Features of the kitchen layout 3 sq. m: the best solutions, placement of the refrigerator, modern projects

Home/Kitchen/Straight kitchen design 3 meters - photos, design and layout features

When planning and developing a kitchen design, the question of furniture immediately arises - how to arrange the kitchen set and other furniture so that both the housewife and her household feel comfortable in such a kitchen. Options for arranging furniture may be different, but many opt for a 3-meter straight kitchen, the various design options of which are presented in the photo.

The interior of a direct kitchen will never be boring, especially if you complement it with modern appliances and stylish decor

Space layout

The kitchen is the family gathering place. In a small room, the owner’s needs must be taken into account, and every thing must be in its place. With this approach, even in a small apartment you can create a room with an excellent design that will be pleasant to be in.

For a room with an area of ​​only 3 square meters, it is better to buy modern furniture. For example, a correctly chosen set, even in a kitchen cabinet, will not take up much space, but will still allow you to place a sufficient number of different storage modules. In the photo above you can see an example of the ideal layout of a small room.

Before purchasing a headset or equipment, you should definitely take preliminary measurements of the length and width of the room and make at least a schematic drawing. It is worth thinking about which items are necessary in the design of the room and which are not. If space is limited, you have to choose between installing a dishwasher or an oven.

For owners of narrow and long kitchens, it makes sense to refuse to install a door, and instead leave only an arch. This technique will visually expand the space a little.

When planning a straight kitchen with a refrigerator, it is important to follow the principle of the “working triangle” in design. It would be nice if it was isosceles. With this aspect ratio, it is convenient for the housewife to cook and move between three key points in the kitchen.

Direct kitchen

For a straight kitchen measuring 3 square meters. m should choose an L-shaped layout. The design of the corner set is convenient because it is quite spacious and also increases the usable area of ​​the room. But it will cost more than the linear option.

The short side of the L-shaped layout can be turned into a work area, and the perpendicular wall can be used to install a refrigerator, stove, or sink.

A single-row layout is also suitable for a small room. It involves placing furniture and equipment along one wall. But a linear kitchen is quite impractical and leaves little space, so this type of layout is rarely used.

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Corner kitchen 3 meters long

A corner kitchen with an area of ​​3 meters has disadvantages:

  • it is difficult to choose a suitable set; you often have to make it to order, which results in big expenses;
  • The sink is often placed in the corner, which is not very convenient.

Color scheme in a small kitchen

Color is a magical tool. With its help, you can “clean up” the kitchen, or you can change the perception for the worse. We all know that dark shades eat up space, which means there is only one solution. Use light colors with dark inserts and accents.

White, sand, light shades of yellow, green, purple. A black and white kitchen option is also suitable. Only use black in doses, like an artist, with a slight movement of his hand, applies selective strokes to the canvas.

Also use gloss. Due to its reflective properties, it will add additional volume to the kitchen. Don't worry about fingerprints remaining on it. It is very practical; cleaning the gloss takes 5 minutes without interrupting the overall cooking process.

Furniture selection

Once the layout has been chosen, several equally important problems need to be solved. How many cabinets are needed? Which technique should you prefer? What design is suitable for a 3 sq.m. kitchen? m? The answers to these questions will depend not only on the wishes of the owners, but also on the size of the room. Only the essentials will fit in a 3 square meter kitchen.

It’s good if you can combine the kitchen with a balcony or corridor. You will have to abandon the traditional stove, leaving only a hob with two burners. In this case, there will be no oven, but there will be more space for storing utensils. The refrigerator may also need to be moved to another location, such as a hallway. All equipment should be purchased built-in - this solution will save up to 30% of the room’s area.

Cabinets for a small kitchen should be wall mounted, tall and without sharp corners. An addition can be hanging shelves on which you can store things that are often used. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that in a kitchen measuring 3 square meters. m will be able to set up a table. But a narrow bar counter can be made near the window, thereby creating a place where 1-2 people can dine.

3 by 3 layout options

Kitchen design begins with an assessment of the initial data: where the room is located, what are the pros and cons of its layout.
An area of ​​9 square meters cannot be called tiny, but irrational use of space can make it so. Before creating a project, evaluate:

  • presence and size of window or balcony
  • location of communications
  • number and location of sockets
  • original condition of electrical wiring

The photo shows options for kitchen layouts of 9 square meters. m.

Does your room have access to a balcony? Take advantage of this: by placing a dining area or additional storage space there, you will increase the available space. It is prohibited to remove utilities by city planning regulations, so the location of a work zone here is excluded. But dismantling the window frame and balcony door will make the window sill a suitable place for eating.

The absence of a balcony presupposes the presence of a window, which can also be used advantageously in a 3 by 3 kitchen layout. By sacrificing several upper cabinets, create a work area with a sink or countertop under the window. In addition, the window sill is an excellent place to place kitchen appliances.

Tip: if you want to place a microwave or other equipment on the windowsill, take care in advance of placing sockets in the window slopes.

In the photo, kitchens combined with a balcony

Dimensions and standards

In stores you can find ready-made kitchen sets of standard sizes. But first you need to prepare a kitchen project with an area of ​​3 meters with dimensions, and then make custom-made furniture. In this case, you need to remember the following rules:

  1. The height of the lower cabinets should be at least 85 cm. If the owners of the apartment are tall, then this value can be increased to 90–92 cm.
  2. It is more convenient to make upper cabinets with closed doors, since a room with such furniture will visually look less crowded.

The photo shows which distances are best to choose when planning a room.

So which kitchen should you choose?

When choosing a kitchen, you need to proceed from the features of the apartment and the kitchen itself, as well as from your wishes. But, based on general opinions, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • If you want to create a large dining area in the kitchen, then you should choose a straight design
  • The small size set allows you not to store unnecessary things due to the small space
  • If there are a lot of products and household appliances, then you should choose a corner kitchen set.

Color solution

After all the furniture and appliances are installed, there will be little space left in the room. Choosing the right color scheme will visually expand the area. It is better to do the design in white or beige - there will be more space and light.

It is strictly not recommended to use dark colors in the design. Also, do not make bright accents - in a cramped room they will only irritate the eye. It is advisable that all cabinets and other furniture be in the same color scheme.

Glossy surfaces look very good in the design of small rooms. The floor and ceiling also play a role. Geometric designs and variegated colors also visually reduce space, so it is better to use a light, uniform color.

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In order for the space to look visually larger, you need to pay special attention to light. The lack of light sources affects a person’s mood and perception. It is best to make several lighting options - ideally at least three. For example, a volumetric chandelier in the middle of the room, lighting around the perimeter of the ceiling, plus an additional lamp above the work surface.

Choosing a style for a small kitchen

In a small room it is not advisable to use many small parts. They fill the perception and the room will seem even smaller. Simplicity and elegance will give the kitchen an airy feel. This is exactly what you should strive for in a small kitchen. Based on this, we will tell you in what styles it is better to decorate the kitchen so that it is cozy and you want to come back here again and again.

Style selection

You can create a beautiful design, as in the photo, even a straight kitchen with an area of ​​3 meters, without the help of a specialist. First you need to decide on a style.

  • Classics never lose their relevance. This style is distinguished by natural materials, a large amount of decor and furniture that is predominantly beige.

  • Provence. The intricate rustic style is loved by many. This design will look appropriate even in a kitchen with an area of ​​3 meters.

  • Minimalism is a strict interior in which there is room only for the most necessary things.

  • Scandinavian - it is distinguished by a large amount of light and functionality. There is little decor, and the furniture is made of wood. This design will look fresh in a straight kitchen.

  • Modern. It is distinguished by the presence of wide work surfaces, minimalism, and the rejection of templates. Straight kitchens in a modern style look interesting and thoughtful.

  • Modernity puts first place not the appearance of a thing, but its functionality. This design is suitable for those who value practicality.

  • High-tech follows the principles of minimalism. In spaces with this design, strict geometry, neutral colors prevail, and the technology is the most modern.

If you have little experience and are afraid to make a mistake, then it is better to choose a classic or Scandinavian style - it is impossible to make a mistake in them.

In a narrow kitchen you can place the necessary things without sacrificing the aesthetic side thanks to design solutions. By installing a corner set and using light colors in the interior, you can visually expand the space and ensure that every centimeter is used for its intended purpose.


To decorate a small kitchen in Khrushchev, the materials must be not only beautiful, but also practical. Therefore, it is advisable not to use wallpaper in this part of the house, at least washable or paintable. Venetian plaster and tiles are suitable. It is best to put moisture-resistant laminate or linoleum on the floor. The second option is more resistant to water and other liquids, which is important for the kitchen.

The ceiling can be painted with white water-based paint, or it can be covered with plastic panels. Despite the fact that stretch ceilings reduce the height of the room by several centimeters, and in Khrushchev it is already small, they can also be used. You just need to choose the right materials - mirror, transparent and glossy. The photo shows an example of a successful design for a small kitchen of 3 square meters. m.

Color, of course, will not add meters, but it will help make the kitchen not so small and cramped, at least visually.

  • Use light pastel colors in your design: white, beige, light yellow.
  • You can paint three walls with the same pastel shade, and the fourth with a contrasting dark shade. This design technique also expands the space.
  • Glossy and mirror surfaces will help make a small kitchen look larger. It is better to avoid embossed details.
  • It is also better to take furniture in light shades, for example. White facades create a feeling of lightness, which is also good for a small kitchen. To prevent the bright interior from seeming boring, add a few bright accents: shelves, curtains, kitchen apron, lamps.

Consider the psychological impact of colors in design. Red and orange increase appetite, while blue and other cold tones reduce it. Orange color promotes activity, green, on the contrary, calms.

Lighting and the design of lighting fixtures are also important for the perception of the interior.

  • Large hanging chandeliers will make the room feel cramped. Laconic lamps on long wires, on the contrary, will increase the space.
  • Sconces and LED strips are suitable for lighting. They can be placed in such a way as to smooth out the imperfections of the room and highlight the right places.
  • In addition to general light, you need local lighting of work areas: stove, table, sink.
  • You can combine different light sources: natural light with electric light, general light with spot light, chandelier with LED strip.

  • The shade of light should match the color scheme and design of the kitchen. For an interior in cold colors, the light should be cold; for warm colors, warm light.

There should not be a lot of accessories, they should not be large and bulky. If these are curtains, choose light, light fabrics. The window sill in a small kitchen is used as a work surface, so curtains should not impede access to it. Living plants will refresh the kitchen, but they should not be too lush.

In a kitchen with a small area you can place everything you need without sacrificing aesthetics. You need to follow certain rules that will allow you to rationally use every centimeter of free space and get a beautiful and cozy kitchen.

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Proper lighting ensures comfort while preparing and eating food. A ceiling chandelier in the center of the room cannot provide light to all the necessary areas. The workplace requires a separate light source - this can be tabletop lighting under the wall-mounted modules, wall sconces or ceiling spotlights. A pendant light will highlight the dining table. If its role is played by a bar counter, install spotlights or track lamps above it.

The photo shows a stylish dining area in the kitchen 3 by 3 meters

The main decorative element of any kitchen is the apron. A glossy or mirror finish will allow you to increase the area, or an unusual design on glass or bright tiles will attract attention.

Textiles in a 3 by 3 kitchen are no less important than in the bedroom. The choice of curtains is dictated by the layout features. In a room combined with a balcony, you can do without them. If there is a countertop or dining table under the window, it is preferable to use blinds, Roman or roller blinds. Laconic Japanese panels or, for example, Austrian curtains will elevate an open window.

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