Choosing brick wallpaper for the hallway - selection and combination with other materials

Imitation brick allows you to create a modern interior without unnecessary hassle. Manufacturers offer a variety of finishing materials; everyone will find something to decorate the hallway to suit their taste. Textured wallpaper will help hide wall defects, adjust the space, and create a unique interior in any style.

Brick wallpaper in the hallway.

What style is it suitable for?

Loft involves textured rough masonry made of red or brown brick; rectangles of different shades are possible. Brutality is minimized by beige plain wallpaper on the ceiling and part of the walls where mirrors, panels, and installations are located. Another option is uniform dark gray masonry along the entire perimeter of the hallway.

Scandinavian interior style.

Gothic lovers will use wallpaper with a large gray pattern to turn the hallway into a room in a medieval castle. Light brick will look good if complemented with dark furniture and decorative elements from the knightly era.

A combination of light and dark in the interior.

Scandinavian style is white masonry and massive oak furniture. Soft natural shades of beige and wood colors will be appropriate on the floor, ceiling, with a minimum of elements that shift the accents.

Scandinavian style in the hallway.

Those who prefer shabby chic need an imitation of an old brick wall in gray shades around the entire perimeter or a separate area. The textured brick is tinted to create a complete resemblance.

Imitation of an old brick wall in gray shades.

Provence is recognizable by the masonry of yellowish shades with cracks, abrasions, textured or painted irregularities. Rough brick and golden shades are the main “trump cards” in the design of the walls. Inserts with small floral prints on a pinkish or greenish background are appropriate.

Provence style in the interior.


Among the advantages of using brick wallpaper:

  • provide air circulation in the room;
  • create an unusual and original design;
  • stick to any surface, correct unevenness;
  • when gluing, you can give it any shape (bends, protrusions), which is determined by the layout and furniture in the room;
  • do not take up much space in the room;
  • easy to clean from dirt;
  • suitable for different styles.

Look at the photo to see what the brick-look wallpaper looks like in the hallway.

What other wallpaper or materials can be combined with?

Decorating the entire hallway with masonry is inappropriate; emphasis is usually placed on the central part. It is combined:

  1. With other wallpaper: single-color, in contrast with the masonry, narrow pale stripes (allow you to adjust the space, photo wallpaper;
  2. Tree;
    A combination of brickwork and wood.
  3. Decorative textured plaster;
  4. Liquid wallpaper;
  5. Mirror finish;
  6. Plastic.

Suitable for the floor:

  • Dark laminate;

    Dark laminate.

  • Linoleum for parquet.

The ceiling should be light, warm beige shades are allowed.

Light ceiling in the hallway.


Brick wallpaper is most often used in the following styles:

Loft - imitation brickwork will turn the corridor into a real workshop with untouched walls. Vinyl coverings are best suited for this type of finish. Look at the photo.

The Gothic direction allows you to stylize the premises as ancient castles. By organically selecting accessories, you can focus on the luxury of the interior.

Minimalist decoration, as a rule, involves decorating the walls with white brick. Imitation of cold natural material creates a restrained atmosphere in the interior. Minimalism is characterized by the use of functional furniture to decorate the corridor and a minimal amount of decorations. Pay attention to the photo.

How to hang wallpaper yourself

The work begins with leveling the walls, running a spatula along the cracks so that all the loosely adhering plaster crumbles. After grouting the defects, a primer or a layer of wallpaper glue is applied to the dry walls. Then the wallpaper is cut so that the joints match the pattern and the integrity of the masonry is maintained. The glue is diluted in small portions, over time it thickens and lumps form in it. It is better to choose indicator mixtures - they change color when dissolved, they are visible during application, and it is easier to regulate the thickness of the adhesive layer.

The glue-coated strip is folded in half. Depending on the thickness of the wallpaper, the texture in this state is kept for 3 to 5 minutes to get wet. At this time, remove sockets or switches if they fall into the pasting area. After this, the wallpaper is applied to the walls and leveled using a compacting roller or a piece of foam rubber. Achieve evenness and get rid of bubbles. Excess glue is collected with a dry cloth. They cut out areas for attaching electrics while the walls are damp. The wallpaper needs to dry thoroughly before arranging the furniture. The brickwork is ready without the use of building materials.

Pros and cons of brick wallpaper

If we talk about the advantages, they include:

  • Ease of gluing even for beginners, when, without polluting the room, you can finish what you started in a couple of days;
  • Availability of goods in terms of price and quality;
  • The presence of such materials that do not accumulate dust, and are also easy to clean and wash;
  • Possibility of decoration for a variety of designs with any shape;
  • The abundance of variations in textured surfaces and color palettes allows you to imitate almost any type of masonry;
  • They differ from plastic analogues in their quality and capabilities due to the high degree of detail.

A small design trick helps to smooth out almost the only drawback (the visual ability to distinguish such a finish from natural masonry).

The design is carried out on several or one side in such a way that the color scheme matches all the shades of the room, highlighting them in a soft way with its rough texture.

At the same time, you should not direct artificial light directly at it, so as not to emphasize the two-dimensional cladding of the surfaces.

Photo gallery: Stone-effect wallpaper in the hallway

Option for children's

A controversial solution is brick finishing in the room where the children are located. The rough appearance looks somewhat harsh for the tender age of babies. But for older children, whose imagination is already so developed that they prefer the style of castles or living conditions in catacombs, such a discovery will be interesting.

The coating is both safe and pleasant to the touch.

The informal thinking of the younger generation makes such unusual decoration especially attractive. This unique canvas will take on posters, paintings with abstractions and all kinds of photographs of idols.

Originality of the drawing

Imitation brickwork is striking in its variety. This:

  • A familiar wall made of classic brick;

Classic brick in decor.

  • An old surface that is falling apart over time;

Decor for an old wall.

  • Smooth light blocks of all shades of gray;

Wall blocks in gray shades.

  • Narrow stove brick;

Narrow stove brick.

  • Textured white walls;

White brick on the wall in the hallway.

  • Yellowish shell rock.

Brickwork symbolizes strength, durability, and reliability. The factor helps to create a two-dimensional surface, variability of colors - not to deviate from the design solution, to harmoniously fit interior items and decor into the space.

Brickwork symbolizes strength, durability, and reliability.

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