Design of a living room in a wooden house: material features, zoning, living room with fireplace, design styles, photos

The living room is considered the calling card and the most visited place in any home. The whole family gathers here on cold winter evenings; guests and relatives are invited here. The design of a living room in a wooden house has its own characteristics and nuances - it emphasizes the natural beauty of wood and is conducive to a pleasant stay.

Cozy living room in a wooden house Source

A house whose walls are made of timber or logs, and the floor is made of natural boards, is an excellent material for experiments. The interior of a living room in a wooden house involves the use of furniture and various decorative elements made from natural materials. Discreet, calm colors and shades predominate here.

Interior of a modern living room in calm, soft colors Source

Often in such interiors a spectacular fireplace is installed. It becomes the central element of the living room and helps create a cozy atmosphere.

A fireplace will decorate any living room, especially in a wooden house Source

Advantages and disadvantages of living rooms made of wood

Wood is a unique material and is often used in living room interiors. Furniture, lamps, numerous frames and other decorative elements made of wood fit perfectly into the design of a living room in a wooden house. Despite the many wooden details, they do not weigh down the interior and do not saturate it.

A living room in a wooden house, which has preserved the natural surface and is made without the use of artificial materials, has many advantages:

  • safety and environmental friendliness of the living space, because wood is a natural material and does not emit harmful substances into the surrounding atmosphere;
  • the pleasant aroma of wood and special energy allow you to create a cozy, calming environment;
  • many modern styles allow the use of wooden elements, so developing an individual living room project taking into account the personal preferences of the residents is not difficult;
  • in a wooden house there is no need to use artificial finishing materials and costs for them.

Natural interior decoration of a log house Source
Living rooms made of wood have minor disadvantages:

  • Exposed wood walls and other decorative elements are susceptible to rot and mold. Bugs and insects often settle here.
  • Wood is a flammable material.
  • The surface reacts to any environmental changes : it swells with high humidity, shrinks during dry periods. The result is unattractive cracks and imperfections.

However, all of the above disadvantages are easily solved by periodically treating the surface with protective impregnations and paints and varnishes.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in interior redevelopment.

Additional wood finishing tips

Give preference to domestic wood. After all, all the features of “their” wood species have already been studied, experts have revealed how this or that local wood behaves under any conditions, in contrast to rare and exotic species. In addition, local wood is much cheaper, and looks just as beautiful and quite decorative inside the house. But of course, if you have a strong desire and financial resources, you can decorate the house with rare mahogany panels or carved oak bars.

Untreated wood in the living room

Consider how difficult the chosen interior decoration is to maintain. After all, a busy person may not have time to frequently carry out antiseptic treatment of walls, for example.

Treated board in the interior of a modern living room

Before starting finishing work, carefully calculate how much lining or panels you will need to cover the walls, and what types of them will be needed. And buy material with a small supply - it’s better than leaving a corner unfinished because there wasn’t enough material. After calculating the cost of all the work, figure out whether you can afford it. And it’s better to hire a finishing specialist to make the calculations, who will take into account all the nuances of the chosen decor, which an ordinary person may not even be aware of.

Living room design in a wooden house

It is best to plan the interior features of a living room in a wooden house, as well as its individual details, when building a country cottage. This way you can not only choose the optimal living room design option, taking into account the needs of each family member, but also avoid costly alterations in the process of implementing the finished project.

Modern living room interior while maintaining exposed log walls Source

The wooden surface leaves its mark on the design of the living room. Regardless of the general style, when arranging a wooden house, experienced designers adhere to the following concepts:

  • Wooden walls are covered with several layers of varnish . They look very impressive and do not require additional finishing.
  • For finishing flooring in a modern home, natural boards, parquet or wood-like laminate are used. Such floors harmonize with the walls and help create a unified style.
  • Modern living rooms feature exposed beams and high ceilings.
  • Natural stone is often used as a decorative finish . An excellent option is to effectively decorate the fireplace area with stone. However, a large amount of stone weighs down the surrounding space and aggravates the situation. The optimal combination of stone and wood is especially important for small rooms.

Stone in living room design Source
When developing an individual living room project, it is worth considering the general design principles:

  • furniture and large interior details are placed taking into account the size of the room and its aspect ratio;
  • regardless of the size of the living room, maintaining the optimal ratio of free space to occupied space will help create a harmonious image;
  • creating a pompous visual center allows you not only to effectively combine the various functional areas of the living room, but also to hide its shortcomings;
  • Important decorative elements that set the overall tone and cohesion of the interior are diverse lighting and functional upholstered furniture.


Maximum comfort of even the smallest living rooms is ensured by dividing the space into comfortable functional areas.

Spectacular partition between the kitchen and living room Source

Depending on the characteristics of the room, the following are often distinguished:

  • a relaxation area equipped with comfortable upholstered furniture, a TV and a fireplace;
  • a dining room with a large comfortable table where a large family and guests can comfortably accommodate;
  • an area for active pastime , where musical instruments are often located.

Effective zoning of wooden living rooms is facilitated by furniture, light partitions, plants, light and color.

Wood needs to be looked after - how to clean wooden surfaces?

In order for wood to retain its beautiful natural appearance for a long time, it is necessary to remember about proper care . This material does not like water, so surfaces made from it cannot be soaked intensively. Although the outside is not as susceptible to moisture, only professional cleaning products should be used to clean and maintain it. Regularity is also important - this means regular cleaning or removing any dirt immediately.

The accessories you use for cleaning are also important. Microfiber cloths and mops are best for wood, as they pick up dirt more effectively than traditional ones and better absorb cleaning and maintenance products, as well as impregnations.

Wood brings an unusual atmosphere, warmth and comfort to the house. Combined with modern, classic or Scandinavian accents, it guarantees a unique and, above all, fashionable interior.

Living room with fireplace: overall design

The energetic movements of fire fascinate, attract the eye and give incredible pleasure. A spectacular fireplace in a wooden living room is an indispensable attribute of the hearth and will become a favorite place for spending leisure time.

There are many options for a wide variety of fireplaces, differing not only in size, shape, but also in operating principles. Thanks to this diversity, every owner of a country cottage has the opportunity to choose the ideal option, taking into account their needs and conditions.

Fireplace with wood burning insert and niche for storing wood Source

Wood-burning fireplaces are often installed in a wooden house. Such a fireplace can be used not only as a decorative element, but as the main source of heating on cool autumn days. A wood-burning fireplace is a powerful design and looks impressive in large rooms.

Electric fireplaces in living room design are also not uncommon.

Electric fireplace in the living room of a wooden house Source

Paintings, photographs, boxes, vases and souvenirs, symmetrically arranged on the mantelpiece, will add special charm to the interior of the living room of a country house.

What to consider when choosing a tree

The wide variety and abundance of materials available today makes it possible to take into account all the necessary criteria, such as practicality, environmental friendliness, features of care, installation, price and, most importantly, the possibility of decorating a room in a specific chosen style.

Wooden wall panels on the walls in the living room

The use of natural wood for wall decoration always contributes to a beautiful, stylish interior, as well as to the process of moisture exchange, which in turn ensures a favorable microclimate in the room. Each type of finishing has its own advantages and disadvantages, be it lining, eurolining, blockhouse, or others. Let’s look at each type in more detail.

White wooden interior partition in the living room

Living room design ideas in a wooden house: photos and videos

Maintaining a consistent style in each decorative element and harmoniously combining them with each other will help create a cozy atmosphere.

The most widespread styles in wooden cottages are Russian, country, vintage and Provence. We offer you to look at options for what a living room in a wooden house might look like; photo examples are given in different styles.

Russian style in a wooden house

Simple, comfortable and functional things fill a Russian-style wooden house.

Wide benches, chests, wooden tables, linen bedspreads and curtains are an integral part of the living room.

Russian style in the interior of the living room Source

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