtains. Austrian curtains would be appropriate in any bedroom.

What rules should you follow:

  • if you chose short curtains, then it is necessary that the heating radiator be covered with a box;
  • It is better to hang curtains on grommets in the opening, which is located in a niche;
  • For a girl’s room, you should choose fabric in pastel colors; the best choice would be English or French curtains;
  • For a classic bedroom, curtains with a lambrequin are suitable.

Features of design tricks

With the help of short curtains you can brighten up the defects of the rooms or highlight the advantages. By using rich colors of the curtains themselves, you can focus on the window.

For large window openings, bright palettes are used; for small ones, it is better to use muted colors.

Curtains selected according to the shape of the window will divert views to large ceilings.

A wide opening will be hidden by tulle with many tiers and at the same time it is possible to use lambrequins.

It won’t take much time to help the room acquire an elegant look; it’s worth hanging original holders.

It is possible to make the window wider using a long cornice. Short tulle, together with thick curtains, will clearly increase the size of the opening.

Short curtains and room design

Now short curtains are increasingly being chosen to decorate windows.

According to the classics, the kitchen is made in light colors (mainly white). This kitchen looks clean and sophisticated. Short curtains do not reach the window sill or the work surface of the tabletop. As mentioned earlier, it is convenient and practical.

In a child's room, the use of London curtains, the fabric of which is double-sided and does not have bright, eye-catching colors, will give the room peace.

A living room designed in Provence style will go well with Roman blinds in a combination of long/short curtains. The unity of style is achieved through pieces of furniture, namely their textures.

Short curtains decorate not only the window space, but the entire room. This is the best choice for a room, regardless of its style.

Short curtains as a designer tool

Several factors may motivate a professional interior decorator to turn to short curtains.

Firstly, the use of small curtains allows you to more effectively use the part of the wall surrounding the window opening. Place shelves for things around the window, extend the window sill panel, turning it into a full-fledged tabletop or seat.

It is very convenient to hang short curtains in the living room when there is a sofa next to the window; they will not get stuck and tangled in the gap, unlike long curtains.

Secondly, from an artistic point of view, short curtains can visually change the proportions of a room. They visually reduce the height of the wall on which they are placed. And vice versa, they increase its width.

This window design will cost much less than large and bulky curtains.

Finally, such curtains are a characteristic marker of some styles.


Country music is the embodiment of the dream of summer in the village with your grandmother, in her small cozy home with an abundance of bedspreads, rugs and pillows. Such houses are characterized by the use of small sliding curtains with folds, frills, bows, and floral patterns.

For a country-style living room, such curtains are favorites, and textiles selected to match them will fill the atmosphere of the living room with homely warmth and comfort.

Modern classic

Note! Historically, classical trends in interior design are more likely to be characterized by large and heavy floor-length curtains. However, modernity has made its own adjustments to this style. Nowadays, exquisite lambrequins and curtains are often used in a shortened version.

If you want to bring something unusual and non-standard into your living room, then short curtains are for you.

This is explained by the fact that the classics stepped from the palace halls into the space of ordinary apartments with a limited area. And here, classic floor-length curtains look too heavy and take up a lot of space.

Plain short curtains look more appropriate.


This style is characterized by the exclusion of everything unnecessary. Including multi-layer curtains that clutter up the space. Minimalism is thin, plain roller or Roman blinds attached directly to the double-glazed window.

In the living room, where the approach to the window is blocked by furniture, short Roman blinds will come to the rescue.

For the listed style solutions, short window curtains are most typical. However, in other modern directions of design thought they are often found. High-tech, eco-style, pop art, ethnic experiments - in all these trends, shortened curtains are readily used.

Such curtains will perfectly protect from annoying sun rays and prying eyes.

Photos of short curtains

Curtains in the living room with a balcony

The choice of curtains for a living room with a balcony needs to be taken especially seriously, because they will be constantly moved, opening the balcony door.

The ideal option is sliding curtains. They can easily be used to drape the entrance to the balcony, and if necessary, moving such curtains is also not difficult.

Oriental-style lifting curtains will allow you to divide the balcony and the window itself into separate zones.

The most practical solution is blinds. But practical does not mean the most successful. No matter how you use blinds in the interior, the feeling of office space will not disappear anywhere.

Mounting methods

The method of attaching the curtains depends on the choice of residents and the type of crossbar. If you choose the wrong method, you can ruin the entire design, and even luxurious curtains will look bad.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a mounting method:

  • general style of the room;
  • cornice type;
  • tissue density.

It is necessary to consider whether the option will be strict or unpretentious. The need for lambrequins. The panel will remain straight or lie in elegant vertical folds.

Where to attach the cornice

A huge role is played by the presence of drywall and the sufficiency of the area for placing the wall cornice.

Places for fixing the cornice:

  • on the wall;
  • on the ceiling.

One of the advantages of ceiling installation is the ability to extend the room upward. But you should choose this option only if it is impossible to install a wall model of the plank.

If the cornice is mounted on the ceiling, then only the curtain tape and hooks will be available. And panels on the drawstring can only be hung on a tubular one.

Types of cornices

The choice of cornice plays a big role.

Some of the options are quite cheap, but the installation and installation of others will be quite expensive, although their decorative functions are higher.

In appearance, cornices are:

  • round;
  • baguette;
  • string;
  • profile;
  • rail.

Each type has advantages and disadvantages. They must be taken into account when selecting.


Different types of curtains require individual selection of fastenings.

To make the right choice, you need to pay attention to the interior style and fabric features. Therefore, there are almost always restrictions. If you comply with the requirements, then everything will look beautiful and harmonious.

Types of fastenings:

  1. Ties. It is better to make curtains from material, although you can also use tulle or braid. Their use is limited and they are not suitable for all types of design. Classic or rustic is best.
  2. Loops. They are a universal mounting option. They are made blind or with a clasp. Made to match the curtains. Large ones can be decorated with appliqués.
  3. Eyelets. Holds fabric of any density. The top edge is not deformed.
  4. Kuliska. Outwardly it looks like a pocket through which a bar is passed. Excellent for light, weightless fabrics.
  5. Braid. It is also called curtain tape. It is attached to the wrong side of the models, allowing you to control their width.
  6. Rings. They were extremely popular in Soviet times. Relevant for tubular cornices.
  7. Magnets. Used as an alternative to hooks. Most suitable for string cornice. They can be invisible or brightly decorative.
  8. Clips, hooks, clothespins. Made from metal or plastic. But they are gradually moving away, as they have an unpleasant drawback: they spoil the fabric.

The cost of fastenings also plays a role. Some you can make yourself from fabric scraps. You will have to spend money on purchasing others.

When selecting, you should not lose attention to the features of window frames. For plastic windows, more modern trims and fasteners are selected, and for wooden windows, traditional ones are selected.

Light and short curtains

Classic curtains are mounted on a cornice and are made of textiles of different colors and textures, soft and pleasant texture.

Experts recommend choosing curtains that provide maximum blackout for the bedroom, and for other rooms models that ensure full use of natural light.

Austrian and French

Volumetric curtains, gathered in scallops due to a specific design, are great for classic and luxurious interiors.

Such products are sewn from fabrics of different densities and to use them in design, it is necessary to carefully select the length of the model, which will highlight the individuality of the arrangement of any room or area.

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